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Public Hearing Minutes
Proposed Local Law - No . 1 of 2006
May 8 , 2006
MAY 8, 2006
Councilpersons : 1 Eugene Beavers, Norbert Nolte, Joseph Salino , Gladys Varona-Lacey
Supervisor Dietrich (excused)
Others Present: )
Carol Sczepanski - Town Clerk
Susan Beeners - Code Enforcement Officer
Tracy White - Highway Secretary
Ted Jones - Bookkeeper
Roy Casterline - West Danby Water District Superintendent
Members of thel Public :
Ames Brown, Ronda Roaring, Cindy Smith, Joel Gagnon, David & Judy Noteboom, George
Blanchard, Kent 'McNeil, Frank Proto , Bill Farrell, Robert Roe, Carl Seamon, and others .
Public Hearing Declared Open
Deputy Supervisor Norbert Nolte declared the public hearing open at 6 : 35 p .m . and read the
following Notice; of Publication : "PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Town Board of the Town of
Danby will holdja public hearing on Monday, May 8 , 2006 at 6 : 30 P .M . at the Town Hall, 1830
Danby Road, Ithaca, New York, Tompkins County, to consider enacting a local law entitled : "A
Residents may obtain a copy of the proposed local law at the Clerk ' s Office during regular office
hours .
All persons will be heard in either in person or in writing.
By Order of the Town Board
Carol W. Sczepanski , Town Clerk
Dated : April 21 , 2006
Publish : April 26, 2006"
Communications :
Affidavit of Publication
Summary of Proposed Changes to Subdivision Regulations
Proposed Local Law
Susan Beeners gave a brief overview of the proposed changes to the subdivision regulations and
described the summary.
Comments and Questions From the Public :
George Blanchard - Item No . 2 on the first page - What is the minimum small lot size on a fifteen
( 15 ) acre parcel?
Susan Beeners said that it would be a two(2) acre lot permit. There have not been any revisions
related to obtaining a permit. The next round will include some ways we could do lots by permit of
one acre in low density.
Joe Husband - question on the non-residential farm structure in the restricted no build areas .
2 Public Hearing Minutes
Proposed Local Law - No . 1 of 2006
May 8 , 2006
Susan Beeners - a horse boarding business could put their stable in a no build restricted area. The
only non farm structure type structure that could be within a no build or restricted area is a storage
shed of less than 100 sq . feet.
Ames Brown - these regulations are very different at a time when government is asking us to work
at our homes . It seems the plan is geared to the past without much flexibility.
Bill Farrell - what about lots that are already divided- are they subject to agriculture no build
regulations? Why are we restricting this to five(5 ) acres or one lot in five years? The Tompkins
County Health Department already requires that you have four(4) lots in three years . He said that
we are just getting back to the same no build in Danby. They are not letting people build and trying
to restrict how many lots you can sell.
Susan Beeners said that not lots that are already divided and that are not going to be further divided .
Councilperson Nolte said that we are trying to make the regulations a little more user friendly. We
are trying to pass these changes to make it a bit more user friendly.
Ray VanDeBogart made a clarification on lots allowed . Restricted build area does not mean that you
cannot build there . It means that you cannot just walk in and get a permit to build but that you must
come to the Planning Board to work out a plan that shows what you will build there.
Ted Melchen - with all these different types of soils, when it comes to doing surveys, how do the . .
surveyors know where one type ends and another begins?
Susan Beeners said that the maps that will be used will be geographically referenced so that she can
produce a letter that will show where that soil is . The surveyors can get the data electronically. The
map that we have provided will show where those are would be used as a supplement to the final
survey map as part of the reference .
Joel Gagnon - He supports these change as they are what the Task Force and the Board were talking
about last fall . This is just the first step .
Joe . Husband - trying to understand why the Board is going through this process . Data from the
2000 census said that Danby is made up of roughly 53 lots per square mile . Roughly 34, 000 acres
of land and has 1 , 250 homes . That is about 1250 acres over 34, 000 acres for that area. We are
conserving 96% of the land. Why is it such a big deal to go through this process? If you add all the
farm land and say there is 2 ,000 acres of farm land you are still conserving 90% of the area.
