HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-05-12D a n b y T o w n B o a r d
M i n u t e s o f R e g u l a r M e e t i n g
M a y 1 2 , 2 0 1 4
Supervisor: Ric Dietrich
Councilpersons: Rebecca Brenner, Leslie Connors, Jim Holahan, Jack Miller
Others Present:
Town Clerk Pamela Goddard
Code Officer Sue Beeners
Public Ted Crane, Ronda Roaring, Deanne DeMark, Erick Palmer, Craig Palmer,
Judith Palmer, Dan Klein, Ted Melchen, Mary Ann Kozak.
The Danby Town Board Meeting was opened at 7:00pm
Pond Supervisor Stipend
Brenner introduced a proposal to increase the stipend for the Jennings Pond Supervisors, for
2014. Approval of Amy Cusimano and Mary Ann Kozak sharing responsibilities for this service was
given during the April 21 Town Board meeting. The stipend paid to the pond supervisor ($1,000.00)
has not increased in many years. There was a conversation with Mary Ann Kozak about the different
tasks done by each of the supervisors.
Brenner voiced her support for two pond supervisors, as a safety and oversight benefit. She sug-
gested that two supervisors, or a designated pond supervisor and supervisor assistant, be considered
for the future. Supervisor Dietrich reported that it would be possible to adjust the budget for this year.
It may be possible to add other funds required to run the pond program as well. The Board made no
change to the pond supervisor status at this time, but agreed to increase the stipend.
Resolved, that the Town Board of Town of Danby approves to increase the stipend for the Jennings Pond Su-
pervisor(s) to $1,6000.00 for the fiscal year 2014.
Moved by Brenner, Second by Connors. The motion passed.
In Favor: Brenner, Connors, Holahan, Miller, Dietrich
#198-240 for a total of $30,566.75
Moved by Brenner, Second by Holahan. The motion passed.
In Favor: Brenner, Connors, Holahan, Miller, Dietrich
#018-029 for a total of $2,650.96
Moved by Connors, Second by Holahan. The motion passed.
In Favor: Brenner, Connors, Holahan, Miller, Dietrich
#083-104 for a total $70,717.25
Moved by Miller, Second by Dietrich. The motion passed.
In Favor: Brenner, Connors, Holahan, Miller, Dietrich
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Approve Minutes
Brenner asked that approval of the April 21 minutes be postponed a week, for further review. She
expressed her intention to abstain from the approval of the April 14 minutes, as she did not attend that
Resolved, that the Town Board of Town of Danby approves the minutes of April 14, 2014.
Moved by Connors, Second by Holahan. The motion passed.
Abstain: Brenner
In Favor: Connors, Holahan, Miller, Dietrich
Award Mowing Contract Bid
Clerk Goddard informed the Board of the bid received from Tony Catlin, for the exact same
amount ($35 per hour) as the past two years. This is for mowing four cemeteries, Jennings Pond Park,
and the Town Hall property. No other bids were received. There was a short discussion about the ad-
vertising and bid process.
Resolved that the Town of Danby accepts bid from Tony Catlin for mowing Town of Danby properties in 2014.
Moved by Brenner, Second by Connors. The motion passed.
In Favor: Brenner, Connors, Holahan, Miller, Dietrich
Legislator’s Report
Dan Klein made a report on attempts to restore funding for municipal youth programming. Klein
expressed concern that the municipal youth services system may collapse. $200,000 is needed to re-
store the program to its year-200x level. In a related matter, Klein reported that, while the County has
overridden the NYS tax cap for the past three years, it may not do so this year. Given this prediction,
it will be a difficult “pitch” to restore these funds to the youth services budget. A presentation on this
topic was scheduled for the County Legislature for May 13. Klein may ask the Danby Board for a
resolution of support.
There was a general discussion of the future of Youth Services programming for Danby. This dis-
cussion included questions about seeking private grants to support the program. These have had only
limited success in the past. There was discussion about localized programming vs. programming cen-
tralized through the County. No decisions were made. Klein agreed to attend the next TB meeting and
give an update report on the issue.
