HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-06-09D a n b y T o w n B o a r d
M i n u t e s o f R e g u l a r M e e t i n g
J u n e 9 , 2 0 1 4
Supervisor: Ric Dietrich
Councilpersons: Rebecca Brenner, Leslie Connors, Jim Holahan, Jack Miller
Others Present:
Town Clerk Pamela Goddard
Code Officer Sue Beeners
Bookkeeper Laura Shawley
Public Ted Crane, Ronda Roaring, Deanne DeMark, Erick Palmer, Dan Klein.
The Danby Town Board Meeting was opened at 7:03pm
Privilege of the Floor
Roaring urged the Board to create a long-range plan and management study for the Marsh Road/
Deputron Hollow Road area. She related this to the current consideration of reclassification of a sec-
tion of Marsh Road. She suggested that a management study (eg: for recreational uses such as hiking,
cross-country skiing, etc.) should be undertaken prior to other action.
#241-279 for a total of $31,120.83
Moved by Connors, Second by Miller. The motion passed.
In Favor: Brenner, Connors, Holahan, Miller, Dietrich
#030 for a total of $261.67
Moved by Connors, Second by Dietrich. The motion passed.
In Favor: Brenner, Connors, Holahan, Miller, Dietrich
#105-121 for a total $49,627.78
Moved by Connors, Second by Holahan. The motion passed.
In Favor: Brenner, Connors, Holahan, Miller, Dietrich
Approve Minutes
Connors asked that approval of the May 12 minutes be postponed a week as she had potential
changes to request but needed more time for review.
Resolved, that the Town Board of Town of Danby approves the minutes of May 19, 2014.
Moved by Connors, Second by Holahan. The motion passed.
In Favor: Brenner, Connors, Holahan, Miller, Dietrich
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Close NYS Route 96B for Fun Day Parade
The Board took action on the annual request to close a section of Route 96B for the Danby Fun
Day parade.
Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby, in compliance with Section 1604, Paragraph 2, of the
Vehicle and Traffic Law, which authorizes a Town to close a road for a parade, is officially closing New York State
Route 96B on Saturday July 12, 2014 from 10:30am to 11:55am, from the intersection of East Miller and West
Miller Roads to the intersection of Bald Hill Road; and it is
Further Resolved, that the Town Board approves the extension of this time period, from 10:15am to 12:15pm, if
the Danby Fire Department deems such extension necessary to facilitate the safe movement of the Parade
participants; and it is
Further Resolved, that there will be a detour route from the West Miller Road intersection with Route 96B to
Comfort Road, to Lieb Road, to the Bald Hill Road intersection with Route 96B.
Moved by Brenner, Second by Connors. The motion passed.
In Favor: Brenner, Connors, Holahan, Miller, Dietrich
Approval of Interim Code Enforcement Contractual Services
Beeners informed the Board that the intention of this resolution is to cover time between June 12
and June 20 related to building inspections when Matt is away on vacation. Steven Cortright is active
in the building trades, a member of the West Danby Fire Department, and has certification for code
Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby approves the retention of N.Y.S. Certified Code
Enforcement Officer Steven Cortright for code enforcement contractual services between June 12 and June 20,
2014 at an estimated maximum cost of $300 for services and for mileage expenses, to be paid from Zoning
Office Account A8010.400.
Moved by Brenner, Second by Connors. The motion passed.
In Favor: Brenner, Connors, Holahan, Miller, Dietrich
Marsh Road Lead Agency
Code Officer Beeners explained the purpose and intent of this resolution. Additional comments
about the draft SEQR form were to be discussed later in the meeting.
Whereas, the Town Board of the Town of Danby is considering adoption of a Local Law “Discontinuing the Des-
ignation of a Portion of Marsh Road as Minimum Maintenance (Seasonal), and Amending Local Law No. 3 of
2002 by Changing the Length of the Minimum Maintenance (Seasonal) Portion of Marsh Road”;
Now, Therefore, it is
Resolved, that such consideration of adoption is being treated as an Unlisted action under 6NYCRR Part 617.6
of the implementing regulations for the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (Environmental Con-
servation Law Article 8); with the Town Board of the Town of Danby acting as lead agency, and with no involved
agencies having been identified.
Moved by Connors, Second by Dietrich. The motion passed.
In Favor: Brenner, Connors, Holahan, Miller, Dietrich
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Legislator’s Report
Legislator Klein made short reports on several items. The County is asking local municipalities to
provide information regarding shared services in response to a request of reporting from the Gover-
nor’s office at the State. Klein and the Board made a preliminary list of shared services. These in-
cluded various aspects of youth services, providing inter-agency and inter-municipal publicity
through the Danby Area News, providing community library space to the Finger Lakes Library Sys-
tem, participation in the Health Insurance Consortium, Broadband build-out initiatives, the Danby
highway and fire departments sharing a fueling station, inter-municipal agreements to share highway
equipment when needed, the electronic records management (TSSERR) project, animal control and
enumeration, and more. Klein asked the Board to provide additional items as they came to mind.
Clarification will be sought as to the level of detail, and level of financial information required re-
garding this information.
Klein reported that not much has changed regarding public transportation/bus service in the re-
gion. A group has gone to Albany to advocate for support of regional bus service. Tioga Transit has
doubled its fares to Ithaca and Cornell.
There is no new information regarding Youth Programming in the county. Klein reported that ef-
forts are just beginning to review youth program services with an eye towards holding down adminis-
trative costs and increase direct services.
Hill Road Renumbering
Supervisor Dietrich reported, made brief explanation of a situation on Hill Road regarding an ad-
dress numbering anomaly. Code Officer Beeners distributed a map which shows the current address
numbering, which is badly out of sequence. This is of particular concern for emergency services.
