HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-03-23 £S' 2 5 1 Planning Board Minutes March 23 , 1998 TOWN OF DANDY PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MARCH 25, 1998 PRESENT : Chairperson Arch Dotson Planning Board Members : William. Farrell , Laurene Gilbert, Linda Hansen, Robert Roe , Olivia Vent, Nancy Weitzel. Others Present : Carol Sczepanski - Secretary Rebecca Lubin - Tompkins County Circuit Rider Code Enforcement Officer - Susan Beeners Members of the Public : Dawn Parks, Naomi Strichartz, Mary Oltz, John Henderson, Joel Gagnon, Pat Woodworth Chairperson Arch Dotson called the meeting to order at 7 : 03 P . M . Chairperson Dotson asked for reports from. the Task Teams for Telecommunication Towers and Adult Entertainment Businesses . Communication Towers : Laurene Gilbert reported on the meeting she attended at the League of Women Voters regarding Telecommunication Towers . Outlined at the meeting was the following : 1 ) Basically they are designated as public utilities ; 2) We have to allow cellular towers in our area if needed ; 3 ) There are approximately five companies that could apply for permission to build a cellular tower; 4) There are certain restrictions that can be applied in an ordinance but we cannot deny them access to the area. Laurene reported that she has information on the legal aspects of cellular towers legislation that she can bring to the Board . The most important point is that they can come into the area as they are a public utility but not under eminent domain . They must have permission on the siting of a cellular tower. Olivia Vent reported that one of the things she found interesting about cell towers is that there are at least five (5) companies that have the rights in the Ithaca area. If one company comes in and provides coverage it does not exclude any of the others . At the moment they are not permitted to use the same equipment or same tower. She reported that she has looked at other draft ordinances and what is happening in the County is that some municipalities are drafting or have drafted their own ordinances and there a couple that have decided to work with Monroe Telecom . Caroline and Dryden have decided to work with Monroe Telecom . She reported that Monroe Telecom is an advocate for municipalities and work only with municipalities and have a model ordinance that is customized for each town. The model ordinance has not been challenged in court at this time . She would like to invite a representative from Monroe Telecom to come and talk to the Board about their service . Laurene Gilbert reported that she has contacted Frontier and Cell One and other companies for information regarding future plans for cell towers in the Danby area. Frontier did not respond and Cell One Representative Dan Weiss said that they do not have any plans for a cell tower in the Danby area. Olivia Vent said that she would like the Board to invite Rusty Monroe of Monroe Telecom to come to the May 1998 meeting to make a presentation to the Board about what they have to offer to 526 2 Planning Board Minutes March 23 , 1998 municipalities . She said that for an investment of $2,000 . 00 to create an ordinance and to have a company to handle applications sounds like an inexpensive insurance . The cost for Rusty Monroe to come would be basically mileage and meals expense . Rebecca Lubin said that was a public hearing in Albany about telecommunications towers and the State Rule . It included someone at the State level doing mapping of all locations of where telecommunications towers could be placed . The Tompkins County Planning Federation has passed a resolution about municipalities still having a major role in location . Motion to Invite a Representative From Monroe Telecom A motion was made by Olivia Vent and seconded by Linda Hansen to contact Rusty Monroe of Monroe Telecom to explore the possibility of an arrangement for Monroe Telecom to draft an ordinance on telecommunication towers . A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows : Farrell Aye Gilbert Aye Hansen Aye Roe Aye Vent Aye Weitzel Aye Dotson Aye Carried Unanimously Olivia will try to make arrangements with Rusty Monroe to organize a meeting for the May 1998 Planning Board Meeting . Olivia said that Monore Telecom have written ordinances for twenty-two (22) municipalities and that the Town of Caroline did a reference check that was very positive . Adult Entertainment Businesses : Chairperson Dotson referred to a communication received by the Board of an Adult Use Study from the Study of Wasingtonville, Orange County New York. (A Study by Greenplan) . He said that one of the interesting aspects of the study is that it is completely compatible with everything that we have heard . An ordinance must be always content neutral and connected with a clear public purpose . The comprehensive plan serves as a support mechanism . He said that he and Bill will be working on draft ordinance in Ma materials to the Board for a d May . He will distribute the materials he y bringing received at the meeting on Adult Entertainment. The Board has already received the District Courts Decision stating the application of the New York Ordinance . Community Needs Survey : Robert Roe reported to the Board on the Community Needs Survey 1997 Results . The actual numbers make no sense to him whatsoever. He is not sure where they came from or how they were generated . None of the numbers in any of the categories add up to either the households or the number participants on any of the surveys . It is almost