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1 Town Board Minutes
June 15 , 1998
JUNE 15 , 1998
7: 00 P.M.
Regular Meeting
Supervisor Kenneth Horst
Councilpersons : Joel Gagnon, Edward Inman, Howard Steiner, Naomi Strichartz
Others Present :
Susan Beeners - Code Enforcement Officer
Carol Sczepanski - Town Clerk
Members of the Public :
Mary Oltz, Roy Casterline, Margaret Shepard, Eileen & Alice Wright, James Herson, Judy
VanDermark, Mary Lou Hardesty, Amy Cusimano, Edw. M. Roberts, Roland Boda, Esther & Arch
Dotson, Robert & Elizabeth Roe, Phil Smith, Ames Brown, Linda Howe, Faith Chase
Supervisor Kenneth Horst called the meeting to order at 7 : 07 P . M . and led all present to the Pledge
of Allegiance to the American flag.
Supervisor Horst requested the addition of a report from Time Warner Cable representative, Phil
Councilperson Gagnon requested the addition of discussion for a budget item for the Town Hall
Open House .
No Board Member objected.
Supervisor Horst asked that the public be considerate tonight as we are only partially settled from
our move into the Town Hall building . It is hoped that the echo in the meeting room will improve
when the drapes have been put up . When we are completely settled in and the painting is finished
there will be an open house .
Councilperson Inman reported that Mark Waldo Haag supplied three workers, materials and
equipment to paint the main meeting room and entry area of the Town Hall . The paint was also
donated by Mr. Haag for the trim . Councilperson Inman read the following communication
addressed to the Town Board from Mark Waldo Haag.
"To the Danby Town Board :
Please except my donation for labor and materials and use of equipment necessary to paint the main
meeting hall and the entry area. This includes priming and finish coat of walls only, no trim painting
included. Would you be so kind to send a receipt for tax purposes for the amount of $ 1 , 000 . 00 . I
would greatly appreciate it.
Mark Waldo Haag. "
Supervisor Horst will send Mark Waldo Hagg a letter acknowledging appreciation for the donation
to the Town.
Town Clerk, Carol Sczepanski read the following notice of Award from PERMA Insurance
"The Town of Danby has received an achievement award for a loss ration of under 20% for the year
1997 " and reported that out of 350 Municipal Members only a small percentage received this
achievement award.
2 Town Board Minutes
June 15 , 1998
Members of the Public :
Judy VanDermark - President of Community Council reported that there will be an Outdoor
Concert with a bring your own picnic held on Sunday, June 19, 1998 at the Danby Fire Station from
5 - 7 P .M. There will be no charge for the event.
Amy Cusimano reported that the Jennings Pond Clean-up has not occurred due to the weather. The
tentative plan if there is a an afternoon this week that it is not raining after 5 : 00 volunteers will be
needed to help dredge the pond, clean the bathing area for the water testing and set up the lifeguard
chairs. The Parks Commission is looking into placing a street light on the parking area of the pond
to discourage vandalism.
Fire Department Report:
Fire Commissioner Roland Boda reported that there is some confusion about insurance coverage for
use of the Fire Department facility for community activities that are not sponsored by the Fire
Department. The Fire Department policy is guided by their insurance company and they require
organizations who use the building must have on file with the Fire District a Certificate of Insurance
with $ 1 ,000,000 liability coverage . The Fire District is looking into possibly increasing their
insurance coverage to cover other organizations under their policy.
Tompkins County EMC
Robert Roe reported that he has a copy of the Draft RFP for the proposed County Household Waste
Management Facility that is planned to open in 1999 .
Highway Report :
Supervisor Horst read the following statement and report from Highway Superintendent Hall -- "I
would like to thank Ken Horst, Joel Gagnon and Laurene Gilbert for taking the time from their busy
schedules to go on a road tour with me . These tours are very important and they give the Board an
idea of the condition of our roads and help with the budgeting process" .
A May 1998 the Highway Department report is on file .
Supervisor Horst reported for the record that he would like to officially thank the Highway
Department for the work they have done on the Town Hall parking area. There was a lot of time and
effort put into the project and they did a good job .
