HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-05-14 4 5 c 1 Planning Board Meeting May 14, 1997 TOWN OF DANBY PLANNING BOARD MEETING Regular Meeting 7 : 30 P.M. May 14, 1997 PRESENT : Chairperson Kenneth Horst Planning Board Members : Arch Dotson, Gerald Catlin, William Farrell , Linda Hansen, Mary Lou Hardesty ABSENT : Nancy Weitzel (Excused) Others Present : Carol W . Sczepanski - Secretary Susan Beeners - Code Enforcement Officer Members of the Public : Margaret Shepard, John Henderson , Linda Loomis, Barbara Mosher, Susan Cobb, Jon Mosher, Howard Steiner, Donna & Dave Collins , Faith & Robert Chase, Walter M . Sczepanski, Edw . M . Roberts, Beatrice Hogben, Naomi Strichartz, Jim Houghton, Frank & Betty Checksfield, Elizabeth Owens-Roe and others . Chairperson Horst called the Planning Board meeting to order at 7 : 40 P .M . SEQR DETERMINATION - COMMUNITY CENTER. Chairperson Horst reported that the first item on the Agenda is the Board ' s review of the new SEQR Determination for the Community Center. Susan Beeners explained that proceedurly it is appropriate to consider a Determination of Environmental Significance before a public hearing . She has recommended a Negative Determination of Environmental Significance for this project . At any point the Planning Board can amend her determination after it has been adopted . The site plan has been modified and she submitted for the record the following items : 1 ) an approval of the management plan by Nina Bassett for the Oak tree ; 2 ) a letter from Dave Backarack of the Ithaca City School District Transportation Department approving the access to the site ; 3 ) and a letter from Ward Hungerford of Tompkins County Highway Department relative to his approval of the site plan; 4) a letter from John Anderson of the Tompkins County Health Department describing the type of septic system that would be needed . (The White Oak Tree is the second largest in Tompkins County) Susan reported that the acreage change from 2 . 9 to 2 . 8 acres (a reduction of 10 ' from the site) is related to a final survey and the building dimensions changed from 65 ' x 65 ' to 60 ' x 70 ' with modifications to the parking area. Special permit uses must have 100' setback for distance to parking and to buildings . The proposed topography of the site is not shown. Filling will be needed in the parking area and will not have much of an effect on the site . `. The Board discussed the modifications to the proposed site plan . Susan reported that the modifications are related to information received from the Tompkins County Health Department, Tompkins County Highway Department, and the Ithaca City School Transportation Department verifying that the proposed site plan would work in all cases . Water Supply : Susan has consulted with Brayton Foster about general water conditions in Danby and he did not think that a well located 300' from another well would have any adverse impact . He 453 2 Planning Board Meeting May 14 , 1997 did relate that the well for this type of use should be grouted to a depth of 20 ' on the well casing for an additional control and should be drilled before the building is built to insure that adequate water is available on the site . White Oak Tree : Nina Bassett felt that the White Oak Tree was in decline and has a lot of dead wood on it that should be pruned by a professional arborist . The tree has been stressed and has witches ' brooms on the sides . The best way to protect the tree was to establish a tree protection zone . The Board reviewed the SEQR information and Susan recommended that both the well and a perk • tests should occur before any building construction. The proposed building would be a non- residential building and if it was vacated there might be another type of permit use . It should be considered that the building would not aptly to be returned to residential use . A rezoning would probably require a five (5 ) acre minimum area to be used as a different use . Arch Dotson commented that in the business of planning it is very easy with a SEQR to make a specific site plan finding in relation to the specific site . What SEQR does not do in the review is take into account the relationship between the site and the rest of the planning area . The real question is what the location of this project at this site does for the rest of Danby. This site is 2 . 5 miles away from anything that was ever considered in the Comprehensive Plan. We are trying to develop a center for Danby and this location would make it more difficult to create a center. He said that this is a location which he thinks is desperately against the interest of the township . Mary Lou Hardesty said that she understands that the site may not be the best site for a community center, but wants to know where there a good a site in Danby . Some of the sites that have been researched by the community may be addressed in the public hearing . ADJOURNMENT TO PUBLIC HEARING A motion was made by Arch Dotson and seconded by Gerry Catlin to adjourn the meeting at 8 : 00 P . M . for a scheduled public hearing . Carried Unanimously Meeting Reconvened at 9 : 40 P. M. Chairperson Horst reconvened the Planning Board Meeting following public hearing at 9 : 40 P . M . Special Permit Community Center Discussion Arch Dotson said that he would like to direct our attention back to the basic questions . The real question is the location. Looking at the settlement center, this site is not in the demographic center where people are concentrated and where users are concentrated. He would like to see an alternative plan so that we can make a reasonable choice . Chairperson Horst said that he really would like to see a community center in the Town of Danby . He raised questions in the hearing about the budget and finances as there could be nothing worse that could happen than to build this and have it go under. Susan said the site is not exactly centrally located but it is in the north area of Town and near the • only major employers in the Town. There are some drawbacks but there are some assets . It is located where people are and where they are commuting from especially when the bridge is opened . The Board discussed the alternative of leasing the Danby School as a possible site for the community - center. Linda Hansen said that she would like the Planning Board torn make an appointment with the Superintendent of Schools officially representing the Town and request answers we need regarding the leasing the Danby School . Mary Lou at the last meeting of the Planning Board she was under the impression that for approval of the site plan that all the building committee needed to do for a Special Permit was to get preliminary approval of the site plan by the Tompkins County Highway Department, from the Ithaca 454 3 Planning Board Meeting May 14, 1997 City School District Transportation Department, and preliminary approval by a professional arborist and provision of a general management plan for conservation of the existing oak tree . Chairperson I-Iorst said that the Board adjourned further consideration of the application pending receipt of those conditions . Mary Lou Hardesty said that Danby has been without any place and any place that residents can gather as a group . Maybe Comfort Road is not the best place but you can ' t tell me where there is a place . We have been trying to use the school for seven years and we do not have the use of the school . She said that she is afraid that the community will loose the chance of all of these volunteers who have been willing to put forth the effort volunteering and getting to know each other • and being a more cohesive community . If Danby does not soon have a center or something that people can relate to for being part of their Town then Danby is not going to have it . Arch Dotson said that he feels that we will duplicate the inadequately considered and hasty decision we made about the school that we have regretted ever since . This is not ready for choice , has not been carefully planned, and adequately assessed . Chairperson Horst said that we have not had adequate time to consider this application . It was received by the Town on April 14 , 1997 . He wants to see a plan that is well planned and well thought out . The first time he heard anything about this plan was when he read it in the newspaper . We are not sure we know enough about this plan to either approve or deny the application . William Farrell said that he thinks that there should be more research for a site and maybe confirmation from the school . A committee should approach the school . Donna Collins said that she has been to the school many times and has a lease agreement that was never signed because use of the school could not be approved by the State . She will not approach the School District again because it is not available . She has talked to Lothridge , Lindenbaum and Pastel . Gerry Catlin said that as he sees it the State of New York tells the School District whether the building can be used . He knows that the community needs a center but is still hesitant about approving this location . Linda Hansen said that she is still hesitant about approval of this location and that we should get confirmation for the School District . Chairperson Horst said that the Planning Board represents the public and is trying to make a decision based on what they have been hearing from the public . Linda Hansen said that the public who attended the meeting on April 30 , 1997 were here to support the community center. Dave Collins said that the Board should make a decision to deny or accept the application and get it over with tonight. Mary Lou Hardesty said that she is concerned about the Planning Board not making decisions in a timely basis . We have received many criticisms about not making decisions in a timely fashion. The Board does not want to have three meetings per month to get the work that is necessary accomplished . She said she feels that we should make some decisions here . Susan Beeners asked the Board to consider finding that there are no significant environmental impacts and giving this application a Negative Determination of Environmental Significance . Then p g make and specifically ma the general considerations of Section 901 p y consider whether or not it meets th g a some findings that yes it is or is not going to meet these considerations . It will g ive the applicant an idea of why the Special Permit is or is not being granted . There is also the opportunity to further adjourn if there is something that is very specific as far as new information . 