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1 Planning Board Minutes
Public Hearing - Cove
November 29, 1995
2 Public Hearing - Cove 7 : 30 P.M. November 29 , 1995
IDChairperson Ken Horst
Planning Board Members : Arch Dotson, William Farrell , Joel Gagnon, Mary Lou Hardesty,
Nancy Weitzel , Ralph Wilbur
Others Present :
Carol W. Sczepanski - Secretary
Susan Beeners - Code Enforcement Officer
Mary Oltz - Town Supervisor
Howard Stiener - Councilperson
Maura Cove Applicant
Edward Inman
Chairperson Horst declared the public hearing open at 7 : 36 P . M . and read the following Notice
of Publication:
" NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a Public Hearing will be held by the Planning
Board of the Town of Danby on Wednesday, November 29 , 1995 at 7 : 30 P .M. , Danby
Town Hall , 1830 Danby Road, Ithaca, New York, 14850. Purpose of hearing is to
consider the proposed subdivision of Town of Danby Tax Parcel No . 8. - 1 - 1 . 11 , located
at 89 Layen Road, Ithaca, New York, into a 4 +I- acre lot containing an existing house,
and a 5 . 43 +1- acre vacant lot, Maura Cove, Owner/Applicant.
All interested parties will be given the opportunity to be heard either in writing or in person.
By Order of the Planning Board Chair
Carol W. Sczepanski , Town Clerk.
Dated : November 20, 1995
Published : November 22 , 1995 "
Affidavit of Neighbor Notification was submitted.
Written Communications - Public Comment.
The following letter was received 11 /29/95 to be read into the public hearing record :
"Danby Town Planning Board
ID Carol W. Sczepanski , Town Clerk
SCAB adjacent landowners of Town of Danby tax parcel no. 8 . - 1 - 1 . 11 , we are strongly opposed
to the proposed subdivision. The proposed L- shaped vacant lot of 5 .43 +/- acres would
significantly diminish the value of our property by creating a potential house site directly under
or down hill from our house. It would create a potential health hazard by potentially siting a
well directly down hill from the distribution field for our septic system (which was why, you
should note, parcel 1 . 12 was subdivided at the request of Aist, the previous owner of 1 . 11 ) .
Thank you for considering and recording our interest in this matter.
Willard J. and. Toby B. Peterson
81 Layen Road, Danby, Ithaca, NY 14850
80 Murray Place, Princeton, NJ 08540 "
IS • S
9 ` A
t er
2 Planning Board Minutes
Public Hearing - Cove
November 29, 1995
Maura Cove said that she does not see that by a simple subdivision of her land that it will
decrease the value of the Peterson ' s property. She is selling the portion of her property that
contains a house. Ms . Cove explained that the L- shape of the subdivided parcel is at the buyers
request so that a building cannot be placed close to them on the adjoining parcels .
No public appeared to address the public hearing.
Public Hearing Declared Closed
Chairperson Horst declared the public hearing closed at 7 : 50 P . M .
Respectfully submitted,
duel jff&7144-
Carol W. Sczepanski , Secretary
phm- 12 - 29. 95
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c.1 Planning Board Minutes
November 29, 1995
Regular Meeting 7 : 30 P .M. November 29, 1995
Chairperson Horst
Planning Board Members : Arch Dotson, William Farrell, Joel Gagnon, Mary Lou Hardesty,
Nancy Weitzel , Ralph Wilbur
Others Present :
Carol W. Sczepanski - Secretary
Susan Beeners - Code Enforcement Officer
Mary Oltz - Town Supervisor
Howard Steiner - Councilperson
Members of the Public :
Maura Cove, Edward Inman
Chairperson Horst called the meeting to order at 7 : 50 P . M .
A public hearing was held on Wednesday, November 29 , 1995 at. 7 : 30 P .M. to hear public
comment on the proposed subdivision of Town of Danby Tax Parcel No. 8. - 1 - 1A1 located at.
89 Layen Road, Ithaca, New York into a 4 +1- acre lot containing an existing house, and a 5 .43
+1- acre vacant lot. Maura Cove, Owner/Applicant.
RESOLUTION NO. 13 of 1995
By Joel Gagnon : Seconded by Arch Dotson
WHEREAS , this action is the consideration of a determination of environmental significance
for the proposed subdivision of Town of Danby Tax parcel No . 8. - 1 - 141 located at 89 Layen
Road, into a 4 +/- acre lot containing an existing house, and a 5 .43 +f- acre vacant lot, Maura
Cove, Owner/Applicant, and
WHEREAS , this is an Unlisted action for which the Town of Danby Planning Board has been
legislatively determined to act as Lead Agency in environmental review, and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board, at and following public hearing on November 29, 1995 , has
reviewed the Short Environmental Assessment Form and the recommendation by the Code
Enforcement Officer that a negative determination of environmental significance be made for
• this action, now therefore, it is
RESOLVED, that the Town of Danby Planning Board, acting as Lead Agency in environmental
review of this Unlisted action, makes a negative determination of environmental significance.
