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Regular Meeting 7 : 00 P . M . March 13 , 1995
Supervisor Oltz
Councilpersons : Roger Hile , Rosa Lee Johnson , Joseph Schwartz ,
Howard Steiner
Others Present :
Town Clerk - Carol Sczepanski
County Representative - Frank Proto
Code Enforcement Officer - Susan Beeners
H ighway Superintendent - William Hall
Members of the Public
N ancy Weitzel , Roy Casterline , Mary Lou Hardesty , Richard Lazarus ,
P hilip Snyder , Robert Roe , Edw . M . Roberts , Joe Micilcavage , Bob
Formeck , Elizabeth Owens - Roe , Joel Gagnon , Kate White , Edw . Hart
and others .
The Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Oltz at 7 : 00 P . M .
The Planning Board has reviewed and recommended a Proposed Zoning
Ordinance Revision to the Danby Zoning Ordinance under Section 1105
The Board reviewed the proposed amendment and passed the following
resolution .
By Councilperson Steiner : Seconded by Councilperson Schwartz
WHEREAS , The Town of Danby Planning Board on February 22 , 1995 has
recommended a Proposed Amendment to Section 1105 - Variances of the
Town of Danby Zoning Ordinance , and
WHEREAS , the Planning Board has referred the above referenced
amendment to the Town of Danby Town Board for consideration , and
WHEREAS , on March 13 , 1995 the Town of Danby Town Board has
reviewed the proposed amendment to the ordinance , now be it
RESOLVED , That the Town of Danby Town Board approve the Proposed
Amendment to Section 1105 - Variances , under No . 1 Area Variances
as follows :
( Underlined ) material represents the proposed new language .
1 . AREA VARIANCES . In addition to any other requirements set
forth in this Ordinance , the Board of Appeals , in determining
whether to grant an area variance shall consider all of the
matters set forth in Town Law , Section 267 - b 3 ( b ) and ( c ) as
follows :
( a ) In making its determination the Board of Appeals shall
t ake into consideration the benefit to the applicant if
t he variance is granted , as weighed against the detriment
t o the health , safety , and welfare of the community by
such grant . In making such determination the Board shall
also consider :.
( 1 ) whether an undesirable change will be produced
in the character of the neighborhood or a
detriment to neighboring properties will be
created by the granting of the area variance :
2 Town Board Minutes
March 13 , 1995
( ii ) whether the benefit sought by the applicant
can be achieved by some method , feasible for
the applicant to pursue , other than an area
variance :
( iii ) whether the requested area variance in
substantial ;
( iv ) whether the proposed variance will have an
adverse effect or impact on the physical or
® environmental conditions in the neighborhood
or district ; and
.( v )_ whether the alleged difficulty was self -
created , which consideration shall be relevant
t o the decision of the Board of Appeals , but
shall not necessarily preclude the granting of
t he area variance .
( b ) The Board of Appeals , in the granting of area
variances , shall grant the minimum variance that it
shall deem necessary and adequate and at the same
t ime preserve and protect the character of the
neighborhood and the health , safety , and welfare of
t he community .
A roll call vote on the Resolution resulted as follows :
H ile Aye
J ohnson Aye
Schwartz Aye
S teiner Aye
Oltz Aye
Carried Unanimously
2 ) Proposed Zoning Ordinance Changes to Permit Agricultural
Buildings and Uses in all Zones - dated 12 / 21 / 94 and referred
t o the Board on January 18 , 1995 for their review and
consideration .
The Board reviewed a Proposed Zoning Ordinance Change to permit
agricultural buildings and uses in all zones - Section 511 - Number
of Buildings on a Lot .
S usan Beeners explained that the proposed set of changes to this
section is to allow agricultural uses and agricultural buildings on
property of less than five ( 5 ) acres .
D iscussion followed regarding the proposed wording " principal
✓ esidential building " .
Councilperson Steiner thinks the new proposed language is too
restrictive .
Councilperson Johnson said that the language is awkward and not
e asily interpreted .
April 5 , 1995 - Agenda Meeting Scheduled
The Town Board Agenda Meeting was scheduled to begin at 7 : 00 P . M .
o n April 5 , 1995 to allow time for review of Proposed Zoning
Ordinance Amendments .
Adjournment to hold a BID OPENING - VIBRATORY ROLLER
On a motion the Town Board Meeting adjourned to hold a previously
scheduled Bid Opening for a Vibratory Roller .