Senior Citizens :
Edward M . Roberts reported that the Danby Seniors have had some good entertainment at the
monthly meetings are planning to take some trips this summer . There will be a picnic in July and
a trip to the Hanger Theater.
Code Enforcement Office Report :
Susan Beeners reported that a resident pointed out to her some maintenance related to including
property . N .Y .S . Building Code has some extensive facts related to housing maintenance
fences maintained in good condition and yards must be maintained in good condition that are free
of hazards. There is nothing in the code for commercial properties . The resident requested that the
so that
Town put on a legislative work plan modifying the State Code related to housing maintenanc e n on work
it pertains to commercial properties . She asked the Board to consider putting that
list for legislative modifications .
I ' Susan Beeners also reported that she and the other Town staff are compiling a working wish list of
things that are needed for the Town Hall .
The New York State Planning Federation Grant Application will be submitted for the fourth time .
The Planning Board will be reviewing the grant application at their next meeting . The deadline for
the grant submission is September 15 , 1998 .
Planning Board :
Arch Dotson reported that there is a joint meeting of the Town Board and Planning Board at 7 : 00
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3 Town Board Minutes
June 15 , 1998
P . M . on June 24 , 1998 to hear a presentation from representatives of Monroe Telcom.
Housing Rehabilitation Program
Edward M . Roberts reported that the committee reviewing Danby applicants for the Housing
Rehabilitation funding have approved two (2) additional applications .
Time Warner Cable Representative - Phil Smith
Phil Smith General Manager from Time Warner Cable presented the Board and public with an
overview of Time Warner Cable upgrades to fiber optic lines . There will be a complete upgrade of
the physical plant here in Tompkins County . It is expected that they will be in the Danby area the
last of August or early September. Most of the work will be in the right-of-ways for stringing fibers,
they will notify all customers . The workers will not need access to customers homes but will need
access to enter properties . There will be minimal interruption of cable service to customers .
Time Warner Cable has prepared a Model Franchise Agreement for Tompkins County. The
document includes language that the Intermunicipal Cable Commission has proposed and language
that they have proposed. The Intermunicipal Cable Commission is recommending it' s member
municipalities to join with the City of Ithaca in hiring a consultant to prepare a model franchise
agreement. The Town of Danby has not had a franchise since August of 1988 and has been
operating under a Temporary Operating Authorities since that time . He suggested that the Town
consider meeting with Time Warner to negotiate a document that meets the needs of the community.
The newer franchise agreements contain clauses that are more financially capable to the
municipality and are part of the negotiating process . There are all kinds of benefits to the Town that
can be negotiated with Time Warner Cable . Time Warner Cable will have the capability to offer
directly to customers access to Internet connections and high speed data services directly through
the cable lines when the fiber update is completed .
Comprehensive Plan
Code Enforcement Officer Susan Beeners submitted a revised Proposed Comprehensive Planning
Project Cost Estimate and revised budget dated June 15 , 1998 with an Agreement between the
County of Tompkins and the Town of Danby attached for the Board to consider for approval. Susan
described the revisions to the Board in the cost estimate is the transfer of $2 , 393 for 1998 instead
of $ 3 , 726 . The revisions in the Scope of Work is in the collection of basic information this year
while the survey is being conducted and the analysis/research is being completed. This proposal has
no effect on the general plan including the charts that show what work will be done this year.
Discussion :
Supervisor Horst asked what the status of the Town was with Tompkins County relative to the
comprehensive planning.
Susan Beeners said that the County is in the process of hiring a new Circuit Rider and the process
may take two months . There is some frustration from the County because they do not have a signed
contract for our comprehensive planning services and they need to schedule their own work
Councilperson Gagnon said that he appreciates the attempt to shift some of the expenditure for the
project for this year. One of his serious concerns is how much of the budget was going to fall into
1998 . The Town Board has not had a meeting with the Planning Board or the opportunity to discuss
the topical outline, the working notes and what has been transmitted to them to share their concerns
or comments so that the Planning Board would have the benefit of their thoughts .
