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1 Planning Board Minutes
Special Meeting
April 23 , 1997
APRIL 23 , 1997
7 : 30 P.M.
Special Meeting
Community Center
• Chairperson Kenneth Horst
Planning Board Members : Gerald Catlin, Linda Hanson, Mary Lou Hardesty, Nancy Weitzel
Others Present:
Carol Sczepanski - Secretary
Susan Beeners - Code Enforcement Officer
Members of the Public :
Sue Howe , Donna Collins, Robert Roe, Chris & Ginnie Gartlein, John R. Henderson, Margaret
Shepard, Naomi & Robert Strichartz, Janet Gray, Jim Houghton, Margie & John VanDeMark,
Walter M . Sczepanski, Dawn Parks, Brian & Dorothy Daetch, Howard Steiner, Scott Engelhart
Robert Chase, Barbara Mosher, Susan Cobb and others .
Chairperson Kenneth Horst opened the Special Planning Board Meeting at 9 : 15 P . M . following a
public hearing for the request for a Special Permit for a Community Center proposed to be located
on Comfort Road .
Comments from the Board - Community Center
Chairperson Horst reported that there were a number of communications received at this meeting
that the Board has not had the time to review at this time and copies cannot be made tonight . He
wants the Board to have the opportunity to review all the communications before the Board
considers making a decision.
Gerald Catlin - the letters do not change his feelings regarding the proposal . We as a Board do not
have time tonight to make a decision in 20 minutes that will last for 20 - 30 years or more .
Linda Hansen - said she is very torn at this point and concurs with Gerry and she feels she is being
pushed to make a decision. She understands that Donna Collins has worked very hard and very long
but is concerned that the driving force behind this haste is day care . She sympathizes with the
Community Council in their need to apply for their grants and have their day care programs on line
for this fall but she said does not want to be pushed into making a decision unless she has had the
time to really look over the proposal .
Chairperson Horst reported the Emerson Grant Application deadline is May 1 , and asked when
Community Council first learned about the grant. Regardless of what decision the Planning Board
makes tonight, the decision does not interfere with going ahead with the grant preparation of grant
• _ applications.
Donna said that they first started working on the Emerson Grant application a year ago when they
thought that they were going to obtain property that was to be donated to the Town . They learned
in February that the Moshers were considering donating land for the Community Center and that the
process for the donation started in March. She said that they need approval for a Special Permit and
a deed to the property to accompany grant applications .
Chairperson Horst said that it would have seemed appropriate at the time when Community Council
had some indication that there was a possibility of a donation of land that they would have at least
alerted the Planning Board.
She said she had talked with Community Council, members of the Town Board and others directly
2 Planning Board Minutes
Special Meeting
April 23 , 1997
involved with this and did what they told her to do in the order that she was told. She approached
the Town Board on Monday, April 14 , 1997 on behalf of Community Council .
Chairperson Horst said that he is bothered by the pressure to make such a hasty decision as there is
doubt that he may not know everything he needs to know about this project that is expected to last
us awhile . A Community center is a vital need to the community .
Mary Lou Hardesty said that she sympathizes with the Shepards because a quarter of an acre of land
is not very much. She is concerned as to why the purchase of land was not thought of prior to this
proposal as they knew that they might need additional land for septic and a well in the future .
Mr. Henderson said that he had asked a neighbor for additional land after he purchased his home and
it was not available . If he obtains a 50-foot strip from the Moshers it will increase his property to
three quarters of an acre .
Chairperson Horst said that they have already identified in that area a problem with traffic . He said
he does not know how serious that traffic pattern is relative to H & E, Angelheart and all the rest .
When you are dealing with a community center that has children involved, he is concerned as to
whether we make the right decision or not .
Nancy Weitzel said that the corner of Comfort and West Miller Road intersection has a blind spot
for traffic coming from the north .
Susan said that her estimate of traffic for the estimated 200 employees at H & E is that 70 would use
the Comfort Road Bridge when it is completed . There will be some relief in the Comfort Road
route . Her presumption is that the County would probably be agreeable to putting up some traffic
advisory signs in the vicinity of the community center partly related to the Comfort Road Bridge
project but mainly upon the request of the community center.
Susan said that she thinks you may want further information if you defer your decision tonight .
There are things that could be done to mitigate possible environmental impacts .
1 ) The septic and well be relocated to the back of the property pending Health Department
2) A specific protection plan for the Old Oak Tree
3 ) Downcast lighting
She said that traffic advisory signs and road signs for lowering the speed limit are basically
unknowns . The lowering of the speed limit is a greater issue and not really specific to this project .
