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1Planning Board Minutes
Public Hearing - Inman
June 17, 1998
JUNE 17, 1998
Chairperson Arch Dotson
Planning Board Members : Laurene Gilbert, Linda Hansen, Robert Roe , Olivia Vent, Nancy
William Farrell
Others Present :
Edward & Donna Inman - Applicants
Carol Sczepanski - Secretary
Susan Beeners - Code Enforcement Officer
Members of the Public :
Mary K. Torraant, Naomi Strichartz, Esther Dotson, Edward M . Roberts, Walter M . Sczepanski ,
Sarah Hollyday, Debbie Benson, Joel Gagnon, Howard Steiner, Faith Chase, Judy Lehman, John
Henderson, Marie Boehem
Public Hearing Declared Open :
Chairperson Arch Dotson declared the public hearing open at 7 : 03 P . M . and read the following
"Notice of Publication" :
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a Public Hearing will be held by the Planning Board of the
Town of Danby on Wednesday, June 17 , 1998 at 7 : 00 P . M . , 1830 Danby Road, Ithaca, New York
14850 . Purpose of hearing is to Consider Approval of the Proposed Subdivision of Town of Danby
Tax Parcel # 10 . 1 -21 . 12 , located at 52 Bald Hill Road, into two lots, with one being a 2 . 05 +/- acres
with 170 feet of frontage and containing an existing house, and the other being 126 +/- acres with 60
feet of frontage reserved for future use . Edward L. and Donna B . Inman, Owners .
All interested parties will be given the opportunity to be heard either in writing or in person .
Individuals with special needs will require special arrangements must make such a request to the
Town Clerk not less than 72 hours prior to the time of the public hearing .
By order of the Planning Board
Carol W . Sczepanski , Town Clerk
Dated : June 8 , 1998
Publish : June 10 , 1998 "
Affidavit of "Neighbor Notification", filed June 10 , 1998 .
Applicant Edward Inman addressed the public and reported that this was a simple subdivision. They
are splitting off two (2) acres from the 130 acre parcel to obtain a bank mortgage leaving a 60 foot
right-of-way to the back lands .
Comments from the public :
Sarah Hollyday - 58 Bald Hill Road and asked if the owners were planning to develop the remaining
lands, what type of zoning is on the land and would she get notice if they wanted to put up a house
or two .
Code Enforcement Officer said that in subdividing this land the remaining 126+\- acres would be a
single building lot. With this type of arrangement there is a provision in the ordinance that a 40 foot
2Planning Board Minutes
Public Hearing - Inman
June 17 , 1998
buffer would be required around the entire perimeter of the property .
Ed Inman reported that there are no plans for future development of the remaining 126 acres .
Edward M. Roberts - 47 Bald Hill Road - lives directly across the road from the proposed
subdivision and sees no problem with it.
Public Hearing Declared Closed :
Chairperson Dotson reported that Planning Board consideration related to the subdivision was on the
Planning Board Agenda and declared the public hearing closed at 7 : 10 P . M .
leaf AR c_
Carol W . Sczepa ski , Secretary
1 Town of Danby
Planning Board Minutes
June 17 , 1998
JUNE 17 , 1998
Chairperson Arch Dotson
Planning Board Members : Laurene Gilbert, Linda Hansen, Robert Roe , Olivia Vent, Nancy
Others Present :
Edward & Donna Inman - Applicants
Carol Sczepanski - Secretary
Susan Beeners - Code Enforcement Officer
Members of the Public :
Marcie K. Torant, Naomi Strichartz, Esther Dotson, Edward M . Roberts , Walter M . Sczepanski ,
Sarah Hollyday, Debbie Benson, Joel Gagnon , Howard Steiner, Faith Chase, Judy Lehman, John
Henderson, Marie Boehem
Privilege of the Floor :
Marcie K. Torant(Kipple) is concerned about a ten foot
must strip of land that borders
to obtain But access
Lane that is owned by Dr . Block. It appears that she purchase
through a reserve strip to Buttermilk Lane from Dr . Block to build a house on her property .
