HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-09-23D a n b y B o a r d o f Z o n i n g A p p e a l s
M i n u t e s o f H e a r i n g s a n d M e e t i n g
S e p t e m b e r 2 3 , 2 0 1 4
Allen Becker
Gary Bortz
Sarah Elbert
David Hall
Joe Schwartz
Others Present:
Secretary Pamela Goddard
Public John Shepardson, Raymond Mayo, Gwyneth Diemand and family, Cathy LaMo-
rie and family, Leslie Connors
BZA Chair, Joe Schwartz, opened the FIRST Hearing at 7:00pm
PUBLIC HEARING to Consider granting a Request for variance of the minimum 50-foot rear yard depth from the
property line to the principal structure as required in Section 602, Para. 5 of the Town of Danby Zoning Ordi-
nance for construction of a 16x8 foot covered porch on the rear of an existing house at 6 Bald Hill Road, Tax
Parcel No. 10.-1-30, Cathy Lamorie, owner and applicant. The distance from rear property line to proposed
porch will be approximately 27 feet. The current structure is approximately 31 feet from the rear property line.
Public Comment and Board Discussion
The applicant spoke in support of the variance, explaining that they would like to improve their
home with a covered porch. She directed the Board to the letters of support from her neighbors that
were included in the project application.
Bortz asked questions regarding the status of construction at the site. The LaMories explained
that construction has not started on the porch. They have set the poles, on the chance that the variance
might be granted, as part of a roof improvement project on the main roof of the house. They have not
started any other construction.
Shepardson spoke in support of the variance.
Ray Mayo spoke in support of the variance.
BZA Chair, Joe Schwartz, closed the Hearing at 7:06pm
Hall asked whether this construction will cause any drainage problems. The applicants stated that
this will not change the drainage patterns around the property.
Bortz asked further questions regarding the status of construction at the site. LaMorie explained
that the poles were set during a window of time when roof work can be done. They want to tie the
new porch roof to the existing roof.
Board of Zoning Appeals_Minutes_20140823 • Monday, October 6, 2014 Page 1 of 3
The Board of Zoning Appeals of the Town of Danby approves the variance as stated: Request for variance
of the minimum 50-foot rear yard depth from the property line to the principal structure as required in Section
602, Para. 5 of the Town of Danby Zoning Ordinance for construction of a 16x8 foot covered porch on the rear of
an existing house at 6 Bald Hill Road.
Moved by Becker, Second by Hall, the motion passed
David Hall AYE
Joe Schwartz AYE
Allen Becker AYE
Gary Bortz AYE
Sarah Elbert Arrived at 7:11pm
BZA Chair, Joe Schwartz, opened the SECOND Hearing at 7:12pm
PUBLIC HEARING to Consider granting a Request for variance of the minimum 50-foot side yard depth from the
property line to the principal structure as required in Section 600, Para. 5 of the Town of Danby Zoning Ordi-
nance for construction of a 24x28 foot garage attached to the side of an existing house at 422 Troy Road, Tax
Parcel No. 4.-1-38.44, Gwyneth Diemand, owner and applicant. The distance from side property line to proposed
garage will be approximately 10 feet +/-.
Public Comment and Board Discussion
Diemand made comments in support of the variance request. The location of the proposed garage
will connect with an existing driveway. The adjoining neighbor has no complaint with this proposal
and has written a letter in support, which was presented to the Board. The applicant will be addressing
possible drainage concerns in the design of the garage and nearby landscaping. There is a standing
tree line between these two properties, which acts as a natural buffer.
A major reason for the location of the proposed garage as presented in the variance request is to
optimize solar gain for a PV solar installation to be added to the garage roof. The angle of the garage
from the house is to accommodate the solar panels.
The Board asked several questions regarding the distance between the Diemand house and that of
their neighbors. The structure on the adjoining property encroaches the property line. There was a
discussion of the purpose of setbacks and distance from the property line, for aesthetics and fire
Close Hearing - 7:18pm, Open BZA discussion
Bortz asked how many BZA members had visited the site in at least a “drive by.” Only two out of
three had visited the property and neighborhood. Bortz was emphatic that the Board makes due dili-
gence in reviewing all variance requests, including on site visits. There was an agreement that due
diligence is part of the BZA charge.
There was extensive discussion of whether to defer consideration the hearing until a majority of
the Board could make a site visit. There were difficulties, logistically, in meeting Bortz’s request to
defer this hearing to a later date.
Elbert and Schwartz noted that there have been and will be an increasing number of variance re-
quests related to solar panel installations. It was suggested that this need be reviewed during a joint
meeting of the Town Board, Planning Board, and Board of Zoning Appeals with a possible change to
the Town of Danby Zoning regulations. Elbert was concerned that undue stress not be put on the ap-
plicants as a result of a lack of diligence on the part of the Board. This concern was echoed by other
members of the BZA.
Board of Zoning Appeals_Minutes_20140823 • Monday, October 6, 2014 Page 2 of 3
Moved, that, after this meeting it shall be incumbent on the Danby Board of Zoning Appeals that a majority
of its members make a reasonable effort to engage in a site visit related to a variance request prior to a board
Moved by Elbert, Second by Schwartz, the motion passed
David Hall AYE
Joe Schwartz AYE
Allen Becker AYE
Sarah Elbert AYE
Gary Bortz AYE
There was continued discussion of how this is not out of character of the neighborhood and the
importance of structure location for solar installation. There was some discussion of whether the solar
panels could be mounted as a ground installation. This would require some tree removal and members
of the Board were not in favor of that. There were also considerations related to architectural aesthet-
ics, should a different layout be designed for the proposed garage.
Bortz expressed the opinion that the garage would be too close to the property line, as a result of
both existing houses. Hall had questions about consistency and what criteria should be used in mak-
ing decisions. Schwartz noted that decisions should be made on a case-by-case basis, with regard to
the character of the neighborhood.
Schwartz expressed the opinion that the solar installation makes this case. Without this aspect to
the project, he would not be in support of this variance. He noted that a ground mounted system, fur-
ther back from the house, would add considerable expense. Given the solar installation, this is the
only option. There is no opposition from neighbors. Elbert agreed with Schwartz evaluation.
The Board of Zoning Appeals of the Town of Danby approves the variance, Request for variance of the
minimum 50-foot side yard depth from the property line to the principal structure as required in Section 600,
Para. 5 of the Town of Danby Zoning Ordinance for construction of a 24x28 foot garage attached to the side of
an existing house at 422 Troy Road, Tax Parcel No. 4.- 1-38.44, Gwyneth Diemand, owner and applicant.
Moved by Becker, Second by Elbert, the motion passed
David Hall Abstain
Joe Schwartz AYE
Allen Becker AYE
Sarah Elbert AYE
Gary Bortz NAY
Schwartz repeated a suggestion that zoning related to solar installations reviewed during a joint
meeting of the Town Board, Planning Board, and Board of Zoning Appeals with a possible change to
the Town of Danby Zoning regulations. He asked Councilperson Connors to bring this request to the
Town Board at an upcoming meeting. It is anticipated that more of these requests will be coming be-
fore this board.
The Meeting was adjourned at 7:44pm
Pamela Goddard, Board of Zoning Appeals Secretary
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