Robert Roe - one of the reasons for this is because of the new Comprehensive Plan. It is not a legal
document. These are attempts to bring the zoning ordinance parallel with the Comprehensive Plan.
George Blanchard - has attended the Task Force meetings and does not support it.
Public Hearing Declared Closed
Deputy Supervisor Nolte declared the public hearing closed at 7 : 00 P .M .
Carol W. Sczepans ,i %' wn Clerk
phm-PLL- 1 -06
63 V
1 Town Board Minutes
May 8 , 2006
MAY 8, 2006
Councilpersons : Eugene Beavers, Norbert Nolte, Joseph Salino, Gladys Varona-Lacey
Supervisor Dietrich (excused)
Others Present :
Carol Sczepanski - Town Clerk
Susan Beeners - Code Enforcement Officer
Tracy White - Highway Secretary
Ted Jones - Bookkeeper
Roy Casterline - West Danby Water District Superintendent
Members of the Public :
Ames Brown, Ronda Roaring, Cindy Smith, Joel Gagnon, David & Judy Noteboom, George
Blanchard, Kent McNeil, Frank Proto, Bill Farrell, Robert Roe, Carl Seamon, and others.
Deputy Supervisor Norbert Nolte called he meeting to order at 7 : 00 p . m . and led all present to the
Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag.
Additions or Deletions to the Agenda
1 . Under new business - Resolution for Camelot Subdivision in West Danby.
2 . Under new business - Bob Roe ' s resolution to the Tompkins County Board of Legislators asking
endorsement regarding the assessment of land process .
3 . Request for creation of a new budget item line for the Beautification Committee .
Correction in April 10, 2006 Minutes
The Town Clerk reported that there is a correction in the April 10 , 2006 minutes under
Representative Proto ' s report - the Asian Flu should be deleted and replaced with Avian Flu .
Councilperson Varona-Lacey reported that there is still a lot of scrap metal still on the site.
Highway Superintendent Andrew Thurnheer said that is still a lot of scrap metal to be disposed of.
Susan Beeners asked if there was going to be any further discussion or action on the proposed local
1 . Planning Board Recommendation - re : proposed re-zoning regulations
2 . Request to have YOGA classes at the Town Hall
3 . Letter of interest from George Blanchard to fill Planning Board Vacancy
4 . Supervisor' s Annual Report (AUD) for Fiscal year 2005 - filed with Town Clerk
Members of the Public
Ronda Roaring - runs a business in the Town of Danby and is concerned that the Town does not have
cell phone service in her area and needs that service to run her business . Her business is also
computer based and there is no cable service for a computer based system . She desperately needs
high speed computer access . Haffle Cable Service comes within a mile of her home. She asked the
Town Board to look into the service Haffle has in some areas of Danby. She said that there are
grants available to do home repairs . She said that residents could be greatly benefit from these grants
but the Town must apply for them . She asked the Board to look into these grants .
2 Town Board Minutes
May 8 , 2006
Tracy White, the new Highway Secretary, Tracy White introduced herself to the Town Board and
residents . She is very impressed with our Town and the boards working with everybody.
Ames Brown - is still stunned about the bond request for $ 500 , 000 dollars . One of the items
included was the purchase of a generator for the West Danby Water District for emergency services .
Ames also supports Mr. Roe ' s resolution to the County Legislators .
Deputy Supervisor Nolte reported that the Board concluded that if it was necessary to get an
emergency generator to run the pump that we could do so and could provide water to West Danby
in case of power outage.
Ray VanDeBogart - runs his own business and in case of emergency has generators because if one
fails during an emergency there is no way you can get generators .
Ronda Roaring - appealed her assessment and it was refused by the Assessment Department. The
next step would be to go to court . An assessor called her and said that he had looked at the prices
of houses in Tompkins County and they were going up so much and felt that she would not win a
court appeal . The houses in Tioga County near her are assessed at approximately 1 /3 of what
Tompkins County has hers assessed at. She thinks that Tompkins County assessments are out of
whack. She supports Mr. Roe ' s resolution to the County Legislators . Ronda also is requesting that
the Town look into extending Time Warner Cable or look into having another cable service into her
area so that she can get high speed connection.
