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1 Town Board Minutes
HUD 1 Public Hearing
August 11 , 1997
6 : 00 P.M. - AUGUST 11 , 1997
Supervisor Mary Oltz
Councilpersons : Mary Lou Hardesty, Edward Inman, Howard Inman
Councilperson Joseph Schwartz (Excused)
Others Present:
Karl Hect - Tompkins County Planning Representative
Carol Sczepanski - Town Clerk
Members of the Public :
Olivia Vent, Naomi Strichartz, Walter Sczepanski, Donna B . Inman, Xenia Coulter, Roy Casterline,
John R. Henderson, Tammy M. Lopez, Roland Manley, Rick Lopez, Bruce Coulombe, Faith Chase,
Judith Shehman, Susan Hautala, Pat Woodworth, Susan H . Compton, Betsy Wilkinson
Public Hearing Declared Open
Supervisor Mary Oltz declared the Public Hearing Open at 6 : 00 P.M. and read the following Notice
of Publication :
"PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that THE Town of Danby has authorized two public hearings for the
purpose of discussing its 1997 U. S . Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Small
Cities Community Development Block Grant and Abbreviated Consolidated Plan. These hearings
will take place on Monday, August 11 , 1997 at 6 : 00 P .M . and Monday, September 8 , 1997 at 6 : 00
P . M . with the hearings taking place at the Danby Town Hall, 54A Gunderman Road, Ithaca, New
York. At such time and place, all persons interested in the subject matter shall be heard concerning
the same.
Published : July 24 , 1997 "
Karl Hect addressed the Board and public and presented a overview of the United States Department
of HUD Small Cities Community Development Block Grant and Abbreviated Consolidated Plan and
submitted a description of the program . This public hearing is the first of two (2) hearings . The
Town of Danby applied last year ( 1996) for a HUD funding and was unsuccessful . It is anticipated
that the application deadline from HUD will be in late October or early November. At the
September 8 , 1997 public hearing more of the particulars of the application and guidelines will be
discussed. The County is anticipating that applications will be accepted by HUD for up to $400,000
for the County.
No public addressed the hearing .
Councilperson Inman asked Mr. Hect if it was necessary for residents who submitted applications
to HUD in 1996 to re-apply to be considered in the 1997 application.
Karl Hect said that it was not necessary, however households cannot receive both HOME and CDBG
Public Hearing Declared Closed
Supervisor Mary Oltz declared the public hearing closed at 6 : 05 P . M .
c.CI.LPC w
Carol W. Scz • • ski, Town Clerk
1 Town Board Minutes
August 11 , 1997
AUGUST 11 , 1997
6 : 00 P.M.
Supervisor Mary Oltz
Councilpersons : Mary Lou Hardesty, Edward Inman, Howard Inman
Councilperson Joseph Schwartz (Excused)
Others Present :
Karl Hect - Tompkins County Planning Representative
Carol Sczepanski - Town Clerk
County Representative - Frank Proto
Code Enforcement Officer - Susan Beeners
Members of the Public :
Olivia Vent, Naomi Strichartz, Walter Sczepanski, Donna B . Inman, Xenia Coulter, Roy Casterline ,
John R. Henderson, Tammy M. Lopez, Roland Manley, Rick Lopez, Bruce Coulombe, Faith Chase ,
Judith Shehman, Susan Hautala, Pat Woodworth, Susan H. Compton, Betsy Wilkinson
Supervisor Mary Oltz called the meeting to order at 6 : 05 P . M . and led all present to the Pledge of
Allegiance to the American flag .
Supervisor Oltz reported on the following:
1 ) The Board needs to appoint a representative from Danby to serve on the Tompkins County
Youth Board because our representative has resigned .
2) She has heard from Assemblyman Luster that $ 15 , 000 has been approved for the Town of
Danby Town Hall Renovation\Addition Project .