antidotal In terms of it what we want to do . From the content it is almost totally youth orientated . Proposed Planning Board Comprehensive Plan Survey : 1 ) We don ' t have a complete sampling frame for a telephone survey . We will not have access to the 911 Phone Number Database. There is no way that we can generate a comprehensive sampling frame of all the telephone numbers in Danby . The Assessment Office Cris-cross reference excludes all the numbers in the Spencer phone area. 2) We will need to have a mailing survey of some type. The return rate for a mail survey would be somewhere around 30% . Discussion: Linda Hansen said that to get the best information we need to send a survey with postage return 3 Planning Board Minutes March 23 , 1998 included. Bob Roe said that the cost for mailing approximately six pages to Danby residents is approximately $ 190 . 00 plus printing costs. A possibility is to send the survey with the Danby Area News . We need a way to track the returns for follow-up . Olivia Vent said that if we do a mail survey it should be to every resident in Danby . Nancy Weitzel said that we do not have a complete accurate mailing list . The last survey the Planning Board did the returns resulted in less than a 10% return . The best results were from public hearings. Anonymity was discussed and no decision was made as to whether the survey would be total anonymity. Olivia Vent suggested that we begin to think about formulating a survey to identify the issues, then make a decision on anonymity . Bob Roe described the different types of survey we could use . He said that if we go with the anonymous mail questionnaire we would have at best an accidental sample . It will serve as a vehicle for people to comment if they choose and how they see Danby evolving for five ( 5 ) years . Bob Roe said that the first item to be addressed is to find out whether we have a budget to work with for a survey . Susan Beeners suggested that the Planning Board should prepare a proposal and an estimated budget to take to the Town Board for approval and funding . She suggested that the proposal include method of distribution and both with and without postage paid . She said that it would be helpful if the Planning Board could come up with a possible survey project scope and budget . Rebecca Lubin said that surveys can be very useful in the Planning process that it opens up public participation . Nancy Weitzel suggested that the funding for the survey could be from the background information item of $785 . 00 in the proposed budget. Some of the information we that is in the scope of work to be provided we already have . The questions on the survey are necessary for background information . Susan said that the $ 785 . 00 in the background information cost of the project is part of the fee for the County Circuit Rider. She does not think that the costs listed in the Scope of Services is not a tremendous amount of money for County services . Rebecca Lubin Leaving Ithaca Area Rebecca reported that she has accepted a new job and will be leaving the County Planning May . She will be working as the New York Planning Federation in Albany . The County will be providing an new person in the interim between her leaving and the hiring of a new Circuit Rider. Chairperson Dotson thanked Rebecca for all the work she has done . Susan explained the rough drafts presented to the Planning Board to review on " WHO DOES THE WORK" , and " SEQUENCES , STAGES " . She included in the context suggestions of how meetings and draft reviews, and revisions could work together. She is not sure if it would be more beneficial to have a survey after public hearings or before . Bob said that the risk you run in a survey following public information meetings is that the discussions or arguments may taint the quality of the information you get . If feelings are inflamed it will bias the results . The upside is that it may peak interest and increase participation . When a survey is done is based on what you are going to do with the results . Bob reported that we want to keep the survey to three (3 ) pages and that we need questions that are 528 4 Planning Board Minutes March 23 , 1998 significant to what we plan to do . The analysis will be an additional cost. Comprehensive Planning Project Scope of Work and Proposed Budget The Town Board has scheduled Wednesday, April 22 , 1998 at 7 : 00 P . M . for a joint meeting of the Town Board and Planning Board to review the Proposed Comprehensive Plan Project and proposed budget for the project . Corrections to February 18 , 1998 Minutes 1 ) Under Planning Board Members - - correct spelling of "Laurene" and delete Linda Hansen . 2) Delete "Hansen" under roll call vote on Resolution No . 2 and 3 . 3 ) Page 4 - delete the name (Jackie Bell) and insert Jaquie Bow . Approval of February 18 , 1998 Planning Board Minutes A motion was made by Bob Roe and seconded by William Farrell to approve the February 18 , 1998 Planning Board Minutes as corrected . Carried Unanimously Other Business for the April 15, 1998 Meeting Susan Beeners reported that for the April Meeting we should continue the remaining topics of business at the April Meeting . Rusty Monroe may be on the April Agenda. She has received a potential development application that may be ready for a Sketch Plan Review . If the materials are ready it will be mailed before the meeting. The application for the potential development application may require a public hearing. Respectfully submitted , , , /tilA , ‘- Carol W . Sczepa off, Secretary min-3 -25 -98