Supervisor Horst said that the Town Board and the Planning Board did meet and he questions the
appropriateness of a special meeting unless the Board has decided that they were going to approve
this project and move ahead in terms of funding or in tying in with Tompkins County Circuit Rider.
At the present time we don ' t really have anything in place so that the Planning Board can move
ahead with the comprehensive plan because the Board has made no decision.
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4 Town Board Minutes
June 15 , 1998
Councilperson Gagnon said that at this point the Board is holding up the process by not acting . It
is a concern that he shares but he thinks it is important for the Planning Board to have the benefits
of our comments on what they have submitted to us .
Councilperson Strichartz said that she does not see any harm in talking about the various points of
the comprehensive plan. She has a different concern and would like to see a formalized schedule
for the Town Board and Planning Board to meet every four (4) to six (6) weeks to have input into
the comprehensive plan.
Councilperson Gagnon said that he is not ready to pass the project work scope as the Board has not
reviewed them yet nor interacted with the Planning Board about them. We could approve the budget
but not grant the conceptual approval to the various documents until we have had the opportunity
to actually review them and interact with the Planning Board about them. He has no problem with
executing an agreement with Tompkins County Planning Department to start the information
gathering phase .
Supervisor Horst said that he is not sure why the Town Board wants to tell the Planning Board how
to do their job . "The Planning Board was assigned the task in 1996 of doing a revision to the
compressive plan. It seems that the Board should have enough confidence in the Planning Board to
carry out that project and trust in those individuals . The Town Board has the final decision to either
approve, suggest changes or to amend the things that are in the comprehensive plan. We also will
have input according to the Plan of Action to meet with them however times we want to meet with
them whether it is every 8- 10 weeks or whatever that time frame might be . During those time
elements we can as a Board raise questions and discuss them and the Planning Board will in turn
have gathered information that will be helpful in addressing either defending or addressing
answering the questions that are raised." He said he really does not understand why we don' t want
to allow the Planning Board to do this job and move ahead with responsibility in doing it .
Councilperson Gagnon responded that the preparation of the comprehensive plan is the crafting of
the document which is supposed to be the basis for a lot of the legislative decision that come to the
Town. He is willing to pass the proposed Resolution e not necessary delete the approvals for things the process forward.
that have not been discussed by the Board and
We should approve the budget and we will hope that the process will unfold in a reasonable way.
Susan Beeners asked if Councilperson Gagnon was suggesting that the first resolved be deleted.
Planning Board member Robert Roe said that there was nothing that was substantially changed and
since he last reviewed the document and time is the major element to proceed with the plan. This
needs to be done openly if you want the support of the people who will participate in the data, the
data gathering and the overall review of the plan. He said that he personally does not want to be seen
as a participant in ramming something down the throats of the Town as with zoning when the initial
zoning ordinance was first reviewed by many of the people . The Planning Board has before them
the comprehensive plan and have also gathered the facts of cell tower ordinance construction and
adult entertainment facilities . The Planning Board proceeds with those facts according to the best
ations that
of their ability as they understand them and he does Board believe
that they are subject ho dipecltion of the
are set up that the facts and duties of the Planning
Town Board.
Councilperson Strichartz said that she personally does not have a problem with the " Scope of Work" ,
the problem that she sees is that the Boards are not going to be communicating to each other and
then at the end three people could decide that they do not like the comprehensive plan. It is a waste
of talents and work. She would hope that we can somehow, using less emotional language have a
way of communicating with each other .
Supervisor Horst said that he has enough confidence in the talents that we have on the Planning
. . . . . .
5 Town Board Minutes
June 15 , 1998
Board and also with the understanding that we have among Town Board members that he could not
perceive that we would ever turn down everything all the work that the Planning Board put into a
comprehensive plan. We provide an opportunity for interchange all along the way and if the plan
was turned down at the end something serious would have to go
RESOLUTION NO. 46 OF 1998 as revised by Susan Beeners on April 22 , 1998 and further
revised on June 15 , 1998 .