There is a new house being added, which will cause at least three addresses to be changed.
Additional discussion, with one of the residents on Hill Road, is scheduled for the June 16 Town
Board meeting.
Marsh Road Extension Request - Next Steps
Code Officer Beeners provided additional information and an update the Board related to a dis-
cussion of draft SEQR review conducted during a special meeting on June 4. There was an extensive
discussion regarding Conditional Negative Declaration for the SEQR review. Beeners informed the
Board that “CNDs” may not be used for an action when the applicant and the lead agency are the
same. This is stated with in the SEQR handbook. When there is a change in any local law, the Town
Board is both applicant and lead agency. Councilperson Brenner had a different understanding, based
on her experience with large project SEQR review. Brenner and Beeners discussed how to make the
SEQR review work within the Town’s requirements for mitigating factors limiting growth induce-
There was a discussion of documentation for mitigating impacts of the proposed road reclassifica-
tion, eg: conservation easements and a letter from the highway department that there will be no ditch-
ing along the section of reclassified road. SEQR review should be completed only after these other
actions have taken place.
There was an extensive discussion of the timing for reviewing/accepting Conservation Easements
on Marsh Road properties and public hearing and consideration of the Road Reclassification law. The
Board requires that the conservation easements be “in hand” prior to reclassifying the section of
March Road in question. Palmer wanted assurance that the road reclassification project will be ap-
proved prior to his completing negotiations on putting land into an easement. Beeners reported that
the chair of the Conservation Advisory Council is aware of these needs and that the two actions
(easements and road classification) are intended to part of a unified package. Negotiations are already
underway for conservation easements on Marsh Road.
There was a discussion regarding whether a public hearing is required for consideration of accep-
tance of any conservation easement. Palmer expressed concern that details of a draft easement should
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be confidential. Proposed easements are confidential, as pending real estate transactions, until the
time of closing and filing in the County Clerk’s office. As such, they believed that the details of a
pending easement should not be opened for public review. This question will be clarified through the
Town Attorney. A public hearing was held for the first easement accepted by the Town, as a public
relations matter to inform residents that this program is underway.
Email Research Report
Brenner made a report on ongoing research into Town Email addresses/archiving/service. She
provided information about services available through three providers - Fusemail, Office.gov, and
Office small business. She outlined different services and fees for these providers.
Clerk Goddard asked for clarification on these proposals, in light of resolution #60 adopted on
May 19, authorizing the expenditure of up to $1,500 for up to 30 municipal Email addresses (at $4/
user/month) and $520 up to eight hours of set up time by SCT Computers. Holahan clarified that the
approval was for setting up an Email system, but that the specific provider has not been determined.
Holahan suggested that the Board have a recommendation, at its next meeting, choosing which serv-
ice will be engaged, how many municipal Email addresses will be established, and whether there will
be a change in address from “town.danby.ny.us” to a different domain. He offered to meet with staff
prior to the next TB meeting to answer any questions they might have.
Holahan presented some preliminary research on providers for a new web site. No decisions were
made. Research will be on-going.
Danby Community Park Request
Dietrich made a short report of a meeting with a representative of the Danby Community Park
Association. They are requesting a closer relationship with the Town and financial or in-kind assis-
tance. The DCPA is trying to remove its burden of debt. The park is an independent, private non-
profit organization. The DCPA Board suggested in-kind assistance with summer mowing walking
paths, and play areas and also with snow plowing the access road in the winter. Building this relation-
ship could be seen as a form of shared services. A representative of the Park Association will make a
presentation to the Board later this summer.
There was a related discussion of whether and to what extent the youth program uses the Danby
Community Park. If the youth programs are using the park, in-kind assistance from the Town could be
considered support for those programs. The current level of use is unknown. Additional information
will be requested from the Youth Program manager.
There was a second related discussion about the status of testing the water in the Danby Commu-
nity Park aquifer study well. The testing of the water quality of this well is still pending. Beeners ad-
vised that a full spectrum test may be more expensive than originally thought.
Short Reports
Goddard presented Town Clerk’s Report for May. $3,175.28 was paid to the Supervisor, the bulk
of which ($2,587.50) was income from building permits. 44 dog licenses were processed, with seven
new dogs welcomed to Danby. Records Management destruction of documents past their retention
date is ongoing.
Bench reports from Justices Klinger and Huddle were circulated among the Board.
The May Code Enforcement Office report was circulated among the Board.
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Shawley shared information regarding correspondence from the Health Insurance Consortium
related to free flu shot clinics available to persons insured by the Town. The Consortium is working to
save costs of member flu shots by providing no cost flu shots for consortium members. Danby is
seeking to collaborate with several municipalities to find a date for an employee flu shot clinic.
Shawley clarified that this would be for people who are covered by health insurance through the
The Tompkins County Planning Department is holding a series of public input sessions for the
County Comprehensive Plan. Meetings will be held in June at various locations.
The NYS Department of Ag and Markets wrote in request for proposals for farmland protection
projects. This information will be shared with the Planning Board and the Conservation Advisory
Council. There was a brief discussion of whether local farmland protection projects are in place in
Tompkins County.
Clerk Goddard made a report of a records management trip to archive bunkers at Seneca Army
Depot being used by the Tompkins County Shared Services Electronic Record Repository (TSSERR)
group. Goddard explained how old missile silos are being refitted for safe and secure off site docu-
ment storage. Both paper and electronic records are being stored at this location. This service is avail-
able to the town, at no cost, as part of the shared services records management program established
through the County Clerk’s office. The records storage areas are super secure, climate controlled, and
physically secure under ground.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:38 pm.
Pamela Goddard, Town Clerk
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