HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-10-13 1 Town Board Minutes
October 13, 1997
OCTOBER 13 , 1997
Regular Meeting 6 : 00 P. M.
Supervisor Mary Oltz
Councilpersons : Mary Lou Hardesty, Edward Inman, Joseph Schwartz, Howard Steiner
Others Present:
Carol W. Sczepanski - Town Clerk
Highway Superintendent - William Hall
Code Enforcement Officer - Susan Beeners
Members of the Public :
Robert Roe, Elizabeth Owens-Roe, Pat Woodworth, Barkley Porter, Roy Casterline, Scott Hoffay,
Margaret Shepard, Joel Gagnon, Esther Dotson, Amy Cusimano, Naomi Strichartz, Charles D. Cole,
Charles Tilton
Supervisor Mary Oltz called the meeting to order at 6 : 05 P . M . and led all present to the Pledge of
Allegiance to the American flag.
Councilperson Hardesty asked that the Board discuss a letter she wrote to Tompkins County Trust
Company to confirm a conversation with Rich Doldge regarding ATM and banking services for the
Danby area.
Members of the Public :
Pat Woodworth - 305 Gunderman Road - has looked over some of the financial records of
Community Council and thinks that some things have not been handled particularly well . There have
been recent changes and a system set up that can be followed easily. She said that she is concerned
that the Town is not providing services for teens and other programs for the community.
Amy Cusimano - 3 Jennings Pond Road - reported that some programs of Community Council did
submit financial reports to the Community Council and to the Town Board .
Councilperson Steiner commented with regards to the role of the Town Board . He reported that
Community Council is a separate organization, operate under the by-laws of the State of New York
and their corporation is not within the authority of any member of the Town Board to be involved
in the operation of that entity. Community Council requests for funding are submitted to the Board
for consideration during the budget process on an annual basis . There are some members of
Community Council who recognized there were limited services being provided, that there was
opportunity for funding for additional services and were working very hard to achieve that objective .
Councilperson Schwartz said that Community Council is a separate independent entity and their
services are needed. The Town ' s relationship is contractual . The current situation is an opportunity
for Community Council to get a fresh start and to look at how other towns provide services to their
communities .
Supervisor Oltz said that when Community Council become incorporated they hired their own
bookkeeper and set up their own bookkeeping system . The Town was no longer involved and
Community Council was responsible for filing all their own reports .
2 Town Board Minutes
October 13 , 1997
Town Board Minutes - Public Hearing Minutes of August 25, 1997, Town Board Public
Hearing Minutes of September 8 , 1997 and Town Board Meeting Minutes of September 8 ,
A motion was made by Councilperson Steiner and seconded by Councilperson Schwartz to approve
the August 25 , 1997 Public Hearing Minutes, September 8 , 1997 Public Hearing Minutes and
September 8 , 1997 Meeting Minutes as published .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Hardesty Aye
Inman Aye
Schwartz Aye
Steiner Aye
Oltz Aye Carried Unanimously
1 ) Pat Woodworth requested that Community Council be added to Reports on the Agenda.
2) Councilperson Schwartz requested the Supervisor to call Executive Session to discuss the
CSEA Contract negotiations .
3 ) Code Enforcement Officer, Susan Beeners asked the Board to set a date for the Fieldstone
Circle Subdivision to consider the acceptance of roads .
No Board member objected .
1 ) Supervisor' s Fiscal Year 1998 Tentative Budget - filed with the Town Clerk.
2) Memo - Update North East Homes - Sept . 29 , 1997
3 ) Memo - North East Homes - October 8 , 1997
4) Letter from Community Council dated October 13 , 1997
SPCA - July 1997 Report received
Code Enforcement Office September 1997 Report received .
Highway Department September 1997 Report received .
