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Regular Meeting 8 : 00 P . M . April 12 , 1993
Supervisor Oltz
Councilpersons : Hile , Marisa
Councilpersons : Miller , Schwartz ( excused )
Others Present :
H ighway Superintendent - William Hall
Code Enforcement Officer - Susan Beeners
P lanning Board Chair - Nancy Weitzel
Town Clerk - Carol Sczepanski
Members of the Public :
Mary and Roy Casterline , Don Schaaf , Howard Steiner , Julie
Coulombe , Donna Collins , Mary Ann Kozak , Joel Gagnon
Supervisor Oltz called the meeting to order at 8 : 00 P . M . and led
all present to the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag .
Approval of March 8 , 1993 Town Board Meeting Minutes
A motion was made by Councilperson Marisa and seconded by
Councilperson Hile to approve the March 8 , 1993 Town Board Meeting
Minutes as published .
A roll call on the motion resulted as follows :
H ile Aye
Marisa Aye
O ltz Aye
Carried Unanimously
County Representative Report :
Representative Proto was unable to attend the meeting tonight and
asked Councilperson Marisa to report the following items :
1 ) Surplus Equipment - may be available to municipalities and
fire districts due to military bases in the area that are
closing . Specific information will be sent to the Town Clerk
and Fire Commissioners .
2 ) NYS Archives & Retention Program - Tompkins County is
reviewing grant applications for the NYS Archives &
Retention Programs ( SARA ) .
S usan Beeners - would like to commend Highway Superintendent Bill
H all for his efforts to patch our roads during this unusual season .
Ric Dietrich - 100 South Danby Road - said that in view of the
Youth Forum that is coming up , he would encourage the Board to set
a date to meet with Community Council as soon as possible .
H oward Steiner - 1050 Coddington Road - asked how much the Town
expects to receive of the one per cent ( 1 % ) County sales tax
increase and why the Town has not made efforts to receive our sales
t ax directly instead of through County distribution .
1 ) Exemption Forms from Tompkins County Budget & Finance - - Two -
Family Residence Used as a Single Unit
2 ) Community Council Minutes - March 1993
S upervisor Oltz reported the Community Council minutes state that
J ulie Coulombe will be the representative to the Town Board from
Community Council .
! 6T
2 Town Board Minutes
April 12 , 1993
3 ) Tompkins County EMC Meeting Report - March 23 , 1993
Councilperson Marisa read Mr . Decker ' s report of the March 23 , 1993
EMC Meeting . Highlights of interest to the Town are :
1 ) EMC has growing interest in staffing the Soil and Water
Conservation District office with a technician to work on
water conservation and quality problems of local communities ;
2 ) Mr . Decker believes the Tompkins County Board of
Representatives will be considering the possibility of hiring
a Soil and Water Conservation technician .
3 ) Dan Decker has agreed to join the FMC ' s Air , Water and
Waste Committee .
4 ) Dog Control Officer Report - March 1993
5 ) Code Enforcement Officer Report - March 1993
Highway Report -- Highway Superintendent Bill Hall reported on the
following :
1 ) Blizzard 1993 Reimbursement Funds - he is working on the
application for Snow Emergency Disaster Reimbursement for the
March 13 , 1993 Blizzard . Up to seventy - five ( 75 % ) per cent of
allowable costs directly related to the blizzard will be
considered for reimbursements .
2 ) CHIPS - The Town received a letter from Senator Randy Kuhl
regarding CHIPS reimbursement funds for 1993 . The Town may
receive approximately $ 19 , 000 . 00 more in CHIPS funds for
1993 / 4 than was anticipated .
Community Council Report
Representative Julie Coulombe reported that Community Council met
last week and are working on summer recreation programs for 1993 .
She has written to Superintendent Lorthridge on behalf of Community
Council regarding what they would like to see the old Danby School
building used for and what they do not want to see it used for .
( She has not received a response . ) Community Council would like to
invite the Ithaca City School Board to Danby for a meeting with
community members . A survey was added to the last issue of the
Danby Area News and the community is urged to fill it out and send
it in .
