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1 Town Board Minutes
April 13 , 1992
Regular Meeting 8 : 00 P . M .
Apri1 . 13 , 1992
Supervisor Oltz
Councilpersons : Marisa , Miller , Schwartz
Councilperson Hile ( Excused )
Others Present_
County Representative - Proto
Planning Board Chair - Weitzel
Interim Code Enforcement Officer - Beeners
Town Clerk - Sczepanski
Members of _the_Public :
Joel Gagnon , Juddson Leonard , Adam Eigencauch , Daniel Chiacchie ,
Erik Bogart , Julie Coulombe , Theresa O ' Connor , Patricia Button ,
Rick Dobson , Kurt Samuelson , Ted Jones , Edw . M . Roberts , Roy
Casterline , Mary Lou Hardesty
Supervisor Oltz called the meeting to order at 8 : 10 P . M . and led
all present to the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag .
Approval of March 9_,__1992 Town Board
A motion was made by - ...___ ___. __ _...--._ Meeting Minutes
Y Councilperson Schwartz and seconded by
Councilperson Marisa to approve the April 9 , 1992 Town Board
Meeting Minutes as published .
A vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Marisa Aye
Miller Aye
Schwartz Aye
Oltz Aye
Carried Unanimously
County Representative Report_
Tompkins County on th Representative Frank Proto reported o
following : e
1 ) Assigned Council - program will be reviewed by County in an
effort to reduce costs .
2 ) Motor ^_Vehicle Inspections -
Representatives voted against the TDepartment of EnviBronmental of
Conservation request for motor vehicle inspections to include
emission control .
3 ) Review of Fiscal Plan - County in the
County budget in an effort to reduce 5 reviewing the our
coming year . by $ 500 , 000 for the
4 ) .Ithaca Metropolitan_ Planning Organization - the County has
established an Ithaca Metropolitan Organization to make t
County eligible for federal transportation funds for planning .
5 ) Flow Control Legislation - Tompkins County Board adopted the
" Flow Control Legislation " but have not
regulations under which Passed rules and
( Representative Proto reported that he lvoted gainsteit . )
1 ;6
2 Town Board Minutes
April 13 , 1992
6 ) Rabies Control - Due to the increase in animal nuisance calls
and the increase in rabies in Tompkins County a major
educational program is being developed .
7 ) New York State _Sanitary Code - a public hearing will be
scheduled soon regarding Part 75A of NYS Sanitary Code -
dealing with septic systems .
8 ) Municipal Fees - New York State will require a fee of $ 100 . 00
for a listing of companies who acknowledge purchases through
New York State Contract . The County will purchase a listing
Q, to be shared with municipalities .
9 ) Nut.rition.,Money - Tompkins County and Cooperative Extension
h ave a new nutrition outreach program for low income families
entitled " Healthy Heart Program " .
10 ) Airport - The County is proceeding with the airport design ,
h ave viewed the plans and are now in the process of reviewing
building materials .
11 ) Solid Waste : Fourth Quarter Testing Results for the County
L andfill are in and indicate that the landfill may not be
polluting the surrounding area . The results have been
questioned by the County . It is his understanding that the
D EC has reviewed the report and although it is not confirmed ,
they are not interested in extending the life of the landfill .
The well water protection program is still going forward .
Solid Waste Advisory_ Committee_ - _Report
Joel Gagnon reported that the County had asked for an independent
opinion regarding the fourth quarter results and had hired Sterns
and Wheeler . He said that the real concern in West Danby is the
potential for the County to say there is not a problem here and
we ' ll follow through and close the landfill but we ' re not going to
spend money looking for a problem that doesn ' t exist . He reported
that West Danby residents are not comfortable because they still
do not know what is happening to the 20 , 000 gallons of lechate per
d ay . They need to have the follow up studies done to find out where
the lechate is going . A letter from the Landfill Advisory
Committee will be sent to the Solid Waste and Resource Management
Committee will express their concerns . He would like the Town
B oard to support SWAC and their concerns regarding the County
L andfill on Hillview Road .
P rivilege of the Floor :_
Ric Dietrich of 100 South Danby Road asked the status of a petition
✓ egarding Hillview Terrace Mobile Home Park Expansion Proposal .
Ted Jones of 109 South Danby Road presented a petition to the Town
B oard addressed to . the Town of Danby Planning Board and the Town
o f Danby Town Board from adjacent landowners and nearby residents
o f the proposed Hillview Terrace Mobile Home Park containing
seventeen ( 17 ) signatures . The document is acknowledged as
✓ eceived by the Town Board .
West Danbi_ Fire District _
Juddson Leonard of the West Danby Fire District stated as part of
the record that he was unable to attend the March Meeting of the
Town Board due to an incorrect publication of date of meeting in
the Danby Area News . He said a letter was sent to the Supervisor
and Councilpersons in reference to the transfer purchase of
property for the West Danby Fire Station . As of today ( 4 / 13 / 92 )
legal council for the Fire District still has not received any
communications from the Town Attorney Nelson Roth . At this time
the Fire District is asking the Board to get this transaction back
on track as soon as possible as we are entering the construction
year .