A Bid Opening was scheduled to take place at the Town Board Agenda
Meeting on Wednesday , March 8 , 1995 . The Agenda Meeting was
3 Town Board Minutes
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cancelled and the Bid Opening was rescheduled for Monday , March 13 ,
1995 at 7 : 45 P . M .
The Bid Opening was opened by Supervisor Oltz at 7 : 50 P . M . and the
following Notice of Publication was read :
" PLEASE TAKE NOTICE , that the Town of Danby Highway Department will
receive sealed bids at the Office to the Town of Danby Town Clerk ,
1830 Danby Road , Ithaca , New York or the Town Highway Department ,
93 Hornbrook Road , Ithaca , New York until 5 : 00 P . M . , March 8 , 1995 ,
for one ( 1 ) new or used 1989 or newer single drum Vibratory Roller .
S pecifications may be obtained from the Town Clerk or the Highway
D epartment during regular office hours . Sealed Bids will be
publicly opened on Wednesday , March 8 , 1995 at 7 : 45 P . M .
The Town of Danby reserves the right to reject any and all bids .
William Hall
Highway Superintendent
P ublished : February 20 , 1995 "
S upervisor Oltz following bids were opened and reviewed by the
B oard .
1 ) Monroe Tractor , 4530 Wetzel Road , P . O . Box 2580 , Liverpool ,
N ew York 13089 .
One ( 1 ) Used Bomag BW213D Roller - $ 59 , 884 . 00
2 ) Tracey Road Equipment - Route 290 , P . O . Box 489 , East
S yracuse , New York 13057 .
O ne ( 1 ) Used 1989 Ingersoll - Rand Model SD100D Diesel
P owered , Single Drum Vibratory Roller - $ 39 , 624 . 00
3 ) Rupp Rental and Sales Corp , 720 E Franklin Street , Endicott ,
N ew York 13760 .
O ne ( 1 ) used 1990 Ingersoll Rand , Model SD 100D Self -
P ropelled Vibratory Roller - $ 52 , 900 . 00
4 ) George & Swede Sales & Service , Inc . , 7155 Big Tree Road ,
P avilion , New York 14525 .
O ne ( 1 ) 1992 Hamn 2411 Single Drum Vibratory Roller -
$ 70 , 225 . 00 .
The bids were reviewed by the Board and Highway Superintendent .
All bids received were found to be complete .
S upervisor closed the Bid Opening at 8 : 00 P . M .
Board Meeting Reconvened :
S upervisor Oltz reconvened the Town Board Meeting at 8 : 00 P . M .
Recycling & Solid Waste •
Councilperson Steiner reported he is concerned about the closing of
t he Danby Recycling Center by the County and he invited
representatives from Superior Disposal to speak to the Board . Many •
area residents have expressed concerns over the closing of the
D anby drop - off center . He introduced Bob Formeck and Joe
Micilcavage from Superior Disposal to the Board .
Bob Formeck reported Superior Disposal is a private company . The
Town should consider that every resident in the County is eligible
for curbside pick - up and pay for that service through a user fee .
The drop - off centers are a convenience for businesses where they
cannot use curbside pickup . Mr . Formeck said that Superior would
be willing sit down with a committee to negotiate some sort of a
workable arrangement for our drop - off center at our request .
Councilperson Schwartz reported that the Town of Danby was the
first Town in Tompkins County with a drop off center . Many
4 Town Board Minutes
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residents have asked the Town to approach the County to keep the
center open .
Councilperson Schwartz said that he and Councilperson Steiner would
be willing to meet with Superior Disposal to discuss the Recycling
Drop - off Center .
Approval of February 13 , 1995 Town Board Minutes
A motion was made by Councilperson Schwartz and seconded by
® Councilperson Hile to approve the February 13 , 1995 Town Board
Minutes as submitted by the Town Clerk .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
H ile Aye
J ohnson Aye
S chwartz Aye
S teiner Aye
O ltz Aye Carried Unanimously
Supervisor Oltz requested the following additions to the Agenda :
1 ) Under Old Business - discussion of personal contacts by the
B oard regarding the Town Hall project ;
2 ) Under New Business - Resolution to transfer funds for the
Americans with Disabilities Act .
The Town Clerk asked that the Board add the following additions to
the Agenda :
1 ) Permission for Clerk to attend the Annual Clerk ' s Meeting in
April ;
2 ) Permission to spend equipment funds for purchase a computer .
No Councilperson objected .
Councilperson Schwartz asked Representative Proto for an update on
the status of Forest Home Road vrs . Comfort Road Bridg 4 sense of
fairness has prevailed in the County .
