HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-04-14D a n b y T o w n B o a r d
M i n u t e s o f R e g u l a r M e e t i n g
A p r i l 1 4 , 2 0 1 4
Supervisor: Ric Dietrich
Councilpersons: Leslie Connors, Jim Holahan, Jack Miller
Councilperson: Rebecca Brenner
Others Present:
Town Clerk Pamela Goddard
Code Officer Sue Beeners
Bookkeeper Laura Shawley
Public Ted Crane, Ronda Roaring, Deanne DeMark, Erick Palmer, Craig Palmer,
Dan Klein, Garry Huddle, Ted Melchen, Katharine Hunter.
The Danby Town Board Meeting was opened at 7:03pm
Privilege of the Floor
Justice Huddle reported on “Panic Button” test conducted by the justices as part of the court of-
fice renovations. This test did not work exactly as intended. The call center did not follow the proper
procedure. A similar problem at another location in the same week. The problem is being addressed.
Ted Melchen spoke in favor of the Marsh Road extension request and added information regard-
ing his consideration of putting his own adjacent land into a conservation easement. Additional dis-
cussion was held during the scheduled agenda item.
#137-197 for a total of $42,062.91
Moved by Connors, Second by Holahan. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Holahan, Miller, Dietrich
#016-017 for a total of $648.07
Moved by Holahan, Second by Connors. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Holahan, Miller, Dietrich
#058-082 for a total $46,472.85
Moved by Miller, Second by Connors. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Holahan, Miller, Dietrich
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Approve Minutes
Resolved, that the Town Board of Town of Danby approves the minutes of March 10 and 17, 2014.
Moved by Holahan, Second by Connors. The motion passed.
Abstain: Connors
In Favor: Holahan, Miller, Dietrich
Hazard Mitigation Plan Resolution
Beeners thanked Connors for reading and responding to the plan. There were questions about the
revision process for the plan. Legislator Klein provided information about on-going revisions and up-
dates to the county Hazard Mitigation Plan. Each municipality needs to adopt on-going updates in
order to be eligible for FEMA reimbursement funds in the case of an emergency.
Whereas, the Tompkins County Planning Department, with the assistance from Barton & Loguidice, P.C., has
gathered information and prepared the Multi-Jurisdictional All-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update for Tompkins
County, New York; and
Whereas, the Multi-Jurisdictional All-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update for Tompkins County, New York has been
prepared in accordance with the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 and Title 44 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR),
Part 201; and
Whereas, Title 44 CFR, Chapter 1, Part 201.6(c)(5) requires each local government participating in the
preparation of a Multi-Jurisdictional Mitigation Plan or Plan Update to accept and adopt such plan; and
Whereas, the Town of Danby has reviewed the 2013 Hazard Mitigation Plan Update, has found the document to
be acceptable, and as a local unit of government, has afforded its citizens an opportunity to comment and
provide input regarding the Plan Update and the actions included in the Plan;
Whereas, the Town of Danby will consider the Tompkins County HMP Update during the implementation and
updating of local planning mechanisms, and will incorporate the hazard assessment data, hazard vulnerabilities,
and mitigation actions in these mechanisms, where applicable; Now Therefore, be it
Resolved, that the Town/Village of Danby, as a participating jurisdiction, adopts the Multi-Jurisdictional All-
Hazard Mitigation Plan Update for Tompkins County, New York, dated December 2013.
Moved by Connors, Second by Holahan. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Holahan, Miller, Dietrich
West Danby Water District Grant Voucher
Clerk Goddard presented one voucher related to the West Danby Water District grant project;
time sheet number four from Tod Sukontarak for hours related to installing new water meters.
Resolved, that the Town Board of Town of Danby approves special payment of an invoice related to the OCR
WDWD Improvement Grant: 40 hours of work from Tod Sukontarak at $25 per hour for $1,000.00, to be paid out
of a dedicated checking account for this purpose.
Moved by Connors, Second by Holahan. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Holahan, Miller, Dietrich
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Approve Bid Award - West Danby Water District Water Tank
Clerk Goddard provided some background information on the bid process and bids received. An
second bid was received from “ASI” with a base bid of $326,165.00 and an “add alternate bid” of
$12,000. There was a question about what the “add alternate bid” covered. Goddard was not able to
provide that information and suggested that the question be directed to project manager, Matt Cooper.
The improvements will be paid through the grant project.
Whereas, the Town of Danby published an advertisement for bids, related to the West Danby Water District
Improvements Project, in the Ithaca Journal on February 20th and 22nd, 2014, and
Whereas, the bid opening date was on March 26th, 2014 at the Danby Town Hall, and
Whereas, two bids were received, with the apparent low bidder being Statewide Aquastore, LLC, with a Base
Bid of $242,752 and an Add Alternate Bid No. 1 of $21,710, and
Whereas, the Superintendent of the West Danby Water District, with approval of the commissioners of the West
Danby Water District, has recommended that the bid from Statewide Aquastore, LLC be accepted; Now
Therefore, be it
Resolved that the Town of Danby accepts the Base Bid of $242,752 and the Add Alternate Bid No. 1 of $21,710
from Statewide Aquastore, LLC, and further authorizes the Town Supervisor to enter into a construction
agreement between the Owner (Town of Danby) and the Contractor (Statewide Aquastore, LLC.)