3 Town Board Minutes
April 13 , 1992
Supervisor Oltz said that she has consulted the Town Attorney and
he is working on the property transaction .
• Julie Colombe of 72 Bald Hill Road reported that Community Council
is sponsoring an Easter Egg Hunt at the Beagle Club on Saturday ,
April 18 , 1992 at 10 : 00 a . m . and all Danby children of all ages are
welcome .
Theresa O ' Connor of 250 Bald Hill Road asked the status of Danby
• Pond for the 1992 summer season and asked if the Town would
consider the placement of a playground at the Danby Pond . She
asked the Town to consider a playground area as a community
project .
Councilperson Schwartz said that it sounds like a good project but
we should wait until we find out the status of the old Danby School
site .
Councilperson Marisa reported that the latest information on Danby
Pond is that the pond committee is preparing the area . The
Planning Committee under Community Council is preparing the
schedule for the 1992 swimming season . There is funding in the . 1992
Town Budget for this year .
Rick Dobson of 1675 Danby Road addressed the Board regarding a
forced change in his business mailing address . He again asked the
Town to recognize Dobson Road Extension as a legal address . Mr .
Dobson also commented on the fact that he has submitted articles
to the Danby Area News that have not been published .
Mary Lou Hardesty reported that a few members of the Danby
Taxpayers Association attended a Taxpayers Alliance Association
Meeting in Rome , New York . It was a very interesting and
informative meeting .
1 ) Tompkins County Solid Waste Draft Management Plan - is on file
in the Town Clerk ' s Office .
2 ) Minutes of the February 12 , 1992 Community Council Meeting .
3 ) Copy of a Petition submitted regarding Hillview Terrace Mobile
Home Park .
O ther Reports :
Councilperson Schwartz reported that he has several communications
and reports for our EMC Representative , Daniel Decker for the Town
Clerk to forward .
Senior Citizens :
E dw . M . Roberts reported that the Danby Senior Citizens will be
meeting evenings for the summer months .
Community Council :_
Ric Dietrich submitted a copy of an article to be published in the
D anby Area News regarding the Old Danby School . He reported that
members of the Danby Community Council will .: approach the .
Ithaca City School Board encouraging them to pursue the acquisition
o f the Old Danby School .
Code Enforcement Officer :
Interim Code Enforcement Officer Susan Beeners reported that five
building permits were issued in March 1992 for three ( 3 ) new homes ,
o ne ( 1 ) special permit for a doublewide mobile home , one ( 1 )
✓ enovation / addition , and one ( 1 ) renewal . There were fourteen ( 14 )
building inspections and two ( 2 ) chimney inspections related to
fire reports . One ( 1 ) Order to Remedy was issued . Fees were
collected in the amount of $ 819 . 80 for building permits and $ 160 . 00
for Board of Zoning Appeals Applications .
4 Town Board Minutes
April 13 , 1992
Susan reported that it is difficult to balance her hours in the
o ffice , inspections and walk in clients . It may be necessary to
adjust her schedule as field inspections are often last minute
appointments .
Supervisor Oltz suggested that the office secretary hours be
adjusted to be present during her absence .
Planning_Board Report :
P lanning Board Chair Nancy Weitzel reported that the Planning Board
h eld a special work session on April 2 , 1992 to review the Hillview
Terrace Mobile Home Park Expansion proposal . Hopefully a public
h earing date can be set soon . A Sketch Plan Review for a two ( 2 )
lot subdivision on Troy Road is on the agenda for the April 15 ,
1992 Planning Board Meeting .
D og Control Report :
S upervisor Oltz reported that Dog Control Officer . Lorraine Bard
submitted the following report : we have received the March 1992
D og Control Officer Report . There were two ( 2 ) complaints for dogs
at large , four ( 4 ) lost dogs , seven ( 7 ) found dogs , one ( 1 )
• impounded . There are three ( 3 ) dogs available for adoption . March
e xpenses were $ 54 . 70 and no adoption or redemption fees were
received . Lorraine is also requesting the Town share in the cost
o f vaccination for post - exposure for rabies .
Solid Waste Advisory Committee :_
Joel Gagnon reported that the new chair of the Solid Waste Advisory
Committee ( SWAC ) has formed several sub - committees . The new sub -
committees are on finance , recycling , reduction and reuse , and
d isposal . Joel said he is on the disposal sub - committee and the
chair of the finance sub - committee .