The post environmental assessment is quite accurate and she is proposing for the project that there
be downcast minimized lighting and locations for lighting on the site .
She said that the Board could grant preliminary approval for a Special Permit conditional upon :
1 ) Submission of a final site plan showing the location of the septic and well pending •
Health Department approval ;
2) The proposed lighting
3 ) A protection plan for the Old Oak Tree
She said that she did not know what the effect on the grant submissions would be if the permit
issued was with preliminary approval . If the Board feels that they need more time they could
adjourn decision until the next meeting or a future date with the additional information related to the
site plan completed .
Linda Hansen said that there was discrepancy in the information that was presented related to the use
i V C;h
3 Planning Board Minutes
Special Meeting
April 23 , 1997
of the school building from Margaret Shepard and Donna Collins tonight. She would like to know
more about the use of the Danby School .
Howard Steiner said that he believes that the School District is not going to do anything for the Town
of Danby in regards to that school . Gary Lindembaum reports to the Superintendent of Schools and
he does not speak for the Superintendent. The Superintendent has not told us that we could use the
school . He said that he and Mary Oltz, Joe Schwartz and Donna Collins went to see the
Superintendent of Schools and he has seen nothing that says we can use the Danby School .
Working Session of the Board - April 30 , 1997
Chairperson Horst reported that Rebecca Lubin from Tompkins County Planning has been scheduled
for a work session on April 30, 1997 at 7 : 00 P . M .
Gerry Catlin suggested that we reschedule the work session with Rebecca Lubin and have a Special
Planning Board Meeting on April 30 , 1997 to complete unfinished business .
Motion to Schedule a Special Planning Board Meeting - April 30 , 1997
A motion was made by Gerald Catlin and seconded by Linda Hansen to schedule a Special Planning
Board Meeting on Wednesday, April 30 , 1997 at 7 : 00 P . M . and adjourn decision on the Angelheart
Designs Proposal and the Community Council Community Center Proposal until the next meeting
of the Board on Wednesday, April 30 , 1997 .
Carried Unanimously
Chairperson Horst will have copies made of materials received tonight related to the Community
Center proposal for the Board and they will be distributed to the Board as soon as possible .
On a motion the meeting adjourned at 10 : 30 P . M .
K/ ' I arts-4"
Carol W . S % : sanski , Secretary
min-4-23 . 97
1 Planning Board Public Hearing
Community Council Building
April 23 , 1997
APRIL 23 , 1997
Chairperson Kenneth Horst
Planning Board Members : Gerald Catlin, Linda Hanson, Mary Lou Hardesty, Nancy Weitzel •
Others Present :
Carol Sczepanski - Secretary
Susan Beeners - Code Enforcement Officer
Members of the Public:
Sue Howe, Donna Collins, Robert Roe , Chris & Ginnie Gartlein, John R. Henderson, Margaret
Shepard, Naomi & Robert Strichartz, Janet& Dorothy Gray, Daetght Howard Steiner, Scott�Engelhart
Walter M . Sczepanski, Dawn Parks, Brian y
Robert Chase, Barbara Mosher, Susan Cobb and others .
Chairperson Kenneth Horst declared the public hearing open at 7 : 34 P . M . and read the following
"Notice of Publication" :
"NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , that a Public Hearing will be held by the Planning Board of the
Town of Danby on Wednesday, April 23 , 1997 at 7 : 30 P .M . , Danby Town Hall, 1830 Danby Road,
Ithaca, New York 14850 . Purpose of hearing is to consider a request for a Special Permit for the
proposed Danby Community Center, proposed
of Comfort Road, north of to
Miller Road West. 1
Danby Tax Parcel No . 8 . - 1 - 12 . 12 on the east side
and Barbara Mosher, Landowners, Danby Community Council , Applicant, Donna Collins , Agent .
All interested persons will be given the opportunity to be heard either in writing or in person.
A Special Meeting of the Planning Board will follow the public hearing .
Dated : April 15 , 1997 "
An affidavit of Neighbor Notification was received on April 17 , 1997 .