By Councilperson Gagnon : Seconded by Councilperson Steiner
WHEREAS, the Town of Danby Town Board by Resolution No . 16 of 1996 directed the Planning
Board to review the 1989 Comprehensive Plan for applicable changes ; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board, by its Resolution No . 1 of January 21 , 1998 recommended that
the Town Board grant conceptual approval to the various documents transmitted with the Resolution,
including "Working Notes-Comprehensive Plan Update", "Draft Comprehensive Plan Topical
Outline", "Possible Maps for Danby Comprehensive Plan Topical Outline", "Possible Maps for
Danby Comprehensive Plan", and "Preliminary Scope of Work, Danby Comprehensive Plan Update,
January 21 , 1998 " , which documents were transmitted to the Town Board as a progress report; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board, by Resolution No . 1 of January 21 , 1998 recommended to the
Town Board that an agreement be approved for comprehensive planning services from the Tompkins
County Planning Department, and that appropriate funding for the comprehensive planning project
be provided; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board on April 22, 1998 in meeting with the Planning Board has reviewed
"Proposed Comprehensive Plan Project, 1998/ 1999 Cost Estimate" revised April 22 , 1998 and has
on June 15 , 1998 reviewed further revisions of cost distribution estimates ; now, therefore, it is
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute an agreement with
the Tompkins County Planning Department for the provision, in 1998 and 1999 , of planning and
mapping services as described in "Exhibit A, Scope of Services"; and it is
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board approves the allocation of funding for the
Comprehensive Plan project as estimated in "Proposed Comprehensive Plan Project, 1998/ 1999 Cost
Estimate" revised April 22, 1998 as revised June 15 , 1998 to be in the amount of $ 8 ,210, subject to
related provisions in this resolution; and it is
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board approves the transfer of $2 , 393 from Contingent
Account A1990 .400 to Comprehensive Plan Account A8020 .401 to provide for a total allocation of
$ 3 , 807 for 1998 , as based on the ` Estimated Distribution of Cost ' for 1998 in "Proposed
Comprehensive Plan Project, 1998/ 1999 Cost Estimate"; and it is
FURTHER RESOLVED, that it is the intent of the Town Board to provide adequate funding for
the completion of the 1998/ 1999 estimated $4,403 which includes continued services from the
Tompkins County Planning Department and miscellaneous expenses, and with such 1999 funding
to be subject to final approval in the 1999 budget process .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Inman Aye
Steiner Aye
Strichartz Aye
Horst Aye Carried Unanimously
(Proposed Comprehensive Plan Project 1998/99 Cost Estimate and Proposed Agreement Plan - 98-7-
8020 between the County of Tompkins and the Town of Danby attached.)
6 Town Board Minutes
June 15 , 1998
Proposed Memorandum of Understanding
The Board briefly discussed a Proposed Memorandum of Understanding that was transmitted by
Councilperson Gagnon to the Town Board and Planning Board at the Agenda Meeting on June 1998 .
This is Danby Map Project:
The Code Enforcement Officer has submitted a modification for the "This is Danby Map Project" -
- Service Agreement between the County of Tompkins and the Town of Danby #PLAN 97-21 dated
July 15 , 1997. The term of contract was from June 1 through December 31 , 1997 and the
modification request to extend the contract through August 31 , 1998 .
Motion to Extend Contract #PLAN 97-21
A motion was made by Councilperson Inman and seconded by Councilperson Gagnon to authorize
the Town Supervisor to sign a modification to the "This is Danby Map Project" Service Agreement
between the County of Tompkins and the Town of Danby #PLAN 97-21 (Paragraphs No . 3 and No .
8 ) for an extension of contract from December 31 , 1997 to August 31 , 1998 and an adjustment to
the total cost of project not to exceed $ 1 , 392 which will be paid upon receipt of an invoice by the
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Inman Aye
Steiner Aye
Strichartz Aye
Horst Aye Carried Unanimously
Audio System for Town Hall Meeting Room :
Councilperson Strichartz reported that she and Councilperson Inman have listened to a movable
sound system for the Town Hall Meeting Room demonstrated by Hickey' s Music Center that seems
to meet the needs of the Town.
