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1 Town Board Minutes
April 10 , 2000
TOWN BOARD MINUTES - as corrected 5/25/00
APRIL 10, 2000
Supervisor Edward Inman
Councilpersons : Joel Gagnon, Norbert Nolte, Naomi Strichartz, Gladys Varona-Lacey
Others Present :
Carol Sczepanski - Town Clerk
Susan Beeners - Code Enforcement Officer
Frank Proto - County Representative
Members of the Public :
Willard T . Daetsch, Eileen Wright, Pat Woodworth, Ames Brown, Laurene Gilbert, Edw . M .
Roberts, Roy Casterline
Supervisor Inman called the meeting to order at 7 : 00 p . m . and led all present to the Pledge of
Allegiance to the American Flag.
Additions -The following items were added to the agenda:
1 ) Pond Report - under reports
2) Noise Ordinance discussion - under new business
3 ) Community Council Land Purchase discussion.under new business
4) Revaluation Assessments discussion time permitting .
Deletions - Item No . 2 under New Business - Proposed Zoning Changes was deleted .
Town Clerk Carol Sczepanski reported that she would like to seek a private individual for a dog
enumeration for the Town.
Members of the Public :
Willard Daetsch - 1344 Danby Road reported that he received a call from Jennifer Lieu of the Board
0 for
of Representatives and the Tompkins County Board of Representatives has budgeted $ 10 ,000 the
community celebrations for the year 2000 . He asked that the Board convey
Fire Departments .
Pat Woodworth - 305 Gunderman Road commented on the proposed local laws that were presented
at the public hearings on March 29 , 2000 . It was implied that this change was for a specific case as
needed for the West Danby Church. It wasn' t at all clear that this is a major change in the zoning
ordinance . She has concern about those kinds of ordinance changes are made without more publicity .
Edw. M. Roberts - 47 Bald Hill Road - is concerned about the speeding throughout a d thinks that n .
Ames Brown - 1840 Danby Road - concerned about the message board oaten e
board meetings do not receive enough publicity on the message board. He would like specifics for
titles listed on the agenda.
Laurene Gilbert - 24 Gilbert Road - reported that she was didn't know about tonight' s Board meeting
as she does not drive through Danby .
Councilperson Nolte asked if the Town could have their own sign board .
County Representative Report:
Representative Proto reported on the following:
1 ) Suggested that the agenda include the times and dates of the next Agenda Meeting and the
next Board Meeting.
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2 Town Board Minutes
April 10, 2000
2 ) Clarification on executive sessions : The County Board believes that there are only three (3 )
reasons to hold executive sessions - negotiations that compromise or effect the municipal body,
litigation, and appointments .
3 ) Water Resources Council (newly structured) - the Town of Danby will be invited to submit
a name under the category of Municipal Appointments to that council .
4 ) Proposed Communication Towers - the County Board approved moving to the next step
giving permission to the County Administrator to contact landowners in the vicinity of where
proposed towers are identified for purchase .
Supervisor Inman reported that the proposed tower site in Danby in very near the NYS Forest Land
and would like the County to consider placing the tower there. By placing the tower south it would
be placed back in a wooded area and out of visual site for the immediate neighbors .
5 ) County Revitalization Grants - copies have been sent to the Fire Department.
6) Assessment Grievance Day - Town of Danby - Thursday , May 11 , 2000 , 2 : 00 - 6 : 00 p . m .
7 ) Ag District Exemptions should be completed by May 1 . All farm land was assessed as
tillable land .
8 ) Danby School Committee - have been assigned to various groups for funding sources
9) Census 2000 - the last week for mailing in forms . The County is now at 63 percent return
rate .
1 ) Resident of 595 West King Road - Complement to Danby Highway Department employees
for the work on the reinforcement of the sluice pipe at the driveway entrance .
2) Electric Apprenticeships notice is posted for training in Ithaca.
3 ) Draft Noise Ordinance - from Councilperson Strichartz 4/ 10/00
4) Draft Local Law Providing for the Repair or Removal or Unsafe Buildings and Collapsed
Structure -received - 4/ 10/00 .
5 ) Draft Local Law Providing for a Partial Tax Exemption for Real Property Owned by Disabled
Persons with Limited Incomes - received - 4/ 10/00 .
Highway Report - March Report received
Zoning Report - March Report received .