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Dotson Aye
Farrell Aye
Gagnon Aye
Hardesty Aye
Weitzel Aye
Wilbur Aye
Horst. Aye Carried Unanimously
6 el v
2 Planning Board Minutes
November 29, 1995
RESOLUTION NO 14 of 1995
By Joel Gagnon : Seconded by William. Farrell
VVHEREAS , this action is the consideration of preliminary and final subdivision approval for
the proposed subdivision of Town of Danby Tax parcel No . 8 . - 1 - 1 . 11 , located at 89 Layen
Road, into a 4 +1- acre lot containing an existing house, and a 5 . 43 +1- acre vacant lot., Maura
Cove, Owner/Applicant, and
WHEREAS, this is an Unlisted action for which the Town of Danby Planning Board, acting as •
Lead Agency in environmental review, has on November 29 , 1995 made a negative
determination of environmental significance, and
'WHEREAS, the Planning Board has held a public hearing on the proposed subdivision on
November 29 , 1995 , now therefore, it is
RESOLVED , that the Town of Danby Planning Board hereby grants preliminary and final
subdivision approval to the subdivision as proposed, subject to the submission of a final survey
map, suitable for filing, for signature by the Chairperson of the Planning Board, and it is further
RESOLVED, that granting of subdivision by the Planning Board should in no way be construed
as an acknowledgment that the road to the west of the proposed 5 . 4 +1- acre lot denominated on
the subdivision plan as now or "now or formally Sandbank Road" is a public road or that the
Town of Danby or Town of Newfield have any obligations with respect to the maintenance of
said road, it being understood that any further subdivision of said proposed 5 .4 +1- acre lot
requiring access over "Sandbank Road" may be conditioned upon the subdivider constructing
a public road to the appropriate Town highway specifications and conveying same to the
appropriate towns .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Dotson Aye
Farrell Aye
Gagnon Aye
Hardesty Aye
Weitzel Aye
Wilbur Aye
Horst Aye Carried Unanimously
RESOLUTION NO . 15 of 1995
PLAT - Approved
By Joel Gagnon: Seconded by Nancy Weitzel
WHEREAS , the Town of Danby Planning Board on June 21 , 1995 granted Final Subdivision •
Approval, with certain conditions , to the proposed Camelot Subdivision, proposed to be located
northeast of the intersection of N. Y. State Route 34/96 (Spencer Road) and Hillview Road on
Town of Danby Tax Parcel No . 26 . - 1 - 9 . 3 , and
WHEREAS, Glen Harrington, developer of the proposed Camelot Subdivision, has requested
that the Planning Board grant a 90 - day extension to the requirement that a final plat be signed
by the Planning Board chairperson no later than 180 days after final subdivision approval , as
provided in Section 210 , Paragraph 8 of the Town ofDanby Subdivision Regulations , now,
therefore, it is
RESOLVED , that the Planning Board finds that said extension would have no significant
adverse environmental impact, and would not significantly change the Type I determination of
environmental significance made on May 17 , 1995 by the Planning Board, and it is further
3 Planning Board Minutes
November 29, 1995
RESOLVED, that the Planning Board hereby wants a 90 - day extension to the requirement that
the final plat for Camelot Subdivision be signed by the Planning Board chairperson no later than
180 days after final subdivision approval , as provided in Section 210 , Paragraph 8 of the Town
of Danby Subdivision Regulations .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Five (5 ) Ayes - Two (2) Abstained
Dotson Aye
• Farrell Aye
Gagnon Aye
Hardesty Abstained
Weitzel Aye
Wilbur Abstained
Horst Aye Carried
Ralph Wilbur and Mary Lou Hardesty abstained because they were not familiar with the
"Camelot" project.
Nature ' s Song Retreat Center
Susan reported that she received an inquiry from a South Danby Road resident regarding the
frequency of seminars and meetings held at the Nature ' s Song Retrea lilanning Board
approval for the Retreat Center was for three (3 ) weekend seminars per month from May to
November Ms . Boardman has sent a reply explaining the change in scheduling from weekends
to weekdays was because participants preferred weekday scheduling. Attendance at the
seminars has been very light and there have not been complaints from the neighborhood. Susan
said that the Town Attorney has recommended that Ms. Boardman apply for a modification of
the Special Permit and that a public hearing is required.
