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1 Town Board Minutes
September 9, 2002
Supervisor Fredric Dietrich (Arrived at 7 : 15 p . m . )
Councilpersons : Joel Gagnon, Norbert Nolte , Naomi Strichartz, Gladys Varona-Lacey
Others Present:
Susan Beeners - Code Enforcement Officer
Susan Howe - Highway Department Secretary
Carol Sczepanski - Town Clerk
Members of the Public :
Mary Oltz, Ames Brown, Christine Trumble, Doug Grilla, Paul A. Hesler, John & Natalie Nicholas,
Dan Klein, Craig McAllister, Danny Eastman, Roy Casterline
Deputy Supervisor Naomi Strichartz called he meeting to order at 7 : 05 p .m. and led all present to the
Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag .
Deputy Supervisor Strichartz asked that discussion of the Danby Reading Room be added to the
Agenda as item No . 7 under new business . No Board member objected .
Privilege of the Floor:
Town Clerk Carol Sczepanski reported that the new DECALS has a lot of problems and clerks from
all over the State are having problems in their attempt to issue sporting license . The new system
seems to be down more than up and running . The DEC is working on the problems .
Code Enforcement Officer Susan Beeners asked to add to the agenda a status report on the Borden-
Finn matter under Old Business . No Board member objected .
Ames Brown - questioned traffic count accuracy on seasonal roads and ways they can be
manipulated by the public .
Recreation Partnership Report
Councilperson Strichartz reported that the Recreation Partnership has not met throughout the
summer. The budget for activities has been approved but the portion of the budget that deals with
facilities has not been finalized at this time .
Community Council Report :
Councilperson Strichartz reported that there will be a concert here at the Town Hall on Sunday,
September 15 at 3 : 00 p . m. by a group called "Flapjacks"
Senior Citizens
Carol Sczepanski reported that the Danby Senior Citizens held their monthly dish-to-pass supper on
Thursday, September 5 , 2002 . Reverend George Clarkson gave a slide presentation from his trip to
Wales. Beginning October 2002 the meetings will be held monthly on the first Thursday at 12 Noon.
Dog Control :
Report received from SPCA for August 2002 .
Code Enforcement Office :
Susan Beeners submitted a report of housing starts in the Town to date and explained the report to
the Board. Department reports have been received for June, July and August 2002 .
Susan asked if any members of the Board were had any ideas for a grant application for a Community
Beautification Program where a grant of up to $3 , 500 might be received for development of the urban
forest management plan. The deadline for submission is September 30 , 2002 .
2 Town Board Minutes
September 9 , 2002
The Planning Board and the Town Board have a working session scheduled for Wednesday,
September 15 , 2002 at 7 : 15 p . m .
Supervisor Dietrich arrived at 7 : 15 p .m .
Nine Poets Golf Course Special Permit:
Michael Finn received Planning Board approval for a Special Permit to build and operate the " Nine
Poets Golf Course" . The Town Board has received an appeal from Ross Borden to rescind the
Planning Board decision to approve the special permit. Confirmation that Mr. Finn is not going to
proceed with the golf course and that Mr. Borden has withdrawn his request for appeal has not been
received at this time .
Request For Use of Town Hall Building - Danby Community Park Association and FLIC
A request was received a request from the Danby Community Park Association to use the small
conference room for meetings and a request from the Finger Lakes Independence Center (FLIC) to
use the Town Hall meeting room on October 24 , 2002 .
Discussion :
Under the present policy for use of municipal buildings a councilperson is needed to sponsor the
meetings that are not municipality related.
A Councilperson will attend the Danby Community Park Association meetings and a councilperson
to oversee the FLIC Program.
Motion to Approve the Use of the Town Hall for Danby Community Park Commission and the
Finger Lakes Independent Center (FLIC)
A motion was made by Councilperson Gagnon and seconded by Councilperson Nolte that the Town
Board of the Town of Danby approves the use of the Town Hall Building as long as there is a Town
Board member present to sponsor the meetings for the Danby Community Park Commission for
meetings on September 23 , at 2 : 00 p .m. , October 14 and 28 at 2 : 00 p .m . , November 11 , and 25 at
2 : 00 p . m . and December 9 , at 2 : 00 p . m. and for the Finger Lakes Independent Center (FLIC) on
Thursday , October 24 , 2002 from 5 : 30 p .m. to 9 : 00 p .m .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Nolte Aye
Strichartz Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye
Dietrich' Aye Carried Unanimously
Fieldstone Circle
Supervisor Dietrich reported to the members of Fieldstone Circle that our Town Attorney has not
responded to the request to possibly make changes or revise the language for the Fieldstone
Covenants . Shelter Tech has transferred sponsorship as it relates to the approvals of the Review
Board to the Association.