4 Planning Board Meeting May 14, 1997 Arch Dotson said he thinks there is new information, specifically the opportunity to reopen which is probably the strongest opportunity we have . He thinks it would be a mistake not to seek information on alternative sites . Linda Hansen agreed with Arch and asked if it were possible to have a special meeting of the Planning if we were able to get to the school and get some definite answers . Mary Lou Hardesty asked if it would be possible to pass the resolutions before us tonight with conditions that information is received within a certain time frame . She asked the Board to pass a • resolution approving the site without approval for construction to begin . At least they would have some idea that they are working for something and know that the Town Board and the Planning Board are behind them to try to find something . Arch said that the cleaner form would be to table the consideration of the SEQR and the Special Permit for three or four weeks and within that period this research the alternate site of the Danby School . This would also give us an option to access . Arch said that the SEQR is a very complicated instrument and he would rather not approve it as there are sections that are related to the environment and others subject to interpretation . A little more time will give the Planning Board a chance to see if the Community Council experiences are confirmed . A Motion was made by Arch Dotson and a second was assumed by Chairperson Horst to postpone further consideration of the SEQR Determination and Special Permit for the proposed community center until the June 18 , 1997 meeting of the Planning Board and in the interim : 1 ) a representative group from the Town Board , Planning Board, Community Council and the Building Committee will meet with the Ithaca City School District, to resolve whether use of the Danby School is an appropriate alternative to consider; 2 ) that an official response from the School District is received in writing A. vote on the motion resulted as follows : Five Aye Hardesty Opposed Motion carried Mary Lou Hardesty is opposed because she thinks that the Planning Board should make a decision . Linda Hansen asked that if we were to receive a report back from the Ithaca City Schools within two (2) weeks could we call a special meeting so that the building committee does not have to wait until the June meeting . Bill Farrell said that he thinks that if we receive the information we should call a special meeting to act on the Community Council Application for a Special Permit . • ADJOURNMENT : On a motion the meeting adjourned at 11 : 05 P . M . (Lail/ min- 5 - 14 . 97 Carol W . Sczepa , Secretary 456 ] Planning Board Minutes Public Hearing May 14, 1997 TOWN OF DANBY PLANNING BOARD MINUTES PUBLIC HEARING COMMUNITY CENTER 8 : 00 P. M. May 14 , 1997 PRESENT : Chairperson Kenneth Horst Planning Board Members : Arch Dotson, Gerald Catlin , William. Farrell , Linda Hansen, Mary Lou. Hardesty • ABSENT : Nancy Weitzel (Excused) Others Present : Carol W . Sczepanski - Secretary Susan Beeners - Code Enforcement Officer Members of the Public : Margaret Shepard, John Henderson , Linda Loomis, Barbara Mosher, Susan Cobb , Jon Mosher, Howard Steiner, Donna & Dave Collins , Faith & Robert Chase, Walter M . Sczepanski , Edw. M . Roberts , Beatrice Hogben, Naomi Strichartz, Jim Houghton, Frank & Betty Checksfield , Elizabeth Owens-Roe and others . Public Hearing Declared Open : Chairperson Kenneth Horst declared the public hearing open at 8 : 02 P . M . and read the following "Notice of Publication ." "NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a Public Hearing will be held by the Planning Board of the Town of Danby on Wednesday, May 14 , 1997 at 8 : 00 P . M . , Danby Town Hall , 1830 Danby Road , Ithaca, New York 14850 . Purpose of hearing is to consider a request for a Special Permit for the proposed Danby Community Center, proposed to be located on a 2 . 8 +/- acre portion of Town of Danby Tax Parcel No . 8 . - 1 - 12 . 12 on the east side of Comfort Road, north of Miller Road West . Carl and Barbara Mosher, Landowners ; Danby Community Council , Applicant ; Donna Collins , Agent . All interested parties will be given the opportunity to be heard either in writing or in person. By Order of the Planning Board Chair Carol W . Sczepanski , Town Clerk Dated : May 6 , 1997 Publish : May 8 , 1997 " The affidavit of Neighbor Notification filed on May 7 , 1997 . COMMUNICATIONS SUBMITTED FOR HEARING 1 ) A Petition submitted dated 5 / 14/97 asking the Planning Board to adopt a resolution urging • the Community Council to pursue the use of the Danby School before beginning construction I of a Child Care Center at the controversial Comfort Road site . ( 124 signatures of residents) 2) A letter dated May 14 , 1997 from Eloise Greene of 100 Michigan Hollow Road asking the Town to work out an agreement with the Ithaca City School District for use of the Danby School . 3 ) A letter dated May 14 , 1997from Margaret Shepard - 441 Comfort Road urging the Board to weigh the new information summarized in her letter before making a decision on granting A. special Use Permit for the community center . 4) A letter dated May 14 , 1997 from Community Council Building Committee Co -Chairmen 4 57 2 Planning Board Minutes Public Hearing May 14, 1997 describing their application for a Special Use Permit for a community center. Chairperson Horst said that modification in the site plan necessitated a public hearing on this proposal . Susan Beeners passed copies of the modified site plan to the public to view and explained that the changes to the plan include a tree protection zone, a single driveway, alternate location zones for the septic system and for the well . Chairperson Horst reported that the Planning Board held a public hearing on April 23 , 1997 and has heard many comments from the public regarding the proposed community center . He urged the public in attendance to comment relative to the changes as well as any new thoughts that they may have other than those we have already heard . Comments from the Public : Susan Cobb - 190 West Miller Road - a car is a necessity if you Live in Danby as everything is spaced out . She does not see that this site is