3 ) Tompkins County is continuing to work on the Comfort Road Bridge even though they have
received correspondence from Attorney Dan Hoffman asking them to hold up the project .
Members of the Public :
Donna Inman - 52 Bald Hill Road - urged the Board not to approve of the rezoning of the Town
Highway Department property located at 15 Bald Hill Road from Residential to Commercial Zone
"C" . She is concerned for safety of neighborhood and that the property is not large enough for the
proposed masonry sales and supplies and does not fit into a residential neighborhood .
Betsy Wilkinson - 21 John Hill Howland Road - hopes she is still on the list for HUD funding. She
applied last year and has heard nothing since application.
Naomi Strichartz - 708 Comfort Road - said that she would like to see a higher level of planning
before projects are approved. The Board should have more detail before they approve or disapprove
of a proposed project such as what has happened with commercial proposals in Danby.
. j
Olivia Vent - 1874 Danby Road - reported that she sent a letter to the Town Board with concerns
related to the rezoning of the Town Highway Barns property located at 15 Bald Hill Road. There
were very serious concerns listed as she thinks this is not suitable for a commercial property . This
would have a great impact on this residential neighborhood that has one of the highest concentrations
of children in the Town with a lot of pedestrian traffic .
Bruce Coulombe - 72 Bald Hill Road - is concerned about the rezoning of the Town Highway Barns
property and the process .
2 Town Board Minutes
August 11 , 1997
Tammy Lopez - 10 Bald Hill Road - is concerned with the request for rezoning of the Town
Highway Barns property. She said she would like to see the property remain residential as the rest
of the neighborhood .
Roland Manley - 8 Gunderman Road - addressed the Board related to safety on Bald Hill Road with
increased traffic from a commercial operation and access to the cemetery located adjacent to the
Rick Lopez - 10 Bald Hill Road - shares the same concerns as his wife (Tammy Lopez) .
Roy Casterline - 459 Brown Road - we should be concerned that the culverts on Bald Hill Road
have not been properly maintained by the County .
Walt Sczepanski - thinks that the Town should get rid of the Old Town barns if they can as there
are only certain things that it can be used for. The property should be put back on the tax rolls . He
also is concerned about the offensive odor in the school building offices .
Xenia Coulter - 40 Bald Hill Road - is a new resident in Danby and moved here because of our
zoning. She would like to see her neighborhood stay residential .
Pat Woodworth - 305 Gunderman Road - concerned with the process of our zoning and that we
are not being careful about choosing residential sites so that people who are coming here will not be
staying here .
Susan Hautala - Town Historian - concerned about the Highway Barns property as that area has a
historic history for Danby . The area is historically a residential area and the cemetery next to the
Town Barns is the oldest cemetery in Danby .
Susan Compton - 39 Bald Hill Road - urged the Town Board not to rezone the Highway Barns
property to commercial .
County Representative Report
Representative Frank Proto reported on the following :
1 ) Public Information Meeting - thanked the Town Board for hosting the Public Information
Meeting on the Comfort Road Bridge . Serious questions were raised about whether the
County was going to complete the work started on the road the remains of an old grist mill ,
and increased speeding traffic . The County also post speed limits on the road when the
resurfaceing has been completed . Mr. Proto is preparing a response to the questions and
concerns that were raised concerning the bridge and road .
2) Hours for County Representative at Town Hall - Mr. Proto said that is trying to arrange
a time schedule that he can be available on a weekly or bi-weekly basis here at the Town
Reading Room to meet with the public to help keep communication lines open.
3 ) Tax Bill Printing Increase - The cost to the Town for the printing of the tax bills has
increased from $ . 08 to $ .25 per copy. The increase was reported to be that the County billing
in the past was in error and the $ . 25 per copy reflects the actual cost of printing .
4) Danby Reading Room - The Public Library coordinator has responded to the request of
Joanne Dennison to have our books delivered on a timely basis .