Susan Beeners said that there is a ten foot reserve strip that probably was intended to block access
rcel .
to her property from Buttermilk Lane . The strip dos not
he said that she would look and seeawhat
Marcie may have to contact Dr . Block to obtain access .
was filed in the County Clerk' s Office and what the Town process of approval was that was related
to that area. Our current subdivision regulations prohibit reserve strips that block access .
By Nancy Weitzel : Seconded by Robert Roe
WHEREAS, this action is the Consideration of Subdivision Approval with respect to the proposed
subdivision of Town of Danby Tax Parcel # 10 . - 1 -21 . 12 , l 52
ninn exisRng two
with one being 2 . 05 +/- acres with 170 feet offrontage and containing a
other being 126+/- acres with 170 feet of frontage and containing an existing house , and the other
being 126+/- acres with 60 feet of frontage reserved for future use, Edward L . And Donna B . Inman,
Owners ; and
WHEREAS, the Town of Danby Planning Board is Lead Agency in environmental review of this
Unlisted Action ; and
WHEREAS , the Planning Board has reviewed the
Code Enforcement Officer now,
the draft environmental review prepared by
it is ;
RESOLVED , that the Town of Danby Planning Board, acting as Lead Agency in environmental
negative determination of
review of this Unlisted Action, make and hereby does make a ne g •
environmental significance .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Farrell Aye
Gilbert Aye
Hansen Aye
2 Town of Danby
Planning Board Minutes
June 17, 1998
Roe Aye
Vent Aye
Weitzel Aye
Dotson Aye Carried Unanimously
By Nancy Weitzel : Seconded by Robert Roe
WHEREAS, this action is the Consideration of Subdivision Approval with respect to the proposed
subdivision of Town of Danby Tax Parcel # 10 . - 1 -21 . 12, located at 52 Bald Hill road, into two lots ,
with one being 2 . 05+/- acres with 170 feet of frontage and containing an existing house, and the other
being 126+/- acres with 60 feet of frontage reserved for future use, Edward L . And Donna B . Inman ,
Owners ; and
WHEREAS, the Town of Danby Planning Board, acting as Lead Agency in environmental review
of this Unlisted Action, has on June 17 , 1998 made a negative determination of environmental
significance ; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board has reviewed the application materials for the proposed subdivision
and has held a public hearing on the proposal on June 17 , 1998 ; now, therefore, it is
RESOLVED, that the Town of Danby Planning Board hereby grants final subdivision approval to
the subdivision as presented, subject to the following conditions :
1 . Submission to and approval by the Planning Board Chairperson of a survey map for
said subdivision.
2 . The 126+/- acre parcel shall be limited to development as one building lot unless
further application is submitted to and approved by the Planning Board .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Farrell Aye
Gilbert Aye
Hansen Aye
Roe Aye
Vent Aye
Weitzel Aye
Dotson Aye Carried Unanimously
Chairperson Dotson asked to add an item to the Agenda -- Statement of Understanding" submitted
to the Town Board by Councilperson Gagnon on June 3 , 1998 .
1 ) Chairperson Dotson distributed a draft memorandum directed to the Members of the Planning
Board to be considered that responds to that " Statement of Understanding" .
2) Memorandum from Councilperson Gagnon dated June 16 , 1998 concerning certain items and
questions related to the comprehensive plan .
i Chairperson Dotson read the Draft Memorandum he prepared in response to the " Statement of
Understanding" and the Memorandum received on June 16, 1998 from Councilperson Gagnon to the
Planning Board .
Planning Board Robert Roe gave a brief background on the proposed residents survey that a
committee is preparing . The survey will be mailed to all residents to collect data to be used in
revising the Town of Danby Comprehensive Plan. He summarized the basic questions to be itemized
on the proposed survey.
3 Town of Danby
Planning Board Minutes
June 17 , 1998
Code Enforcement Officer Susan Beeners said that we have to remember that the comprehensive plan
is meant to be a simple document to provide a structure . It is not meant to be a thesis which
addresses each section in detail .
Planning Board Member Olivia Vent asked to be temporarily excused from the meeting for a personal
errand .
Councilperson Inman stated that as a member of the Town of Danby Town Board that he has had the
opportunity to help place five (5) members on the Planning Board. He feels that they picked the best
members that were available . The Board has given the Planning Board the task of revising the
comprehensive plan and feels that they should do it without interference .