Planning Board Report : - Chairperson Laurene Gilbert reported that members of the Planning
Board met with Department of Conservation representatives, David Sinclair and an assistant
regarding the NYS Recreation Master Plan for State Forest Lands . The Town representatives
conveyed to them the concerns of the Town and outlined what they felt as a group would like to see
included in that master plan related to the Danby State Forest Lands . . She felt it was a very
productive meeting .
Recreation Partnership Report : Councilperson Gagnon reported that at the last meeting of the
Partnership Planning Group they started entertaining specific proposals . They have tentatively
agreed with their recommendations to review with the municipalities would base the charges to the
towns on registrations, participation, and on the assessed value within the City School District. If the
proposal is approved the increase to the Town would be from $ 5 ,290 to about $ 7 , 600 . There are 454
duplicated counts of participants in the programs . The unduplicated counts are less . They are trying
3 Town Board Minutes
April 10 , 2000
to negotiate a package that all the towns will be willing to subscribe to .
Councilperson Strichartz would like to have information on the general income levels of the families
who are using the programs .
Councilperson Gagnon said that he does not have the specifics but does have a list of where the
registrations are (areas in the Town) in the Town of Danby .
Supervisor Inman said that he could support the increase but would like to see the number of
participants .
Councilperson Nolte said that if there are 275 children participating cost is $28 . 00 per child per
event .
Community Council
Willard Daetsch reported that the Danby Community Council will be meeting on April 18 , 2000 with
United Way to discuss funding for another year. He hopes that United Way will look at Jennings
Pond more closely if the State is suggesting the possibility of an actual facility of some sort there .
Upcoming events at the Town Hall : 1 ) April 15th at 8 : 00 p . m . - English Country Dance and a pot
luck supper at 6 : 30 p .m ; 2) . May 21st at 3 : 00 p . m . a Folk Music Concert ; 3 ) Danby Fair is at the Fire
District on July 15th and will be sponsored by the Danby Fire Department and Community Council
is assisting on the planning . The Council is still looking for a chairperson for the Danby Fair . 4)
Playground Committee has tentative dates of Friday and Saturday the 7th and 8th of July to build
the playground .
There was a long discussion about the land acquisition at the last meeting and the Council passed
a resolution regarding a document entitled "Options to Purchase", that refers the document to the
Town Board and the Town Attorney to solicit opinion for options for setting up a fund for the
purchase of land for the community and/or how these options would affect Community Council , the
Town Board and the individuals who are presently purchasing the land .
Motion to send Community Council Resolution to Town Attorney
A motion was made by Councilperson Gagnon and seconded by Councilperson Strichartz to send
the document submitted to Community Council entitled "Options to Purchase" which was presented
to Community Council for consideration to the Town Attorney to review .
There was discussion between Community Council members and the Board on the background of
the document and concerns related to the issues around the purchase of the land .
Supervisor Inman asked the Board and Community Council to submit their questions and concerns
to him to forward to the Town Attorney.
Pat Woodworth said that she would supply information she received from a legal council related to
the purchase of land .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Nolte Aye
Strichartz Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye :
Inman Aye Carried Unanimously
By Councilperson Joel Gagnon : Seconded by Councilperson Norbert Nolte
WHEREAS, a resolution was duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Danby for a public
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4 Town Board Minutes
April 10 , 2000
hearing to be held by said Town on March 29,2000 to hear all interested parties on a proposed local
WHEREAS , notice of said public hearing was duly advertised in the Ithaca Journal ; and
WHEREAS, said public hearing was duly held on said date and at the time specified in the notice
of hearing at the Town Hall of the Town of Danby and all parties in attendance were permitted an
opportunity to speak on behalf of or in opposition to said proposed local law, or any part thereof; and
WHEREAS , pursuant to part 16 of the Implementing Regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State
Environmental Quality Review Act [" SEQR"] } it was determined that adoption of this local law was
an unlisted action, that the Town of Danby Town Board was lead agency in considering the
environmental significance of the proposed local law, and that the Town of Danby Planning Board
and the Tompkins County Planning Department were involved agencies ; and
WHEREAS , the Town Planning Board on February 28 , 2000 after public hearing and consideration
of the various application materials, by Resolution No . 5 of 2000 recommended that a determination
of negative environmental significance be made by the Town Board and that the proposed local law
be adopted; and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Planning Department, having reviewed the proposed local law
pursuant to General Municipal Law Sections 239 - 1 and 239 -m has indicated by letter dated March
13 , 2000 , that the local law would have no deleterious impact on County or regional interests and
that the Town is free to act without prejudice , and
WHEREAS , the Town Board has reviewed the Short Environmental Assessment Form and the
recommendations that a negative determination of environmental significance be made for this local
law; and
WHEREAS , the Town Board finds it is in the best interests of the Town and its citizens to adopt
this local law; now therefore , be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby, for the reasons set forth by the reviewer
in the Short Environmental Assessment Form, determines that the adoption of the referenced local
law will not have any significant adverse impacts on the environment; and it is further
RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Danby hereby adopts said local law entitled " A
DEFINITION OF COTTAGE INDUSTRY", a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part of
this resolution ; and it is further
RESOLVED , that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is directed to enter said local law in the
minutes of this meeting and in the Local Law book of the Town of Danby, and to give due notice of
the adoption of said local law by publication of such local law or an abstract or summary thereof in
the Ithaca Journal and by filing a copy of said local law with the Secretary of State of the State of
New York.