Ann Klingensmith - is involved with the Comprehensive Plan Implementation Task Force and likes
the direction we are going. Zoning is necessary and it is a good thing if it means there is not a lot
of building.
Ted Jones - would like a resolution to utilize funds from a possible BAN in the future to pay the fund
balance for monies expended for the Beautification Committee in advance of receiving them
County Representative Report
Representative Proto reported on the following :
Tompkins County Budget is on the County Agenda;
Local Assessment Board of Review (grievance day) is Tuesday May 9 , 2006 for Danby;
Flu Pandemic - not had a problem in the State or County - what do we do with other animals other
than chickens or birds ;
Solid Waste fees are into effect and they have expanded the types of items that can be recycled .
Sneakers - in cooperation with Ithaca College, Cornell and TC3 has started a sneaker collection and
a way to get them recylcled.
Monies for Danby Fund Day have been approved in the amount of $ 1988 .
Youth Award - a young man from the Town of Danby will be receiving the Distinguished Youth
Representative Proto will be making a brief presentation to the Environmental Management Council ;
Personnel Committee - to set salaries for the next (four) years for the T . C . Sheriff and T . C . Clerk as
both positions are up for election in 2006 .
Budget - don ' t know what the rates will be until after the Final Assessment Roll has been reviewed
and he would like to se a 0% increase.
Environmental Management Council Report
Robert Roe reported that at the April Meeting, Paul Curtis from Cooperative Extension on the deer
situation in Tompkins County. Deer populations increase each year. There has been no Chronic
Wasting Disease has no impact in New York State. There were 96, 527 DMP permits were given
out in 2005 -2006 and only 12 , 161 deer were harvested . Public Safety Communication System is
moving forward as planned .
Highway Report_ A written report was received by the Board (May 8 , 2006)
Tracy White reported that the remediation of the drainage systems at the Highway Department has
3 Town Board Minutes
May 8 , 2006
started after several inspections . Possibly an outside independent party will act as a mediator for the
Highway Department Employees and the Superintendent to try to work things out . Currently the
department is working on grading and patching of roads . The project on East Miller Road is to begin
Zoning Report
Susan Beeners reported that she is pleased that Tracy is now on staff because the Zoning Office
needs to interact with the Highway Department regarding the Old Town Barns . The construction
activity is only about half of what it was last year. She would encourage members of the Town
Board and the Planning Board to attend their meetings . Subdivision Regulations - County Planning
Department had thirty(30) days to provide a letter to the Town . They at this time have not reviewed
the proposal but she expects to receive response from them later this week.
Planning Board Report
Robert Roe reported that the Planning Board held public hearings for three(3 ) proposals in April. The
hearings were for the Danby Community Park, the property at 1850 Danby Road (Lane ' s
Automotive/Bailey Homes , and Waldorf School of the Finer Lakes . A Special Meeting was held
for the 1850 Danby Road property as a super majority was required to override the County Planning
recommendations .
Beautification Committee
Councilperson Varona-Lacey reported that the committee planted about ten( 10) trees from the grant
they received . They plan to plant more trees this week- end Arrangements have been made with West
Danby regarding planting ' s in their area. Residents may submit requests for trees to be planted on
their property for the beautification project.
Community Council
Community Council did not hold a meeting in April.
Creation of Budget Line for Youth Programs
Bookkeeper Ted Jones said that we could put the payment for volunteers who are involved in the
Beautification Project and a new budget line will be created under Account No . A7310. 100.
Senior Citizen Report
Carol Sczepanski reported that the Senior Citizens met on Thursday May 4, 2006 with approximately
36 seniors in attendance. Our program for the evening was a slide show by Shannon Westmiller of
a trip to New Zealand that was enjoyed by all .
Dog Control
The SPCA has submitted a report for March. A copy of the letter from the SPCA Director regarding
an on-going issue between the Town Clerks and the SPCA on how tickets are sent to owners of
delinquent dogs . The Rabies Clinic in Danby on May 9 at the Danby Road Fire Department was
well attended .
Fire District Report
Councilperson Beavers reported that the Danby Fire District is going to expand their investigation
into the drain system at the West Danby Fire House . They are continuing their grant application for
a new pump truck for the Danby Fire Station on 96B and they have contracted with an architect to
do the preliminary sketches for the Fire Station as the grant approval monies must be expended by
July 2006 .