Susan Beeners said that she is putting together the information related to the history of the sub-
division to send to our Town Attorney for review.
Highway Request to Send Equipment to Municipal Auctions
By Councilperson Strichartz : Seconded by Supervisor Dietrich
WHEREAS, the Town Highway Superintendent has requested authorization to send excess
equipment to Onondaga County Area Municipal Auction, now be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby authorizes the Highway Superintendent
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3 Town Board Minutes
September 9 , 2002
to send the excess equipment listed below to the September Auction in Lansing, New York and the
Onondaga County Municipal Auction on October 23 and 24 , 2002 .
Excess Equipment
1978 FWD Plow Truck/Cinder Spreader Truck (old #34)
1976 Road Tractor (#41 )
1953 Farm Road Tractor - Ford
AND FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution supersedes Resolution No . 57 of August 12 ,
2002 .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Nolte Aye
Strichartz Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye
Dietrich Aye Carried Unanimously
By Councilperson Gagnon : Seconded by Councilperson Strichartz
WHEREAS , the Town Board of the Town of Danby has been advised that a preexisting 3 -inch
diameter water main commencing at the intersection of Brown Road and Short Road, and extending
approximately 600 feet west along Short Road to the northeast corner of Town of Danby Tax Parcel
No . 17 . - 1 - 1 . 12 , constructed around 1999 by Roger Casterline, requires approval by the Tompkins
County Health Department and acceptance by the Town Board; NOW THEREFORE, IT IS
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby authorizes the Town Supervisor to apply
to the Tompkins County Health Department for approval of said water main, with any application
fees or engineering costs as might be required by the Health Department to be paid by Roger
Casterline, and it is
FURTHER RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Danby is Lead Agency in
environmental review of this Unlisted Action, with respect to acceptance of the water main by the
Town Board; and the Tompkins County Health Department and the West Danby Water District
Board of Water Commissioners are involved agencies .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Nolte Aye
Strichartz Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye
Dietrich Aye Carried Unanimously
By Councilperson Strichartz : Seconded by Councilperson Gagnon
WHEREAS, the Town of Danby Highway Superintendent has recommended that an easement to
be obtained for a road turnaround on the west end of the year-round portion of Short road, on Town
of Danby Tax Parcel No . 17 . - 1 - 1 . 12 ; generally as shown on "Preliminary Sketch Showing Easement
for Turnaround" dated 8/ 14/02 , revised 8/27/02 ;
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby hereby approves the conveyance of said
4 Town Board Minutes
September 9 , 2002
easement from the owner of said Tax Parcel to the Town; subject to final approval of the form and
substance of the easement by the Town Attorney and the Town Highway Superintendent.
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Nolte Aye
Strichartz Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye
Dietrich Aye Carried Unanimously
Budget Workshop Dates
Motion to Set Budget Workshop Dates
A motion was made by Councilperson Strichartz and seconded by Councilperson Varona-Lacey that
the Town Board of the Town of Danby schedule the budget workshops for :
Monday, October 7 at 7 : 00 p .m. ;
Monday, October 21 at 7 : 00 p .m . ;
Monday October 28 at 7 : 00 p .m .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Nolte Aye
Strichartz Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye
Dietrich Aye Carried Unanimously
Danby Pond Program
Councilperson Strichartz reported that the Pond Coordinator would like to use the remaining funds
of approximately $ 1 ,700 in the 2002 Pond budget for continuing youth programs for the remainder
of the year. In order to hire Arnie VanLuken to provide the programs the Town Board must create
a position to file with Tompkins County Personnel to comply with New York State Civil Service
Laws .
Motion to Create New Positions for a Swimming Area Director and Recreation Activity
A motion was made by Councilperson Strichartz and seconded by Councilperson Varona-Lacey that
the Town Board of the Town of Danby creates a new position entitled "Swimming Area Director" ,
and a new position entitled "Recreation Activity Specialist" , for the remainder of 2002 with additional
liability insurance costs to come out of the Pond budget .
Councilperson Gagnon said he is concerned about what we are committing to , which is not
necessarily just spending $ 1 ,700 . He asked what does this imply regarding future programming
commitment .