Moved by Connors, Second by Holahan. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Holahan, Miller, Dietrich
Deputy Supervisor
Dietrich informed the Board and those present that he has appointed Gould Colman as his Deputy
Supervisor for 2014. Colman will serve primarily as a backup for signing checks, should the Supervi-
sor be unable to do so. Dietrich described Colman as a longstanding, involved member of the com-
munity. Colman was pleased to accept the position.
Legislator’s Report
Dan Klein made a short report on activities at the County Legislature. He gave an update on his
report of a possible discontinuance of bus service, especially to West Danby, through Tioga Transit.
This public transportation service may go out of business, as it is losing all state funding. This is an
important service for Danby residents, as it is the only bus service through West Danby. Klein re-
ported that the NYS budget includes two million dollars for rural bus services, but it has not been in-
dicated how or where this money will be allocated. Sixteen counties are effected by losses in state
funding for bus service related to medicaid visits. Medicaid funds are now going to taxi trips instead.
Bus service is slated to continue for another month.
Klein announced that funds for Danby Fun Day have been approved through a county tourism
Klien informed the Board that he nominated Danby resident, Maya Patt, for a “Distinguished
Youth” award through the county. Klein invited people to attend the award ceremony at the county
legislature meeting on April 15.
Marsh Road Extension Request
Supervisor Dietrich continued the discussion regarding the process of making a decision on the
Palmer petition to change the road classification on a section of Marsh Road from minimum seasonal
to year round round. Code Officer Beeners distributed a packet of information to the Board. This
packet was also distributed to the Palmers. The intent of this packet is to describe the process to date
and to show both sides of the issue. There was a discussion of what information to share with the pub-
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lic and how. It was agreed that this should be shared with those who express interest. The packet in-
cluded two draft resolutions, in favor and in opposition of the request, to change the road designation.
There was a discussion of cost and process for conservation easement on the Palmer property.
Erick Palmer and Ted Melchen made comments regarding the possibility of placing their land in con-
servation easement, in relation to the question of a change in the road designation. Melchen asserted
that he would like to see the entire area protected by conservation easements. This would be to the
benefit of all. Palmer stated that his conservation easement was contingent on the change in road des-
ignation. He further stated that he would like to see the area protected and not have more dwellings in
that area. Melchen stated that he would also put his 42 acres into easement, should the road designa-
tion request be approved.
Dietrich noted that the Town Attorney will be in attendance during the next Town Board meeting,
to answer questions from the Board. It is anticipated that a decision will be made during that meeting.
Financial Workshops
Bookkeeper Shawley offered to continue information sessions for the Board members. The Board
accepted this offer. Workshops will be held over the next several months, starting at 6pm, prior to the
second TB meeting of the month.
Website/Email Research Report
Holahan made a report on preliminary research into Town email addresses/archiving/service.
There was a general discussion of costs and service. Additional research still needs to be done. No
decisions were made.
There was a discussion of a letter from Senator Seward, asking for support related to a “home
rule” bill allowing Towns to make their own designation for speed limits. Dietrich and Klein pre-
sented different perspectives on the implications of these bills. A certified traffic engineer would be
needed to review and “sign off” on speed limit changes.
Short Reports
Goddard presented Town Clerk’s Reports for February and March, including information on the
number of building permits, planning and zoning fees, and dog licenses processed in these months.
Proposals for mowing have been advertised, with a deadline of May 8. This will be awarded during
one of the May TB meetings. Records Management destruction of non-required documents is ongo-
ing, and six boxes of old documents will be sent to Challenge Industries for shredding.
Bench reports from Justices Klinger and Huddle were circulated among the Board. Justice Huddle
gave a report on demolition and reconstruction of the court room and office. This work is underway
and should be completed sometime in May. Superfluous office furniture and equipment will need to
be properly disposed of.
The monthly Code Report was circulated among the Board. Beeners added information regarding
flood mitigation for the entrance to White Hawk Eco-Village. The current culvert engineering is not
sufficient for a 50- or 100-year flood. New building permits for White Hawk contain strong provi-
sions that this situation needs to be taken care of in the next year.
Beeners reported that Steve Winkley with the New York Rural Water Association is currently en-
gaged for a 12 month, free, technical assistance consultancy with Danby. Winkley is a Source Water
Protection Specialist and will be reviewing the draft Aquifer Protection Ordinance and is gathering
GIS information from several sources for the Buttermilk Creek, Six Mile Creek, and Catatonk Creek
areas. Winkley will be looking at vulnerable areas in these watersheds and watershed recharge areas.
He will present an information meeting to the Town and Planning Boards in May or June.
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Connors made a short report, acknowledging a discussion between herself, Deputy Highway Su-
perintendent Jack Shawley, Jr., and representatives from a forestry service in relation to Time Warner
and NYSEG clearing trees to reclaim an area of right of way in an area of Durfee Hill Road. Connors
was favorably impressed with the questions Shawley asked and the amount of time he spent on this
The Meeting was adjourned at 8:43pm.
Pamela Goddard, Town Clerk
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