LOCAL LAW NO . 1 OF 2000
Section 1 . The Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Danby as re-enacted, and re-adopted by the Town
Board on December 11 , 1991 , and subsequently amended , is further amended as follows :
5 Town Board Minutes
April 10 , 2000
1 . Section 603 , Subsection 2 (d) , "Uses permitted in a Commercial Zone "A" by Special Permit
Only" , is hereby amended by adding new Paragraphs (viii) and (ix) reading as follows :
" (viii) Cottage industry.
(ix) Cottage industry with wholesale or retail sales of products produced at the cottage
industry and similar products produced off- site , with or without outside display on the premises of
any such products, in accordance with the provisions contained elsewhere in this Zoning Ordinance . "
In addition, the present Paragraph (viii) is hereby renumbered as (x) .
2 . Article IX : Special Permits is hereby amended by adding a new Section 903 reading as
follows :
INDUSTRY . No Special Permit shall be granted by the Planning Board for a Cottage
Industry unless such use meets the following additional requirements :
1 . Performance . It shall produce no offensive noise , vibration, smoke, dust, odor, heat,
glare or electronic disturbance beyond the property it occupies .
2 . Storage. It shall not entail the outdoor, unscreened storage of materials , equipment,
or other items related to the industry, except that outdoor display of products may occur if
permitted by the Planning Board in the course of granting a Special Permit and approving
the site plan, if the Planning Board finds that such outdoor display does not significantly alter
the character of the neighborhood . Outdoor storage is considered screened if it is not visible
from adjacent properties or public roadways .
3 . Parking. No more than one commercial vehicle shall be in uncovered parking . All
parking needs shall be met off- street, except that newly designated , constructed , or
established standing or parking spaces within the street or road right-of- way for
occasional standing, parking, or for pick-up or delivery of supplies and products may
be permitted, as part of an approved site plan, and subject to the approval of the
highway department or other authority having jurisdiction .
4 . Signs . The provisions for advertising sign boards in Commercial Zones shall apply
except as modified herein for Cottage Industry . Any signs on the property identifying the
occupation shall not exceed 15 cumulative square feet in signboard area, except that the
signboard area of a two- sided sign shall be based on the area of one side . Any such signs
shall be non-flashing, and, if illuminated, shall have the lights shielded as much as
practicable to direct the lights only at the signs . ,"
In addition, the present Sections 903 , 904 , 905 , and 906 are renumbered respectively as
Sections 904 , 905 , 906 , and 907 .
3 . Appendix I - Definitions , is hereby amended by adding a definition of Cottage Industry
reading as follows :
" COTTAGE INDUSTRY - A property or buildings where the primary use is art-or craft-
oriented design, production or assembly , such as leather working, wood working, metal
working, ceramics production, tailoring, and similar activities , employing not more than 5
persons , and where the total building floor area of all buildings dedicated to the cottage
industry is not larger than 3 , 000 square feet . Specifically excluded from the definition of
Cottage Industry is the repair or assembly of vehicles or equipment with internal combustion
engines , such as automobiles , motorcycles , snowmobiles , marine engines , lawn mowers ,
chain saws , and other small engines .