The Board reviewed the calendar of events, submitted by Ms. Boardman, held at the retreat
cater for the months of June 1995 - November 1995 . The information indicated that attendance
is very light and generates little traffic.
Motion of Decision for Public Hearing - Nature' s Song Retreat Center
A motion was made by Arch Dotson and seconded by Nancy Weitzel that the Planning Board
concurs with the Town Attorney ' s opinion that the Planning Board hold a public hearing if Ms .
Boardman submits application for a Modified Special Permit for the Nature ' s Song Retreat
A vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Carried Unanimously
• Susan asked the Planning Board to consider a public hearing date for the January 1996 meeting
for a Modified Special Permit for Nature ' s Song Retreat Center presuming that the application
materials are complete.
Miscellaneous Reports :
Rural Planning Grant
Susan reported that the Town has submitted application for a Rural Planning Grant. If awarded,
County Planning will do a mail survey of businesses and customers in the Town. They would
also look at our statistics and other available information, i . e. Comprehensive Plan and Zoning
Ordinance. The information will be analyzed and they will make recommendations as to what
areas are best suited for commercial development. The information will be used to develop a
business directory and there would be a final report on economic development. This County
Planning Project will not be able to identify small home-based businesses . That work will be
done in advance by her office and they are now preparing a listing of small business and
addresses as well as the larger businesses.
4 Planning Board Minutes
November 29, 1995
Susan suggested that it might be helpful if members of the area businesses could come in and
interact with the Planning Board or develop an economic advisory committee.
Miscellaneous Reports :
Chairperson Horst reported that there are programs provided by Cooperative Extension for
newly elected and experienced government officials .
Consideration of Home Occupation Regulations :
Susan referred to the information submitted by Joel Gagnon in October 1995 related to the •
ctiteria related to businesses. She said she has checked with the Town Attorney and he said that
it is not a good practice to have a mechanism by which neighbors within 500 feet of the site must
approve or disapprove of a business. If there is something where there is a troublesome land
use coming in, the Board should listen to the neighbors, but they should make their own
independent decision. She said you could have some sort of a mechanism where if there is a
tremendous amount of opposition to a proposal within a certain area, that the Board must
approve the project by a super majority vote.
The Planning Board reviewed a draft of proposed changes to the Home Occupation section of
the ordinance to define home-based businesses and definitions . Susan said the Town needs a
category other than home based business that addresses small commercial type property. The
proposed type C home-based businesses in the draft are the type that we do not permit anywhere
in our home occupations .
Ralph Wilbur said that you cannot operate a business where the neighbors say where you can
have a healthy business as they can choke a business to death. Businesses do not just appear
overnight. He said he objects to mailing letters to adjacent land owners within 500 feet. You
cannot have neighbors (however far away notification letters are sent) determining whether a
home based business can operate even if a business already exists .
Joel said that he thinks that the government ought to respond to the people who are going to be
affected most by the decision for a rezoning proposal . They ought to have the most say in the
decision process .
Susan said that you could include a majority vote provision where if more than 25 % of the
property owners around a rezoning site are opposed, the Town Board could not approve a
rezoning except by a super majority vote.
The Board will review and consider the proposed revisions at the December meeting.
Corrections to October 18 , 1995, Public Hearing Minutes - Beeners
1 ) correct statement - delete (enable Brian Beeners enough acreage for a greenhouse. ) Add
divide the property between family members. •
Motion to approve October 18 , 1995 Public Hearing Minutes :
A motion was made by Joel Gagnon and Seconded by Ralph Wilbur to approve the October 18 ,
1995 Public Hearing Minutes as corrected.
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Dotson Aye
Farrell Aye
Gagnon Aye
Hardesty Aye
Weitzel Aye
Wilbur Aye
Horst Aye Carried Unanimously
5 Planning Board Minutes
November 29, 1995
Corrections to October 18 , 1995 . * Minutes
1 ) First Whereas, Reso . No . 11 - Add the name Brian
2) Under Water & Sewer Information - delete (Kneiderkorn) add Niederkom
3 ) In Joel ' s report add - add after essential larger existing. . . and delete (of) and add and
4) Under Recycling of Construction and Household Materials - - Ralph said (not reported)
• 5) Possible Revisions to Subdivision Regulations - - Susan suggested (not reported)
Motion to approve October 18, 1995 Minutes
A motion was made by Joel and seconded by Arch Dotson to approve the October 18, 1995
Planning Board Minutes as corrected.
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Dotson Aye
Farrell Aye
Gagnon Aye
Hardesty Aye
Weitzel Aye
Wilbur Aye
Horst Aye Carried Unanimously
On a motion the meeting adjourned at 9 : 55 P. M .
Respectfully submitted,
Carol W. Sc o / ski , Secretary
mini 1 -29. 95