By Councilperson Gagnon : Seconded by Councilperson Strichartz
WHEREAS, the Town Board has researched audio systems to purchase for the Town Hall Meeting
Room, and
WHEREAS, demonstration of a movable sound system by Hickey ' s Music Center that seems to
meet the needs of the Town was favorable , and
WHEREAS, Hickey' s Music Center has submitted a quote to the Town of Danby for One Thousand
( $ 1 ,000) Dollars to provide a Movable Sound System for the Town Hall , now be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby accepts the quote from Hickeys Music
Center in the amount of One Thousand ($ 1 ,000) Dollars for the purchase of a Movable Sound
System as follows :
1 Yamaha EMX640 Powered Mixer
1 Yamaha SM12 III Club Monitor Speaker
4 V tech Microphone
3 Table Top Microphone Stand
1 Weighted Microphone Stand
<' 4 Microphone Cables (30 ft. )
1 Speaker Cable (50 ft.)
1 Delivery and introduction
and be it
r _
t .
7 Town Board Minutes
June 15 , 1998
FURTHER RESOLVED, that funding for the purchase of the Movable Sound System be charged
as follows : $ 875 . 00 from A1620 . 2 (Town Hall Equipment) and that $ 125 is to be transferred from
A1620 . 4 to A1620 .2 to cover the cost .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Inman Aye
Steiner Aye
Strichartz Aye
Horst Aye Carried Unanimously
Budget Transfer of Funds for Town Court
The Town of Danby Town Court has submitted a an itemized request to the Town Board for an
increase the Town Court budget to reflect the estimated expenses needed for this budget year.
Justice James Herson explained the budget request and reported that the request for additional funds
reflects the training costs for the new judge and training for schooling that is mandated by law. The
Town Court request is to the Town to pay for reasonable expenses to the Town Court in the amount
of $2,432 .
Councilperson Steiner suggested that $2 ,432 requested by Town Court be transferred from A1420 . 4
to A1110 . 4 as we should transfer from our budgeted accounts before we use the contingency
Councilperson Inman said that he would like the transfer to be backed by the contingency account.
Motion to Transfer Funds
A motion was made by Councilperson Inman and seconded by Councilperson Strichartz to
temporarily transfer $2,432 from Account A1990 . 4 to A1110 . 4 until an appropriate account to
transfer funds from is approved .
Discussion :
Councilperson Steiner reported to the Board that he could not support the motion because we are not
supposed to be transferring funds from the contingency account until other accounts have been used.
The extraction of funds from A1420 . 4 would be a more appropriate account to transfer the funds
from .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Inman Aye
Steiner Nay
Strichartz Aye
Horst Aye Carried
Councilperson Inman requested that the transfer of funds be added to the next Agenda.
Community Council - Treasurer Report
Community Council Treasurer Pat Woodworth presented the Board with a second Addendum to the
Initial Agreement between Town of Danby and Danby Community Council for the Board to
Motion to Approve Addendum No . 2 -- Addendum to Initial Agreement Between Town of
Danby and Danby Community Council :
A motion was made by Councilperson Gagnon and seconded by Councilperson Strichartz that the
Town Board authorize the Town Supervisor to sign the Addendum No . 2 -- Addendum to Initial
8 Town Board Minutes
June 15 , 1998
Agreement Between Town of Danby and Danby Community Council and to extend the funds as
budgeted. .
Addendum to Initial Agreement between Town of Danby and Danby Community Council :
1 ) Additional Services to be Performed. Contractor agrees to perform the following additional
services for the Town :
a. Provide a computer program in the Reading Room . Train youth who will then train
and/or support other users .
b. Provide necessary communication about youth programs to the intended audience for the
programs . Includes developing a mailing database for youth in Danby.
c . Provide additional youth and community programs including a lifeguard training
programs .
2) Fees . The Contractor shall be paid the following sums for each of the above services :
a. Computer Program - $2000
b . Communication - $ 1000
c . Youth/community programs - $2644
A vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Inman Aye
Steiner Aye
Strichartz Aye
Horst Aye Carried Unanimously
Construction Account Change Orders
Councilperson Inman presented a change order from B . Milligan Contracting for authorization in the
amount of $495 . 00 .