Section 2 . In the event that any portion of this law is declared invalid by a court of competent
jurisdiction, the remaining portions shall not be affected by such declaration of invalidity .
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6 Town Board Minutes
April 10 , 2000
Section 3 . This law shall take effect 5 days after its adoption or the date it is filed in the Office
of the Secretary of State of the State of New York, whichever is later .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Nolte Aye
Strichartz Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye
Inman Aye Carried Unanimously
By Councilperson Joel Gagnon : Seconded by Councilperson Norbert Nolte
WHEREAS, a resolution was duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Danby for a public
hearing to be held by said Town on March 29 , 2000 to hear all interested parties on a proposed local
A COMMERCIAL ZONE ` A- 1 ' " ; an
WHEREAS , notice of said public hearing was duly advertised in the Ithaca Journal ; and
WHEREAS, said public hearing was duly held on said date and at the time specified in the notice
of hearing at the Town Hall of the Town of Danby and all parties in attendance were permitted an
opportunity to speak on behalf of or in opposition to said proposed local law, or any part thereof; and
WHEREAS , pursuant to Part 16 of the Implementing Regulations pertaining to Article 8 ( State
Environmental Quality Review Act ["SEQR"] } it was determined that adoption of this local law was
an unlisted action , that the Town of Danby Town Board was lead agency in considering the
environmental significance of the proposed local law, and that the Town of Danby Planning Board
and the Tompkins County Planning Department were involved agencies ; and
WHEREAS, the Town Planning Board on February 28 , 2000 after public hearing and consideration
of the various application materials , by Resolution No . 6 of 2000 recommended that a determination
of negative environmental significance be made by the Town Board and that the proposed local law
be adopted ; and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Planning Department, having reviewed the proposed local law
pursuant to General Municipal Law Sections 239 -1 and 239 -m has indicated by letter dated March
13 , 2000, that the local law would have no deleterious impact on County or regional interests and
that the Town is free to act without prejudice , and
WHEREAS , the Town Board has reviewed the Short Environmental Assessment Form and the
recommendation that a negative determination of environmental significance be made for this local
law; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board finds that the establishment of a Commercial Zone "A- 1 " as proposed ,
as such zone would be subject to the provisions and imitations contained within the proposed local
law, would be beneficial to the preservation and adaptive reuse of a locally- important historic
structure , and finds that the proposal appears to be well -supported in the adjoining community ; and
WHEREAS , the Town Board finds it is in the best interests of the Town and its citizens to adopt
this local law; now, therefore , be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby, for the reasons set forth by the reviewer
in the Short Environmental Assessment Form , determines that the adoption of the referenced local
law will not have any significant adverse impacts on the environment ; and it is further
RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Danby hereby adopts said local law entitled " A
ZONE ` A- 1 1" , a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part of this resolution , and it is further
RESOLVED , that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is directed to enter said local law in the
minutes of this meeting and in the Local Law book of the Town of Danby, and to give due notice of
the adoption of said local law by publication of such local law or an abstract or summary thereof in
the Ithaca Journal and by filing a copy of said local law with the Secretary of State of the State of
New York .
LOCAL LAW NO . 2 OF 2000
Section 1 . The Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Danby as re-enacted , and re - adopted by the
Town Board on December 11 , 1991 , and subsequently amended, is further amended as follows :
1 . Town of Danby Commercial Zone " A- 1 " is hereby established , and shall be comprised of
Town of Danby Tax parcel No . 17 . - 1 -48 , located on the west side of N . Y . S . Route 34/96 south of
Maple Avenue , being also known (now or formerly) as the West Danby Methodist Church building
property , as shown on a map entitled "General Plan for Proposed Commercial Zone , John Kingsley
Furniture, located on the former West Danby Methodist Church Building Property . Tax Map # 17 . - 1 -
48 ," drawn by John Kingsley, dated February 22 , 2000 , which map is referenced as the general site
plan herein .
2 . The area described in Schedule A attached is hereby rezoned from High Density Residential
Zone to Commercial Zone "A- 1 " .
3 . The Zoning Map of the Town of Danby , and the Supplement to the Zoning Map are hereby
amended to show the location and boundaries of Commercial Zone "A- 1 " as set forth in this local
law .
