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Public Hearing Minutes
Barnes Proposal - Rezoning
November 13, 1995
Barnes Proposal
Proposed Local Law No. 2 7 : 30 P. M. November 13, 1995
Supervisor Oltz
Councilpersons : Rosa Lee Johnson, Howard Steiner
ABSENT : (Excused)
Councilpersons :
Roger Hile and Joseph Schwartz
Others Present:
Carol Sczepanski - Town Clerk
Code Enforcement Officer - Susan Beeners
Planning Board Chair - Kenneth Horst.
Members of the Public:
Mary Lou Hardesty, Michael & Eloise Greene, Nancy Weitzel, Roy Hornbrook, Don Barnes,
Joan & Roger Grant, Robert Roe, Roy Casterline, Joe Rorick, Ed Inman, Liz Norton, Marcus
Wright, Andrew Grumb, Brent Testut, Cyndi M. Rich, Edward M. Roberts
Supervisor Oltz declared the Public Hearing open at 7: 30 P.M. and the Town Clerk read the
following Notice of Publication.
"PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Town of Danby Town Board will hold a public hearing
on Monday, November 13, 1995 at 7 : 30 P.M. , 1830 Danby Road, Ithaca, New York to consider
a Local Law to Amend the Zoning Ordinance to establish a Planned Development Zone on a 8
+/- acre portion of Town of Danby Tax Parcel No. 14 . - 1 -4. 2 ten ( 10) acres total located in a low
density residential zone on Michigan Hollow Road . The Planned Development. Zone is
proposed to include a four (4) unit dwelling. Donald Barnes Owner/Applicant.
Dated : October 30, 1995
Published : November 1 , 1995 "
Affidavit of Neighbor Notification was submitted.
Communications Received :
Supervisor Oltz reported that. the Town received a letter from Tompkins County Department of
Planning that concerns this proposed Planned Development addressed to Susan Beeners, Code
Enforcement Officer. The letter acknowledges her referral to the Barnes Proposal for review
by the Tompkins County Planning Department pursuant to Section 239-1 & m of the New York
State General Municipal Law. Their only comment was concerning the proposed septic for the
four unit dwelling and care was suggested in siting the septic system due to the generally wet
area. They stated that the proposal as submitted will have no significant deleterious impact on
intercommunity, County or State interests.
2) Supervisor Oltz received A phone call from Linda Hanson expressing approval of Mr.
Barns project.
49 4
2 Public Hearing Minutes
Barnes Proposal - Rezoning
November 13 , 1995
3 ) A letter was received from Mark lacovell and was read into the hearing minutes
opposing the proposal for a four (4) unit rental unit next to his home. He objects to the
Town proposing to rezone the property from low density to high density. The people
who would be directly affected by this zoning change are against it. He asked the Town
Board to consider this zoning change from the neighborhood perspective and urged the
Board to give his concerns serious consideration.
Members of the Public:
Michael Greene - 100 Michigan Hollow Road - formally stated his opposition to the proposed
rezoning of the Barnes property on Michigan Hollow Road from low density residential to
Planned Development. He said as a home owner adjacent to the parcel this rezoning would be
in direct contrast to the nature of the present neighborhood. He asked the Board to deny the
request for the zoning change and to honor the commitment that zoning is enforced in Danby.
Eloise Greene - 100 Michigan Hollow Road - submitted a copy of the petition submitted to the
Planning Board opposing the proposal for rezoning of the Barnes property. The petition
contains twelve ( 12) signatures from ten ( 10) households all located on Michigan Hollow Road.
She requested the petition be entered into the minutes of hearing.
Donald Barnes - 57 Michigan Hollow Road - stated that in the low density zoned area he has
asked the Board to rezone, as low density he would be able to build two two-family houses. A
four-unit dwelling is more efficient, easier to manage and uses fewer resources than two duplex
dwellings. He has submitted new drawings of proposed landscaping that include evergreen trees
to be used as a buffer and sound bather.
Roger Grant - 97 Michigan Hollow Road- supports the proposal for rezoning and one unit on
the eight (8) acre site. He said he thinks that there is adequate space and that the dwelling will
not be all that visible to the neighbors. He supports the easing of zoning restrictions placed on
land owners and does not feel that it is appropriate to deny building on land people have
Joan Grant - 97 Michigan Hollow Road - approves of the Barnes Proposal for rezoning. She
does not believe there would be visual problems with the proposed dwelling. When approached
to sign a petition against the proposal there was reference made to the type of people who would
live in the complex and that the property it would not be maintained properly. She said does
not believe in neighbor control over neighbors ' land.