EMC Report - Robert Roe reported that the EMC a series of workshops and informative sessions
will be held in the County at Cooperative Extension : 1 ) October 21 , 1997 from 7 : 00 - 9 : 00 P . M . -
Introduction to Watersheds Workshop ; 2) November 18 , 1997 - 7 : 30 - 9 : 00 P . M . Agricultural
Practices that Protect Water Quality workshop ; 3 ) October 28 , 1997- 7 : 00 - 9 : 00 P .M . at the Cayuga
Nature Center - 7 : 00 - 9 : 00 P . M . (a $ 5 . 00 fee will be charged) Aquatic Exotics - the language of
foreign plants and animals that are moving into lakes and streams ; 4) Cayuga Lake Watershed Mini
Conference on November 13 , 1997 - 9 : 00 A . M . - 4 : 00 P .M (A $ 10 fee will be charged.) At the
Cayuga Nature Center. There is some debate about cellular towers in Tompkins County. Due to
controversy regarding the cellular towers , communities are now stressing the need for ordinances
to control cellular towers . Mr. Roe will forward several ordinances that are now in existence in other
areas regulating the use of cellular towers to the Town Board to consider. He said that his term as
the EMC Representative for the Town of Danby expires on December 31 , 1997 and he has
completed an application for reappointment and asked the Town Board to consider a
recommendation for his reappointment.
3 Town Board Minutes
October 13 , 1997
Highway Superintendent Report :
Highway Superintendent William Hall reported that he has received a response from New York State
Department of Transportation and Tompkins County Department of Transportation regarding the
request for reducing the speed limits on County Roads located in the Town of Danby. The requests
for Pond Road and Gunderman Road will be investigated . Coddington Road, West Miller Road ,
Comfort Road, Durfee Hill Road, Nelson Road, and Leib Road will not be considered for a reduced
speed limit.
Amy Cusimano said that she has talked with the County Highway Superintendent and the Pond
Committee is requesting that a sign be placed on the corner of Bald Hill Road and Jennings Pond
Road because of the pedestrian traffic and children going to the pond.
Code Enforcement Office Report
Susan Beeners said that she is meeting with Attorney Barney regarding the Delta Kappa Fraternity
to look at ways to accelerate the action of closing the facility .
Councilperson Steiner asked if there were someone in attendance to report on the status of the Danby
Community Building site search and if there had been any consideration of returning donations made
to the building fund .
Margaret Shepard reported that the task force was still in existence and they are attempting to meet
with the Superintendent of Schools regarding the use of the Danby School . At a Community Council
Meeting they voted to freeze the building fund as it has always been a separate account. Building
Fund donations could be returned to donors if approved by the Community Council . Most of the
funds were raised through community fund raising efforts and only a few through individual
donations .
Discussion followed regarding the approved site for a Community Center Building.
Elizabeth Owens-Roe said that her perception is that whether it is a site search or whether it is a
reorganization of the Building Committee it will be worked out over the next few months . The
Community Building issue is at a stand still and it would be inappropriate to move ahead at this time .
Margaret Shepard said that at a September 12 , 1997 Community Council Meeting a vote was taken
( 12-2) to endorse the task force that had originally been appointed by the Planning Board but with
the stipulation that the task force be open to other people who are willing to pitch in. It was open
ended and the November 30th date was not mentioned because it was realized that at this point it was
going to take a lot longer than November 30th to come up with something realistic and workable .
The time line at this point is open.
Joel Gagnon said that the intention was when that motion was made and the task force reconstituted
was that essentially they had as much time to pursue alternatives as there was until such point as we
decided to go ahead with the Comfort Road site . The thing that was limiting was the fund raising
aspect and that will take some time for applications , etc . . In the meantime the other work can
Esther Dotson said that until a needs survey has been completed it is hard to know what needs would
be filled by a center.
Councilperson Steiner said that he would like to know how the Planning Board was progressing with
the Comprehensive Plan.
Susan Beeners said that she could supply a Planning Board Agenda for the next meeting on
Wednesday, October 15 , 1997 . The Planning Board has scheduled a regular meeting once a month
with a work session starting at 7 : 00 P . M . with the County Circuit Rider. If there are development
applications they are being scheduled for a special meeting so as not to interfere with the work
sessions of the Board .