Marsh Road Extension Request - Next Steps
Code Officer Beeners outlined the next steps in the process for the consideration of extending the
year-round section of Marsh Road, as outlined and approved by the Town Attorney. These steps in-
•drafting a SEQR review as an “unlisted action,”
•a one page draft local law (changing the road classification)
•an escrow agreement between Palmer and the Town
•the adoption of Conservation Easements.
The TB needs to establish itself as lead agency, and adopt other procedural resolutions.
A public hearing regarding the local law could possibly be held in June or July, with the under-
standing that no action can be taken until the escrow agreement is in hand and the development of
Conservation Easement(s) is ready for execution. As per the resolution of consideration, Conservation
Easements must be in place prior to the adoption of a local law reclassifying the section of road.
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Beeners shared the information that the Conservation Advisory Council believed it might be possible
to for the TB to adopt the Conservation Easements and local law on the same night. The local law has
a provisions that work to begin improving the road will not take place until the next fiscal year.
There was a lengthy discussion between Brenner and Beeners regarding the SEQR review proc-
ess and whether the long or short form should be used. Beeners informed the Board that 2013 revi-
sions on the NYS DEC web site clearly advise that the long form should not be used unless the pro-
ject considered is very large. As this is not a town-wide project, but covers less than 700 feet of road,
the short form is recommended. This recommendation has been confirmed with the attorney. Brenner
accepted this recommendation but expressed concerns that the long form might be triggered.
Brenner asked whether the turnaround was a separate project from the local law action triggered
by the petition. Beeners informed the Board of the actions that are combined in this SEQR review.
Beeners will attempt to have the completed SEQR review to present to the Board for its next meeting.
Palmer expressed his concern that this project not be overly delayed. He was willing to take the
risk on starting with the short form SEQR.
Short Reports
Goddard presented Town Clerk’s Report for April. $3,489.06 was paid to the Supervisor, the bulk
of which ($2,969.00) was income from building permits. 39 dog licenses were processed, with $51
paid to the NYS Animal Population Control Fund. $129.44 was paid the the DEC for fishing licenses.
Records Management destruction of non-required documents is ongoing.
Bench reports from Justices Klinger and Huddle were circulated among the Board.
A letter was received from the Co-operative Extension Rural Grants Beautification Coordinator,
advising the Town that beautification funds are available again this year.
A letter of resignation was received from Kate O’Neal, resigning her seat on the Conservation
Advisory Council effective immediately.
There was a discussion of a letter from Tomo Shibata, requesting that the Town Board consider a
zoning change in the area of East Miller and Nelson Roads. Shibata asked about the procedure for this
to be considered. There was a brief discussion regarding the process for such a request. Normally,
such a request would be referred to the Planning Board. The Board opted to put it on its next agenda
for discussion.
Email Research Report
Holahan made a report on ongoing research into Town Email addresses/archiving/service. He
provided information about service available through SCT Computers, Inc. The Town has an existing
computer services contract with SCT. It was recommended that the Town look into Microsoft Ex-
change, a “cloud-based” Email system. 50GB of mailbox storage could be available for $4 per user
per month. Email archiving, spam filters, etc. are included. This could be set up through SCT at its
standard hourly rate of $65 per hour, with an estimate of four hours of work. This would be a web-
based system. Holahan will send details of this proposal to the Board and staff via Email.
Holahan suggested that setting up Town emails be separated from designing a new web site. He
advised that once a decision was made regarding how many Email addresses are needed and whether
to change the extension/address, this could be set up rather quickly. There was a brief discussion of
the estimate of total cost. Holahan will present more information at the next meeting.
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Executive Session
Connors made a request to enter executive session for the Board to discuss communication issues,
including website/email issues (not to include any decision making). She requested that this be done
in “executive session” to be able to have a discussion without being yelled at. The communication
issues impact personnel issues.
The question was raised whether this was legal grounds for entering into executive session. This
was request was supported by other Board members but not by the town Supervisor. The Supervisor
agreed to entertain the motion, with reservations and concerns.
Resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Danby enters into executive session to discuss communications
among board members, related to a personnel matter.
Moved by Holahan, Second by Brenner. The motion passed.
In Favor: Brenner, Connors, Holahan, Miller, Dietrich
The Board entered Executive Session at 8:30pm.
Executive Session was adjourned at 10:30pm.
Pamela Goddard, Town Clerk
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