Roy Hornbrook - said his family has owned property in Danby for more than fifty (50) years
and he approves of the Board lowering restrictions in an effort to increase the tax base. He
approves of the proposal. ak
Susan Beeners reported that the Board has received an Environmental Assessment,
recommendations from the Planning Board, and copies of the Proposed Local Law related to
the proposed rezoning.
Councilperson Steiner asked if it were possible to place three (3 ) two unit buildings or a cluster
on the ten ( 10) acre parcel .
Susan responded that there is adequate space to place three (3 ) two unit buildings or a cluster
of five (5 ) or six (6) buildings on the ten ( 10) acre parcel.
Members of the public stated they would not object to the placement of single family homes or
a cluster of that nature. The neighborhood objection is to a rental complex.
3 Public Hearing Minutes
Barnes Proposal - Rezoning
November 13 , 1995
Councilperson Johnson said that they purchased their property when there were practically no
restrictions for land use. She would like to go back to fewer restrictions if we are talking about
changing the zoning laws. As a thirty (30) year resident of Danby she thinks we are over
restricted with controlling homeowners beyond what is necessary. Our statistics show that
Danby is growing quite slowly and for those who live here have a very heavy burden of taxes.
We are the least populated area in the County. She said she feels from her observation, the
reading of our Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Law, that this proposal falls within the
parameters of those things that are already overly restricted from her point of view. She said
we need to welcome people coming to Danby and strongly opposes classifying people in this
community before we even know who they are. She would like to see the Town Board and the
Planning Board work to see if we cannot accommodate the people in this community.
Councilperson Steiner said that the purpose of zoning as described in our ordinance is to prevent
overcrowding of land, to avoid concentrations of populations, to facilitate sections of lots that
maybe occupied, controlling the density of population and the location and the use of buildings.
Our Comprehensive Plan tries to insure an orderly growth that will not unreasonably disrupt
neighborhoods. The Town wants to minimize and control the expense of providing our services
and discourage larger developments which cause disruptions to the rural atmosphere. He said
to his mind, this Planned Development. Zone is more cost effective to the residents than a cluster
development because the owner would be responsible for the maintenance of the driveway.
Affordable housing is needed as there is not a lot of good quality reasonably priced housing in
the Town of Danby. He said that comments he has heard related to this proposal and rental
property he found very offensive. He thinks this type of development is needed in Danby and
what we are striving for. If the architecture is correct, the proposed building will blend in with
the neighborhood and would look like any family dwelling.
Supervisor Oltz said that in her opinion that this is a small development and cannot see how it
would be disruptive to the neighborhood. It looks like the area plan has a well-planned buffer
area to minimize the effect on the neighbors and their view. It appears that Mr. Barns wants to
be considerate of his neighbors.
Public Hearing Declared Closed :
Supervisor Oltz declared the Public Hearing closed at 8 : 06 P.M.
adid ) ets etAc.A a
Carol W. SczekUki, Town Clerk
PHM- 11 - 13 . 95
!. .
1 Town Board Minutes
November 13, 1995
Regular Meeting 8 : 00 P .M. November 13, 1995
Supervisor Mary Oltz
Councilpersons : Rosa Lee Johnson, Howard Steiner
Councilpersons : Hile, Schwartz (Excused)
Others Present:
Carol Sczepanski - Town Clerk
Susan Beeners - Code Enforcement Officer
Members of the Public:
Mary Lou Hardesty, Michael it & Eloise Greene, Nancy Weitzel , Ken Horst, Roy Hornbrook,
Don Barnes , Roger & Joan Grant, Robert Roe, Roy Casterline, Joe Rorick Ed Inman, Liz
Norton, Marcus Wright, Andrew Grums, Brent Testut, Cyndi M . Rich, Edw. M . Roberts
Supervisor Mary Oltz called the meeting to order at 8 : 15 P . M. and led all present to the Pledge
of Allegiance to the American flag.
Approval of October 9, 1995. Town Board Minutes
A motion was made by Councilperson Steiner and seconded by Supervisor Oltz to approve the
October 9 , 1995 Town Board Minutes as published.
