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Regular Meeting 8 : 00 P . M . September 13 , 1993
S upervisor Oltz
Council Members : Marisa , Hile , Miller
( Schwartz arrived 9 : 15 P . M . )
Others Present :
Town Clerk - Carol Sczepanski
Code Enforcement Officer - Susan Beeners
County Representative - Frank Proto
H ighway Superintendent - Bill Hall
P lanning Board Chair - Nancy Weitzel
Members of the Public :
Raymond Mayo , Nancy Zahler , Roy Casterline , Mary Casterline , Dave
P ochily , Nancy Blacken , Chuck White , William Winters , Judy
Tagliavento , Rosa Lee Johnson , Jeff Stimpson
S upervisor Mary Oltz called the meeting to order at 8 : 05 P . M . and
led all present to the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag .
Approval of Town Board Minutes - July 12 , July 19 , and August 9 ,
A motion was made by Councilperson Hile and seconded by Supervisor
O ltz to approve the July 12 , July 19 , and August 9 , 1993 Town Board
Minutes as published .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
H ile Aye
Marisa Aye
Miller Aye
O ltz Aye
Carried Unanimously
Supervisor Oltz requested the following additions to the Agenda :
1 ) Under New Business - Transfer of Highway Funds - Resolution
No . 40
2 ) Consideration of the Snow and Ice Agreement between the Town
of Danby and Tompkins County
County Representative Report :
County Representative Frank Proto reported on the following :
1 ) SEQR Determination for the Baling Station and Recycling
Center . ( Negative Determination made by the Board of
Representatives )
2 ) Tompkins County Snow and Ice Removal Agreements - - rates to
municipalities have been raised .
3 ) Cable Television Rates - Tompkins County is forming a
Community Cable Review Commission to help the nine townships
and the City of Ithaca negotiate franchise agreements .
4 ) New Airport Facility - - The project is on schedule and will
open early in 1994 .
5 ) Advisory Board of Tourists - in process of reviewing three
contract agencies : Chamber of Commerce / Convention Business
Bureau , Finger Lakes Association and Community Arts
Partnership .
6 ) Assigned Council Program - Program budget is $ 650 , 000 for
1994 .
7 ) Solid Waste - - B & A Committee have reviewed the fee structure
for solid waste disposal . Three ( 3 ) options have been
presented by the County of how to raise six and one half
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2 Town Board Minutes
September 13 , 1993
million dollars ( $ 6 , 500 , 000 . 00 ) for 1994 solid waste expenses .
D iscussion followed regarding the number of engineers and employees
in the solid waste department . Representative Proto answered
questions from the public and Board regarding the for solid waste
and cost for staff .
S upervisor Oltz reported that at the July 1993 Town Board Meeting
J oel Gagnon reported that the West Danby Cemetery had not been
mowed this summer . She said the Town has contracted with Shari
Rhodes to mow the cemeteries and they have been mowed .
P rivilege of the Floor :
William Winters - 328 Durfee Hill Road - asked if the Town received
monies from the State for roads and if so how the money was spent .
S upervisor Oltz responded that the Town receives CHIPS funds and it
is spent only for road repair .
Charles White - 325 Durfee Hill Road - concerned with the amount of
gravel used for the surface on his road .
H ighway Superintendent Bill Hall said that crusher run was used on
D urfee Hill and is for the road base .
N ancy Blacken - 236 Durfee Hill Road - is not satisfied with the
condition of the road . She asked why she was not consulted before
t he surface was torn up on her road . The gravel surface creates
d ust and feels it lowers her property value .
Councilperson Hile responded that he was a past Highway
Superintendent in the Town of Danby and also lives on a dirt
surfaced road . Highway departments do not consult residents with
w hat they are going to do to a road . He stated that he went on a
✓ oad tour with the Highway Superintendent two ( 2 ) weeks ago and
found the roads in good shape .
D ave Pochily - 236 Durfee Hill Road - reported that he has vehicle
d amage due to the stones from the road . He said that the condition
o f the road has upset their life style and want a better surface .
H ighway Superintendent Hall reported that if the Town were to pave
o ver a road without a proper base and drainage it would create more
serious problems .
Councilperson Miller stated She drove up Durfee Hill Road on
Tuesday , August 10 , 1993 and did not see boulders , huge chunks and
t he pavement scraped over that was reported at the August 9 , 1993
meeting .
H ighway Superintendent Hall said that on Tuesday , July 13 , 1993 the
Town rolled Durfee Hill Road . He reported that the road is built
o n shale and can be surfaced next year if the drainage and the base
h old up over the winter .
S upervisor Oltz said that the Town Board is listening and will be
soon working on the 1994 budget .
Raymond Mayo - 335 Ridgecrest Road - asked how the Town can allow a
d rug treatment center . Mr . Mayo referred to an article that was
published in the Ithaca Journal about a dance studio , retreat
center , and drug rehabilitation facility and asked why a public
h earing was not required for additional activities .