Donna Collins, Agent for the Community Council Special Permit application, addressed the
Planning Board and public and reported that the Danby ed site Council it a three (3d)for acre parcel
Permit to locate a Community Center and r
donated by Carl and Barbara Mosher on Comfort Road . The Community Council has contacted the
Oakmont Corporation to help the community build a center. The building will be a 65x 65 foot
metal insulated building that is natural in color. It will have a cement floor, bathrooms, utility room,
kitchen, office, preschool , storage closets and a large common room that is 65 x 30 feet. The parking
area will hold 40 cars. There will be a circular driveway for fire trucks and busses . The area will be
fenced in for playgrounds and will have landscaping of trees, bushes and flowers . The large tree
by the road is considered an asset to the land. She said she has talked with Dan Lee from Agway and
he said that if the driveway was 15 -20 feet from the drip line of the tree that it would not damage
to the tree . The proposed driveway is 25 feet or more from the drip line of the tree . The Community
Center is to be used for preschool, after school , summer programs for youth, senior citizens, dinners ,
and teen programs, etc .
Donna submitted to the Board letters she has received in support of the project from :
1 ) Town Board of the Town of Danby in upp t of t the Danby Community Council in its efforts
to build a Danby Community Center Comfort
2 Planning Board Public Hearing
Community Council Building
April 23 , 1997
2) Danby Senior Citizens Unit
3 ) Jan Cottrell of 400 Comfort Road
4) Community School of Music and Arts
5 ) Planned Parenthood of Tompkins County Education Director
• 6) Cornell Cooperative Extension
Donna said that the Community Council has been looking for a site for a community building for
2- 1 /2 years and submitted a list of the properties that have been researched for possible purchase
from January 1995 through August 1997 . The most resent site that was looked into was the Danby
School land She and Margaret Shephard went to the school district on April 18 , 1997 to meet with
Gary Lindenbaum . Obtaining land form the school district is not an option . The district cannot
donate land or sell land for the Community Center. Community Council could obtain twenty year
lease from the school district for use of land (including the building) with a vote after the first ten
years to continue the lease
Donna said that it is important that they receive permission for a Special Permit very soon so that
their Grant Applications can be submitted .
Susan Beeners circulated a revised site plan dated April 18 , 1997 for the proposed Community
Center. Over the last few days a portion of land has been conveyed by the Moshers to the
Hendersons. The actual size of the lot to be conveyed for the community center would be 3 . 09 acres
gross and 2 . 89 acres net.
Members of the Public :
NOTE : Many residents referred to the Community Center as a day care facility and the
project proposal is for a COMMUNITY CENTER.
Jan Parker - 400 Comfort Road - as a residence of Danby would like to add her endorsement for
the Community Center as it is an asset to the community having a place for the children of Danby
and the community to come together. We need a place for the residents of Danby to meet and come
together as a community.
Josephina Griffin - President of Community Council - supports the Community Center Proposal .
She said that she has had four (4) children who attended the Danby preschool programs and that they
have had to move their location too many times .
Dorothy Daetch - 1430 Danby Road - said that the Danby school just sits there and she thinks that
it would be a good location for a community center. She said that she is very sensitive to the needs
of the people who live nearby and the effect it may have on their water and septic .
• Donna Collins responded in regard efforts of Community Council to use the Danby School . She
said that she went with Supervisor Mary Oltz and Councilpersons Howard Steiner and Joe Schwartz
• to the Ithaca City School Board in January to ask permission to use the Danby School . They referred
back in February and said that there was no way it could be used for the preschool , after school and
youth programs . They could not get approval for the Danby School to be used for children . The
school was renovated for Divi Industries and would not meet New York State Fire and Building
Codes in its present state and upgrading the building was not an option at the present time .
Margaret Shepard - 441 Comfort Road - said she was at a meeting with Donna Collins and Gary
Lindenbaum at the Ithaca City School District and reported that Mr. Lindenbaum was not negative
about the use of the school but was negative about the time frame . He said that it was possible to
negotiate the possible purchase of three (3 ) acres of land at the Danby School site but it would take
three (3 ) to six (6) months and would require a public vote . She said that the gym and grounds are
3 Planning Board Public Hearing
Community Council Building
April 23 , 1997
currently available for use but the Town would be charged for maintenance costs .
Margaret read a lengthy statement to the Board opposing the proposed Comfort Road site for
Community Council Center on Comfort Road. She said she did not object to a community center
but objected to the proposed site . A copy of her statement is on file .