4 . Commercial Zone A- 1 shall be subject to all zoning requirements pertaining to Commercial
Zone "A," and to the following additional provisions and limitations :
a. USES PERMITTED . No uses are permitted in Commercial Zone "A- 1 " except as
specifically authorized by this local law .
b . PERMITTED PRINCIPAL USES . All permitted principal uses that are explicitly
permitted in High Density Residential Zones without requiring a Special Permit are explicitly
permitted .
c . PERMITTED USES BY SPECIAL PERMIT ONLY . The following uses are
permitted upon approval of the site plan and issuance of a Special Permit by the Planning
Board .
(I) Those uses permitted by Special Permit in a High Density
Residential Zone
(ii) Cottage Industry .
(iii) Cottage Industry with accessory wholesale or retail sales of
Products produced at the cottage industry and similar products
Produced off- site , with or without outside display on the premises
of any such products .
d . PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES . Accessory uses shall be limited to those
accessory uses permitted in a Commercial Zone .
8 Town Board Minutes
April 10 , 2000
e . EASEMENT REQUIREMENT . Any granting of a Special Permit or approval of a
Site Plan for Commercial Zone "A- 1 " shall be made conditional upon the receipt of
appropriate easements for access by pedestrians and for maintenance access across the
subject property to the West Danby Methodist Cemetery (Town of Danby Tax Parcel No . 17 -
1 -47 .
f. OTHER PROVISIONS . The other provisions set forth for all commercial zones shall
apply , except as such provisions may be modified by the Special Permit provisions for
cottage industries , and except that no uses are permitted in Commercial Zone "A- 1 " except
for those specifically authorized .
5 . Where there is a conflict on a specific matter between the provisions of " Section 603 -
Commercial Target Area" and the provisions of this local law, the provisions of this local law shall
govern .
Section 2 . In the event that any portion of this law is declared invalid by a court of competent
jurisdiction, the remaining portions shall not be affected by such declaration of invalidity .
Section 3 . This law shall take effect 5 days after its adoption or the date it is filed in the Office
of the Secretary of State of the State of New York, whichever is later .
Description of lands being rezoned from High Density Residential Zone to Commercial Zone A- 1 :
Commencing at a point on the centerline of New York State Route 34- 96 , also known as Spencer
road, which point is 92 . 4 feet southerly from the centerline of Station Road, also known as Stevens
Road on the Survey Map referenced herein ;
Running thence North 87 degrees , 34 minutes, 28 seconds West a distance of 25 feet to an iron pipe ;
Continuing to run North 87 degrees , 34 minutes , 28 seconds West a distance of 117 . 84 feet along
the northern boundary of the area being rezoned and a southern boundary of the West Danby
Cemetery Lands to an iron pipe ;
Running thence South 0 degrees, 28 minutes, 57 seconds West a distance of 48 feet to an iron pipe
which marks the southeasterly corner of the West Danby Cemetery Lands and a northeasterly corner
of lands reputedly owned by Huttenen ;
Continuing to run South 0 degrees, 28 minutes, 57 seconds West a distance of 51 feet to an iron pipe
which marks the southwesterly corner of the area being rezoned and a corner of lands reputedly
owned by Huttenen ;
Running thence South 84 degrees, 26 minutes, 58 seconds East a total distance of 147 . 56 feet along
the southern boundary of the area being rezoned and a northern boundary of lands reputedly owned
by Huttenen to the centerline of New York State route 34 -96 ,
Running thence North 1 degrees, 40 minutes , 9 seconds West a total distance of 107 . 25 feet along
the centerline of New York State Route 34 -96 to the point or place of beginning .