A motion was made by Councilperson Inman and seconded by Councilperson Gagnon to approve
the Change Order from B . Milligan Contracting for floor joists in the amount of $495 . 00
A vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Inman Aye
Steiner Aye
Strichartz Aye
Horst Aye Carried Unanimously
Transfer of Funds From A1990 .4
A motion was made by Councilperson Gagnon and seconded by Councilperson Strichartz to transfer
funds in the amount of $4000 . 00 from A1990 . 400 to A1220 . 400 to cover the expense of the audit
of 1997 records .
Gagnon Aye
Inman Aye
Steiner Nay
Strichartz Aye
Horst Aye Carried
Councilperson Steiner stated that he does not think it appropriate to transfer funds from the
contingency and then planning to at some future time to reconcile it .
Corrections to April 13 , 1998 Minutes :
1 ) Page 4 - Resolution No . 39 -- Insert missing part of title in Local Law.
$ 1
9 Town Board Minutes
June 15 , 1998
2) Page 13 - insert vote on motion at top of page .
Approval of April 13 , 1998 Town Board Minutes
A motion was made by Councilperson Gagnon and seconded by Councilperson Strichartz to approve
the April 13 , 1998 Town Board Minutes as corrected.
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Inman Aye
Steiner Aye
Strichartz Aye
Horst Aye Carried Unanimously
Approval of Town Clerk' s May 1998 Report
A motion was made by Councilperson Gagnon and seconded by Councilperson Steiner to approve
the Town Clerk' s May 1998 Report.
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Inman Aye
Steiner Aye
Strichartz Aye
Horst Aye Carried Unanimously
Construction Fund Warrant of June 1998
A motion was made by Councilperson Inman and seconded by Gagnon to approve the Construction
Fund - June 1998 Warrant in the amount of $ 30 , 674 . 12 .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Inman Aye
Steiner Aye
Strichartz Aye
Horst Aye Carried Unanimously
General Fund Warrant No. 6 of 1998
A motion was made by Councilperson Gagnon and seconded by Councilperson Steiner to approve
the General Fund Warrant No . 6 of 1998 voucher numbers 198 -251 in the amount of $ 18 ,406 . 14 .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Inman Aye
Steiner Aye
Strichartz Aye
Horst Aye Carried Unanimously
Highway Fund Warrant No. 6 of 1998
A motion was made by Councilperson Inman and seconded by Councilperson Inman to approve the
Highway Fund Warrant No . 6 of 1998 voucher No ' s . 85 - 106 in the amount of $28 ,216 . 70 .
Councilperson Steiner questioned voucher No . 86 in the amount of $4500 . 00 for the purchase of a
van for the Highway Department and charged to the equipment account . He believes that the
purchase of equipment should include quotes or bids before purchase as stated in our Procurement
and Procedures Policy.
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10 Town Board Minutes
June 15 , 1998
Supervisor Horst explained that it was a need for a vehicle for the superintendent to use when
checking conditions on roads when the pickup and one-ton truck were being used on jobs . He can
purchase tools and equipment for under $ 5 ,000 . 00 .
Councilperson Steiner asked that the record reflect that he had a conversation with the Highway
Superintendent and asked him directly if he received quotes before the purchase of the van for the
Highway Department -- his response was that he did not look at other vehicles and did not solicit
quotes .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Inman Aye
Steiner Nay
Strichartz Aye
Horst Aye Carried
West Danby Water District Fund Warrant No. 6 of 1998
A motion was made by Councilperson Gagnon and Seconded by Councilperson Strichartz to approve
the West Danby Water District fund Warrant No . 6 of 1998 voucher No ' s . 18 -21 in the amount of
$ 875 . 91 .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Gagnon Aye
Inman Aye
Steiner Aye
Strichartz Aye
Horst Aye Carried Unanimously
Open House for Town Hall
Councilperson Gagnon reported that he would like the Board to provide funds for an Open House
for the Town Hall. He would like to have an idea of how much can be allocated so that a program
can be planned. No decision was made and a date has not been set.
On a motion the meeting adjourned at 10 : 55 P . M.
dAltitil) /VAL
Carol W . Sczep11 '1 i , Town Clerk
min-6- 15 . 98