5 ) Tompkins County Budget Input Sessions - September 3 , 1997 at the Boynton Cafiteria the
County will have an open meeting for the public to have input on the 1998 budget . (Time
unknown at this time) .
6) County Water Resources Council and Technical Committee - The Board has developed
a County Water Resources Council and a Technical Committee . The Water Resources
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3 Town Board Minutes
August 11 , 1997
Council will have representatives from every township in Tompkins County and will start
meetings early next year.
7) Commercial Center Revitalization Plan - funding is available to townships through the
County Commercial Center Revitalization Plan to help preserve areas that can be identified
as home base for the Town and must be something that would enhance the area.
8) Sales Tax - There will be no sales tax on clothing the first week of September in 1997 and
1998 in Tompkins County . The sales tax reduction is limited to the first $ 100 per item .
EMC - there will be a meeting of the Tompkins County EMC on Thursday, August 14, 1997 at 7 : 00
p . m . at the Ithaca City Transit Building . The Lake Source Cooling Project and Lake Front
Development Project are on the Agenda.
Highway Department - July 1997 Report - received
Zoning - July 1997 Report of Code Enforcement Office received .
Dog Control - SPCA June 1997 Report received
Planning Board - July 14, 1997 Public Hearing Minutes and Minutes of Meeting have been
received and are on file in the Clerk' s Office .
Town Hall Renovation\Addition Project
Supervisor Oltz reported that the Town Board held a Bid Opening for the Town Hall r
Renovation\Addition Project on July 28 , 1997 . We received a bid from B . Milligan Construction, ! ;
Inc. Of Oswego, New York and is within our budget. The Town has received a letter from Hueber
Hares Glavin Architects stating that B . Milligan Construction is a qualified firm and they
recommend that the Town accept their bid. Supervisor Oltz introduced the following resolution.
By Supervisor Oltz : Seconded by Councilperson Inman
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Danby, by public notice duly published according to
law, invited sealed proposals for the furnishing of materials and labor necessary for the Danby Town
Hall addition/renovations project (HHG Project No . 97001 ) ; and
WHEREAS , all such proposals received were considered publicly at the Town of Danby Clerk ' s
office, Danby School Building 54A Gunderman Road, Ithaca, New York at 2 : 00 p . m. on Monday,
July 28 , 1997 , the time and place specified in said public notice ; and
WHEREAS, Hueber Hares Glavin, the town' s architects for said project has reviewed the bids and
made its recommendation to the Town Board for the award of contracts for said work as set forth
in a letter from such architects to the Town Supervisor dated July 30 , 1997 , and
WHEREAS, it appears that the contractors referred to below are responsible contractors and that
their bids were the lowest bids received for the work delineated below;
THEREFORE, NOW BE IT RESOLVED, that the proposals of the following named contractors
be accepted for the amounts set forth below with the alternates indicated below :
1 . General Construction Contract
B . Milligan Construction
Base Bid $ 243 , 750 . 00
37 7
Resolution no 53 of 1997
Plus .
Alt. 2B 10, 770 . 00
Alt . 2C 11 ,610 . 00
Alt. 4 9 ,960 . 00
Alt . 5 8 ,921 . 00
Minus :
Alt. 6 - 1 ,782 . 00
Alt . 8 - 6 , 800 . 00
Total Contract Award $ 276 ,429 . 00
2 . Plumbing Contract
James L . Lewis Inc .
Total Contract Price : $ 15 , 951 . 00
3 . Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning Contract :
Airtech Heating
Total Contract Price $ 24 , 725 . 00
4 . Electric Contracts :
Blanding Electric
Base Bid $ 28 , 583 . 00
Less :
Alt . El - 4 , 060 . 00
$ 24, 523 . 00
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town of Danby enter into a contract with each of
the above named contractors for the performance of the denominated work on the Danby Town Hall
addition/renovation project for the prices specified as total contract prices above, all in accordance
with the plans and specifications for said project, said contracts to be executed on behalf of the town
and the Town Board by the Supervisor and to be approved by the Town Supervisor with the advice
of the architectural firm of Hueber Hares Glavin and the Town Attorney, John C . Barney, and such
contracts to provide for the furnishing of the required security for the performance of each of said
contracts specified in the project manual and related documentation for such project; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Supervisor and other officers of the Town take such steps
as may be necessary or appropriate in order to effectuate the intent of the foregoing resolutions .
