HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-03-09 67 1 Town Board Minutes March 9 , 1992 TOWN OF DANBY TOWN BOARD MINUTES Regular Meeting 8 : 00 P . M . March 9 , 1992 PRESENT :_ S upervisor Oltz Councilpersons Hile , Marisa , Miller , Schwartz O thers Present : H ighway Superintendent - Bill Hall P lanning Board Chair - Nancy Weitzel Interim Code Enforcement Officer - Sue Beepers Town Clerk - Carol Sczepanski B ookkeeper - Mildred Miller Members of the Public : Pam Soloman , Lorene Jump , Dave and Sheila Levinsky , Howard Steiner , Maggie McHugh , Edward M . Roberts , Julie and Bruce Coulombe , Len and Paul Haupert , George Jakubson , Bill Genter , Olivia Trutmann , Theresa O ' Conner , Herb Engman , Mary Lou Hardesty P LEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE : Supervisor Oltz called the meeting to order at 8 : 00 P . M . and led all present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag . Approval of February 10 , 1992 Town Board Minutes : Corrections to Minutes : Councilperson Schwartz requested an addition to his statement on page 3 under Planning Board Appointment discussion to include . . . . and has religiously attended all the public meetings related to the new zoning ordinance . Councilperson Marisa asked that it be noted on page five ( 5 ) the letter was amended to say " unfunded " not " unfounded " . A motion was made by Councilperson Marisa and seconded by Councilperson Hile to approve the February 10 , 1992 Board Meeting Minutes as corrected . A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows : H ile Aye Marisa Aye Miller Aye Schwartz Aye O ltz Aye Carried Unanimously PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR : Town Board : Councilperson Schwartz reported that at our Agenda Meeting on March 4 , 1992 the Board discussed the Redistricting of Tompkins County for Election Districts . It is his understanding that the Town of Ithaca Supervisor opposes the Plan R - 29 proposal . Councilperson Schwartz reported that Community Council is going to apply for a Federal Grant for their pre - K and afterschool programs . The grant request is for funding to cover materials and minor construction to their facilities so that it is licensable under New York State Day Care . Supervisor Oltz reported that the Supervisor ' s Annual Report for Fiscal Year 1991 is completed and filed . A copy of the report is on file in the Town Clerk ' s office . • i County Representative Report : Representative Proto was unable to attend tonight ' s meeting and asked that Supervisor Oltz give the following report : 1 68 2 Town Board Minutes March 9 , 1992 1 ) Flow Control - Tompkins County Board of Representatives h as approved a resolution for " Flow Control " for trash . Their request has been sent to New York State for E nabling Legislation . Representative Proto voted against the resolution . 2 ) Bus Service - The bus ridership for Danby and Lansing h as passed all projections and is doing very well . 3 ) Rabies in Tompkins County - Confirmed rabies cases in Tompkins County have increased particularly in the N ewfield and Town of Ithaca areas . Tompkins County is sponsoring a free rabies clinic on March 21 , 1992 at Cornell ' s Livestock Pavilion . Councilperson Marisa said that the bus service in Danby is quite n ice . Fire District Representative Bill Genter reported that fire calls for the department have decreased and emergency rescue calls have increased . Members of the Public : Mary Lou Hardesty of 50 South Danby Road , Willseyville , New York ✓ eported that the Taxpayers Association held a meeting in February 1992 . There is strong interest in small school districts of having the opportunity to vote on school budgets and Tompkins County property assessment procedures . The group is forming committies to research the school budget process and local the county assessment procedure verses a town assessor . Residents of Olde Towne Village said they appreciate the work that the Town Highway Department has done to improve the muddy condition o n the roads in Olde Towne Village . COMMUNICATIONS : 1 ) Danby Volunteer Fire Department 1991 Annual Report 2 ) West Danby Fire Commissioners Annual Report O ther Reports : Senior Citizens - are planning two ( 2 ) trips for spring . The Danby Senior Citizens meet monthly . Code Enforcement Officer February 1992 Report Susan Beeners submitted the February 1992 Code Enforcement O fficer ' s Report . She reported the construction area is slow . In February there were two ( 2 ) building permits issued for renovations o r additions , one renewal and one ( 1 ) Order to Remedy Planning D evelopment Application fees are now being collected . O ther activities in planning and zoning issues are : 1 ) a Public Hearing to consider final approval for " Fieldstone Circle " ( formerly Raptor Heights II ) Subdivision ; 2 ) a request from Michael Hovanec for a doublewide and a three ( 3 ) lot subdivision ; 3 ) request to add a building to Tex ' s Auto Repair Garage located on 96B near Muzzy Road for a small woodworking shop . This request was referred to the Board of Zoning Appeals . 