D iscussion followed :
Council person Miller suggested that the matter be referred to the
P lanning Board .
3 Town Board Minutes
September 13 , 1993
Code Enforcement Officer Susan Beeners said that she has looked
into the matter and the operation was a grandfathered use . The
owners were notified that under our new ordinance further expansion
would require a review by the Planning Board .
Rosa Lee Johnson - 580 East Miller Road - Reported to the Board
t hat she hopes the Town budget for the Highway Department includes
adequate funds for our roads that are in poor condition . ( She
referred to a section on East Miller Road near her residence . )
Recently the Town Board made two ( 2 ) appointments to the Planning
B oard . She said she has attended many meetings of the Planning
B oard and the Town Board over the past two ( 2 ) years and suggested
t he Board develop a formulated plan for appointments to the
P lanning Board and other committees to make a fair choice so that
applicants do not feel they are treated unfairly .
1 ) Resignation letter from Dan Decker from the Environmental
Management Council .
2 ) Certificate from NYS Archives and Records Administration Local
Government Records Service to Town Clerk ( SARA ) for completion
of Physical Inventory course .
Community Council Report - August 1993 received .
Zoning - Susan Beeners reported that she has completed the research
related to zoning matters requested by the Town Board . The
information has been forwarded to the Town Attorney for review .
Dog Control - July and August 1993 reports received .
P lanning Board - Nancy Weitzel reported that the Planning Board
h eld the following meetings in August 1993 :
1 ) Three ( 3 ) public hearings on August 5 : 1 ) Wilbur - request
for a special permit for a grading shed ; 2 ) Hovanec -
request to place a doublewide ; 3 ) Angelheart Designs request
for special permit for renovations
2 ) Planning Board regular meeting on August 18 , 1993
3 ) Public hearing August 30 , 1993 - Request for special permit
from Community Council to use a building on Troy Road for
Danby youth programs .
West Danby Ball Park
Supervisor Oltz reported that she has not received any new
information from West Danby residents interested in coordinating
use of the ball park .
The Town Board agreed to let the West Danby Ball Park Lease
Agreement terminate with no action to purchase .
Old Cupboard ( Wardrobe )
B uilding Custodian Edw . Roberts reported that the Town Hall needs
more space and would like to sell or give away the old cupboard
t hat is stored in the Town Hall .
By Councilperson Marisa : Seconded by Councilperson Hile
WHEREAS , Section 39 of the General Municipal Law was enacted
because of the inherent risk of potential loss associated with the
investment of idle moneys , and
4 Town Board Minutes
September 13 , 1993
WHEREAS , a written investment policy is needed to guide Town of
Danby officials who are authorized to deposit and invest Town
moneys and such a policy is required by Section 39 of the General
Municipal Law which became effective November 28 , 1992 , and
WHEREAS , a written investment policy has been drawn up and
presented to the Town of Danby Town Board for their approval , now
therefore be it
RESOLVED , that this investment policy be adopted by the Danby town
Board as the Investment Policy for the Town of Danby .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
H ile Aye
Marisa Aye
Miller Aye
S chwartz Aye
O ltz Aye
Carried Unanimously
RESOLUTION NO . 37 - 1993
By Councilperson Miller : Seconded by Councilperson Schwartz
WHEREAS , Effective November 28 , 1992 , Section 10 of the General
Municipal Law required that all Town deposits and investments in
e xcess of federal deposit insurance coverage be secured by a pledge
o f collateral or an eligible letter of credit or surety bond , and
WHEREAS , a three party custody agreement has been drawn up which
meets the requirements of Section 10 of the General Municipal Law
and presented to the Danby Town Board for their approval , now
therefore be it
RESOLVED , that the Town of Danby Town Board authorizes the Town
Supervisor to execute this agreement with the Tompkins County Trust
Company and the First Chicago Trust Company of New York .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
H ile Aye
Marisa Aye
Miller Aye
Schwartz Aye
O ltz Aye
Carried Unanimously
B y Councilperson Miller : Seconded by Councilperson Schwartz
WHEREAS , The Town of Danby ' s growing youth population has created
a strong demand for more youth services , and as the Town continues
to grow , the demand for and the complexity of providing youth
services will continue to accelerate , and
WHEREAS , the complexity of youth services is growing beyond the
capacity of the Town Board to plan and coordinate , and
WHEREAS , Article 13 of New York State General Municipal Law
e mpowers a municipality to vest a youth commission with the
authority to establish and maintain youth development and
✓ ecreation programs , services and facilities , now therefore be it
RESOLVED , That the Town of Danby establish a Youth Commission to
consist of seven ( 7 ) appointees from the Town of Danby to serve
staggered three year terms to recommend how youth services and
✓ ecreation should be planned , provided , coordinated , and financed ,
and be it further
2 3 1'
5 Town Board Minutes
September 13 , 1993
RESOLVED , That said members shall :
a ) recommend a set of operating guidelines ;
b ) gather data and evaluate existing programs and needs ,
specifying particular problem areas and goals ;
c ) determine public opinion regarding program needs or
possible changes ;
d ) explore a variety of sources for funding for program
needs ;
e ) review youth programs requesting town support ,
f ) recommend and oversee effective youth programs to meet
local priorities .
