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Regular Meeting 7 : 30 P . M . January 18 , 1995
Chairperson Horst
P lanning Board Members : Arch Dotson , William Farrell , Joel
Gagnon , Eloise Greene , Nancy Weitzel
D on Schaaf
The meeting was called to order at 7 : 40 P . M . by Chairperson Ken
H orst
Members of the Public :
Al Becker , Rick VanOstrand , John M . Rounds , Ed Roberts , Mary Lou
H ardesty
P rivilege of the Floor :
Al Becker - Hillvi. ew Road - addressed the Board and submitted a
petition addressed to the Town Board and the Town Planning Board
and requested that it be read into the minutes . The above
✓ eferenced petition contained twenty - seven ( 27 ) signatures from Mr .
B ecker ' s neighborhood . He said three ( 3 ) neighbors had abstained
and one ( 1 ) was not contacted . He stated that this petition is in
✓ esponse to the proposed " Camelot " subdivision . He said he has
concerns about the water system . The system has a. three inch
plastic line and at the time it was installed the engineer said
there was limited expansion to the gravity system . Only one
✓ esident on that system has a pump and if additional pumps are
placed on the system it may collapse the lines .
The secretary read the :following petition :
" This is a petition to the Danby Town board and Danby Town Planning
Board against the proposed development of cluster housing , to be
cited on that parcel of land located at the northeast corner of the
intersection of routes 34 / 96 and Hiliview Road , in West Danby .
Being concerned neighbors , it has recently come to our
attention that a contractor working in our area is planning to
build a small housing development in West Danby . The parcel of
land he is proposing to develop is located at the northeast corner
of the intersection of routes 34 / 96 and Hillview Road . We strongly
feel that the construction of more than one house on this piece of
property would greatly change the character of our agricultural
neighborhood , furthermore , it would negatively impact the delicate
wetlands that surround the property .
It is for the above reasons that we , the undersigned , do
hereby petition the Danby Town Board and Danby Town Planning Board
to deny approval of this proposed project . "
The petition contains twenty - seven ( 27 ) signatures representing
eleven ( 11 ) or. twelve ( 12 ) individual residences .
Chairperson Horst responded to Mr . Becker that the Planning Board
has not made any decisions on the Camelot proposal and that they
are willing to listen . The proposed " Camelot " subdivision is under
review .
Susan reported to the Board that the Town has not received a
complete application in order to proceed with the environmental
review . She will contact the County Health Department and the
Board of Water Commissioners to get information related to the
water district and the Camelot proposal .
Chairperson Horst reported to Mr . Becker that most of the Planning
Board Members have seen the proposed area and it is not a matter
2 Planning Board Minutes
January 18 , 1. 995
t hat they have not looked at it . The Board will seek outside help
on some of the questions that are being raised .
Approval of Minutes Procedure Discussed
Chairperson Horst referred to the March 16 , 1994 minutes and a
motion that delegates Joel Gagnon to review and edit the minutes
prior to the meeting and to submit them to the Secretary with
corrections . If the secretary has no objections to corrections he
minutes would be considered approved . He said he wants the
P lanning Board to make it a policy that they officially approve the
minutes either as they stand or as corrected . •
Chairperson Horst said that he would like to allow five ( 5 ) minutes
before each meeting for review of the minutes . If we have public
hearing minutes as well than we will allow ten ( 10 ) minutes .
Motion for Planning__ Board Minutes Approval
A motion made by Joel Gagnon and seconded by Arch Dotson that the
P lanning Board as a Board officially approve or disapprove the
meeting minutes ( after Joel ' s corrections ) have been reviewed .
D iscussion followed and Joel requested the secretary to send him a
copy of the minutes to review before copies are mailed to the Board
for corrections .
A vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Carried Unanimously
Proposed Used Car Lot on Danby Road - John M . Rounds - Applicant
The Board reviewed a revised site plan for a proposed used car lot
o n the Rick VanOstrand property located on NYS Rte . 96B , south of
Brown Lane .
S usan reported that there are a few corrections that need to be
made to the site plan and explained the proposed set backs and the
property lines for the used car lot . A variance for the proposal
w :i. ii be requested from the Board of Zoning Appeals for the single
w :i. de trailer . A letter was submitted to the Town by the property
o wner requesting permission to allow the trailer to remain in its
present location .
Motion to refer to the Board of Zoning _Appeals _
A motion was made by Joel Gagnon and seconded by Arch Dotson that
t he Planning Board recommends the owner of the property for the
P roposed Used Car Lot on NYS Rte . 96B , south of Brown Lane , make
application to the Board of Zoning Appeals for a variance
concerning the si. nglewide trailer located on that property , and
t hat the background material concerning the trailer and the letter
submitted to the Town be included w :i th the application .
A vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Carried Unanimously
N ature ' s Song Retreat Center .
S usan reported that she received a letter of clarification from
Mary Boardman regarding the activities at Nature ' s Song Retreat
Center . Advertising for the Nature ' s Song Retreat Center and an
article in the Ithaca Times has produced complaints from neighbors .
D iscussion followed regarding recent advertising that camping
accommodations may be arranged at the retreat center for.
participants .
Susan said that no overnight accommodations or camping sites were
included in the proposal for Nature ' s Song Retreat Center .
3 Planning Board Minutes
January 18 , 1995
P lanning Board Attendance
Chairperson Horst reported that he has attempted to reach Don
S chaaf several times during the past few weeks . He is concerned
about his lack of attendance at. Planning Board Meetings . It is
unknown if he is unable to attend or no longer interested in
serving on the Board .
Corrections to Planning Board Minutes - December 21 , 1995
1 ) Page 2 - replace the word " sales " with the word " lot " under
Proposed Used Car Sales Application .
2 ) Page 2 - delete the word " a " in front of the word ceramic .
3 ) Page 3 - item 2 correction - add the word " as " before the word
part .
Motion to Approve December 21 , 1995 Planing Board Minutes
A motion was made by Joel Gagnon and seconded by Eloise Greene to
approve the December 21 , 1995 Planning Board Minutes as corrected .
Carried Unanimously
Review of Proposed Zoning Ordinance Revisions
The proposed revisions to permit agricultural buildings and uses in
all zones were reviewed by the Planning Board .
The proposed changes are as follows :
Section 511 - Number of Buildings on a Lot
1 ) delete " Other than on an Agricultural lot
„ „
2 ) insert the word " residential " after the word principal
Article 600 - Low Density Zone
1 _ Permitted Principal Uses
1 ) Under 1 . ( d ) add after Customary Agricultural Uses and
structures , including roadside stands not exceeding 400 square
feet " provided
2 ) delete 1 . ( e ) and change ( 1 ) to ( e ) and ( ii ) to ( f )
3 ) under ( r ) delete " Agricultural Lot or produced " and insert
same lot or "
3 . Uses Permitted by Special Permit Only .
1 ) delete item ( 1 )
Delete the definition " LOT , AGRICULTURAL "
Motion to Refer Revisions to the Town Board
A motion was made by Chairperson Horst and seconded by Joel Gagnon
t o approve the Proposed Zoning Ordinance Revisions to permit
agricultural buildings and uses in all zones as revised by the
P lanning Board on January 18 , 1995 .
Carried Unanimously
On a, motion the meeting adjourned at 10 : 00 P . M .
Respectfully submitted ,
Carol W . Scze a ski. , Secretary
min - I - 18 . 95