4 Town Board Minutes
October 13 , 1997
Community Council Report :
Pat Woodworth reported that she was elected the interim treasurer of the Community Council and
has submitted a financial report to the Town Supervisor. All current bills have been paid or are
scheduled to be paid and that includes payment from United Way to the Senior Citizens . A
Workmen' s Compensation refund has been received but was not included in the report. The
Community Council passed a resolution to request from the Town of Danby Town Board that the
Danby To Board request $2, 137 .41 from the County Youth Bureau to cover the liability insurance
from June 1997 - June 1998 . The County Youth Bureau has indicated that the liability insurance can
be covered as they have set aside money for Danby for the pre- school and after school programs .
With the elimination of the pre-school and after school programs three employees have applied for
Unemployment Inusrance . Method of payment for the claims is undecided at this time and
Community Council is in the process of filing an appeal regarding payments to New York State for
Unemployment. The Unemployment Appeal must be made by October 24 , 1997 .
Councilperson Schwartz said that the Board must consult with the Town Attorney regarding the
request for unemployment compensation .
Councilperson Steiner said that he would like to see some sort of a stipulation that the money from
Tompkins County Youth Bureau is earmarked specifically for St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance
Company to cover the liability insurance from June 25 , 1997 through June 25 , 1998 .
Motion to Adjourn to Executive Session
A motion was made by Supervisor Oltz and seconded by Councilperson Steiner to adjourn to
Executive Session to discuss progress with the CSEA and Town of Danby Highway Department
Contract negotiations at 7 : 00 P . M .
Meeting Reconvened at 7 : 15 P .M.
Supervisor Oltz declared the meeting reconvened at 7 : 15 P .M .
Authorization for Certificate of Occupancy - Fieldstone Circle
A draft resolution was presented and reviewed by the Board for authorization for a Certificate of
Occupancy for a house located at 120 Fieldstone Circle (building permit No . 1706) . The Board
made minor amendments to the draft resolution and passed the following :
Susan Beeners said that for the record it shall be noted that the Highway Superintendents current
recommendation is that $20,000 .00 be held until May 31 , 1999 for remedial work on the roads if any
is needed. The amount of $20,000 .00 is to cover the costs in the event that if there was substantial
damage to the surface with drainage .
RESOLUTION NO. 61 of 1997
By Councilperson Steiner : Seconded by Councilperson
WHEREAS, Scott Hoffay, agent for North East Homes and for Fieldstone Circle Subdivision has
requested that a Certificate of Occupancy for the house under construction under Building Permit
# 1706, at 120 Fieldstone Circle, be issued prior to final completion and conveyance of the roads and
associated improvements in Fieldstone Circle Subdivision, and
• WHEREAS, Mr. Hoffay and the Town Code Enforcement Officer have reported that the New York
r State Department of Transportation has approved the drainage work for said subdivision; and
WHEREAS , a revised map showing the drainage easements to be deeded to the Town has been
• submitted by Mr. Hoffay ; and
WHEREAS, the roads to be conveyed to the Town have been substantially completed but require
some corrective work as required by the Highway Superintendent and Mr . Hoffay has reported that
7 6. 1
5 Town Board Minutes
October 13 , 1997
such work is expected to be completed before October 27 , 1997 ; and
WHEREAS, a contract has been executed between North East Homes and the buyers of the
premises at 120 Fieldstone Circle and the buyers are anxious to move into the premises ; and
WHEREAS,the Town Code Enforcement Officer has indicated that the construction of the building
on the premises at 120 fieldstone Circle is in compliance with all building code requirements ;
RESOLVED,that the Town Board of the Town of Danby authorizes the Code Enforcement Officer
of the Town of Danby to issue a Certificate of Occupancy for the house under construction under
Building Permit # 1706 provided that the Code Enforcement Officer receives an engineering report
from a New York State Licensed Engineer certifying that the proposed drainage arrangements as
disclosed on said map are adequate for the drainage system for the subdivision; and it is further
RESOLVED, that no further building permits or certificates of occupancy are to be issued in