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Johnson Aye
Steiner Aye
Oltz Aye Carried Unanimously
Councilperson Steiner requested that a Special Meeting of the Town. Board be scheduled to
consider Proposed Local Law No. 1 of 1992 as soon as possible.
Special Town Board Meeting Scheduled
A Special Meeting of the Town Board was scheduled for Monday, November 20, 1995 at 5 : 00
P . M . to consider Local Law No . 2 of 1995 and the Town of Danby 1996 Preliminary Budget. •
Supervisor Oltz reported that County Representative Proto was unable to attend the meeting
tonight as he is a guest at a Community Senior Citizens Dinner.
Members of the Public:
Robert Roe - 1820 Danby Road - approached the Board and asked them to consider asking the
New York State Highway Department to post Deer Crossing signs on 96B from Hornbrook
Road through the area south of Danby. There are many deer killed in the Town and three (3)
within the last week in the area of the Town Hall .
Donald Barnes - 57 Michigan Hollow Road - asked the Board to act on the proposal to
Establish a Planned Development Zone on his property as soon as possible.
2 Town Board Minutes
November 13 , 1995
1 ) Town. ofDanby Preliminary Budget for 1996
2) Municipal Official ' s Association Training Opportunities Schedule
3 ) Seneca Pipe Line Hearing Schedule for November Hearings Two (2) hearings are being
held today, Monday, November 13 , 1995 and there will be a hearing on Tuesday,
November 14, 1995 at the Fire Station in Candor, New York.
EMC Report - Bob Roe reported that Liz Roe was unable to attend many of the EMC
meetings due to a new teaching schedule. She is not able to consider another term on the EMC
due to her busy schedule.
Community Council - Liz Norton reported that she is concerned that the Summer Recreation
Program did not receive funding in the 1996 Preliminary Budget. Community Council will not
be able to run the summer program and pay the rental fee for the building without funding from
the town. She strongly urged the Board to consider funding the summer program. She is also
concerned that the allocaation for the Pond was less in 1996 . This means there will be less
supervision at the pond during the hours it is 'closed to swimming.
Discussion :
Supervisor Oltz reported that in the Preliminary Budget allocation for the pond program is
$3 , 000. The Summer Recreation was not allocated in the budget. The Youth Partnership
Program was increased because there has been positive feedback from many residents and
participants involved in the programs.
Liz Norton said that there have been problems with the summer recreation program and they are
working to solve them. The tuition paid by the participants in the summer programs is used for
the program expense and that the funds from the Town helps pay the rental fee for the building.
Councilperson Steiner is concerned that we are paying too much rent for the building that is used
for our youth programs.
Supervisor Oltz suggested that members of the Youth. Commission, Community Council and
Town Board members get together and explore possible sites for a building for our youth
programs. A tentative meeting was scheduled to be held on Wednesday, December 6, 1995 at
7 : 00 F.M.
Small Cities Community Development Block Grant - Report
Karl Heck, Community/Economic Development Coordinator from Tompkins County Planning
addressed the Board with information regarding Small Cities Community Development Block
Grant (CDBG). CDBG is a HUD Block Grant Program and provides assistance to
municipalities in a variety of areas such as housing rehabilitations, home ownership programs
and economic development. A community can apply for assistance in more than one area and
4 applications are submitted annually. The County asks for a $3 ,000 contribution for localities to
help defray the cost of single-purpose applications, and pays the remainder of the costs out of
its fords. The only Town commitment of funds required is a $3 ,000 application fee and the cost
oh a single audit of town expenditures. The Town of Danby could apply for $400, 000 .
Supervisor Oltz thanked Karl Heck for his information and said that the Board will look into
the possibility of submitting an application.
Senior Citizens Report :
Edw. M. Roberts reported that the Senior Citizens went on two (2) trips, one to Elmira to hear
3 Town Board Minutes
November 13, 1995
a Barber Shop Quartet and one to a Christmas Program at Becks Grove .
Code Enforcement Report:
Susan Beeners reported that the October 1995 activity was slow but has increased in November.