4 ) a request for a subdivision on the corner of West King Road and Jersey Hill Road . A new phone is installed for the Code Enforcement Office and the n umber is ( 607 ) 277 - 0799 . Office hours are officially 10 : 00 to 5 : 00 on Wednesdays and Fridays and by appointment on Thursdays . . V Lj YJ • 1 II , i f 3 Town Board Minutes March 9 , 1992 Fire District Report : W illiam Genter reported that the Fire Commissioners meeting will be held Tuesday , March 10 , 1992 at 7 : 30 P . M . Dog Control Officer ' s_February 1992 Report :_ D og Control Officer ' s February 1992 Report was received - - Fees of $ 20 . 00 were received in February . Solid Waste Advisory Committee Report : J oel Gagnon reported on the activities of the Solid Waste Advisory Committee as follows : 1 ) Spring Cleanup Days for the County ; 2 ) Hiliview Landfill closure date is May 2 , 1992 ; 3 ) A public hearing on the Solid Waste Management Plan is scheduled for April 6 , 1992 ; 4 ) A public hearing focused on business concerns is scheduled for April 8 , 1992 ; 5 ) The Advisory Committee will hold its elections at their next meeting ; 6 ) The cost to maintain curbside pickups and drop - off centers for recycling ; Councilperson Marisa suggested that the County only fund drop - off centers for recycling and private haulers can collect recyclables and charge whatever they want . Discussion followed regarding the high cost of curbside pickup and how much could be saved by the County maintaining only dropoff sites . NEW BUSINESS : RESOLUTION NO 30_ OF 1992 APPOINTMENT - BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS By Councilperson Schwartz : Seconded by Councilperson Marisa RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the .Town of Danby appoint Laurene Gilbert of 24 Gilbert Road , Ithaca , New York , 14850 to the Town of Danby Board of Zoning Appeals , and be it further RESOLVED , that the term of appointment is to begin immediately and expires on June 30 , 1995 . A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Mile Aye Marisa Aye Miler Aye . S chwartz Aye O ltz Aye Carried Unanimously RESOLUTION NO . 31 OF 1992 APPOINTMENT TO THE BOARD or ZONING APPEALS By Councilperson Schwartz : Seconded by Councilperson Marisa RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Danby appoint Alan Boda of 1656 Danby Road , Ithaca , New York 14850 to the Town of Danby Board of Zoning Appeals , and be it further RESOLVED , that the term of appointment is to begin immediately and expires on June 30 , 1996 . A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Mile Aye Marisa Aye Miller Aye Schwartz Aye Oltz Aye Carried Unanimously A ns- r() 0 • • 4 Town Board Minutes March 9 , 1992 Redistricting of _Tonlpkins County_ Election_Districts : Councilperson Schwartz explained the three Tompkins County Redistricting Proposals presented at the February 1992 Town Board Meeting by Tompkins County Associate Planner by Harry Missirian and Tompkins County Board of Representative Stuart Stein . RESOLUTION NO . 32OF1992 REDISTRICTING RESOLUTION - Approved By Councilperson Marisa and seconded by Councilperson Schwartz WHEREAS , the Tompkins County Board of Representatives is in the process of re - drawing the boundaries of its 15 districts , and WHEREAS , county representatives have presented three redistricting plans for review by the Town of Danby , said plans being represented on maps entitled " R - 28 , " " R - 29 , " and " R - 30 , " and WHEREAS , the plan represented on map R - 28 has the lowest variance in the number of people represented in each legislative district , and WHEREAS , the plan represented by map R - 29 carves a chunk out of the Town of Ithaca , roughly a portion of land south of East King Road , and WHEREAS , the Town of Danby already shares a county representative with the Town of Caroline , and WHEREAS , splitting a representative between constituents in three • townships will seriously hamper said representative ' s ability to effectively speak for all of his or her constituents , and WHEREAS , the towns of Caroline and Danby are low - density rural towns and the portion of the Town of Ithaca that is south of east K ing Road is a much higher density , suburban neighborhood , and WHEREAS , it is reasonable to expect that the needs and opinions of the rural residents of