Councilperson Johnson asked Representative Proto to report the
closing of the County Recycling Centers .
Councilperson Steiner asked to Board for time to discuss the Town
Hall building .
B iodiversity Preserve for Chemical Ecology
Representative Proto reported that the Board was presented with a
map of an area in West Danby that is near the New West Danby Fire
S tation . This property was purchased by Tompkins County through
t ax sale . It is an ecologically sensitive unique natural area that
t he Fingerlakes Land Trust would like to purchase to build a
Biodiversity Preserve for Chemical Ecology .
Katherine White , an Environmental Planner from Tompkins County and
a member of the Environmental Management Council , introduced Philip
S nyder , Director of the Fingerlakes Land Trust and asked him to
give an overview of the property and the proposed Biodiversity
P reserve .
P hilip Snyder addressed the Board and reported that this wetland is
a property that has over 600 vertical feet of elevation , two ( 2 )
unique natural areas and every kind of wetland imaginable . Tom
E isner from Cornell University and a leader in Chemical Prospecting
would like to develop a partnership with The Fingerlakes Land Trust
5 Town Board Minutes
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t o create a Biodiversity Preserve for Chemical Ecology research and
a public nature preserve . The proposed project also includes the
purchase of an adjoining property .
E dw . Hart - 201 Updike Road - a Danby resident and member of the
Finger Lakes Land Trust supports this proposed project .
S usan Beeners explained to the Board that most of the property is
undevelopable and is a corridor with very limited development . If
t here is any frontage that could have some kind of development it
would help offset the costs of a non taxable property . If the
project includes the development of parking areas it is something
t hat should be brought before the Town of Danby Planning Board and
possibly the DoT for their input .
D iscussion followed :
Councilperson Schwartz said that he supports the project but would
like to see some development to offset the loss of revenue by
removal of the property from the tax rolls .
County Representative Report
Representative Frank Proto reported on the following :
1 ) Danby Recycling Center Closure - the centers selected by the
Solid Waste Division to stay open were based on the cost of
operating and quantities of material received .
2 ) Comfort Road Bridge - the Forest Home Bridge did not come to
a vote at the last meeting .
Councilperson Schwartz said that it is not fair to replace a bridge
in Forest Home this year when we have been waiting a number of
years to have the Comfort Road Bridge replaced or repaired .
Councilperson Steiner asked our representative to report to the
County Board the Town of Danby wants the County to bond whatever
amount they need to fix our bridge . If they can bond for solid
waste ( garbage which is not life threatening ) , they can bond for
the Comfort Road Bridge that can be life threatening .
3 ) Environmental Management Council - the EMC is developing an
educational program on burning and will produce a brochure on
the potential of releasing toxins when open burning occurs .
There are ten ( 10 ) Unique Natural Area sites that the EMC
would like to add to their list .
4 ) DSS Study Committee Report - A study committee report will be
presented regarding the relocation of DSS to the City .
5 ) Farmland Board Meeting - the draft of the Watershed Rules &
Regulations were reviewed . •
6 ) NYS Sanitary Code Hearing - the last four ( 4 ) parts have been
completed and a Public Hearing will be scheduled this spring .
7 ) Cats - The Cat Legislation did not come to a vote at the
committee meeting last week . A month extension was requested
by the President of the S . P . C . A .
Councilperson Schwartz suggested that the S . P . C . A . approach each
municipality for funding to provide cat control in their
localities .
8 ) Central Processing Facility - the Board is reviewing a plan to
compensate the owners of businesses that are potential
customers of the facility .
Councilperson Hile reported that he is dissatisfied with how
t f
6 Town Board Minutes
March 13 , 1995
recyclables are handled in the County .
9 ) Road Clean - up - County road clean - up plan will include
Michigan Hollow and Hillview Road .
10 ) New Sewage Construction - County Health Department has
completed a study of new sewage construction in Tompkins
County .
Rick Lazarus - Howland Road addressed the Board regarding the
possible renovation of the Town Hall .
Mary Lou Hardesty - 50 South Danby Road She asked if surveys or
studies had been done to look into the feasibility of bringing
water and sewer to Danby . She offered to work on a project to
research the water and sewer needs for Danby but would need support
and direction from the Town Board .
Councilperson Schwartz reported that the Town had looked into
bringing water to Danby and at that time it was cost prohibitive .
H e does not think there is a need at this time .
Councilperson Johnson said she would be interested in information
on water and sewer needs and cost .
