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" CAMELOT " 7 : 00 P . M . May 17 , 1995
Chairperson Horst
P lanning Board Members : Arch Dotson , William Farrell , Joel
Gagnon , Don Schaaf , Nancy Weitzel
E loise Greene ( excused )
Others Present :
Code Enforcement Officer - Susan Beeners
Secretary - Carol Sczepanski
Applicant - Glen Harrington
Councilperson - Howard Steiner
Members of the Public :
W . F . Albern , M . Wendlowsky , Steve Cortright , Steve Lawrence , Al
Becker , Roy Casterline , George Armstrong , Carol Benjamin , Anne
B ecker , Mary Lou Hardesty
Chairperson Horst opened the Public Hearing at 7 : 07 P . M .
N otice of Publication was read as follows :
" NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , that a Public Hearing will be held by
the Town of Danby Planning Board on Wednesday , May 17 , 1995 at
7 : 00 P . M . , 1830 Danby Road , Ithaca , New York , to consider
P reliminary Subdivision Approval for the proposed seven ( 7 )
lot " Camelot Subdivision " , proposed to be located northeast of
t he intersection of New York State Rte 34 / 96 ( Spencer Road )
and Hillview Road on Town of Danby Tax Parcel No . 26 . - 1 - 9 . 3 .
James & Catherine Benjamin , owners ; Glen Harrington ,
applicant .
All interested parties will be given the opportunity to be
heard either in writing or in person .
By Order of the Planning Board
Carol W . Sczepanski , Town Clerk
P ublished : May 11 , 1995 "
G len Harrington gave a brief summary of the proposed the " Camelot "
S ubdivision Proposal . Mr . Harrington presented final drawings for
t he public to view and described the proposed deed restrictions for
t he lots that border the wetlands area .
S usan Beeners reported that the County Health Department has
approved the plans for the water main extension and septic systems .
The County Highway Department , Department of Transportation and the
Town Highway Superintendent have approved the location and design
of the proposed road . She reported that the Department of
Conservation has flagged the wetland boundary , and that she sees no
danger to threatened or endangered species in the project area .
The SEQR review reflects the concerns of the neighbors related to
density , traffic , and wetlands impact . This project meets the
basic necessary requirements and the environmental impacts are
being lessened as much as possible .
Comments From Members of the Public :
Al Becker - Hillview Road - is opposed to this entire project and
previously submitted a petition to the Board indicating that one
( 1 ) or two ( 2 ) homes in the area would be acceptable . He is
concerned with the density of the project .
S teve Cortright - Hillview Road - questioned the location of pond
on the proposed project property . He does not like the proposed
d ensity of the project .
q01 .ti
2 Planning Board
Public Hearing
May 17 , 1995
Mike Wendlowsky - West Danby Road - opposes a residential
subdivision and shares the same concerns with the density of seven
h ouses on a small area , traffic and building near the wetlands
area .
S teve Lawrence - 2650 Spencer Road - opposes the project and thinks
it will change the character of the rural neighborhood . Possible
• contamination from the Hillview Landfill to the West Danby area
could be a concern in later years .
Roy Casterline - a West Danby Water Commissioner - reported that
?- t there would not be a problem with the water system . He
suggested that a clause be placed in the water contract that the
contractor will maintain the project system for the first year of
o peration . He is concerned that the proposed housing is too
e xpensive and out of character in West Danby .
Public Hearing Declared Closed :
Chairperson Horst declared the Public Hearing closed at 7 : 35 P . M .
Respectfully submitted ,
diali , SA,/
Carol W . Sczepan Secretary
phm 5 17 . 95
Regular Meeting 7 : 30 P . M . May 17 , 1995
Chairperson Horst
P lanning Board Members : Arch Dotson , William Farrell , Joel
Gagnon , Don Schaaf , Nancy Weitzel
E loise Greene ( excused )
Others Present :
Code Enforcement Officer - Susan Beeners
S ecretary - Carol Sczepanski
Applicant - Glen Harrington
Councilperson - Howard Steiner
Members of the Public :
W . F . Albern , M . Wendlowsky , Steve Cortright , Steve Lawrence , Al
Becker , Roy Casterline , George Armstrong , Carol Benjamin , Anne
B ecker , Mary Lou Hardesty
Chairperson Horst announced that the 8 : 00 P . M . Public Hearing for
t he Rounds Proposal has been cancelled . Mr . Rounds withdrew his
proposal .
The Planning Board reviewed the revised SEQR and the draft language
for the " Camelot " Subdivision Proposal .
Joel said that he feels placing seven ( 7 ) houses on a knoll in the
midst of an undeveloped area is a major aesthetic impact . It is not
appropriate in this neighborhood as it changes the character of the
n eighborhood .
Arch Dotson said the built environment is simply not the wild
e nvironment . He personally did not see anything with respect to
these plans that as a matter of the environment ( the built
e nvironment ) =that= would be detrimental or aesthetically
u nacceptable .
Susan reported that there will be a letter of credit posted with
the Town to assure the completion of the road and the water main .