Discussion followed :
Ric Dietrich suggested the meeting be a public meeting with issues ,
concerns and ides from interested community members .
Councilperson Marisa said that the item that is currently on our
Agenda for consideration is a meeting with the Town Board and the
principles of the Community Council . An open public meeting at a
later time would be considered dependent on the outcome of the
proposed meeting . He said that we have many procedural issues to
work out between the two ( 2 ) organizations before an agenda of
youth items for the Town can be considered .
Discussion followed and Ric Dietrich said that there are structural
problems in how Community Council receives its monies for summer
recreation programs and they are $ 4 , 500 . 00 short .
Councilperson Marisa said that there is a structure set up for this
fiscal year and nobody is going to change it this summer .
Donna Collins , Director of the Pre - K and Afterschool programs ,
asked the Town Board if there were problems with management and
supervision of the programs ,
I n,
3 Town Board Minutes
April 12 , 1993
Councilperson Marisa said that there is no implied criticisms with
t he programs and the day - to - day supervision and she should not
eAts twr any criticism of the programs .
Town Hall Security
B uilding Custodian Ed Roberts sent a memo to all Town Officials ,
D epartment Heads and groups that use the Town Hall regarding the
security of the building . He asked that all groups and persons
u sing the building to : 1 ) schedule meetings in advance ; 2 ) turn
o ff all lights ; 3 ) check and / or lock all doors before leaving the
building .
Councilperson Marisa asked that a check of procedures for closing
the building and who to contact if necessary be posted for
✓ eference .
Code Enforcement Officer Report
S usan Beeners reported that construction activity is up in March
1993 as compared to March 1992 the equivalent of one additional new
h ouse . The department has compiled a listing of places of public
assembly and businesses located in the Town .
Planning Board Report :
P lanning Board Chair Nancy Weitzel reported that the Planning Board
met on March 31 , 1993 and looked over five ( 5 ) proposals for
consideration and scheduled two ( 2 ) public hearings for April 21 ,
1993 . Kenneth Thompson from Tompkins County Division of Solid
W aste is scheduled to speak to the Planning Board regarding the
" Reclamation Plans " for Hillview Road Landfill .
Fire District Report
Referendum for West Danby Fire Station
Supervisor Oltz reported that there will be two ( 2 ) public hearings
h eld for the Proposed West Danby Fire Station ; one on April 28 ,
1993 at 7 : 30 P . M . at the Danby Fire Hall on 96B and one on May 6 ,
1993 at 7 : 30 at the West Danby Fire Station . The Referendum will
be held on. May 12 , 1993 at both fire stations from 6 : 00 P . M . to
9 : 00 P . M .
S olid Waste Advisory Committee
J oel Gagnon reported that within the next two months the Solid
W aste Management plan will be revised .
Supervisor Oltz reported that it is necessary to update our
P rocurement Policies and Procedures for the Town of Danby and
introduced the following resolution .
B y Councilperson Marisa : Seconded by Councilperson Hile
WHEREAS , Section 104b of the General Municipal Law requires the
governing body of every municipality to adopt a procurement policy
for all goods and services which are not required by Law to be
publicly bid , and
WHEREAS , comments have been solicited from all officers of the town
involved in the procurement process , not therefore be it
RESOLVED , that the Town of Danby does hereby adopt the following
Procurement Policies and Procedures :
1 ) Every purchase to be made must be initially reviewed to
determine whether it is a purchase contract or a public works
contract . Every town officer , board member , department head
o r other personnel with the requisite purchasing authority
shall estimate the cumulative cost of the supplies or
e quipment needed in a given fiscal year . This estimate shall
4 Town Board Minutes
April 12 , 1993
include canvass of other town departments , and take into
account past history to determine the likely yearly value of
commodities to be acquired . The information gathered and the
conclusions reached shall be documented and kept with the file
or other documentation supporting the purchase activity .
2 ) All purchases of a ) supplies or equipment which will exceed
$ 10 , 000 in the fiscal year or b ) Public Works contracts over
$ 20 , 000 shall be formally bid pursuant to General Municipal
Law Section 103 .