and be it further
RESOLVED , The Youth Commission shall submit a written report of all
activities to the Danby Town Board on a monthly basis .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
H ile Aye
Marisa Aye
Miller Aye
S chwartz Aye
O ltz Aye
Carried Unanimously
B y Councilperson Marisa : Seconded by Councilperson Hile
WHEREAS , Paul Viscuso has resigned from the Town of Danby Planning
B oard , and
WHEREAS , Eloise Greene of 100 Michigan Hollow Road , Spencer , New
York has expressed an interest in serving on the Planning Board ,
n ow be it
RESOLVED , that the Town of Danby Town Board appoints Eloise Greene
o f 100 Michigan Hollow Road , Spencer , New York to the Town of Danby
P lanning Board , and be it further
RESOLVED , that the term of appointment is to begin immediately and
w ill expire on June 30 , 1995 .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
H ile Aye
Marisa Aye
Miller Aye
Schwartz Aye
O ltz Aye
Carried Unanimously
B y Councilperson Miller : Seconded by Councilperson Hile
WHEREAS , the Highway Superintendent has reported that he is low on
funds in the General Repair Account DA5110 . 4 , and
WHEREAS , there is an unexpended balance in Bridges Account No .
DA5120 . 4 in the amount of $ 5 , 712 . 00 , now be it
RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Danby transfer the
u nexpended balance of Bridges Account No . DA5120 . 4 in the amount
o f $ 5 , 712 . 00 to the General Repair Account DA5110 . 4 .
6 Town Board Minutes
September 13 , 1993
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
H ile Aye
Marisa Aye
Miller Aye
S chwartz Aye
O ltz Aye Carried Unanimously
Tompkins County Snow and Ice Removal Agreement
S upervisor Oltz has received the Tompkins County Snow and Ice
Removal Contract for 1993 - 94 season . The payment for 1993 - 94 of
$ 9 , 283 . 79 ( $ 520 . 10 per mile ) has been increased 13 . 9 % , which
reflects the billing to New York State for the 1992 - 1993 season and
t he March 1993 blizzard . Supervisor Oltz asked for approval from
t he Town Board to sign the agreement .
D iscussion followed :
Councilperson Miller is concerned that the Town taxpayers are
paying money out to support the County . Before the agreement is
signed she would like to consult with other Towns .
H ighway Superintendent Hall will calculate the number of miles of
road and the cost per mile to report back to the Board .
Approval of General Fund Warrant No . 9 of 1993
A motion was made by Councilperson Marisa and seconded by
Councilperson Miller to approve the General Fund Warrant No . 9 of
1993 voucher numbers 304 - 345 in the amount of $ 4 , 158 . 40 .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Hile Aye
Marisa Aye
Miller Aye
Schwartz ' Aye
Oltz Aye
Carried Unanimously
Approval of West Danby Water District Fund Warrant No . 9 of 1993
A motion was made by Councilperson Schwartz and seconded by
Councilperson Marisa to approve the West Danby Water District Fund
Warrant No . 9 of. 1993 voucher numbers 36 - 39 in the amount of
$ 755 . 83 .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
H ile Aye
Marisa Aye
Miller Aye
S chwartz Aye
O ltz Aye Carried Unanimously
Approval of Highway Fund Warrant No . 9 of 1993
A motion was made by Councilperson Miller and seconded by
Councilperson Schwartz to approve the Highway Fund Warrant No . 9 of
1993 voucher numbers 115 - 128 in the amount of $ 15 , 850 . 91 .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
H ile Aye
Marisa Aye
Miller Aye
S chwartz Aye
Oltz Aye
Carried Unanimously
7 Town Board Minutes
September 13 , 1993
Approval of Town Supervisor ' s July and August 1993 Reports
A motion was made by Councilperson Marisa and seconded by
Councilperson Hile to approve the Town Supervisor ' s July and August
1993 reports as submitted .
A vote on the motion resulted as follows :
H ile Aye
Marisa Aye
Miller Aye
Schwartz Aye
O ltz Aye
Carried Unanimously
Approval of Town Clerk ' s August 1993 Report
A motion was made by Councilperson Marisa and seconded by
Councilperson Miller to approve the Town Clerk ' s August 1993 Report
as submitted .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
H ile Aye
Marisa Aye
Miller Aye
S chwartz Aye
O ltz Aye
Carried Unanimously
On a motion the meeting adjourned at 10 : 03 P . M .
atilehg kg Q,�G�-f�c Carol W . Sczepar , Town Clerk