Councilperson Gagnon said that the transmittal of the Statement of Understanding that was
transmitted originated with him. He does not understand why there is a feeling that there should be
no coordination or consultation with the Town Board in the process .
Councilperson Strichartz said she agreed that the Planning Board should continue with their work
but thinks that unless we have the communication between Boards there is less likely that there will
be approval .
Miscellaneous Reports :
Tompkins County Planning Federation Board
Chairperson Dotson reported Linda Hansen has agreed to be the Town of Danby representative on
the of Tompkins County Planning Federation Board .
Linda Hansen said that she is pleased to be asked to serve as the Town of Danby Representative on
the Tompkins County Planning Federation . She read the Planning Federation Mission Statement to
the Board . The newly formed Water Resources Council will become the central location for
information on water resources .
Residents Survey :
Chairperson Dotson said that the whole Planning Board is too large to work effectively on the
proposed residents survey . He reported that he has asked Nancy Weitzel and Bob Roe to serve on
a committee with him to work on the survey . Bob Roe has been asked to serve as Chair. A full
report will be made to the Planning Board as soon as possible .
Bob Roe said that his personal agenda is to have a document available to share with the Town Board
by June 24 , 1998 . We must have the document he Town Board to drespond and submDanboy�ation and
deadline . There will be adequate time fo
suggestions for the survey.
Adult Entertainment Business Study - Town of Danby
A Draft Adult Entertainment Business Study - Town of Danby dated June 17 , 1998 (revised from the
May 20, 1998 draft) and a proposed resolution was distributed by Code Enforcement Officer Susan
Beeners for the Planning Board to review . The Adult Entertainment Business Study has been
reviewed by the Town Attorney . The revisions from the May 20 , 1998 draft are the representative
separation standards and some of the language related to enforcement of the ordinance by the Town .
She asked the Planning Board to consider transmitting this study to the Town Board for their
The Board discussed the distance requirement related to residential zones and other possible sites .
By Nancy Weitzel : Seconded by William Farrell
WHEREAS, the Town of Danby Town Board has referred the matter of studying the effects of adult
entertainment businesses to the Town of Danby Planning Board on a community ; and
4 Town of Danby
Planning Board Minutes
June 17, 1998
WHEREAS, the Town of Danby Planning Board with the assistance of the Code Enforcement Office
has drafted a study on such businesses along with recommendations on revisions to the Town of
Danby Zoning Ordinance ; now, therefore, it is
RESOLVED, that the Town of Danby Planning Board hereby transmits as its report to the Town
Board the draft "Adult Entertainment Businesses Study, "dated June 17 , 1998 .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Farrell Aye
Gilbert Aye
Hansen Aye
Roe Aye
Vent Aye
Weitzel Aye
Dotson Aye Carried Unanimously
Proposed Residents Survey
The Planning Board to reviewed a rough draft of the questionnaire for the proposed residents survey
and made revisions to the draft .
Motion to Type up the Draft Survey for Distribution to the Boards
A motion was made by Bob Roe and seconded by Nancy Weitzel to have the secretary of the
Planning Board type up the survey and have it ready for distribution to the Planning Board and the
Town Board for further review and comment on June 24 , 1998 .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Farrell Aye
Gilbert Aye
Hansen Aye
Roe Aye
Vent Aye
Weitzel Aye
Dotson Aye Carried Unanimously
Joint Meeting with Monroe Telecom Reminder
Chairperson Dotson reported that there will be a joint information meeting of the Planning Board and
the Town Board with representatives from Monroe Telecom at 7 : 00 p . m . on June 24, 1998 . Purpose
of the meeting is to obtain information on the services they provide municipalities in dealing with
legislation related telecommunications towers . -
Code Enforcement Officer Susan Beeners said that she has received an application from Nextel
Communications for co-location on a tower located on Durfee Hill . She is working with Nextel on
their application .
Adjournment :
On a motion the meeting adjourned at 9 : 20 P . M .
Respectfully submitted
Carol W . Sczepanskr� retary
min-6- 17 . 98