any further away than the Troy Road site . The building committee has looked at many different places over the past few years . It is time the community pulls together and works together for the financing and building of a community center. Barbara Mosher - maybe this is an ugly site and probably not an ideal site but she believes we have to go with what we ' ve got. She questions what are we going to do with these children if we do not have an after school program or a day care program. Today mothers must work and many are raising their children by themselves . There is a real need for the community center and this is something they are doing just because they are good people . Linda Loomis - Gunderman Road - feels that Danby needs a central core but thinks that a community center should be in a more central location . John Henderson - 141 Comfort Road - is optimistic about the possibility of use of the Danby School for the day care program, the after school program and other community activities . He wants to make sure that the location of the of septic system leach fields would not be within the legal limit of where they may need to drill a new well . Another concern he has is how the money will be raised for the construction of the community center . Margaret Shepard - 141 Comfort Road - summarized the information submitted to the Board in her letter dated May 14, 1997 and reported that many residents in Danby have problems with their water wells . She said that the new administrator of the Ithaca City Schools is very eager to establish good rapport with Danby and change the bad track record of the past. Helen Engelhart - 458 Comfort Road - said the project is really wonderful and that we do need a community center but is not thrilled with the proposed location for reasons submitted in her letter. ( Submitted at the April 30 , 1997 Meeting) . She thinks that the School District should do something with the Danby School . She believes we should use a building that already exists . She has heard of buildings in the community that could be rented for a while . Robert Chase - 106 Comfort Road - thanked Arch Dotson for asking what is the real question and the real question is not the site plan for Comfort Road but the plan for the right site . The Planning Board needs to focus on the development plan for the right site . Faith Chase - 106 Comfort Road - has submitted her thoughts to the Board in writing . (Received on April 22 , 1997) . Naomi Strichartz - 705 Comfort Road - does not think that the site on Comfort Road is a good location for a community center. The Danby School seems to be an ideal site for the community center if some arrangements can be worked out . 4 5 8 3 Planning Board Minutes Public Hearing May 14, 1997 Dave Collins - is here to support his wife . It sounds to him that everybody wants a community center but nobody wants it in their back yard . Donna Collins - has lived in Danby for 23 years and involved with Community Council for 14 years . She said everyone in Danby is welcome and urged to become involved with the Community Council . Donna gave a brief history of their efforts to secure a site for their programs including grant proposals to purchase the Old Highway Barns and the many efforts with the Ithaca City School District. Fifteen other sites have been researched for possible locations for a community center. The preschool and after school programs have been moved many times and are in need of a permanent home as well as a place for other local groups and organizations . She is very concerned that If this • proposal is refused that the Town will loose many dedicated and hard working volunteers who have worked on this project. There have been eighty-five volunteers who have volunteered their time so far for this project . They have received $2 , 500 . 00 in small donations for this project. The American Legion, Pirates Club and a musician have offered their services for fund raising activities . She said that maybe this is not the best location, but in the last seven or eight years it is the only one that has been made available . Howard Steiner- 1050 Coddington Road - would like everyone to know that this is not a day care center, this is a community center for the entire community . Because of that, there will be support or their has been an indication of support from the Town of Danby Town Board for a community center for the entire community. He wants to stress that it is for community activities other than dropping children off and picking children He said he cannot speak for the Town Board but they have in the past provided funding support for Community Council and some of its programs . To his knowledge there is no one on the Board who has any intention of changing that . There was a representative from the School district on April 30 , 1997 , that did indicate there was a desire to work with Danby and he sincerely believes that they are sincere in what they have to say . We have waited for many years so far and he said he does not know how many more years we will have to wait for that desire to turn into a reality . One of the locations suggested back in the 1960 ' s in an earlier Comprehensive Plan was to have a community center on Comfort Road along with the Town Hall and Highway Barns . Jim Houghton - 1560 Coddington Road - the site is proposed in an area that is not zoned that way . The residents are not asking for a favor . They are asking that you uphold the zoning that exists for that area. The issue that this is not a day care center but a community center is a sticking point with him. He thinks there should be