Request for YOGA Classes
Minnie Jardine has requested the use of the Town Hall for YOGA classes at the Town Hall . The
request will be referred to Community Council .
Updated Cost Estimates - Highway Remediation Project
Susan Beeners reported that the Board has recieved updated cost estimates for the Highway
Remediation Project. She understands that there will be a bonding resolution subject to permissive
4 Town Board Minutes
May 8 , 2006
referendum will be required . The Town Attorney, once he has the final costs will have the bond
attorney prepare a proposed resolution for the funding. She recommended that the board look into
options for funding of the testing of the leach fields .
Ted Jones said that the town will need to borrow from the fund balance to cover the costs incurred
for the testing of the leach fields and some of the engineering costs to date. He asked that the board
approve a resolution to return the funds to the fund balance .
Bailey Homes Request for Re-zoning
The Planning Board by Resolution No . 18 of 2005 approved the request from Bailey Homes for a
Special Permit and recommended that the Town Board of the Town of Danby consider an adjoining
parcel of . 38 +/- acres adjoining the property at 1850 Danby Road be rezoned to Commercial Zone
"C" and that the general site plan be approved.
Motion to Schedule a Public Hearing.
A motion was made by Councilperson Beavers and seconded by Councilperson Varona-Lacey that
the Town Board of the Town of Danby schedule a public hearing on Wednesday, June 5 , 2006 at
6 : 30 p .m . for the Bailey Homes Proposal at 1850 Danby Road, Ithaca, New York.
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
(Supervisor Dietrich absent)
Beavers Aye
Nolte Aye
Salino Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye Carried
By Councilperson Salino : Seconded by Councilperson Beavers
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Danby has received a letter dated April 28 , 2006 from
Lee Shurtleff, Director, Tompkins County Department of Emergency Response, which letter of
petition requests that a portion of Curtis Road of approximately 900 feet in length be reclassified
from minimum maintenance (seasonal use) to year-round use, for the purpose of allowing access to
the County Public Safety Communications System tower site on Curtis Road; and
WHEREAS, Town of Danby Local Law No . 2 of 2002 provides that a public hearing be held upon
such a petition within thirty days of receipt; and
WHEREAS, this is an Unlisted Action for which the Town Board of the Town of Danby I s acting
as Lead Agency in environmental review, with no other involved agencies having been identified ;
RESOLVED, that the Town board of the Town of Danby hereby schedules a public hearing on such
petition for Monday, June 5 , 2006 following the Bailey Homes public hearing.
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Supervisor Dietrich absent .
Beavers Aye
Nolte Aye
S alino Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye Carried
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby directs the Town Highway Department,
located at 93 Hornbrook Road to close and lock the gates to the facility during all non-working hours
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5 Town Board Minutes
May 8 , 2006
and when there is not an employee in attendance .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Supervisor Dietrich absent.
Beavers Aye
Nolte Aye
S alino Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye Carried
By Councilperson Beavers : Seconded by Councilperson Salino
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby prohibits the excavation on Town of
Danby Highway Department properties for the purpose of building a pond, obtaining gravel or the
building of an airstrip for small aircraft.
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Supervisor Dietrich absent .
Beavers Aye
Nolte Aye
S alino Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye Carried
Bob Roe read a resolution regarding real property assessment practices in Tompkins County that has
been approved by the Planning Board and asked to Town Board to consider approving this resolution
to be forwarded to Tompkins County Legislature.
By Councilperson Beavers : Seconded by Councilperson Varona-Lacey
WHEREAS, the real property assessed values in the County of Tompkins are unduly influenced by
the properties placed on the market by the transient segment of the County population, and
WHEREAS , the assessed value of real property in the County of Tompkins has been subject to
increases totally out of the line with the increase in assessed values in the nine(9) surrounding
counties and in New York State generally; and
WHEREAS, the annual and tri-annual double and triple digit percentage increases in the assessed
real property values often place undue hardships on the long-term residents of the county and the
residents on fixed incomes who wish to remain in their homes ; and
WHEREAS, the assessed values of real property in the County of Tompkins are often determined
in an arbitrary and capricious manner; and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature appears unwilling and unable to remedy this
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby requests to the Tompkins County
Legislature that the assessed value of real property in the County of Tompkins be fixed at the value
specified at the conclusion of the 2001 assessment cycle unless the assessed property has
subsequently been sold; and it is
FURTHER RESOLVED, that changes to the assessed value of real property in the County of
Tompkins only occur at the time of the actual sale of the property in question
6 Town Board Minutes
May 8 , 2006
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Supervisor Dietrich absent.