3 ) The following method of purchase will be used in order to
achieve the most savings :
Estimated Amount
of Purchase Contracts : Method :
$ 0 - $ 1 , 000 Left to discretion of purchaser
$ 1 , 000 - $ 2 , 999 Oral request . for goods and
written / fax quotes from two ( 2 )
✓ endors
$ 3 , 000 - $ 9 , 999 Request for purchase and
w ritten / fax quotes from three
( 3 ) vendors
All Estimated Public
Works Contracts : Method :
$ 0 - $ 3 , 000 Left to discretion of Purchaser
$ 3 , 000 - $ 9 , 999 Oral request for goods and
w ritten / fax quotes from two ( 2 )
$ 10 , 000 - $ 19 , 999 Oral request for goods and
three ( 3 ) written / fax quotes
from vendors
Any written Requests for Purchase shall describe the desired
goods , quantities and the particulars of delivery . The
purchaser shall compile a list of all vendors from whom
written / fax / oral quotes have been requested and offered . All
information gathered in complying with the procedures of this
guideline shall be preserved and filed with the documentation
supporting the subsequent purchase or Public Works Contract .
4 ) The lowest responsible proposal or quote shall be awarded the
purchase or Public Works Contract unless the purchaser
prepares a written justification providing reasons why it is
in the best interest of the Town and its taxpayers to make an
award to other than the low bidder . If a bidder is not deemed
responsible , facts supporting that judgement shall also be
documented and filed with the record supporting the
procurement .
5 ) A good faith effort shall be made to obtain the required
number of proposals or quotations . If the purchaser is unable
to obtain the number of proposals or quotes , the purchaser
shall document the attempt made to obtain the proposals . In
no event shall the ability to obtain the proposals or quotes
be a bar to the procurement .
6 ) Except when directed by the Town Board , no solicitation of
proposals or quotations shall be required under the following
circumstances :
a ) items to be purchased under an existing State or County
Contract ;
b ) requisition of professional services ;
5 Town Board Minutes
April 12 , 1993
c ) emergencies ;
d ) sole source situations ;
e ) goods purchased from agencies for the blind or severely
handicapped ;
f ) goods purchased from correctional facilities ;
g ) goods purchased from another government agency ;
h ) goods purchased at auction ;
i ) goods purchased for less than $ 1 , 000 . 00 ;
j ) public Works Contracts for less than $ 3 , 000 . 00 .
7 ) This policy shall be reviewed annually by the Town Board at
its organizational meeting or as soon thereafter as reasonably
practicable .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
H ile Aye
Marisa Aye
O ltz Aye
Carried Unanimously
Absent :
Councilpersons : Miller and Schwartz
B y Councilperson Hile : Seconded by Councilperson Marisa
WHEREAS , the Town of Danby Town Board advertized for Sealed Bids
for the " Old Town Barns " on March 20 , 1993 , and
WHEREAS , Sealed Bids were accepted until 5 : 00 P . M . on April 7 , 1993
and opened publicly on April 7 , 1993 at 7 : 30 P . M . , and
WHEREAS , bids submitted are below the appraised value of the
property , now be it
RESOLVED , That the Town of Danby Town Board in the best interest of
t he Town rejects all bids submitted for the " Old Town Barns " .
D iscussion followed :
Supervisor Oltz reported that the sealed bids for the " Old Town
B arns " were all under the appraised value of the property of
$ 55 , 000 . 00 .
Councilperson Marisa said the Town Board needs to publicize for
approximately sixty ( 60 ) days and then seek bids for the Old Town
B arns again .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Ayes - two ( 2 )
Councilperson Hile
Supervisor Oltz
N oes - one ( 1 )
Councilperson Marisa Resolution did not pass
Meeting Date With Community Council
S upervisor Oltz said that the Town Board should set a meeting date
t o meet with Community Council regarding issues related to the Town
of Danby youth programs and the administration of the programs .
6 Town Board Minutes
April 12 , 1993
Councilperson Marisa suggested that the Town come to an agreement
with Community Council during this week as to when the meeting will
t ake place .
