HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-07-12 2 /7 Town Board Minutes July 12 , 1993 TOWN OF DANBY TOWN BOARD MINUTES Regular Meeting 8 : 00 P . M . July 12 , 1993 PRESENT : S upervisor Oltz Councilperson Schwartz EXCUSED : Councilpersons : Hile , Marisa , Miller Others Present : County Representative - Frank Proto Town Clerk - Carol Sczepanski Code Enforcement Officer - Susan Beeners P lanning Board Chair - Nancy Weitzel H ighway Superintendent - Bill Hall Members of the Public : Mary Lou Hardesty , Don Shaaf , Howard Steiner , John Vandenberg , Toni Rosenbaum Len and Cathy Haupert , Robert and Shirley Simpson , Marge Hovanec , Paul Weisser , Pamela Solomon , Lorene M . Junp , Maureen and Andrew Dracup , Jack and Sharon O zmun , Audrey and Ray Lanas , Roy Casterline , Mary Ann Kozak , Ralph W ilbur Supervisor Oltz called the meeting to order at 8 : 00 P . M . and led all present to the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag . Supervisor Oltz announced that the Town Board will be unable to act o n Official Town business due to lack of quorum . P rivilege of the Floor : Councilperson Schwartz reported that he has talked with the Highway Superintendent regarding the conditions of Town roads . He said t hat the New York State Highway Funds ( CHIPS ) have been held up by court action and the Town is trying to resolve the immediate problems . Councilperson Oltz read portions of a memorandum from Assemblyman L ehear that is in response to the issue withholding New York State H ighway funds . The memo states that in the case " Oneida vs . B urrough 1977 " the Court of Appeals found the governor could not w ithhold local aid payments once the program had been signed into law . The various sections of chapter 330 of 1991 and the 1993 - 94 aid to localities budget established a CHIPS entitlement for local governments and made an apportionment to cover the aid . Chapter 56 o f the Laws of 1993 does not change the amount due but simply makes it possible to make CHIPS payments from the Dedicated Highway and B ridge Trust Fund or by authorization of the legislature . The legislature appropriated CHIPS money in the Aid to Localities B udget . The Thruway bonding authorization is contained in a separate Chapter 56 . He said it seems clear that the State has a ✓ esponsibility to make the CHIPS payments regardless of any court action on the funding source . Members of the Public : Old Town Village Roads : Many residents from Old Town Village attended the Town Board Meeting and addressed the Town Board with concerns about the condition of their roads . L en Haupert - 316 Meadow Wood Terrace - would like to have a hard surface road . Toni Rosenbaum - 219 Buttermilk Lane - asked the Highway S uperintendent if he would give the residents an idea of what the long term plan is for the roads in Old Town Village . 2 / B 2 Town Board Minutes July 12 , 1993 J ohn Vandenberg - 102 Olde Towne Road - recent ditch digging - was surprised he did not receive notice . His concerns would be is t here a plan for the physical work on the road and do the residents h ave input . Is there a time table and what method of accountability is there for keeping it up . Cathy Haupert - Entrance to road is icy and dangerous in winter L orene Jump - 308 Meadow Wood Terrace - shares her neighbors concerns P am Solomon - Old Town Village - Concerns of washboard roads ( gravel ) and possible problems in the event of a medical emergency . Marge Hovanec , Robert Simpson , Paul Weisser , Ray Lanas , Andrew D racup , and Jack Ozmun all expressed the same concerns related to t he condition of the roads in Old Town Village and wanted information on when the roads could be surfaced . S uperintendent Hall responded to the public with the following : 1 ) Planned to start work on the roads in Old Town Village today but due to rain it is delayed for a day . 2 ) Buttermilk Lane - Fabric ( the barrier between the clay and gravel ) will be laid and gravel placed on top and calcium chloride for sealer and compacted . It will not be oiled and stoned this year as it will be necessary to be sure that the problems with drainage and heaving are solved . B ill answered questions from the public regarding the reasons for n ot putting oil and stone on the roads in Old Town Village this year . He expects an oil and stone surface to be put there next year in late May or early June . Once the roads are surfaced , this should be good for ten years and should require a touch up in seven o r eight years . The road will have twenty - foot ( 20 ' ) of graded surface with four ( 4 ) to five ( 5 ) foot of shoulder on each side . S upervisor Oltz read portions of the Highway Agreement to Spend H ighway Funds to the public and said that the agreement must be approved by both the County and the Town Highway Superintendent . S he said that this should give the residents of Old Town Village an idea that there is a plan to surface their roads . S uperintendent Hall said that long term plans and projections of ✓ oads in the Town are difficult . The problems this year were due t o excessive rain last fall and more than usual heaving of the ✓ oads this spring . Ray Lanas of 204 Buttermilk Lane asked Supervisor Oltz for a confirmation letter from the Town to inform the residents what was going on and what improvements will take place . County Representative Report Representative Frank Proto reported on the following : 1 ) New York State Sanitary Code Part 75A - Technical Advisory received regarding new regulations on septic systems . 