Councilperson Strichartz said it did not imply anything but leaves open the possibility that if it is
successful as it has been over the summer that we could continue with this through the remainder of
2002 .
Councilperson Gagnon said that we approved $ 800 that clearly was not needed and now the Director
e plus $ 1 000 more . He is glad this program is
wants to spend that money p ,
program p
of the Pond prog supporting
to be su g
we are pp
working and happy to support it but looking at the bigger picture if going
this there are probably other things that are less cost effective that we ought to be taking a good hard
look at.
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
5 Town Board Minutes
September 9, 2002
Gagnon Aye
Nolte Aye
Strichartz Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye
Dietrich Aye Carried Unanimously
An agreement between the Town and Arnie VanLuken will be obtained for providing programs
through December 31 , 2002 .
Fire Department Request for Highway Department Assistance in Emergency Situations
Supervisor Dietrich reported that there are times that the Fire Department may have to call the
Highway Department to clear roads and/or access drives for emergencies i . e . 911 calls for fire,
accident and/or medical emergencies or may request use of town equipment to assist them. The
Town and the Fire District need to obtain a limited partnership for the overlapping insurance
obligations .
Reading Room Update
Councilperson Strichartz reported that she would like to know what the pros and cons might be of
the Town having our own reading room using donations from residents rather than using the County
Library. The cost for the County to provide service for exchange of books is rising each year. There
are many people who make regular donations to the Friends of the Library who could be donating
here . She would like some feedback as to how people are buying books and donating them to the
book sale and other sights .
Supervisor Dietrich reported that the Library Committee met with the representatives of the reading
room. The Public Library is experiencing cuts in staff and hours and are looking at ways to transfer
some of the costs of providing books to the rural reading rooms . He will ask the Library Committee
to give a report to the Board at the October Agenda Meeting .
Supervisor' s and Clerk' s August Report
The Supervisor' s and Clerk ' s August reports were deferred to October.
Approval of Warrants
General Fund Warrant No . 9 of 2002
Motion to Approve General Fund Warrant No . 9 of 2002
A motion was made by Councilperson Strichartz and seconded by Councilperson Varona-Lacey that
the Town Board of the Town of Danby approve the General Fund Warrant No . 9 of 2002 , voucher
numbers 406-461 in the amount of $ 11 ,646 . 76 .
A vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Nolte Aye
Strichartz Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye
Dietrich Aye Carried Unanimously
Highway Fund Warrant No. 9 of 2002
Motion to Approve Highway Fund Warrant No. 9 of 2002
A motion was made by Councilperson Gagnon and seconded by Councilperson Strichartz that the
Town Board of the Town of Danby approve the Highway Fund Warrant No . 9 of 2002, voucher
numbers 135 - 151 in the amount of $ 52 , 128 .48 .
A vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Nolte Aye
Strichartz Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye
Dietrich Aye Carried Unanimously
6 Town Board Minutes
September 9, 2002
West Danby Water District Warrant No . 9 of 2002
Motion to Approve West Danby Warrant No. 9 of 2002
A motion was made by Councilperson Nolte and seconded by Councilperson Strichartz that the Town
Board of the Town of Danby approves the West Danby Water District Warrant No . 9 of 2002 ,
voucher numbers 37-42 in the amount of $705 . 27 .
A vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Nolte Aye
Strichartz Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye Carried Unanimously
Dietrich Aye
Cemeteries - Discussion
Supervisor Dietrich reported that a tree has fallen in the cemetery on Bald Hill Road behind the Old
Highway Barns Permission must be obtained from property owners for access to the cemetery to get
to the tree . Estimates will be obtained for the removal of the tree .
Motion to Authorize Supervisor to Obtain Rights-of-Way to Cemetery
A motion was made by Councilperson Strichartz and seconded by Councilperson Varona-Lacey that
the Town Board of the Town of Danby authorize the Town Supervisor to obtain necessary rights-of-
way for access to the Bald Hill Cemetery and engage a professional to secure and/or remove the
fallen tree .
A vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Nolte Aye
Strichartz Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye Carried Unanimously
Dietrich Aye
A motion was made by Councilperson Strichartz and seconded by Councilperson Varona-Lacey that
the Town Board adjourn at 9 : 10 .
A vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Nolte Aye
Strichartz Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye Carried Unanimously
Dietrich Aye
Carol W . Sczepanski, Town Clerk
min-9-9 . 02