connection with the Fieldstone Circle Subdivision until there has been final completion and
conveyance of the roads and public improvements in Fieldstone Circle Subdivision to the satisfaction
of the Town Board, Town Highway Superintendent, Code Enforcement Officer, and Attorney for
the Town ; and it is further
RESOLVED, the acceptance of the conveyance of the roads of said subdivision is subject to
provision, upon recommendation of the Town Highway Superintendent, or either a performance
bond or letter of credit in form and substance satisfactory to the Town Board, Town Highway
Superintendent, Town Code Enforcement Office , and Attorney for the Town, in the amount of
$20,000. 00, providing security for the obligation of the developer to maintain such roads until May
1 , 1999 (for this purpose maintenance shall not include provision of snow and ice removal services
which activities may be assumed by the Town upon conveyance of the roads to the Town) ; and it is
RESOLVED, that such conveyance be conditional upon the Town ' s receipt of the following prior
to or concurrently with such conveyance :
1 ) An agreement evidencing the obligation to maintain said roads as set forth in the immediately
preceding paragraph in form and substance satisfactory to the officers named in the
immediately preceding paragraph;
2) All remedial work presently known to the Town Highway Superintendent be completed prior
to such conveyance ;
3 ) Receipt of the above referenced performance bond or letter of credit;
4) Reimbursement to the Town of its expenses as called for in the agreement between the Town
and the developer executed in 1994 ; and
5) Delivery of a properly executed deed and related title documents in form and substance
satisfactory to the Attorney for the Town; and
6) Receipt of all other documentation and completion of all other work that has been referenced
in prior resolutions of the Town board and the Planning Board relating to this project, and
all other matters required to be completed in accordance with all prior agreements between
the developer and the Town relating to this project; and it is further
RESOLVED , that the adoption of this resolution does not waive any of the usual requirements
imposed upon the developer as preconditions to acceptance of roads and associated public
improvements including formal acceptance of said roads after its completion by resolution of the
Town board, and it is further
6 Town Board Minutes
October 13 , 1997
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hold a special meeting on October 27 , 1997 at 6 : 30 p . m . to
consider this matter further and if the project has not been completed to the satisfaction of the Town
Board, that the Town Board then authorize the Town Supervisor to issue a draft against the letter of
credit presently on file for those expenses the Town reasonably anticipates to be needed in order to
complete the project unless an agreement has been reached by the developer and officials of the
Town for extension of the current letter of credit to a date and in an amount satisfactory to the
officers negotiating same and such extension is approved by this Board at the meeting on October
27 , 1997 .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Hardesty Aye
Inman Aye
Schwartz Aye
Steiner Aye Carried Unanimously
Oltz Aye
Public Hearing Date Set - Rice Landscaping
The Town Board has received a recommendation from the Planning Board that the General Site Plan
entitled " Site Plan, No . 1428 Danby Road" , prepared by Rice Landscaping, Inc . , Nancy Rice , dated
September 3 , 1997 be approved, and recommends that the Town Board establish said zone pursuant
to the proposed local law. The Board reviewed the Rice Landscaping Application and materials and
set a public hearing date .
Motion to Set Public Hearing Date - Rice Landscaping
A motion was made by Councilperson Schwartz and seconded by Councilperson Steiner to hold a
blic hearing on Monday, October 27 , 1997 at 6 : 00 p . m. to hear the Rice Landscaping Proposal
a rezoning of a property located at 1428 Danby Road. A special meeting of the Board will
the public hearing.
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Hardesty Aye
Inman Aye
Schwartz Aye
Steiner Aye Carried Unanimously
Oltz Aye
1 Budget Workshop Dates Set
A motion was made by Councilperson Schwartz and seconded by Councilperson Steiner to set the
following dates for the Fiscal Year 1998 Budget Workshops :
Thursday , October 16 , 1997 - 5 : 00 P .M .
} Thursday, October 23 , 1997 - 5 : 00 P .M .