RESOLUTION NO . 2 OF 1995 ( May 17 , 1995 )
B y Joel Gagnon : Seconded by Don Schaaf
WHEREAS , this action is the Consideration of a Reaffirmation of a
N egative Determination of Environmental Significance for the
proposed seven ( 7 ) lot " Camelot Subdivision " , proposed to be
located northeast of the intersection of New York State Route 34 / 96
( Spencer Road ) and Hillview Road on town of Danby Tax Parcel No .
26 . - 1 - 9 . 3 , James and Catherine Benjamin , owners ; Glen Harrington ,
applicant , and
WHEREAS , the Planning Board is Lead Agency in environmental review
of the proposed subdivision , which is a Type I action , and of which
involved agencies have been notified , and
WHEREAS , on April 19 , 1995 the Planning Board reviewed and modified
the SEQR Environmental Assessment Forms for the project , and made
a negative determination of environmental significance , and
WHEREAS , the Town Code Enforcement Officer has requested review and
acceptance by the Planning Board of certain SEQR form modifications
made following that meeting , now , therefore , it is
RESOLVED , that the Planning Board , acting as Lead Agency in Type I
environmental review of the proposed Camelot Subdivision , accepts
the modifications made to the SEQR Environmental Assessment Forms
2 Planning Board Minutes
May 17 , 1995
as submitted for current review , and it is
FURTHER RESOLVED , that the Planning Board reaffirms and makes a
n egative determination of environmental significance for the
Camelot Subdivision .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Dotson Aye
• Farrell Aye
S chaaf Aye
W eitzel Aye
H orst Aye
Gagnon Nay
RESOLUTION NO . 3 OF 1995 ( May 17 , 1995 )
B y Joel Gagnon : Seconded by Don Shaaf
WHEREAS , this action is the Consideration of Preliminary
S ubdivision Approval for the proposed seven ( 7 ) lot " Camelot
S ubdivision " , proposed to be located northeast of the intersection
o f New York State Route 34 / 96 ( Spencer Road ) and Hillview Road on
Town of Danby Tax Parcel No . 26 . - 1 - 9 . 3 , James and Catherine
B enjamin , owners ; Glen Harrington , applicant , and
WHEREAS , on May 17 , 1995 , the Planning Board , acting as Lead Agency
in Type I environmental review of the proposed subdivision , made a
n egative determination of environmental significance , and
WHEREAS , on May 17 , 1995 , the Planning Board has held a public
h earing on the proposal , now therefore , it is
RESOLVED , that the Planning Board hereby grants Preliminary
Subdivision Approval for the proposed seven ( 7 ) lot " Camelot
Subdivision " .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Dotson Aye
Farrell ' ' . Aye
S chaaf ` " Aye
W eitzel Aye
H orst Aye
Gagnon Nay
A Site Plan was submitted by John D . Benjamin , Sr . for a 32 ' x 40 '
building to be used as a garage , storage , and office space for
" Benjamin ' s Used Cars " on Town of Danby Tax Parcel No . 10 . - 1 - 26 .
Mr . Benjamin is requesting approval of the site plan and that there
be changes made to the 75 ' buffer requirement for commercial
properties . With a 75 ' buffer on this 1 . 56 acre parcel the usable
remaining space is only 0 . 4 acres for buildings and parking .
John and Carol Benjamin are requesting that the 50 ' requirement
for a buffer zone be removed entirely so that there would be a 25 '
setback from any lot line plus a planted or fenced buffer . She
suggested that other possibilities for changes in the law are to
have a 30 ' setback for parking and buildings or a 15 ' or 20 '
setback for cars and a 50 ' setback for buildings .
Susan Beeners referred to a survey that she prepared for the Board
of various commercial area zoning requirements dated April 19 ,
1995 . Danby is the most restrictive in the County with a standard
25 ' setback and a 50 ' buffer from residence zones .
The Planning Board reviewed possible amendments ( modification ) to
. „
3 Planning Board Minutes
May 17 , 1995
t he setback , buffer and parking requirements in the ordinance in
t he draft prepared by the Code Enforcement Officer and dated
4 / 19 / 95 .
D iscussion followed regarding possible changes in the buffer zone ,
setback and parking requirements in the ordinance as described in
a draft dated 4 / 19 / 95 .
B ill Farrell suggested that the Board consider reducing the parking •
setback requirement along the road .
J oel suggested that the front yard requirement for parking be
reduced to 5 ' and to put in a provision . f that would give the
flexibility to increase it for a cause such as safety concerns .
D on Schaaf suggestertf. the Board send this proposal to the BZA
with a recommendation from the Planning Board they approve a
variance pending a change in the ordinance .
Chairperson Horst asked what weds the time frame to approve an
amendment ( modification ) to the ordinance would be if the Planning
Board sent a recommendation to the Town Board .
S usan reported that the Town Board could review the language and
prepare a revision but they probably could not act on it before
August .
Motion to Refer to the Town Board
A motion was made by Joel Gagnon and seconded by Arch Dotson that
t he Planning Board recommend to the Town Board that language in the
Zoning Ordinance for the buffer area be changed to 25 ' from any non -
commercial zone and that this buffer strip not be in addition to
t he front , side , and rear yards and a 10 ' front setback for parking
and driveways be permitted within the 25 ' front yards .
A vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Carried Unanimously
Carol Benjamin said that her first step was to approach the
P lanning Board with her site plan for suggestions on how to
proceed . She said would like the Town Board to act quickly so that
t hey can build this year .
RESOLUTION NO . 4 OF 1995 - Approved
B y Joel Gagnon : Seconded by Nancy Weitzel
WHEREAS , this action is the consideration of Site Plan Approval for
t he Proposed construction of a building for use as an office and
garage at " Benjamin ' s Used Cars " , 1850 Danby Road , Town of Danby
Tax Parcel No . 10 . - 1 - 26 , John Benjamin , owner , John & Carol
B enjamin , applicants , and
WHEREAS , this is a Type II action for which the Planning Board on
May 17 , 1995 , acting as Lead Agency in environmental review , has
d etermined that no further environmental review is required , and
WHEREAS , the Planning Board on May 17 , 1995 has reviewed the
application materials submitted for this action , now therefore , be
RESOLVED , that the Town of Danby Planning Board grants Site Plan
Approval for the project as proposed , subject to the following
provisions :
1 . Site Plan Approval is granted for building construction
as shown on the map entitled " Danby Road - Proposed
Garage " , dated 4 / 19 / 95 .
2 . The siting of the building shown on the map entitled
4 Planning Board Minutes
May 17 , 1995
" Proposed Building - Preferred Plan - with 25 foot
Buffer " is approved as an alternative site plan
conditional upon either the applicants obtaining a
✓ ariance of the commercial zone 50 foot buffer
✓ equirements from the Board of Zoning Appeals or a
modification of the buffer requirements by the Town
Board .
D iscussion followed regarding the mobile home located on the
• Benjamin ' s Used Carl Lot property that is now used as a temporary
office .
S usan Beeners reported that the removal of the mobile home after a
building has been constructed is part of the proposal .
Carol Benjamin said that the mobile home would be moved as soon as
t hey were allowed to build a new building to move into .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Dotson Aye
Farrell Aye
G agnon Aye
Schaaf Aye
W eitzel Aye
H orst Aye Carried Unanimously
Long Range Planning Update
Susan reported that Barbara Blanchard and Tom Niederkorn would be
glad to speak to the Planning Board . They could give some
suggestions on how to proceed with long range planning in ways that
might avoid expensive consultant costs .
Chairperson Horst said that he would welcome ideas . 1
Don Barnes - Proposal t Os +rae+ a, latw uni { 'h or �� a. �,�a„1 ,ud
Susan reported that the Town Board reviewed Don Barnes Proposal and ,2d •
suggested he consult with the Code Enforcement Officer for
direction on how to proceed with his proposal . A site plan must be
submitted to the Planning Board .
Camelot Subdivision
" If the Town Board approves the water main and the road location in
t he Camelot Subdivision , Glen Harrington might be returning with a
Final Plan for review and final subdivision approval .
Corrections to April 19 , 1995 Planning Board Minutes
P age 1 - Correction No . 3 of March 15 , 1995 - underlined
material - Susan suggested that the ordinance requirement
under Extraction and Deposit of Fill for a permit for volumes of
fifty ( 50 ) yards or more per year may be too restrictive .
• Approval of April 19 , 1995 Planning Board Minutes
A motion was made by Joel Gagnon and seconded by Bill Farrell to
approve the April 19 , 1995 Planning Board Minutes as corrected .
A vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Carried Unanimously
Other Items :
Non- conforming Mobile Homes
Joel reported to the Board that we need to address the issue of
non - conforming mobile homes and referred to information regarding
federal law in information from our Town Attorney attached to
information submitted for the Rounds Proposal .
S usan reported that the non - conforming mobile home issue may be
included in the June Agenda . The Town Board has asked the Attorney
t o research mobile home legislation and to draft appropriate
legislation related to the placement of mobile homes .
` 66
5 Planning Board Minutes
May 17 , 1995
Long Range Planning Issues
Carol Sczepanski reported that at the New York State Clerks
Association Meetings she obtained information related to sources of
grants and publications available to municipalities for planning .
Town Hall Facility Committee
Joel reported that the Town Board has approved of a new committee
h as been created for continuation of the Town Hall renovation
project .
Mary Lou Hardesty reported that she read a an article in the Candor
Chronicle related to funding available for water and sewage
projects through Farm and Home Administration . She suggested that
t he Town contact the Farm and Home Administration for information .
B ill Farrell reported that the Town of Ithaca has extended their
Jodis ricto( th e ,Danby Town line .
t W em C42 C ft RQ-i ^ 1 4 L ittan t L N O r °u SS; O /¢ ( tu, er Lilt
Joel reported that the County will fliont tq�Q
money to investigate
possible water districts .
On a motion the meeting adjourned at 10 : 00 P . M .
Respectfully submitted ,
min - 5 - 17 . 95 Carol W . Sczepa r Secretary