Discussion :
Councilperson Steiner reviewed the total costs for the project and said that the total cost of the
project will include General Construction Contract for $276,429 . 00, Plumbing Contract $ 15 ,951 . 00,
HVAC Contract $24 , 725 . 00, Electrical $24, 523 . 00 for a total $321 ,628 . 00 . In addition to the
$ 321 , 628 . 00, we must add the architects fee of $23 , 000 . 00, $2 ,000 . 00 documentation, $2 , 000 . 00
bonding fee, $ 16, 813 . 00 in contingencies, for a total cost of $385 ,441 . 00 . Our referendum
approved$ 387,223 . 00 . In the resubmission of this bid to bring down the cost we eliminated some
work on the roof and the interior cabinetwork .
Councilperson Inman said that the bidders were given options for the excavation under the Town
Hall i . e . deletion for cabinets, alarm system, sign, fiberglass trim on the exterior, insulation in the
old portion of Town Hall , but the options did not reduce the quality of the project.
Councilperson Hardesty said that she would like to see the insulation on the old section of the Town
Hall left in the plans for the renovation .
Councilperson Steiner said that he voted against the proposal for the project in the past because he
feels that we do not need what was proposed . We should make an effort to reduce the size of the
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5 Town Board Minutes
August 11 , 1997
office space and to utilize more of the old part of the building .
The Board reviewed the alternate options submitted by the bidders and items that were deleted form
the original bid proposals .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Hardesty Aye
Inman Aye
Steiner Nay
Oltz Aye Carried
RESOLUTION NO. 54 OF 1997- Adopted
By Councilperson Steiner : Seconded by Supervisor Oltz
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby appoints Edward Inman as "Clerk of the
Works" , for the Town Hall Renovation/Addition Project for a flat rate fee of $2 , 500 . 00, and be it
RESOLVED, that the appointment of "Clerk of the Works" is to begin immediately and will expire
on the completion of the project.
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Hardesty Aye
Inman Abstained
Steiner Aye
Oltz Aye Carried
RESOLUTION NO. 55 OF 1997- Adopted
By Supervisor Oltz : Seconded by Councilperson Hardesty
WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of the Town of Danby Town Board that terms of
office for Planning Board members and Board of Zoning Appeals members are to be measured by
calendar years and end at the end of calendar years . See attached section 271 ( 5 ) of the Town Law
as revised in 1993 dealing with Planning Boards . Almost identical language is found in Section
267(5 ) which governs Boards of Zoning Appeals ; and
WHEREAS, currently terms of Planning Board members and board of Zoning Appeals members
run from July 1st to June 30th; now, therefore, it is
RESOLVED, that in order to comply with New York State Town Law 271 (5 ) and 267(5 ), currently
terms of members of either the Planning Board or Board of Zoning Appeals which expired in June
will automatically be extended through the balance of the calendar year and new appointments made
effective January 1 .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
1 .
Hardesty Aye
Inman Aye
Steiner Aye
Oltz Aye
Motion to Adjourn to Executive Session
A motion was made by Councilperson Inman and seconded by Councilperson Hardesty to adjourn
to an Executive Session of the Town Board to discuss a personnel issue at 7 : 35 P . M .
`` 3 9
6 Town Board Minutes
August 11 , 1997
A vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Carried Unanimously
The Board Meeting reconvened at 7 : 50 P .M .