1 ) Requesting Board Action by ;
a) postponing the decision on the Comfort Road site for at least one ( 1 ) month;
b) asking Community Council to postpone digging a well and septic system ;
c) Request a full environmental review (SEQR) ; •
d) Consider bringing this issue before the Town Board and possibly putting it
to a public vote ;
2) Personal Impact on her family :
3 ) Impact on the oak tree :
4) Impact on Local Residents
5 ) Impact on the Community Center and Danby at large :
John Henderson - 441 Comfort Road - owns property directly adjoining the proposed community
center site . He said that while he supports the general idea proposed by Community Council he
urges the Planning Board not to approve of the current site . He understands the need for a center but
not at the current proposed location as it is not a good site . His small lot is downhill and he is
concerned about possible contamination, lack of water and improper drainage . The plans must be
worked out in much more detail . He said that the neighbors should have been consulted early in the
process . The rural character of Danby is what attracted him to the area.
Chris Gartlein - 350 Hill Road - said that he has more than 35 years of professional experience in
tree maintenance as well as destruction. He is concerned about the driveway proposed to go around
the tree . The greatest threat to the tree is the highway being close to it. The biggest threat to trees
is lightening. Mr. Gartlein submitted to the Board a paper entitled "How to save the big White Oak
on the 400 block of Comfort Road for the long term" :
Ginny Gartlein - 350 Hill Road - said she likes the idea of a community center but is concerned
about the exposure of the tree to additional traffic and about that area being built up . She would like
to see the project happen but they should take a little more time for planning .
Jim Houghton - 1560 Coddington Road - concerned with adjacent neighbors ' situation. He said
given the size of their lot that this is something that it is reasonable for them to ask the Board to take
more time for decision and to ask Community Council to look at other options .
Scott Engelhart - 458 Comfort Road - has no problem with the facility or its proposed location. He
said he would ask that there be some sort of visual barrier in front of it and along the side for the
Hendersons . He said he does not think that anyone should tell people what to do with property as
long as it is done with some sort of reasonable design. The proposal seems a little anxious with the
speed it is going and maybe they should look into other places . A place to accommodate the
programs for another year should be searched such as the church or other facilities . If the Town •
could get the school district to do something with that building, it would be great .
Dawn Parks - 142 West Miller Road - her main concern is increased traffic on the road She
understands that the Town needs a permanent day care facility and is concerned with the speed this
seems to go . She thanked Hendersons for the time they spent on research.
Bob Strichartz - 708 Comfort Road - sounds to him like this is a big building with a large parking
lot. Maybe some short of a land swap could be arranged to find a larger site . They should accept
this kind gift from the Moshers and sell it to generate some cash for another site .
Barbara Mosher - 190 West Miller Road - responded that she did not think that Mr . Strichartz' s
idea is a possibility .
4 6T. 7 C
4 Planning Board Public Hearing
Community Council Building
April23 , 1997
Naomi Strichartz - 708 Comfort Road - is very excited about the idea of a community center but
objects to the site because of the impact on her friends by development directly next to them . Part
of being a community is that we should really care about every person in the community .
Robert Chase - 106 Comfort Road - the idea of a community center needs to be permanent. He
said he thinks the location is inappropriate because it needs to be where access to readily available .
This is zoned low density and should require some sort of variance .
Walt Sczepanski - 54 East Miller Road - said there are probably better areas but they have looked
for a number of years and have finally got a spot for a community center. You are going to find
drawbacks and there will be impacts no matter where you put a community center. He said that he
thinks the Board should go with it.
John VanDeMark - 411 Comfort Road - said that he believes when a person is paying their taxes
they should have the right to do what they want. It is very nice of Barbara and Carl to give the
community land . They should be able to do what they want with their land . He said that land
donated to the Town of Ithaca to build two (2) fire stations has proven not to be ideal locations for
the fire stations .
Marjorie VanDeMark - 411 Comfort Road - Ms . Shepard said that she polled 34 neighbors and
all but two (2) were against the project. She said she lives 1 /4 mile from the back side of the site and
was not polled and is not against the project . We are not against it and do not have a problem with
it. The school area does seem more ideal and she knows that there has been extensive work and
many sites researched.
Howard Steiner - 1050 Coddington Road - commended Community Council for all the work they
have done over the past at least two (2) years that he has been aware of on this project, all the
research that has been done, all the sites that were looked at and searched for (none of which were
found that were reasonable) . He said that with regards to the Ithaca City School District, there have
been several people at the Board level and local people within the community that have been in
discussions with the Ithaca City School District. The Ithaca City School District assured us that they
wanted to do all kinds of things for Danby and would look into it and get back to us . He has seen
nothing nor heard nothing that says that they will do it. He said he thinks the Town of Danby is
getting short changed by the Ithaca City School District. The last he heard was the school could not
be used for our programs . He is not sure why a building is going to have such an impact on the area.
