HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-05-21 Danby Town Board
Minutes of Regular Meeting
May 21 , 2012
Supervisor: Ric Dietrich
Councilpersons: Leslie Connors,Kathy Halton,Dan Klein,Dylan Race
Others Present:
Town Clerk Pamela Goddard
Code Office Sue Beeners
Bookkeeper Laura Shawley
Legislator Frank Proto
Public Ronda Roaring,Elizabeth Owens Roe, one other
The Meeting of the Danby Town Board was opened at 7:06pm.
Privilege of the Floor
Elizabeth Owens Roe expressed concern regarding proposed action her property and asked that
any action be postponed indefinitely. The Board agreed to continue discussion on this issue during its
June 11 meeting.
Town Hall Repairs Report
Beeners presented additional information regarding the building maintenance proposals list. She
made a request that the Board authorize work painting the north and south sides of the Town Hall
meeting room wing. There was a lengthy discussion about the proposed painting projects and other
proposed projects,particularly improvements to the Town Hall bathrooms and vault. Some of the dis-
cussion involved the planned rotation of painting one side of the building each year.
The Board expressed a preference to paint one side of the building at this time and put money into
improving the bathrooms and vault. The Board requested final estimates for work in the vault and
bathroom improvements.
Resolved,that the Town Board of the Town of Danby approves the expenditure of up to$8,555 for painting of the
south side of Town Hall meeting room wing by Blue Spruce Painting, Inc.,with touch up of north and west sides,
with the source of such funding to be a transfer from the Town Buildings Renovation,and Repair Fund.
Moved by Klein, Second by Race. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Halton, Klein, Race, Dietrich
Solar Liberty Lease Letter
Beeners presented additional information regarding a potential lease agreement with Solar Lib-
erty for energy generation at the Town Hall. Beeners and Dietrich made a request that the Board
authorize the Town Supervisor to sign a contingency letter indicating the Town's interest in engaging
in a lease, and further authorize the Supervisor to execute such approved lease. This action is neces-
sary due to the limited number of Solar Liberty leases available this year for municipalities.This let-
ter would get the Town's "foot in the door"without committing the Town to engaging in a lease.
Beeners reported on a site report from Renovus energy,regarding placement of the panels. Reno-
vus established that it is possible to have efficient solar collection without removing any trees. She
also reported on review of the lease agreement by the Town Attorney. He may ask for some modifica-
tions of wording for clarity.
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There was continued discussion about the potential lease. The Town could save approx. $1,400
per year in energy costs under this 15 year lease. The monthly lease payment would never exceed
what the Town is currently paying for energy. There were several questions, including whether the
lease payment is a fixed rate(yes), who bears the cost of maintenance and repairs (Solar Liberty), and
what the Town's options are at the end of the lease. Members of the Board surmise that technology
may improve in 15 years, to the point where the Town would want a different system. The Supervisor
made the case that the Town can't lose money on this lease.
After discussion, the Board expressed a preference that the lease agreement be reviewed again by
the entire board prior to final execution.
Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby authorizes the Town Supervisor to sign a contingency letter
indicating the Town's intent to execute a lease with Solar Liberty for solar panels at the Town Hall, contingent
upon approval of the lease agreement by the Town Attorney.
Moved by Race, Second by Halton. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Halton, Klein, Race, Dietrich
Resolution Regarding West Danby Water District Improvements
Dietrich and Beeners gave an update on the Water District water tank replacement project. They
introduced and explained this resolution, establishing the Town Board as lead agency for environ-
mental review.Part one of the environmental assessment will be sent to all involved agencies. It is
anticipated that there will be limited land disturbance. The Town is,to the best of its ability, seeking
grants to cover the cost of improvements.
Whereas, the Town Board of the Town of Danby has authorized T.G. Miller, PC to perform an evaluation of the
water system serving West Danby, and
Whereas, the Town Board received and reviewed a preliminary engineering report that recommends construc-
tion of a new water storage tank, water meter replacement, installation of flushing hydrants and leak detection
and repair, and
Whereas, pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law and the regulations contained in 6
NYCRR Part 617, hereafter called SEQRA,the Town Board has determined this action to be Type I, and
Whereas, this Board wishes to establish itself as lead agency in the coordinated review of this action; Now
Therefore, be it
Resolved,that the Town of Danby The Town Clerk shall notify all Involved Agencies of the Town Board's inten-
tion to designate itself Lead Agency, and
Further Resolved,that a coordinated review will be performed, and
Further Resolved,this resolution shall take effect immediately.