Beavers Aye
Nolte Aye
Salino Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye Carried
By Councilperson Salino ; Seconded by Councilperson Varona-Lacey
WHEREAS, the subdivision plans for Camelot Subdivision, located on the northeast corner of the
intersection of Billview Road and N. Y . S . Route 34/96, propose, for the proposed road named
Patchen Court, a road grade of twelve( 12) percent for an approximate 175 -foot length of Patchen
Court ; and
WHEREAS, the Town of Danby Highway Specifications provide that roads have a maximum grade
of seven(7) percent ; and
WHEREAS, the Section 604 of the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Danby provide for a
maximum grade often ( 12)(sic) on minor streets ; which section is currently under revision to correct
such maximum grade to ten( 10) percent on minor streets ; and
WHEREAS, the Town ' s consulting engineer has recommended that, given the limited length of the
portion of the road that is proposed to have a twelve( 12) percent grade; and given that adherence to
the seven(7) percent requirement would require additional excavation; and
WHEREAS, Patchen Court is designed as a cul-de- sac , with seven(7) lots ; NOW THEREFORE,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby hereby waives the requirements of the
Highway Specifications and Subdivision Regulations related to maximum road grade, hereby
permitting the subject portion of Patchen court to have a maximum centerline grade of twelve( 12
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Supervisor Dietrich absent .
Beavers Aye
Nolte Aye
Salino Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye Carried
A motion was made by Councilperson Beavers and seconded by Councilperson Salino that the Town
Board of the Town of Danby approves the Town Clerk' s report for April, 2006 as submitted .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
(Supervisor Dietrich absent)
Beavers Aye
Nolte Aye
Salino Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye Carried
Approval of the General Fund Warrant No. 4 of 2006
A motion was made by Councilperson Salino and seconded by Councilperson Beavers that the Town
Board of the Town of Danby approves the General Fund Warrant No . 4 of 2006 in the amount of
$ 33 ,309 . 93 voucher numbers 154 - 208 .
7 Town Board Minutes
May 8 , 2006
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
(Supervisor Dietrich absent)
Beavers Aye
Nolte Aye
Salino Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye Carried
Approval of Highway Department Fund Warrant No. 4 of 2006
A motion was made by Councilperson Nolte and seconded by Councilperson Varona-Lacey that the
Town Board of the Town of Danby approves the Highway Department Fund Warrant No . 4 of 2006
in the amount of $ 16 , 946 . 97 voucher numbers 51 - 60 .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
(Supervisor Dietrich absent)
Beavers Aye
Nolte Aye
Salino Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye Carried
Approval of the West Danby Water District Fund Warrant No. 4 of 2006
A motion was made by Councilperson Beavers and seconded by Councilperson Salino that the Town
Board of the Town of Danby approves the West Danby Water District Fund Warrant No . 4 of 2006
in the amount of $ 6 , 931 . 49 voucher numbers 17 - 22 .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
(Supervisor Dietrich absent)
Beavers Aye
Nolte Aye
Salino Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye Carried
T & A Account Fund Warrant of May 8, 2006
A motion was made by Councilperson Nolte and seconded by Councilperson Beavers that the Town
Board of the Town of Danby approves the Trust and Agency Fund Warrant dated May 8 , 2006 ,
voucher No . 1 of May 5 , 2006 in the amount of $ 1 ,24 . 85 payable to T . G. Miller PC .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
(Supervisor Dietrich absent)
Beavers Aye
Nolte Aye
Salino Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye Carried
On a motion the meeting adjourned at 8 : 30 P .M .
(Ida/ s53,
Carol W . Sczepan own Clerk
min-5 - 8 -06