2 ) County Master Plan - Five ( 5 ) Year Master Plan cost is $ 13 , 000 , 000 . The City will pay $ 6 , 500 , 000 and the remaining $ 6 , 500 , 000 to be paid by Tompkins and Cortland Counties . 3 ) BOCES Bond Request - Board of Representatives has nothing to do with the school board . 4 ) Mental Health - One per cent ( 1 % ) of Tompkins County sales tax may go to pay the cost of mental health and Medicaid costs . 2i7 3 Town Board Minutes July 12 , 1993 5 ) Solid Waste - Three items on the July 13 , 1993 County Agenda ✓ elating to solid waste are : 1 ) Award of contract for the ✓ ecycling of the solid waste center ; 2 ) Award of contract for t he Hillview Road for the well replacement and environmental monitoring . 3 ) Award of contract for the recycling and solid waste center . Representative Proto answered questions from the public relating to solid waste issues and cost . Public Meeting : Assemblyman Martin Luster - Meeting on July 22 , 1993 , 7 : 00 P . M . at t he Town Hall . Communications : 1 ) Senator John ( Randy ) Kuhl - Confirmation of support to Resolution No . 29 of 1993 - Support to Chester and Blooming G rove - Senate bill 2150 . 2 ) Senator John ( Randy ) Kuhl - S - 4353 and A - 2741 regarding authorization for a four year term for town board members subject to permissive referendum . 3 ) Assemblyman Luster - regarding his support of Bill A - 2741 - still in Local Governments ' Committee . Other Reports : Community Council Mary Ann Kozak reported that there pond clean up was June 26 , 1993 and there was a lot of help from the community . She reported 476 people used the pond last week . S upervisor Oltz read the following report from Judy Tagliavento : " For the past month we have been getting summer recreation and youth programs payroll on line . We have hired Mildred Miller to do t he payroll for us at $ 8 . 00 per hour , Workers Compensation Insurance will cost us $ 490 . 00 this year . B ookkeepers Budget for this year : 10 Hrs . Set - up Time 72 Hrs . through 1993 W e are submitting a voucher for the $ 1 , 000 . 00 the Town Board set aside for us to cover these . We still have no word on the school and the possibility of renting it . Danby Community Council will n ow be meeting on the third Monday of each month . " Code Enforcement Officer Report : Code Enforcement Officer Susan Beeners reported that she has submitted her monthly report . The office has been busy with construction activity and there are many tentative applications to ✓ eview at this time . P lanning Board Report : Chairperson Nancy Weitzel reported that the Planning Board is very busy . On Wednesday , July 21 , 1993 the Planning Board and interested residents will meet at 6 : 00 P . M . at the Town Hall for a field tour in West Danby to view the Proposed " Camelot " Subdivision property on the corner of Hillview Road and State Route 34 / 96 . At t he June 1993 meeting the " Fieldstone Circle " Subdivision was ✓ eaffirmed , and drafted proposed revisions to the Danby Zoning O rdinance . Dog Control Officer Report : The June report from Dog Control Officer was submitted . H ighway Report : H ighway Superintendent Hall reported that road repairs and ditching continues as weather permits . 220 4 Town Board Minutes July 12 , 1993 E lection Expenses - 1992 S upervisor Oltz reported the Town paid Tompkins County $ 9 , 240 . 00 for 1992 Election Expenses . The County Board of Representatives passed a resolution to refund our payment and it has been received . Mortgage Tax Supervisor Oltz reported the Mortgage Tax in the amount of $ 18 , 295 . 00 has been received . Town Board Official Business S upervisor Oltz reported that the official business on our July 1993 Agenda will be postponed until Monday , July 19 , 1993 at 5 : 00 P . M . due to lack of quorum . The following official business is on the July 19 , 1993 Agenda . 1 ) Appointments to Planning Board and Board of Zoning Appeals . 2 ) Approval for Dog Enumeration . 3 ) Carpet Cleaning Approval - Estimate received . 4 ) Warrants and reports to be approved at the next meeting . ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Supervisor Oltz and seconded by Councilperson S chwartz to adjourn the Town Board Meeting until Monday , July 19 , 1993 at 5 : 00 P . M . &eta-- -ZiLSailtiat's" Carol W . Scz a ski , Town Clerk