some specific hours of operation and activities as well as regulations for amplified sound . As a member of the community he does not want a community center in that location. Beatrice Hogben - 409 Gunderman Road - personally feels that zoning in Danby is very strict for the smallness of our Town. If Donna Collins has worked for seven years to get a community center for Danby with 85 volunteers behind her and now has a suitable site she feels that we should support her . Edward M . Roberts - 47 Bald Hill Road - lived in Danby since 1961 and was one of the members of the community who went to the School District to provide a school in Danby . At that time the • Ithaca City School District said that there would always be a school in Danby. Sometime, somewhere those papers come up missing. He said he thinks that is why the district closed the school and let it become in disrepair. With all the tax dollars that us senior citizens have put into the Danby school he thinks that if it is possible to work out something with the school it would be a good viable use . Walt Sczepanski - 54 East Miller Road - has been in Danby 65 plus years . As far as this Danby School thing, there has been a lot of talk but very little action from the school district . Danby always gets the short end of the stick . He would like to see a community center for Danby . The location could be better but this site is available so why not put it there . Frank Checksfield - 615 Comfort Road - sees a problem with traffic and possible hazards for 459 4 Planning Board Minutes Public Hearing May 14, 1997 children . Elizabeth Owens-Roe - 1820 Danby Road - thinks the site as to whether it is central or not depends on what part of Town you live in. If you live in West Danby Comfort Road is just as good a location as Gunderman Road . She said that she does not think that we will ever get the school back. She would like to see some action. There is a need for a community center, the people who have put in all that work and effort should go ahead with it as the Town needs a community center, a place for everyone . She said she gets very frustrated that about thirty (30) people that run things in the Community Council , Planning Board , BZA , and the Town Hall , put in their time and then a lot of people show up every time something is going to be done . People should put their money where their mouth is and get involved in the process . Seven years is a long time to put into a community center. There are a lot of issues with the Danby School building in terms of using the building for community activities . We do not own that building . Our taxes just paid for it Carol Sczepanski - 54 East Miller Road - said that Danby always had to fight for the same programs that the Ithaca City School District provided in the other City Schools including a one half day per week pre-K program and a kindergarten program . Walking or bicycling on any road in Danby is dangerous as our roads have narrow shoulders (if any) and speeding traffic is not limited to the Comfort Road area. Problems with water wells can exist anywhere in Danby . Some residents can have little water and their neighbor may have an overflow . We need a place in Danby for activities , meetings , etc . There is a problem finding locations for our Bicentennial events . Groups and organizations now must use the church , the Danby Fire Hall or rent private clubs such as the Pirates Club or American Legion . Jon Mosher - 187 Durfee Hill Road - a lot of people came to the last Planning Board meeting as they thought there would be another public hearing and a decision on this project would be made . This group tonight seems small compared to the last meeting . He does not feel that the publication for this hearing was adequate . A better effort to publicize public hearings other than notification to a few neighbors should be made . Barbara Mosher - 190 West Miller Road - ten years ago there was eighty (80) cows on their farm and never experienced a shortage of water . You cannot tell about a water supply until you drill a well . She does not understand how a neighbor can say how a new well is going to affect them as no well has been drilled . She does not think that anybody here knows . Walter Sczepanski - reported that on the exact location of the proposed community center that John Shephard had a dairy farm with sixty (60) plus dairy cows without a water shortage . On our farm on East Miller Road we had 150 cows and one well . There has never a shortage of water there . Howard Steiner - when he built his home in his contract there were provisions made for the depth of the well . It was necessary to have a deeper well to serve as a reservoir because the rate of water flow is slow. His neighbor has ten ( 10) times the flow that he has . Unidentified Resident - thinks that the Town should try to work with the School District as this is • a different administration and she thinks that the Superintendent of Schools will make every effort to work with the community . Chairperson Horst - was very impressed to see Mr . Willower here representing the School District at our last meeting. He seemed to be very positive . However, when the question was raised about the possibility of leasing the facility . He did not seem to know the answers to that and did not indicate that he should know the answer. We have not been able to get in touch with Mr. Lindenbaum or anyone in the District who can give us the answers to questions related to leasing the building . Mr. Collins said that Mr. Willower has only been with the Ithaca City School District for three (3 ) weeks . 