HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-04-08D a n b y T o w n B o a r d
M i n u t e s o f R e g u l a r M e e t i n g
A p r i l 8 , 2 0 1 3
Supervisor: Ric Dietrich
Councilpersons: Leslie Connors, Kathy Halton, Dan Klein, Dylan Race
Others Present:
Town Clerk Pamela Goddard
Legislator Frank Proto
Public Garry Huddle, Ronda Roaring, Sarah Elbert
The Danby Town Board meeting was opened at 7:00 pm
Addition to Agenda
Leslie Connors will write something for DAN regarding a “Communications Committee,” asking
if people are interested in participating in a reformed group.
Privilege of the Floor
Ronda Roaring raised a concern about the length of time the Conservation Advisory Council is
taking to create a management plan for the Deputron Hollow Road property. Klein responded on be-
half of the CAC. He reported that state law gives a CAC three years to create a management plan for
all Town owned property. The CAC is aware of this requirement and still has the rest of this year to
create a plan. Roaring is concerned that a study of wildlife and vegetation be done at the right time.
There was a brief discussion as to whether Town owned cemetery property is included in this re-
quirement. This will be investigated.
BZA Applicant Interview
The Town Board interviewed Sarah Elbert as an applicant for a vacancy on the Danby Board of
Zoning Appeals. Elbert answered questions from the Board, describing her experience with land use
issues through local history interviews. Dietrich reported that he has received supportive phone calls
on her behalf.
Elbert is a 45 year resident of Danby. She stated that she is interested in serving the Town and has
a general interest in zoning issues. Her intention would be to help people find ways to do what they
want within the existing zoning law. Reporting her own process of creating a conservation easement,
deeding a parcel to the Finger Lakes Land Trust, she emphasized the importance of considering the
long term impact of zoning decisions.
David Hall will be interviewed on April 15.
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Warrants - Abstract #4 of 2013:
#050-064 for a total $38,294.32
Moved by Halton, Second by Connors. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Halton, Klein, Race, Dietrich
#012-015 for a total $4,196.45
Moved by Halton, Second by Connors. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Halton, Klein, Race, Dietrich
#139-177 for a total of $16,814.32
Moved by Halton, Second by Connors. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Halton, Klein, Race, Dietrich
Approve Minutes
Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby approves the revised minutes of March 11 and 26, 2013.
Moved by Klein, Second by Connors. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Halton, Klein, Race, Dietrich
Halton requested that minutes posted on the Town web site be marked “draft” until voted on and
approved. The Town Clerk agreed to this, starting with the March 26 TB minutes.
2012 Financial Report
There was a discussion regarding a proposed resolution to accept the 2012 Town of Danby An-
nual Financial Report, as submitted to the State Comptroller ’s office on March 4, 2013. There may be
some questions for the Bookkeeper. State requirements create different reporting categories than the
Town budget document. The 2012 Financial Report has already been submitted to the State Comp-
troller. Town Board members would like more time to review the report. This will be acted on at the
next TB meeting.
Halton asked about the difference between the annual financial report and a periodic outside audit
of the Town finances. It has been several years since there has been a full outside audit. There was an
outside audit of the Town Clerk’s office in 2010. A suggestion was made to set aside funds for an out-
side audit every five years or so. The Board will continue this discussion at the next TB meeting.
Legal Services for West Danby Water District Improvement Project
The Clerk reminded the Board of the legal services RFQ related to the West Danby Water District
Improvements Project, which had been advertised for the required length of time. Thaler and Thaler
was the only firm to submit a quote.
Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby, upon recommendation of the West Danby Board of Water
Commissioners, authorizes the Town Supervisor to enter into a Contract with the legal firm of Thaler and Thaler
for legal services related to the West Danby Water District Improvements Project, with the source of funding to
be NYS Office of Community Renewal Community Development Block Grant Funds.
Moved by Klein, Second by Race. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Halton, Klein, Race, Dietrich
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Planning Board Training
Connors presented Planning Board request for education credit for an upcoming conference on
climate issues. This moved into a general discussion of training opportunities available to municipal
boards through the NYMIR resources. Training can be arranged through online resources and/or
NYMIR trainers will come to the Town. Halton noted that the Boards need a wide range of training.
Dietrich offered to have Laura Shawley make a presentation to the PB about available training. Con-
nors also has information, gathered during the Association of Towns meeting.
Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby, authorize granting an education credit to Planning Board
members for participation in the Climate Smart/Climate Ready conference.
Moved by Klein, Second by Dietrich. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Halton, Klein, Race, Dietrich
Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby, upon recommendation of the Planning Board, authorizes
reimbursement for Planning Board attendance at the Climate Smart/Climate Ready conference being held April
19-20 in Ithaca at $20 per person, funds to come out of the Comprehensive Plan Budget line.
Moved by Dietrich, Second by Klein. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Halton, Klein, Race, Dietrich
Town Hall Bathroom Improvements
A proposal for improvements to the Town Hall bathrooms, drafted by Matt Cooper, was distrib-
uted. Funds would come out of the Town Hall budget line. The Board will review the proposal and
consider action at the next TB meeting.
Legislator’s Report
Frank Proto reported on several items, particularly program areas restored in the NYS budget,
including the Racker Center, Better Housing, the Local Government Archives Fund, Hydrilla reme-
diation, the Environmental Protection Fund for open space programs and water testing.
Town Board/Planning Board Joint Meeting
Connors reported that the Planning Board welcomes the Town Board to its May 23 meeting. Top-
ics to be discussed include Aquifer Protection measures, progress on updates to the Comprehensive
Plan, general direction for the future.
There was a short discussion about water protection measures from other municipalities. Dietrich
reported on water protection in the Town of Caroline. Susan Beeners has also been researching other
municipal water protection measures.
Broadband Build-out Update
Dietrich gave a brief update on the plan for building out broadband access in Tompkins County
through a grant awarded to Clarity Connect. Roaring asked some questions about cost, internet speed
and additional spot coverage by location. Dietrich explained that some these details are still in the
design phase. Build-out should take place in 6-9 months. The fact that the Town of Caroline is not
included in the build-out may impact the Coddington Road area of Danby. Additional questions
should be directed to Clarity Connect.
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Other Correspondence/Short Reports
Klein reported on proposed Spring programming for adults/families through the Danby Commu-
nity Council, including a possible presentation by the Cornell Raptor Program and a May concert.
The May concert is tentatively scheduled for May 19, the same day as the Danby Plant Exchange and
an event at the Danby Community Park. The DCC has a new member, Alison Christie, from West
Clerk Goddard informed the Board that correspondence from the State Department of Transporta-
tion states that a speed limit reduction for Comfort Road is not indicated from current conditions.
There was a short discussion about re-petitioning for a speed limit reduction after the expansion at
Stork Engineering is complete.
The Board held an informal discussion about lane markings on Route 96B in the area from Bald
Hill Road to Gunderman Road and in the area of Nelson Road. Members of the Board have concerns
about the negative impact of these lane markings on side roads in Central Danby. There was a sugges-
tion to write something for the DAN requesting resident input on the safety and effectiveness of these
changes. This may result in additional feedback to the State.
The Meeting was adjourned at 9:07 pm.
Pamela Goddard, Town Clerk
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