Thursday , October 30 , 1997 - 5 : 00 P .M .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Hardesty Aye
Inman Aye
Schwartz Aye
Steiner Aye Carried Unanimously
Oltz Aye
Motion to set Public Hearin Date - Prelimina Bud et 1998
motion was made by Councilperson Steiner and seconded by Supervisor Oltz to set the Public
7 Town Board Minutes
October 13 , 1997
Hearing date for the Town of Danby Fiscal Year 1998 Preliminary Budget for Wednesday,
November 5 , 1997 at 6 : 00 P . M . .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Hardesty Aye
Inman Aye
Schwartz Aye
Steiner Aye
Oltz Aye Carried Unanimously
Community Council Request for County Youth Bureau Finding - Approved
Community Council has requested that the Town of Danby request funds f rom Tompkins County
Youth Bureau in the amount of $2, 137 .41 specifically to pay St. Paul Fire and Marine Corporation
for an insurance policy from June 25 , 1997 to June 25 , 1998 for youth programs . The following
resolution was introduced and approved .
RESOLUTION NO. 62 of 1997
By Councilperson Schwartz : Seconded by Councilperson Steiner
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Danby desires that the Danby Community Council can
successfully reorganize and create new programs , and
WHEREAS, the County Youth Bureau has made available $ 2 , 1 37 . 41 specifically to help pay
Community Council ' s insurance policy from June 1997 through June 1998 ; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town of Danby Town Board request Supervisor Mary Oltz to contact Janice
Johnson at the Tompkins County Youth Bureau and request the Tompkins County Youth Bureau to
transfer $2 , 137 .41 specifically to pay The Saint Paul Insurance Company to cover said Community
Council Liability Policy from June 1997 through June 1998 .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Hardesty Aye
Inman Aye
1 Schwartz Aye
Steiner Aye
Oltz Aye Carried Unanimously
Approval of Town Clerk' s September 1997 Report
A motion was made by Councilperson Steiner and seconded by Councilperson Inman to accept the
Town Clerk' s September 1997 Report as submitted .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Hardesty Aye
Inman Aye
Schwartz Aye
Steiner Aye
Oltz Aye Carried Unanimously
Approval of Town Supervisor' s September 1997 Report
A motion was made by Councilperson Steiner and seconded by Councilperson Schwartz to approve
the Town Supervisor ' s September 1997 Report.
8 Town Board Minutes
October 13 , 1997
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Hardesty Aye
Inman Aye
Schwartz Aye
Steiner Aye
Carried Unanimously
West Danby Water District Fund Warrant No . 10 of 1997
A motion was made by Councilperson Steiner and seconded by Councilperson Schwartz to approve
the West Danby Water District Fund Warrant No . 10 of 1997 voucher numbers 34 - 38 in the amount
of $ 790 . 84 .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Hardesty Aye
Inman Aye
Schwartz Aye
Steiner Aye Carried Unanimously
Oltz Aye
Highway Fund Warrant No. 10 of 1997
A motion was made by Councilperson of 1997 voucher nmbes seconded 46 by- 164 n the Councilperson
mount of $22,approve
the ighway Fund Warrant No . 10 0 $22,324 . 66 .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Hardesty Aye
Inman Aye
Schwartz Aye
Steiner Aye Carried Unanimously
Oltz Aye
General Fund Warrant No. 10 of 1997
A motion was made by Councilperson Hardesty uche>anumbers 274- 315 nnitheramount of $ 31 ,pp2 86
the General Fund Warrant No . 10 of
Voucher Number 278 payable to Barney, Grossman, a Lwas djusted to as total of $30 ,479 . 31 . .
included in Voucher Number 310 in error . Th e warrant total
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Hardesty Aye
{ Inman Aye
j Schwartz Aye
Steiner Aye Carried Unanimously
Oltz Aye
On a motion the meeting adjourned at 8 : 05 P .M .
Carol, W . Sc • . nski, Town Clerk
min- 10- 13 . 97
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