Planning Board Report:
Chairperson Ken. Horst reported to the Board some of the comments he heard during the
September Public Hearing on the Barnes Proposal for a rezoning, for clarification. He said the
objective and the intent of the Planning Board is not to restrict development and he does not
think the record shows that we try to restrict development in the Town of Danby. The purpose
of the zoning regulations is to provide an orderly Planned Development for the Town and it was
designed to maintain as much as possible the fine environment that we have in the Town of
Danby. The recommendation that was made by the Planning Board was not based on economic
status of potential renters and it was not a factor in the Board ' s consideration. He urged the
Town Board to study the proposal and consider the resolution as presented by the Planning
Board . He read the following portion of the resolution: "Resolved, that the Planning Board
hereby recommends to Mr. Barnes that if he chooses to pursue this proposal at the Town Board
that he include in the information the design of the building and proposed uses of the remaining
lands to facilitate the Town Board ' s review and the neighborhood ' s additional consideration. "
He trusts that Mr. Barnes has fulfilled that recommendation.
Councilperson Johnson said that comments were made by person or persons in reference to the
economic level of potential renters . She is strongly opposed to discriminating housing or
anything else in the community and feels that we are too slow, both as a Town Board and the
Planning Board to responding to the needs of people who want to build something. We need
a better pattern to expedite what people are wanting to do.
Chairperson Horst said that economic level of potential tenants should not have any impact on
consideration of the proposal and it did not in the Planning Boards case. Whether the Board
approves or disapproves of this change the economic level of persons who may be renters should
not be a factor.
Councilperson Steiner said that he agrees that economic level of potential renters should not be
a factor, but it was his impression that some of the opposition in the neighborhood where the
Planned Development is proposed was promoted specifically because of that factor. What
should have been considerations were the objectives of zoning, the comprehensive plan, and
development that has the least impact to the land. He said he thinks that the lesser impact is a
four (4) unit single footprint on the eight (8) acres. His opinion is that the impact to the land
would be less with one building than a cluster development of five (5 ) or six (6) single family
homes. •
Nancy Weitzel said that Mr. Barnes was asked to supply the Planning Board with plans of the
building he plans to build. The Planning Board has not viewed any detailed plans for the
proposed structure or the type of building he plans to build.
Susan Beeners reported Mr. Barnes has submitted building plans for the proposed structure to
the Town Board.
Councilperson Johnson said it would save all of us time the applicant efore given
proposal is brought
the information and requirements they need to present to
before the Boards.
Susan Beeners said that with a proposal for a rezoning the minimum time from the applicant first
coming to first one board to the time that he is able to build is around six (6) months. That time
4 Town Board Minutes
November 13, 1995
is based on the process set down in the ordinance and State Law. That would also depend on
whether the Town Board and Planning Board meetings are in the right succession to expedite
the proposal.
Appointment to Tompkins County Planning Federation
By Supervisor Oltz : Seconded by Councilperson Steiner
WHEREAS, the Town of Danby needs a representative for the Tompkins County Planning
Federation, and
WHEREAS, Planning Board Members Arch Dotson and Ralph Wilbur have expressed interest
in serving on the Tompkins County Planning Federation, now be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town. of Danby recommends to Tompkins County
the appointment of Arch Dotson as representative and Ralph Wilbur as alternate representative
on the Tompkins County Planning Federation.
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows:
Johnson Aye
Steiner Aye
Oltz Aye
Carried Unanimously
Appointments to Committees and Boards
Supervisor Oltz reported that several appointments are needed for the following committees and
advisory boards by December 31 , 1995 :
1 ) County Environmental Management Committee
2) Hillview Road Landfill Citizen' s Advisory Committee
3 ) Tompkins County Youth Partnership Board
Town Building Committee Report
Supervisor Oltz reported that the Town Building Committee has revised plans and they are in
the hands of the architect at this time. More information should be available for the December
Board Meeting.