Councilperson Steiner supports a project to research the need and.
feasibility of bringing water and sewer to Danby .
Supervisor Oltz thanked Mary Lou for her offer and thinks it may be
a good idea to look into the possibility of water and sewer in
D anby .
O ther Reports :
1 ) The pole and light have been installed at Sylvan Lane and NYS
Rte . 34 / 96 intersection .
2 ) The Town Disability Insurance for the Highway Department is
effective March 1 , 1995 .
3 ) Municipal Officials Meeting - Thursday , March 16 , 1995 - 7 : 00
P . M . - Danby Town Hall .
4 ) Two ( 2 ) members of the Danby Youth Commission have resigned
and new members are needed to serve .
5 ) The Tax Roll Warrant for 1995 Town has been met . The Town has
invested our idle funds at a higher interest rate than last
year . .
H ighway Report :
411 . Superintendent Hall reported that the Town has many soft roads this
spring . In addition to the regular winter maintenance of our roads
and equipment , the department has been busy spreading stone on the
soft areas . A bid was submitted by the Town for an excavator but
was not the awarding bid .
S olid Waste Advisory Committee ( SWAG )
J oel Gagnon reported that SWAC would like two ( 2 ) members of their
committee to serve on the Solid Waste Committee . SWAC may dissolve
soon .
Town Hall Renovation
Rick Lazarus reported to the Board that he is on the Board of
Historic Ithaca of Tompkins County and is a builder who specializes
in old buildings . Mr . Lazarus said that he submitted a proposal
for the renovation of the Town Hall building . The proposal did not
include the replacement of the trusts upstairs . He personally
7 Town Board Minutes
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would be interested in bidding on the renovation of the Town Hall
structure . Mr . Lazarus submitted a proposal for the Board to
review .
Comments from Board - Town Hall Building Renovation
Supervisor Oltz asked the Town Councilpersons to report on
comments from Town residents about the proposed renovation of the
Town Hall building .
Councilperson Schwartz reported that the residents he talked to •
agree we must do something , like the proposed plan abut asked him
if it could be done for less money . Many had strong reservations
about putting more money into this old building and think it would
be more efficient to put money into an all new building .
Councilperson Hile reported that everybody he has talked to ( except
for one or two ) have said they do not want to put any more money
into this building .
Councilperson Johnson reported that everyone she has talked with
said they did not want to put this kind of money into this
building . They would much prefer to have something simplified ,
modern , and without high maintenance costs . Not one single person
said they were willing to have that much money into a new building
but preferred a new facility and if necessary on a new site . She
t hinks we should go back to the drawing board and start over and
look at building a facility relative to what we can afford . She
d oes not think we have the money to go into a facility that may
cost over $ 400 , 000 .
Councilperson Steiner everyone he has talked to question whether we
need to spend this much money and do we need to almost double our
floor space . They do not want to put any more money into the old
building . He said he thinks it would be more cost effective to
build a new facility of a more modern type of single floor
construction . This new building is proposed in the $ 100 per sq .
ft . range vrs . $ 40 - $ 65 per sq . foot for something new . He
suggested we set up a committee to investigate the cost of a
d ifferent type of building .
S upervisor Oltz said the majority of people she talked to thought
t his was a great old building but we should get rid of this
building and have a new structure . She said more office space is
n eeded and we must be looking at needs twenty ( 20 ) years down the
✓ oad . Her personal feeling is that we should purchase land next
d oor and keep the building in this area although she is not sure
t hat we should keep this old building .
The issue of the Town Hall Building will be discussed at the April
10 , 1995 Town Board Meeting .
AWARD OF BID - Single Drum Vibratory Roller - Approved
B y Councilperson Hile : Seconded by Councilperson Schwartz
WHEREAS , The Town of Danby Highway Superintendent was authorized to
seek bids to purchase one ( 1 ) new or used 1989 or newer single drum
Vibratory Roller , and
WHEREAS , Notice of Publication to seek bids was published in the
Ithaca Journal on February 20 , 1995 , and
WHEREAS , Bids were received and opened at a Regular Board Meeting
on Monday , March 13 , 1995 , and
WHEREAS , The bid submitted by Tracey Road Equipment for one ( 1 )
Used 1989 Ingersoll - Rand Model SD100D diesel powered , single drum
vibratory roller in the amount of $ 39 , 624 . 00 was the lowest bid
4 9 9
8 Town Board Minutes
March 13 , 1995
received , now be it
RESOLVED , That the Town of Danby Town Board award the bid for one
( 1 ) Used 1989 Ingersoll - Rand Model SD100D diesel powered , single
drum vibratory roller to Tracey Road Equipment - Route 290 , P . O .