Moved by Klein, Second by Connors. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Halton, Klein, Race, Dietrich
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Approval to Spend Highway Funds
Shawley reported on three projects for highway repair in 2012. She also reported that additional
work is anticipated for one mile of Fisher Settlement Road. The Highway Department is waiting to
assess the situation for cost and effectiveness.
Resolved, pursuant to the provisions of Section 284 of the Highway law,the Town Board of the Town of Danby
agree that moneys levied and collected for the repair and improvements of highways, and received from the
state for repair and improvement of highways, shall be expended as follows:
1. A sum not to exceed $20,000 shall be spent to surface treat Olsefsky Road.The road will have material
added to it and its surface treated with two layers of oil and stone.This amount shall be paid out of the 2012
CHIPS capital balance.
2. A sum not to exceed $12,000 shall be spent to surface treat Amy Lane.The road will have material added to
it and its surface treated with two layers of oil and stone.This amount shall be paid out of the 2012 CHIPS
capital balance.
3. A sum not to exceed $55,000 shall be spent to resurface East Miller Road from 96B to Troy Road.The road
will be shimmed, material will be added and its surface treated with two layers of oil and stone.This amount
shall be paid out of the Road Repair line in the Town Budget.
Moved by Klein, Second by Halton. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Halton, Klein, Race, Dietrich
Attorney of Record/CSEA Negotiations
Dietrich presented the need for a resolution to appoint Guy Krogh as attorney of record for up-
coming CSEA negotiations. Krogh has previously acted in this capacity and is familiar with the issues
relevant to current negotiations. Shawley reminded the Board that the first meeting with CSEA is on
May 31. The Board agreed that it was timely to make this appointment at this time.
Resolved,that the Town of Danby appoints attorney Guy Krogh as Attorney of Record for CSEA negotiations.
Moved by Halton, Second by Race. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Halton, Klein, Race, Dietrich
Legislator's Report
Proto reported on several things. The legislature withdrew the tax exemption from alternative en-
ergy installations, in order to collect tax on the Enfield Wind Farm. Proto characterized this as a"Law
of unintended consequences" as it effects private property owners as well. He said that several
County Legislators have expressed the intention to add property owner tax exemption back into the
County law in the next few months.
Proto reported that the County has signed on for a five-year extension with the Recreation Part-
nership. He provided information about laws, through the state DEC,to deal with invasive species/
hydrilla treatment. The County is reviewing enforcement sections of the hydrilla regulation,particu-
larly to assure that boat hulls are washed prior to launching into the lake. The Water Resources Coun-
cil has drafted a proposed set of regulations for wetlands/water courses/water bodies. More informa-
tion will be forwarded to the Town Board.
Highway Biomass Boiler
A further update on the installation process was presented. Dietrich reminded the Board that the
boiler will use wood chips for fuel. The system can be transitioned to other fuels in the future. There
will be a media/Town Board and committee event when the boiler is up and running.
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Trail Update
Information about several county trail projects was distributed to the board. Dietrich gave an up-
date on trail projects in regional municipalities.A recent meeting about the"rail trail"to Banks Road
was cancelled.A NYSEG right of way is being negotiated.
Supervisor's Reports
Shawley distributed Supervisor's Reports for the months of January-March,2012. The Board re-
viewed these reports.
Resolved,that the Town Board of the Town of Danby accepts the Town Supervisor's Reports for January, Feb-
ruary, and March 2012.
Moved by Klein, Second by Connors. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Halton, Klein, Race, Dietrich
Other Reports
Copies of the April Code Enforcement and Highway Department reports were distributed. Super-
visor Dietrich advocated for the inclusion of regular reports from the Danby Community Council in
future Town Board meeting agendas.
The Meeting was adjourned at 8:51pm.
Pamela S. Goddard,Town Clerk
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