By Councilperson Johnson : Seconded by Supervisor Oltz
WHEREAS, Mary Casterline, Collector for the West Danby Water District has submitted the
following list of user fees for West Danby Water District that remain unpaid for the period of
October 31 , 1994 through October 31 , 1995 :
17. - 1 - 10 FX Wright, Donald 533 Brown Road S 85 . 63
17. - 1 - 16 KH Hendrix, William 36 Station. Road 32. 20
17. - 1 -. 17 LA Schilling, Vera 14 Station Road 132. 54
5 Town Board Minutes
November 13, 1995
17 . - 1 - 18 LT Apgar, Michael 22 Station Road 88 . 00
17. - 1 - 19 MM Wright, Donald 18 Station Road 258 . 50
17. - 1 -23 IU Adams, Margaret
(Vacant Parcel) Valley Road 85 . 80
17. - 1 -34 KF Campbell, Tom
(Vacant Parcel) Valley View Road 85 . 50
17. - 1 -37 MK Scott, James 26 Maple Avenue 165 . 01
1. 7. - 1 -57. 12 QH Lockwood, Larry 25 Station Road 108 . 08 t
18 . - 1 - 16 KQ Barnato, Peter 2393 Spencer Road 85 . 80
(Tomp. Co. Vacant Lot)
18 . - 1 -21 HR Smith, Cary 2500 Spencer Road 216 . 97
26 . - 1 -6 . 1 KK Decker, Gerald 92 Hillview Road 182 . 91
26 . 4 -9. 2 NL Benjamin, James 2728 Spencer Road 85 . 80
26 . - 1 -8 LA Merilahti, Donald 2741 Spencer Road 42. 90
16 . - 1 - 16 . 2 LQ Muka, Chris 2220 Spencer Road • 64. 35
17 . - 1 - 50 IR Huttunen, Lucy 2362 Spencer Road 36 . 85
now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby authorizes the uncollected Water
Bills for the West Danby Water District in the amount of $ 1 , 757 . 14 be turned over to Tompkins
County to be added to the 1996 Tax Roll for collection.
(Councilpersons Hile and Schwartz absent)
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Johnson Aye
Steiner Aye
Oltz Aye
Carried Unanimously
By Councilperson Steiner: Seconded by Councilperson Johnson
WHEREAS, the Town of Danby and the Civil Service Employees Association, Inc. , Local
1000 ACME, AFL-CIO (Town of Danby Highway Unit) have a properly executed agreement
in effect until 1997, and
WHEREAS, this agreement does not have established rules for the payment of vacation earned
but not used at the time an employee resigns or retires, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town of Danby, in the absence of any ruling, establish the following •
policy for making payments to an employee in good standing at the time of resignation or
retirement for earned vacation:
Two (2) years to ten ( 10) years service - all vacation time earned in the year of
resignation or retirement
Eleven ( 11) or more years service - all vacation time earned in the year of resignation or
retirement plus vacation time carried over from the previous year, and be it further
RESOLVED, that this policy remain in effect only until an addendum has been negotiated to
the current agreement between the Town and the highway employees.
501 ,
6 Town Board Minutes
November 13 , 1995
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Johnson Aye
Steiner Aye
Oltz Aye
Carried Unanimously
RESOLUTION NO. 54 of 1995
By Councilperson Johnson: Seconded by Councilperson Oltz
WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent has requested that funds be transferred from Bridge
Account No. DA5120 . 1 in the amount of $3 ,300 . 00 and added to General Repairs Account
No. DA5110 . 1 for Personal Services, and
WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent has further requested that $4,000. 00 be transferred
from Account No. DA5120 . 4 to General Repairs Account No. DA5110 . 4 for Contractual
Expenses, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town of Danby Supervisor be authorized and instructed to transfer these
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Johnson Aye
Steiner Aye
Oltz Aye Carried Unanimously
RESOLUTION NO. 55 of 1995
By Councilperson Steiner: Seconded by Councilperson Johnson
WHEREAS, a capital reserve fund was established by Resolution No. 57 of 1994 entitled
OF THE TOWN OF DANBY" under Section 6-c of the General Municipal Law, and
WHEREAS, there are surplus monies now on hand and not otherwise appropriated for the year
1995 in the amount of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000 . 00), now therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that these surplus monies be added to this capital reserve fund established by
® Resolution # 57 of 1994 .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Johnson Aye
Steiner Aye
Oltz Aye
Carried Unanimously
7 Town Board Minutes
November 13, 1995
RESOLUTION NO. 56 of 1995
By Councilperson Steiner: Seconded by Councilperson Johnson
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Danby duly convened in regular session for their
monthly meeting, Monday, November 13 , 1995 , at the Danby Town Hall, does resolve as
follows :
SECTION 1 . That there be and hereby is established a capital reserve fund in the amount of
Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25 ,000 . 00) for the purchase of machinery and equipment
costing more than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000 . 00).