Box 489 , East Syracuse , New York 13057 for their low bid of
$ 39 , 624 . 00 .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Rile Aye
J ohnson Aye
S chwartz Aye
S teiner Aye
O ltz Aye Carried Unanimously
Transfer encumbered 1994 funds to Town Hall Contractual Account
A1620 . 4 to pay for required improvements / modifications to comply
with the Americans With Disabilities Act ( ADA ) and also pay for
appraisal of property adjacent to Town Hall .
B y Councilperson Johnson : Seconded by Councilperson Steiner
WHEREAS , ADA work has been completed and bills submitted and paid
in the amount of $ 3 , 587 . 61 , and
WHEREAS , the Miller property adjacent to the Town Hall has been
appraised and the $ 200 . 00 fee paid , now be it
RESOLVED , that $ 3 , 787 . 61 , the total of these bills , be transferred
from encumbered funds Account A1990 . 4 to Account A1620 . 4 to
properly charge the correct account .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Hilo Aye
J ohnson Aye
S chwartz Aye
S teiner Aye
O ltz Aye Carried Unanimously
By Councilperson Steiner : Seconded by Councilperson Schwartz
WHEREAS , Board meetings are scheduled to begin at 8 : 00 P . M . and
t erminate by 10 : 00 P . M . , and
WHEREAS , All Agenda Items have not been addressed at this meeting
at 10 : 00 p . m . be it
RESOLVED , that the Town Board Meeting be extended from 10 : 00 P . M .
to no later than 10 : 30 P . M .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
H ile Aye
J ohnson Aye
S chwartz Aye
S teiner Aye
Oltz Aye Carried Unanimously
Approval for Town Clerk to Attend NYS Annual Meeting
A motion was made by Councilperson Rile and seconded by Supervisor
Oltz to approve the request of the Town Clerk to attend the New
York State Town Clerk ' s Annual Meeting from April 23 - 25 , 1995 .
9 Town Board Minutes
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A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
H ile Aye
J ohnson Aye
S chwartz Aye
Steiner Aye
Oltz Aye Carried Unanimously
Miscellaneous Business
1 ) The Town Clerk reminded the Board that they have not audited
t he Clerk ' s records for 1994 .
2 ) The Clerk is seeking quotes from area businesses for a
computer for her office .
General Fund Warrant No . 3 of 1995 - Approved
A motion was made by Councilperson Schwartz and seconded by
Councilperson Rile to approve the General Fund Warrant No . 3 of
1995 , voucher No ' s . 58 - 88 in the amount of $ 44 , 525 . 43 .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Hile Aye
J ohnson Aye
S chwartz Aye
S teiner Aye
O ltz Aye
Carried Unanimously
Highway Fund Warrant No . 3 of 1995 - Approved
A motion was made by Councilperson Bile and seconded by
Councilperson Schwartz to approve the Highway Fund Warrant No . 3
of 1995 , voucher No ' s . 24 - 36 in the amount of $ 41 , 148 . 77 .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
H ile Aye
Johnson Aye
Schwartz Aye
S teiner Aye
O ltz Aye Carried Unanimously
West Danby Water District Warrant No . 2 of 1995 - Approved
A motion was made by Councilperson Johnson and seconded by
Councilperson Steiner to approve the West Danby Water District
Warrant No . 2 of 1995 , voucher No ' s 6 - 11 in the amount of •
$ 1 , 526 . 83 .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Hile Aye
Johnson Aye
S chwartz Aye
S teiner Aye
O ltz Aye
Carried Unanimously
Approval of Town Clerk ' s February 1995 Report
A motion was made by Councilperson Johnson and seconded by
Councilperson Hile to approve the Town Clerk ' s February 1995 report
as submitted .
10 Town Board Minutes
March 13 , 1995
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
H ile Aye
J ohnson Aye
S chwartz Aye
S teiner Aye
O ltz Aye Carried Unanimously
• Approval of Supervisor ' s February 1995 Report
A motion was made by Councilperson Hile and seconded by
Councilperson Steiner to approve the Supervisor ' s February 1995
Report as submitted .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
H ile Aye
J ohnson Aye
S chwartz Aye
S teiner Aye
Carried Unanimously
On a motion the meeting adjourned at 10 : 20 P . M .
(241 alai .a/Vtd.)0(r;
Carol W . Sczepans Town Clerk