He said that he is in favor of a community center for Danby, a site has been provided, and it seems
to him it is the best that can be had.
Susan Howe - West Miller Road - she said she speaks both as a resident, a member of Community
Council and as a parent . She said that she would like to see the Planning Board endorse this site
with the concerns of the Shepard ' s taken under consideration. She said that the reasons the Board
should endorse the site are :
1 . the residents of Danby have been without a permanent site since the closing of the
Danby School in approximately 1981 ;
2 . the preschool has changed locations four (4) times in 16 years ;
3 . the preschool at the South Hill School is based on income eligibility first, and many
residents in the Town of Danby are left without affordable preschool opportunities,
are placed on a long waiting list until the week before school starts .
• 4 . late notification often results on the lose of any preschool programs of choice in the
5 . a disadvantage of some of the other programs is the opening time and that the
programs are only three (3 ) hours long ;
6 . the after school programs incorporates the K-5 grades (waiting lists at other schools
are often two (2) years)
As of January 1985 over 18 sites that have been looked into for possible sites as a location for a
community center. The site donated by the Moshers is accessible on County roads and places the
5 Planning Board Public Hearing
Community Council Building
April 23 , 1997
burden of road maintenance on the County rather than the Town. She said she is not in favor of
increased traffic but because of the growth in the area over the last five (5) years of H & E and
Angelheart Designs, any future growth would likely be approved in this area because they are already
existing businesses that continue to grow and will probably come back for expansions in the future .
She would hope that some of the traffic will be rerouted over the Comfort Road Bridge when it is
repaired. Sue Howe said " what I am saying is lets do something worthwhile for the community as
a whole, serve the needs of the community and a source of jobs for the community residents, and lets
recycle our time, money and energy back into the community for our kids, parents and community
as a whole" .
Howard Steiner - reported that the Comfort Road Bridge is scheduled for repair this summer.
Robert Roe - 1820 Danby Road - commented that people are making issue of the haste with which
this has been undertaken, and as far as he knows the issue of both a place for the senior citizens to
meet and home for the preschool has been going for at least 12 years . He said that anyone who
attends the regular Board meetings would be aware that this is an ongoing issue . It was mentioned
that this area is zoned low density. All of Danby is low density with a few exceptions one of which
is along 96B near the Town Hall as well as all road frontage areas along existing roads . He said that
he is familiar with the area that is proposed for this project and he knows of no features or
outstanding qualities that would engender either an Environmental Impact Statement or a SEQR
Review given the nature of the project proposed .
Barbara Mosher - 190 West Miller Road - reported
trouble and she also did couple of
acres of land to something worthwhile would c ause so
they should check with every neighbor around to see if it was alright with what we did with our land .
She said she guessed that she had some misconception of how people should be treated. She did not
realize that it would have such an impact on John and Margaret Henderson and she is not sure that
it is going to have an impact that they are in visioning . We have had quite a lot of development in there is
our neighborhood on Comfort Road during the time that aShelsa d that shedthinks that they
plenty of water, and there has not been a problem sewage .
have tried to accommodate the Hendersons by saying that we would give them 50 foot of land to try
to help them and not have the community center in their back yard. Maybe Community Council is
moving too fast and should have done more planning, but she can understand the haste to submit a
grant . She said that she thinks that Danby does need a community center and no matter where you
want to put it, no one wants it in their back yard . She said that they have paid taxes on this property
for a long time should be able to do what they want to do with it.
Susan Cobb - 190 West Miller Road. - agrees with what her mother (Barbara Mosher) and said that
the reasoning for what everybody seems to think is haste , has been grants and a. desire to be able to
have a center open by the beginning of next school year . She apologized for the persons who did
not know of the proposal until an Ithaca Journal article was published . The article was obtained
from more than one source and was in the hopes that publicity would generate necessary funding and
volunteers needed to help Community Council with planning. She said that if we are going to have
a growing community you have to expect that neighborhoods will change . She asked what would •
be the difference if her father decided to put a housing development in there? She would rather and t see after
the land used for a community center and have a permanent place for the Danby preschool
school program .