SECTION 2 . Such fund to be known as the "Town Machinery and Equipment Reserve Fund
of the Town of Danby for Purchases of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000 . 00) or More".
SECTION 3. That the estimated cost of said machinery and equipment has not been established.
SECTION 4. That out of the surplus monies of said Town now on hand for the year 1995 and
not otherwise appropriated, the sum of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25 ,000 . 00) be and the
same hereby is appropriated for the "Town Machinery and Equipment Reserve Fund of the
Town of Danby for Purchases of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000 . 00) or More" and the
Supervisor of the Town is hereby authorized and directed to transfer from surplus funds of said
Town of Danby the sum of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25 ,000 . 00) to the Fund.
SECTION 5. Such additional funds as may hereafter be appropriated shall become a part of
the Fund .
SECTION 6. The monies in the Fund shall be deposited in a separate bank account in the
Tompkins County Trust Company.
SECTION 7. The Supervisor in his/her discretion, may invest the monies in the fund in the
manner provided in Section 6-F of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York. Any
interest earned or capital gains realized on the monies so deposited or invested shall accrue to
and become part of the Fund.
SECTION 8. No expenditures shall be made from the Fund except by authorization of the
Town Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 6-C of the General Municipal Law of the
State of New York.
SECTION 9. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Johnson Aye
Steiner Aye
Oltz Aye
Carried Unanimously
Voting Machine Reconditioning or Purchase
Voting Machine Custodian Edw. M. Roberts reported that two (2) of our voting machines
should be reconditioned before the March 1996 Primary. One ( 1 ) machine has several broken
8 Town Board Minutes
November 13, 1995
pointers and definitely needs to be reconditioned or replaced . Both machines were purchased
in 1972, have cast pointers, and have never been reconditioned . The estimate for reconditioning
and upgrading the voting machines is $ 1245 per machine and includes a five (5 ) year warranty.
Mr. Roberts recommended that both machines be reconditioned.
Reconditioning of Two (2) Voting Machines - Approved
A motion was made by Councilperson Steiner and seconded by Supervisor Oltz to authorize the
Town Supervisor to have both of the 1972 voting machines repaired and reconditioned as
recommended by Edw. M. Roberts.
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Johnson Aye
Steiner Aye
Oltz Aye
Carried Unanimously
General Fund Warrant No. 11 of 1995 - Approved
A motion was made by Councilperson Steiner and seconded by Supervisor Oltz to approve
General Fund Warrant No. 11 of 1995 , voucher numbers 302-327 in the amount of $7,632. 81 .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Johnson Aye
Steiner Aye
Oltz Aye
Carried Unanimously
Highway Fund Warrant No. 11 of 1995 - Approved
A motion was made by Councilperson Steiner and seconded by Councilperson Johnson to
approve the Highway Fund Warrant No. 11 of 1995 , voucher numbers 125 - 138 in the amount
of $ 10,014. 62.
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Johnson Aye
Steiner Aye
Oltz Aye
Carried Unanimously
West Danby Water District Warrant No. 10, of 1995 - Approved
A motion was made by Councilperson Johnson and seconded by Supervisor Oltz to approve the
West Danby Water District Warrant No. 10 of 1995 , voucher numbers 40-43 in the amount of
$749. 10 .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Johnson Aye
Steiner Aye
Oltz Aye
Carried Unanimously
9 Town Board Minutes
November 13, 1995
Election Inspectors Warrant No. 1 of 1995 - Approved
A motion was made by Councilperson Johnson and seconded by Councilperson Steiner to
approve the Election Inspectors Warrant No. 1 of 1995 , voucher numbers 1 - 14 in the amount
of $ 1 ,208 . 76 .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Johnson Aye
Steiner Aye
Oltz Aye
Carried Unanimously
Town Clerk' s October 1995 Report - Approved
A motion was made by Councilperson Steiner and seconded by Councilperson Johnson to
approve the October 1995 Town Clerk ' s Report as submitted.
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Johnson Aye
Steiner Aye
Oltz Aye
Carried Unanimously
Town Supervisor' s October 1995 Report
The October 1995 town Supervisor' s report was postponed until the November 20, 1995
meeting of the Town Board.
On a motion the meeting adjourned at 10 : 15 P.M.
Carol W. Sczepa , own Clerk
min- 11 - 13 -95