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1 Public Hearing Minutes
Michael Finn Proposal
July 17, 2002
JULY 17, 2002
Michael Finn Proposal
Nine Poets Nature Golf
Acting Chairperson Robert Roe
Planning Board Members : William Farrell , Laurene Gilbert, Linda Hansen, Sarah Newman
David Hall
Others Present :
Applicant - Michael Finn
Secretary - Carol Sczepanski
Code Enforcement Officer - Susan Beeners
Members of the Public :
Megan Morris, Naomi Strichartz, Nina Kethevan , Zeke Finn, Christiann Dean, Phoebe Shalloway,
Kelly Morris , Esther Dotson, Gould Coleman, Beth Wolf
Public Hearing Declared Open :
Acting Chairperson Robert Roe declared the public hearing open at 7 : 05 p. m. and read the following
notice of publication : "
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Planning Board of the Town of Danby will hold a public
hearing on Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 7 : 00 p.m. , 1830 Danby Road, Ithaca, New York to Consider
Granting a Special Permit to Michael Finn, for the proposed "Nine Poets Nature Golf", a nine-hole
golf course proposed to be located at the applicant ' s residence at 930 Comfort Road, Town of Danby
Tax parcel # 15 . - 1 -2 , 12 . 9 +J- acres total , located in a Low Density Residential Zone. Michael Finn
All persons will be heard in writing or in person .
By Order of the Planning Board
Carol W. Sczepanski , Town Clerk
Dated : July 9 , 2002
Published July 11 , 2002
Communications :
Affidavit of Service by Mail - Neighbor Notification
Tompkins County Planning Department Review
Michael Finn described to the public and Planning Board his proposal for a special permit for a Nine
Poets Nature Golf Course . He said that it was a low tech kind of operation that is organic and mowed
at this time only once annually. There is no spraying and no chemicals used on the area and only
what grows naturally is in the course area because it is nature golf The course will be open to the
public by appointment.
Public Comments :
Kelly Morris - 90 Lieb Road - supports the proposal .
Christiann Dean - 330 West King Road - Very much in support of the golf course .
Nina Kethevan - 931 Comfort Road - just recently moved to the area directly across from the
proposed golf course . Would not have purchased a home there to look at a golf course.
1 Planning Board Minutes
July 17, 2002
JULY 17, 2002
Regular Meeting
Acting Chairperson Robert Roe
Planning Board Members : William Farrell , Laurene Gilbert, Linda Hansen , Sarah Newman
David Hall
Others Present:
Secretary - Carol Sczepanski
Code Enforcement Officer - Susan Beeners
Members of the Public :
Michael Finn, Meghan Morris , Naomi Strichartz, Nina Kethevan, Zeke Finn , Christiann Dean,
Phoebe Shalloway, Kelly Morris , Esther Dotson , Gould Coleman , Beth Wolf
Acting Chairperson Robert Roe called the regular meeting of the Planning Board to order at 7 : 30
p. m.
Michael Finn Request for Special Permit for the "Nine Poets Nature Golf Course"
Following a public hearing at 7 : 00 p . m. the following resolutions were introduced and adopted by
the Planning Board .
Michael Finn said that nothing would be done on his proposal until after August. He will consider
opening up the golf course to the public at that time. Tompkins County Health Department for other
regulations , legal advice and/or practical engineering advice .
By Sarah Newman : Seconded by Olivia Vent
WHEREAS, this action is to Consider Granting a Special Permit to Michael Finn, for the proposed
"Nine Poets Nature Golf", a nine-hole golf course, proposed to be located at the applicant ' s
residence at 930 Comfort Road, Town of Danby Tax Parcel # 15 . - 1 -2 , 12 . 9 +/- acres total , Low
Density Residential Zone; and
WHEREAS, this is an Unlisted Action for which the Planning Board of the Town of Danby is
acting as Lead Agency in environmental review; the Tompkins County Division of Environmental
Health is an involved agency; and the Tompkins County Dept. of Planning is an interested agency;
WHEREAS, the Planning Board on July 17 , 2002 has reviewed the recommendation of the Code
Enforcement Officer that a negative determination of environmental significance be made for this
RESOLVED, that the Planning Board of the Town of Danby, acting as Lead Agency in
environmental review of this Unlisted Action , makes a negative determination of environmental
significance .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Farrell Aye
Gilbert Aye
3 Planning Board Minutes
July 17, 2002
Spencer/Van Etten Snowmobile Club - Report by Sean Morris , President on Snowmobile Trail
in Danby has been rescheduled for the August Meeting of the Planning Board.
Proposed "Danby Agricultural & Environmental Resource & Education Center" :
Robert Roe reported that the Planning Board has received a draft of the Southern Tier East Regional
Planning Development Board ARC 2003 Project Summary. The Project Title is "Danby Agricultural
& Environmental Resource & Education Center" - A Community Center for Tioga and Tompkins
Counties .
Elizabeth Wolf, Danby School Project Coordinator addressed the Board with a description of the
project and a summary of the report. They have received a grant from the USDA to develop a course
of study for the school .
Elizabeth said that a letter of support from the Planning Board for the ARC(Appalachian Regional
Commission) Grant Application would be helpful . One of the goals that they are trying to meet is
for community capacity .
Susan Beeners will draft a letter in support for the ARC Application on behalf of the Planning Board
and the Town Board .
Elizabeth Wolf said that fourteen applications for admission to the school have been received and
that twelve have been accepted. There is still room for two more in the program .
Reports from the Board :
Linda Hansen said that she is really interested in the rural cemetery that is behind her house . She
asked if permission should be obtained to uncover and clean some of the flat headstones .
Olivia Vent said that we would need to get a planning grant and pay for somebody to come and make
a recommendation on how to restore or preserve the cemetery .
Communications :
Bob Roe reported he has received copies of the Vital Communities Initiative that has been adopted
by the Tompkins County Board of Representatives .
Motion to Approval of June 19, 2002 Minutes
A motion was made by Laurene Gilbert and seconded by William Farrell to approve the June 19 ,
2002 Planning Board minutes as corrected.
A vote on the Motion resulted as follows :
Carried Unanimously
Comprehensive Plan Update :
Meghan Morris reported to the Board that they would be receiving their copies of the revised
Comprehensive Plan by hand delivery one week from today . It is a lengthy document and a check
list may be needed to help review sections . She asked the Board to make comments and suggestions
for the preparation of the final draft .
Susan Beeners said that a few things in the Comprehensive Plan have been developed for
consistency . There are changes on the map that need to be made by Tompkins County Planning.
There is a work session with the Planning Board and the Town Board scheduled for Wednesday,
August 28 , 2002 .
Meghan said that all the Board ' s comments, corrections, and suggestions implemented into the
document. The draft will be available by the August meeting of the Board. A copy of the appendices
will be available for the board to view. That draft will be turned to the Town Board after it is
approved by the Planning Board.