Motion to Set Date
A motion was made by Councilperson Marisa and seconded by
S upervisor Oltz that the Town Board set a date by April 17 , 1993
t o meet with Community Council .
Carried Unanimously
Approval of Warrants
Approval of General Fund Warrant No . 4 of 1993
A motion was made by Councilperson Marisa and seconded by
Councilperson Hile to approve the General Fund Warrant No . 4 of
1993 , vouchers numbered 109 - 153 in the amount of $ 8 , 237 . 76 .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
H ile Aye
Marisa Aye
O ltz Aye Carried Unanimously
Approval of Highway Fund Warrant No . 4 of 1993
A motion was made by Councilperson Bile and seconded by
Councilperson Marisa to approve the Highway Fund Warrant No . 4 of
1993 , vouchers numbered 38 - 50 in the amount of $ 7 , 837 . 91 .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
H ile Aye
Marisa Aye
O ltz Aye Carried Unanimously
Approval of West Danby Water District Fund Warrant No . 4 of 1993
A motion was made by Councilperson Hile and seconded by
Councilperson Marisa to approve the West Danby Water District Fund
W arrant No . 5 of 1993 , vouchers numbered 13 - 17 in the amount of
$ 816 . 49 .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
H ile Aye
Marisa Aye
O ltz Aye Carried Unanimously
Approval of the Town Clerk ' s March 1993 Report
A motion was made by Councilperson Marisa and seconded by
Councilperson Hile to accept the Town Clerk ' s March 1993 report as
submitted .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
H ile Aye
Marisa Aye
Oltz Aye Carried Unanimously
Approval of the Supervisor ' s March 1993 Report
A motion was made by Councilprson Marisa and seconded by
Councilperson Hile to approve the Supervisor ' s March 1993 Report as
submitted .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
H ile Aye
Marisa Aye
O ltz Aye Carried Unanimously
7 Town Board Minutes
April 12 , 1993
Integrated Waste Systems
The Town Board filled out a questionnaire received from Integrated
S olid Waste Systems regarding Town Zoning Regulations and Local
L aws related to the operation landfills .
Grant Applications for Early Childhood Development and Day Care
Supervisor Oltz reported that Community Council has asked the Town
B oard for approval to submit grant applications for early childhood
development and day care funds .
D iscussion followed .
Councilperson Marisa and Supervisor Oltz said that the signatures
required on the forms request signature of the Director .
Purchase Proposal for a John Deere Loader for the Highway
H ighway Superintendent Hall submitted a Purchase Proposal to the
Town Board for a new loader to replace the 1967 CAT loader . The
N ew York State Bid Price for the loader expires on April 30 , 1993 .
D iscussion followed :
Councilperson Marisa said that he feels it is in the best interest
o f the Town to purchase new equipment when possible as the cost of
✓ epairs on old equipment is expensive .
Councilperson Hile suggested that a letter of intent be sent with
t he purchase request for a loader so that the order can be placed
before April 30 , 1993 .
Motion to Purchase Model No . JD644G Loader 1
A motion was made by Councilperson Marisa and seconded by
Councilperson Hile that the Town of Danby Town Board purchase a
J ohn Deere Model No . JD644G Loader , equipped as indicated on the
Five Stare Equipment Quotation for New York State Bid Price of
$ 83 , 067 . 00 and that the Town Supervisor be authorized to begin the
process to acquire bonding to cover the purchase price .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
H ile Aye
Marisa Aye
O ltz Aye Carried Unanimously
Conditions of Purchase of JD644G Loader :
1 ) The total amount to be financed will be purchase price of the
J D644G loader less the sale price of the 1967 CAT 950 Loader
estimated at a guaranteed minimum of $ 13 , 500 . 00 .
2 ) The Town will make the first year payment with funds of
$ 5 , 000 . 00 from the current Highway Maintenance Budget and
$ 5 , 000 . 00 from CHIPS proceeds .
On a motion the meeting was adjourned at 9 : 20 P . M .
(2141241( .4.0 an.,41.S
min - 4 - 12 - 93 Carol W . Sczep ! / ki , Town Clerk