RESO_LUTIO_N No . 34 OF 1992
B y Councilperson Schwartz : Seconded by Councilperson Marisa
WHEREAS , Donna and Matthew Decker tirelessly worked to develop a
Reading Room in the Town of Danby , and
WHEREAS , in conjunction with Frank Proto , Danby County
Representative , the Deckers succeeded in obtaining approval of the
Reading Room , and
WHEREAS , the Decker family volunteered time and labor to build
bookshelves and set up the Reading Room , and
WHEREAS , Donna Decker has continued to devote time and energy as
Supervisor / Director , and
WHEREAS , the Town of Danby has benefited from the Reading Room for
these past two years , not be it
RESOLVED , that the Town of Danby Town Board recognizes and
appreciates the devotion and dedication of the Decker family to
ensure the existence of library services in Danby .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Marisa Aye
Miller Aye
Schwartz Aye
Oltz Aye
Carried Unanimously
Fieldstone Circle Subdivision :
Councilperson Oltz reported that the Town Board has received the
following materials for Fieldstone Circle Subdivision :
1 ) Declaration of Restrictive Covenants ;
5 Town Board Minutes
April 13 , 1992
2 ) Suggested Language for Fieldstone Circle Subdivision Plat for
" natural / rural space " area east of lots 7 , 9 , 10 , 12 , 13 and
14 ;
3 ) Agreement Between Elizabeth Grisanzio , Sponsor and owner of
Fieldstone Circle and Town of Danby .
Susan Beeners explained modifications / revisions to the draft
d ocuments that were submitted for Fieldstone Circle to the Town
B oard .
D iscussion followed :
Councilperson Marisa said that the subdivision approval was to be
for a much larger area than is shown on the map that was presented .
The other land must be explicitly included in the Final Plat and
attached to one or more of the lots . As those lots are sold , parts
can be attached as to the purchasers preference . It definitely was
the case and intention that this project was approved with the
d isposition of that land being attached to individual lots .
D iscussion followed regarding the natural open space set - aside area
in the development that is not to be developed and set - aside lands
in general .
Motion to table Fieldstone Circle . Subdivision _ Agreements :
A motion was made by Councilperson Miller and seconded by
Councilperson Marisa to table the approval of the Fieldstone Circle
S ubdivision Agreements until we have final corrected copies of the
materials to review .
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Marisa Aye.
Miller Aye
Schwartz Aye
O ltz Aye Carried Unanimously
Susan reported that the Planning Board gave permission for the
developer of Fieldstone Circle to obtain a building permit for the
model home site before the final plat is approved and filed .
D iscussion followed :
Councilperson Marisa requested that when the final copies of
materials are completed a draft resolution should also be submitted
that lays out very clearly the complete history of the project as
follows :
1 ) What has been approved by the Planning Board ;
2 ) What has been reviewed by the attorneys ;
3 ) What approvals are being required ;
4 ) A statement of whether or not anything is required before
approval .
Approval of Warrants
Approval of General Fund Warrant No . 4 _ of 19. 92
A motion was made by Councilperson Miller and seconded by
Councilperson Schwartz to approve the General Fund Warrant No . 4
of 1992 in the amount of $ 13 , 011 . 39 .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Marisa Aye
Miller Aye
S chwartz Aye
O ltz Aye Carried Unanimously
Approval of _Highway Fund Warrant No. 4of 1992
A motion was made by Councilperson Schwartz and seconded by
Councilperson Miller to approve the Highway Fund Warrant No . 4 of
1992 in the amount of $ 6 , 961 . 89 .
80 x:
6 Town Board Minutes
April 13 , 1992
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Marisa Aye
Miller Aye
S chwartz Aye
O ltz Aye Carried Unanimously
Approval __ of West Danby Water District Warrant No . 3 of 1992
A motion was made by Councilperson Marisa and seconded by
Councilperson Schwartz in to approve the West Danby Water District
Warrant No . 3 of 1992 in the amount of $ 1 , 064 . 02 .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Marisa Aye
Miller Aye
Schwartz Aye
Oltz Aye Carried Unanimously
Approval of the March 1992 Town Clerk ' s Report
A motion was made by Councilperson Marisa and seconded by
Councilperson Schwartz to approve the March 1992 Town Clerk ' s
report as submitted .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Marisa Aye
Miller Aye
S chwartz Aye
O ltz Aye Carried Unanimously
Approval of the March 1992 Supervisor ' s Report
A motion was made by Councilperson Schwartz and seconded by
Councilperson Marisa to approve the March 1992 Supervisor ' s Report
as submitted .
Councilperson Marisa stated for the record that he protests the
fact that the Town Board does not have a current and up - to - date
listing of our accounts as it is difficult to determine whether we
have sufficient funds with which to process the warrants .
Supervisor Oltz stated for the record that her reply to the above
statement is that the Town was to have a computer and accounting
system on hand by January 1 , 1992 and this did not happen . The
accounting system is currently being installed .
A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows :
Marisa Aye
Miller Aye
S chwartz Aye
O ltz Aye Carried Unanimously
On a motion the meeting adjourned at 10 : 15 P . M .
Carol W . Sczep ki , Town Clerk