By Councilperson Hardesty : Seconded by Councilperson Steiner
WHEREAS, a vacancy exists on the Town of Danby Planning Board, and
WHEREAS, Robert Roe of 1820 Danby Road has expressed an interest in serving on the Town of
Danby Planning Board, now be it
RESOLVED, that the Town of Danby Town Board appoints Robert Roe of 1820 Danby Road to
the Town of Danby Planning Board to fill the vacancy, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the term of appointment is to begin immediately and will expire on December
31 , 2002 .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Hardesty Aye
Inman Aye
Steiner Aye
Oltz Aye Carried Unanimously
By Councilperson Steiner: Seconded by Supervisor Oltz
WHEREAS, Town of Danby Town Court has submitted a request for the purchase of a computer
for Town Court, and
WHEREAS, the Court Clerk has obtained quotes for the purchase a computer system; now be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby approves the purchase of a computer
system for the Danby Town Court for the purchase price of $2 , 306 . 00 as submitted .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Hardesty Aye
Inman Aye
Steiner Aye
Oltz Aye Carried Unanimously
A motion was made by Supervisor Oltz and seconded by Councilperson Inman to set Wednesday,
August 25 , 1997 at 7 : 00 P .M. for a public hearing to Consider Approval of a General Site Plan and
Enactment of a Local Law Amending the Zoning Ordinance with respect to a request for the
rezoning of Town of Danby Tax Parcel No . 10 . - 1 -39 , located at 15 Bald Hill Road and containing
the former Town Highway Barn, from High Density Residential Zone to Commercial Zone "C" .
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7 Town Board Minutes
August 11 , 1997
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Hardesty Aye
Inman Aye
Steiner Aye
Oltz Aye Carried Unanimously
Approval of July 14. 1997 Town Board Minutes
A motion was made by Councilperson Steiner and seconded by Councilperson Hardesty to approve
the July 14, 1997 Town Board Minutes as submitted.
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Hardesty Aye
Inman Aye
Steiner Aye
Oltz Aye Carried Unanimously
Approval of the July 1997 Town Supervisor' s Report
A motion was made by Councilperson Steiner and seconded by Councilperson Hardesty to approve
the July 1997 Town Supervisor' s Report as submitted.
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Hardesty Aye
Inman Aye
Steiner Aye
Approval of Town Clerk' s July 1997 Report
A motion was made by Councilperson Inman and seconded by Supervisor Oltz to approve the Town
Clerk' s July 1997 Report as submitted .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Hardesty Aye
Inman Aye
Steiner Aye
Oltz Aye Carried Unanimously
The Town Board audited and approved the vouchers for payment as follows :
General Fund Warrant No. 8 of 1997 - Approved
A motion was made by Councilperson Steiner and seconded by Councilperson Inman to approve the
General Fund Warrant No . 8 of 1997 , voucher numbers 213 -236 in the amount of $ 5 ,790 . 40 .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Hardesty Aye I
Inman Aye
Steiner Aye
Oltz Aye Carried Unanimously
Highway Fund Warrant No. 8 of 1997 -Approved
A motion was made by Councilperson Inman and seconded by Councilperson Steiner to approve the
Highway Fund Warrant No . 8 of 1997, voucher numbers 117- 132 in the amount of $9, 806 . 65 .
E 4
8 Town Board Minutes
August 11 , 1997
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Hardesty Aye
Inman Aye
Steiner Aye
Oltz Aye Carried Unanimously
West Danby Water District Fund Warrant No. 8 of 1997 -Approved
A motion was made by Councilperson Hardesty and seconded by Councilperson Inman to approve
the West Danby Water District Fund Warrant No . 8 of 1997, voucher numbers 27-31 in the amount
of $ 825 . 10 .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Hardesty Aye
Inman Aye
Steiner Aye
Oltz Aye Carried Unanimously
On a motion the meeting adjourned at 8 : 10 P . M .
lea) * )2 I ' data;
Carol W. Sczep . ' - , Town Clerk
min- 8- 11 . 97