Donna Collins - responded to some of the comments made at the hearing :
1 ) she has been told by Gary Lindenbaum that use of the Danby School was not a
possibility ;
2) the well and septic at the Hendersons house was adequate when her brother-in-law
owned the house , they watered their lawn and garden without problems
3 ) the grant is due April 26 and the Emerson Grant Application is due on May 1 , 1997
6 Planning Board Public Hearing
Community Council Building
April 23 , 1997
4) there are funds available for a playground if they have a permanent place
5 ) the building now occupied for preschool and after school programs will not pass
inspections to continue at that location
Donna reported that she has been involved with Community Council for 14 years and they have been
actively looking for a permanent home for five (5 ) years . Their programs have been located in the
Danby Fire Station, the American Legion and at the Danby Federated Church and most recently at
• 467 Troy Road. They need a permanent home . Their programs are scheduled for 50 children not
200 . She gave a description of the proposed building and reported that she has all the necessary facts
and figures for cost of maintenance of the building.
Naomi Strichartz - 708 Comfort Road - said she has been talking with neighbors in her area and
some have problems with their water supply. She said the water table in the area should be
researched to insure that there is water available at the site of the proposed building site .
Comments from the Board :
Nancy Weitzel - asked what happens if the grants are applied for and they are not received and if
there were architectural drawings at this time?
Donna Collins said that they would have special fund raisers and apply for funds from Tompkins
County Trust . They have preliminary drawings for the proposed building.
Chairperson Horst - said that he appreciates everyone taking the time to come to the hearing and
want to give everyone the opportunity to speak. He said that he thinks it is very generous of the
Moshers to donate land for a very worthy cause like this, and he does think that a community center
is needed. He said the quandary he finds himself in is that he was dismayed when he saw in the
paper that it almost seemed like a done deal and he did not know anything about it. He said that he
thinks the Planning Board should have been involved from the onset. The hasty aspect of this
proposal does not give the Board much of a chance to research and review the information . He said
his concern is that Community Council expects the Planning Board to make a hasty decision on
something that is to last the community for a number of years. He again reported that the first he was
aware of a land donation was the article in the paper.
Gerald Catlin - said that the proposal should have started with the Planning Board.
Linda Hansen - asked if the grant was received and for some reason the site location was changed
could the grants be revised?
Donna Collins said that she does not know but that they are going to apply for seven (7) grants and
two (2) have been completed .
Mary Lou Hardesty - said Donna has answered most of the questions that were raised last week
and why the decision was made to locate on Comfort Road. She also had reported on the other sites
that Community Council has pursued. The current location at Troy Road is also an unsuitable site,
is not permanent and there is a problem with the water. Mary Lou explained the layout of the
current facility and said that there were absolutely no facilities for any kind of community activities .
She said that the only time there was any community involvement is when they attend public
hearings , which is unfortunate . Because Danby does not have a school there is seems to be even
more of a need to have a center where people can meet and get to know each other. She would love
to see a site available on 96B . She said that as a Board member and as a member of the Community
Council she feels like she is in a spot, but wishes more people would look at the present facility to
know what the Community Council is dealing with.
Barbara Mosher - said that they were approached and asked if they would be willing to donate land
and they said yes after thinking about it. Unfortunately they may have picked the wrong place to
donate .
7 Planning Board Public Hearing
Community Council Building
April 23 , 1997
Donna reported that for the same amount of money paid for rent on the current facility they could
own the place .
The Planning Board has received the following communications that were read into the minutes :
1 ) Memo for Community Council from Town of Danby Town Board for grant applications :
"The Town of Danby Town Board supports the Danby Community Council in its efforts to build a
Danby Community Center on Comfort Road in the Town of Danby . The Purpose of this Center is
to promote community programs for children, recreation programs for all and activities for senior
citizens .
The building committee has received a donation of land, and is in the process of commissioning an
architectural firm to develop plans for the proposed community center. "
The following communications received relative to this hearing to be entered into the record are :
1 ) Faith and Robert Chase - concern of a proposal for a new building and location when the
Danby School is wasted space that could be used .
2) Pamela Goddard - concern with the speed and lack of community input into the proposal ,
size of building, parking lot and location. It seems inappropriate to rush this proposal
through .
3 ) Rhonda Engman - opposing the site location
4) Chris Gartlein - How to save the big White Oak Tree on Comfort Road
Barbara Mosher said that in regard to traffic, there would be increased traffic regardless of where the
community center is located .
Public Hearing Declared Closed
Chairperson Horst declared the public hearing closed at 9 : 11 P . M .
Carol W.alial)srat4.4-4)
ski , Secretary
phm-4-23 . 97