Reference is made to a map entitled " Survey Map , West Danby Methodist Church Property, on
N . Y . S . Route 34 - 96 - Spencer Road , Town of Danby , Tompkins County, N . Y . " , dated March 15 ,
2000 , by Raymond H . Brashear, Licensed Land Surveyor, a copy of which is on file in the office of
the Town of Danby Town Clerk .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
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9 Town Board Minutes
April 10 , 2000
Gagnon Aye
Nolte Aye
Strichartz Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye
Inman Aye Carried Unanimously
By Councilperson Gagnon : Seconded by Councilperson Strichartz
RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Danby transfer funds received from the sale of
scrap in the amount of $ 1 ,274 . 00 from the Highway Account DA-2650 to the Highway Account
DA9950 . 900 (Highway Capital Reserve Account) .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Nolte Aye
Strichartz Aye
Varona- Lacey Aye
Inman Aye Carried Unanimously
By Councilperson Nolte : Seconded by Councilperson Strichartz
RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Danby appoints Councilperson Norbert Nolte
(from 2 -6 p . m. ) Councilperson Strichartz (from 2 -4 p . m . ) and Gladys Varona- Lacey (from 4 - 6 p . m . )
to serve on the Assessment Board of Review on May 11 , 2000 at the Town Hall from 2 - 6 p . m .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Nolte Aye
Strichartz Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye
Inman Aye Carried Unanimously
By : Councilperson Strichartz : Seconded by Councilperson Varona-Lacey
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby appoints Theodore I Jones of 109 South '
Danby Road, Willseyville, New York 13864 to fill a vacancy on the Board of Zoning Appeals , and
be it further
RESOLVED, that the term of appointment is to begin immediately and will expire on December
31 , 2002 .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Nolte Aye
Strichartz Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye
Inman ' Aye Carried Unanimously
Town Hall South Lawn
Code Enforcement Officer Susan Beeners submitted a memo to the Board regarding the landscaping
of the south lawn around the bandstand . She asked the Board to authorize funds in the amount of
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10 Town Board Minutes
April 10 , 2000
$2 , 500 to rake and seed the lawn .
Motion to Approve Funds for Yard Work for Town Hall South Lawn
A motion was made by Councilperson Nolte and seconded by Councilperson Strichartz to authorize
the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $ 1 , 500 . 00 from the Building Account No . A1620 . 400
for raking, seeding, and mulching of the south lawn of the Town Hall property .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Nolte Aye
Strichartz Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye
Inman Aye Carried Unanimously
Approval for Use of Town Hall Meeting Room - June 10 , 2000
A motion was made by Councilperson Inman and seconded by Councilperson Strichartz to approve
the use of the Town Hall Meeting room on Saturday, June 10, 2000 for a Community Council
sponsored variety show .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Nolte Aye
Strichartz Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye
Inman Aye Carried Unanimously
Proposed Noise Ordinance Draft
Councilperson Strichartz distributed a Proposed Noise Ordinance Local Law draft for the Town of
Danby to the Board for review and to set a public hearing date as soon as possible .
Approval of the Town Supervisor' s March Report
A motion was made by Councilperson Gagnon and seconded by Councilperson Nolte to approve the
Town Supervisor ' s March 2000 report as submitted .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Nolte Aye
Strichartz Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye Carried Unanimously
Approval of the Town Clerk' s March Report
A motion was made by Councilperson Gagnon and seconded by Councilperson Nolte to approve the
Town Clerk ' s March Report as submitted .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Nolte Aye
Strichartz Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye
Inman Aye Carried Unanimously
Approval of General Fund Warrant No . 4 of 2000
A motion was made by Councilperson Gagnon and seconded by Councilperson Nolte to approve the
General Fund Warrant No . 4 of 2000 voucher numbers 134 - 182 in the amount of $ 6 , 295 . 90 .
11 Town Board Minutes
April 10 , 2000
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Nolte Aye
Strichartz Aye
Varona- Lacey Aye
Inman Aye Carried Unanimously
Approval of Highway Fund Warrant No . 4 of 2000
A motion was made by Councilperson Gagnon and seconded by Councilperson Strichartz to approve
Highway Fund Warrant No . 4 of 2000 voucher numbers 36-46 in the amount of $ 12 , 042 . 88 .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Nolte Aye
Strichartz Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye
Inman Aye Carried Unanimously
Approval of West Danby Water District Fund Warrant No . 4 of 2000
A motion was made by Councilperson Strichartz and seconded by Councilperson Gagnon to approve
the West Danby Water District Fund Warrant No . 4 of 2000 voucher numbers 10 - 12 in the amount
of $236 . 72 .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Nolte Aye
Strichartz Aye
Varona-Lacey Aye
Inman Aye Carried Unanimously
Other Business :
Councilperson Gladys Varona-Lacey reported that she is going to place an acknowledgment on
behalf of the Town of Danby Town Board in the Ithaca Journal Laurels for the participants from
Ithaca College who worked at the Danby Town Facilities in celebration of Ithaca College
Community Service Day .
On a motion the meeting adjourned at 10 : 40 p . m .
dialiWa tic t A
Carol W . Sczepanown Clerk