4 Ca It➢ 5 Planning Board Minutes Public Hearing May 14, 1997 Donna Collins said that Community Council did meet with Judith Pastel in December and January regarding the leasing of the Danby School . It was February before she contacted them Howard Steiner said that he has heard nothing here tonight that suggests that Dr . Pastel is not desirous to do something for the Danby Community . However, there have been several months , several calls and several requests for a response . The School District has been specifically aware of the situation here in Danby and sent a representative to the last meeting who indicated that they would like to do something for Danby . There are no plans to spend any money on this school , the $40 , 000 . 00 figure that was bantered about was some estimate that was developed from some years • ago . Their hands are tied in the ability to accommodate us as I understand it due to State regulations . Significant dollars must be poured into that school in order to accommodate what we are asking for. He said he does not believe that is in the plans . Chairperson Horst said that Linda Hansen wrote him some notes and raised some questions regarding this proposal . She has some questions relative to the costs and funding for the proposed building . Donna Collins said that the cost of the building would be approximately $ 159, 000 . 00 and they have raised $2 , 500 . 00 . There have been four (4) grant applications submitted for funding new building construction . A grant application has also been submitted to the Day Care Council and there are many fund raisers coming up in the near future . She explained that the grant applications and fund raising efforts are not done by her but by other members of the Community Council . They are counting on fund raisers , grants and donations to fund a part of this project . Community Council has researched costs of financing the project through a local bank. Oakmont Corporation has assured Community Council that the total cost of construction will be reduced by materials and labor donated by local residents . Donna reported that they have had many residents willing to donate supplies and labor for the project . There is an annual budget projection for the operation of the facility, for maintenance , equipment , utilities , insurance , emergencies , etc . Community Center Discussion : Chairperson Horst said that it is necessary to know how the building and operation of the community center is funded . Donna Collins explained to the Board that some of the funding for the project will be raised by fund raising events, donations from residents and that many volunteers will donate time and labor to the actual building project. Community Council is incorporated with a Board of Directors . There is a projected annual operating budget that includes maintenance , utilities , equipment, insurance , and emergencies, etc . That information was put together to submit with grant proposals . The deed to the property will be in the name of the Community Council Board of Directors . Short falls of funds and operating expenses will be raised by fund raisers as it is now to keep programs running . It is hoped that residents and local organizations will rent the facility for private activities , family anniversary parties, birthday parties , graduation parties , etc . There is a volunteer who has offered to raise funds through donations from private businesses . The day care center has six (6) employees . The community center will include an additional • employee for maintenance and the projected annual salary is budgeted for $2 ,000 . 00 . Linda Hansen said that there needs to be more community awareness as to how the Community Council is funded . From the letters the Board has received and statements from the public relative to this proposal , many residents believe that Community Council is part of the Town Government and funded totally by tax dollars . The operation of Community Council and how it is funded needs to be portrayed more clearly to the public . Donna Collins said that the day care and after school programs are self-sufficient and tuition covers the cost of operation . The day care and after school programs would also be paying rent to the community center in much the same way they pay rent at their current location. United Way and County funding is also a source of funds for programs . The Town contributes funds for a portion 4 8 1 6 Planning Board Minutes Public Hearing May 14, 1997 of County programs, scholarship funds for summer camp , the Danby Area News , Senior Citizens and the Jennings Pond swimming program . Community Christmas parties, Halloween parties, the Easter egg hunt and other activities are funded by donations and fund raising events . Susan Beeners said that she would request that the septic system alternative be relocated so that it is at or below the 1260 contour shown on the site plan . This would allow for a well to be drilled on the Henderson ' s property should it become necessary . The septic system location must be approved by Tompkins County Health Department . • The Board reviewed the site plan and the location of the Hendersons existing septic field and well locations . Linda Hansen some residents have asked her if it was possible that when the Town Hall renovation/addition project is completed if there may be some space for possible space community activities here . Not likely in a municipal building . Public Hearing Declared Closed Chairperson Kenneth Horst declared the public hearing closed at 9 : 35 P . M . dtastgalt L2�GLL Carol W . Sczepansk ' cretary phm- 5 - 14 . 97