Caroline and Danby will , in many cases , be in conflict with those of its suburban neighbors in the Town of Ithaca , and WHEREAS , it is the wish of the Town of Danby that all residents of Tompkins County get the most effective representation possible , THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town of Danby expresses a preference for the redistricting plan illustrated in map R - 28 , and opposes the plan illustrated on map R - 29 . A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows . H ile Aye Marisa Aye Miller Aye Schwartz Aye O ltz Aye Carried Unanimously Code Enforcement Job Description : Supervisor Oltz presented a new revised Code Enforcement Officer J ob Description for consideration . RESOLUTION NO . 33 OF 1992 APPROVAL OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER JOB DESCRIPTION B y Councilperson Miller : Seconded by Councilperson Marisa WHEREAS , the Danby Town Board at a regular meeting held March 9 , 1992 considered for adoption the revised job description of the Code Enforcement Officer ' s position relating to work activities , time requirements and minimum qualifications necessary , and asm `l 1 •k. 5 Town Board Minutes March 9 , 1992 WHEREAS , these revisions were reviewed by the Town Board and after discussion were approved for adoption , now therefore be it RESOLVED , that these revisions , a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part of this resolution , be adopted as the Town of Danby ' s official job description of the Code Enforcement Officer ' s position , and be it further RESOLVED , that this description supercedes all other descriptions of the Code Enforcement Officer position for the Town of Danby previously enacted . A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows : H ile Aye Marisa Aye Miller Aye S chwartz Aye O ltz Aye Carried Unanimously Attachment to Resolution No . 33 Code Enforcement Officer Job Description for the Town of Danby . CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER TOWN OF DANBY DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS : The work involves responsibility for administering and enforcing the New York Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code ( hereinafter called the ' Uniform Code ' ) , and other laws , codes , rules and regulations pertaining to the construction or alteration of buildings and structures , and to land use , development , and subdivision . The Town Supervisor is the immediate supervisor for this position . The work is performed under general policy of the town boards , and is performed independent of daily immediate supervision . The position provides for the coordination of all activities ✓ elevant to ensuring compliance with the appropriate laws , codes , ✓ ules , and regulations . The Officer may supervise a small number o f Building Inspectors , Zoning Compliance personnel , and / or clerical personnel . The Officer does related work as required . TIME REQUIREMENT : This is a Part - time position requiring an average of 19 . 5 hours per week , or 78 hours per month . That time allotment includes attendance at meetings of the Town Board , Planning Board , and Board o f Appeals , upon request of the respective board chairperson , and upon approval by the Town Supervisor . TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES : Administers , enforces , and coordinates compliance with all provisions of the Uniform Code and with other laws , codes and regulations including , but not limited to , the following : New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code Town of Danby Electrical Code ( in coordination with the Town ' s Electrical Inspector ) Town of Danby Real Property Maintenance Law Town of Danby Zoning Ordinance Town of Danby Subdivision Regulations Fees for Building Code , Zoning Ordinance , Subdivision Regulation and Other Enforcement Activities Local Law Providing for Environmental Review of Actions in the Town of Danby Local Law Relating to Flood Damage Protection ; • r� N 6 Town Board Minutes March 9 , 1992 Prepares and maintains rules and regulations , application forms , permits , and certificates , approved by the Town Board or other pertinent board , for use in administration and enforcement of such laws , codes , rules and regulations ; Supervises , coordinates , and participates in review and inspection o f the various stages of , and the completion of , building construction , land development , and land subdivision ; Issues , denies or revokes building permits and certificates of o ccupancy as required if in compliance with the Uniform Code ; Issues , written notices to correct unsafe , illegal , or dangerous conditions in unsafe structures and to correct use violations ; Inspects , as necessary , buildings and structures for compliance w ith the fire prevention provisions of the Uniform Code , including , but not limited to , places of public assembly and multiple ✓ esidences ; Maintains accurate records of all transactions and activities including all applications received , permits and certificates issued , fees charged and collected , inspection reports , and notices and orders issued ; Prepares various reports relevant to Code Enforcement activities for the Town and for other agencies as required or requested , following any necessary approvals by the Town Board ; Initiates civil and / or criminal complaints , in coordination with the Town Attorney and Town Justice , for continued non - compliance with the Uniform Code or other regulations pertinent to this position . FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE , SKILLS , ABILITIES , AND PROFESSIONAL CHARACTERISTICS : Thorough knowledge of modern practices , principles , materials , and tools used in building construction ; good knowledge of building trades ; good knowledge of the Uniform Code and other laws , codes , ✓ ules , and regulations pertinent to this position ; good knowledge o f the principles of fire prevention ; ability to write clear and concise reports and to maintain records in an orderly manner ; ability to establish and maintain cooperative relationships with o ther public officials , building contractors , and the general public ; ability to read and interpret plans and specifications ; ability to be firm but courteous ; honesty ; integrity ; thoroughness ; g ood judgment ; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the job . MINIMUM__QUALIFICATIONS : G raduation from highschool or possession of a high school e quivalency diploma and EITHER : ( a ) Possession of an Associate Degree with specialization in Civil Engineering , Construction Technology or a related field AND o ne year of full time paid ( or the equivalent part - time and / or volunteer ) experience in building construction work of a firefighting organization ; OR ( b ) Satisfactory completion of 60 semester hours at a regionally accredited or New York State registered four year college or u niversity in a program leading to a Bachelors degree in Civil Engineering , Construction Technology , or a related field AND o ne year of full - time paid ( or the equivalent part - time and / or ✓ olunteer ) experience in building construction work or a firefighting organization ; OR 7 Town Board Minutes March 9 , 1992 • ( c ) Three years of satisfactory experience in . building construction work or in a building trade such as carpentry , plumbing , electrical or related trades or firefighting organization ; OR ( d ) An equivalent combination of training and experience as defined by the limits of ( a ) , ( b ) or ( c ) above . NOTE 1 : Experience as a qualified building inspector can be substituted for an equivalent combination amount of the above required experience . NOTE 2 : Related experience in a governmental zoning / planning office may be considered in determining an equivalent combination amount of the above required experience . NOTE 3 : Candidates for appointment in this class will be required to complete any mandated training as established by the Department of State . 3 / 9 / 92 D anby Spring Cleanup Week H ighway Superintendent Bill Hall said that the Town of Danby will h ave a Spring Cleanup March 23 - 27 , 1992 . D iscussion followed regarding details of how the cleanup would be h andled by the Highway Department . Supervisor Oltz will submit an article regarding Danby Spring Clean - up to the Ithaca Journal for publication . Abandoned and Seasonal Roads in the Town of Danby Supervisor Oltz reported that the Town needs to address abandoned and seasonal roads in the Town of Danby . She would like to authorize our Highway Superintendent and Code Enforcement Officer , w ith the help of our town attorney to prepare a prioritized list o f roads to be considered for abandonment . APPROVAL OF WARRANTS : Approval of General Fund Warrant No . 3 of 1992 A motion was made by Councilperson Marisa and seconded by Councilperson Schwartz to approve the General Fund Warrant No . 3 of 1992 in the amount of $ 41 , 640 . 75 . A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows : H ile Aye Marisa Aye Miller Aye S chwartz Aye O ltz Aye Carried Unanimously Approval of Highway Fund Warrant No . 3 of 1992 A motion was made by Councilperson Marisa and seconded by Councilperson Hile to approve the Highway Fund Warrant No . 3 of 1992 in the amount of $ 27 , 285 . 67 . A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows : H ile Aye Marisa Aye Miller Aye S chwartz Aye Oltz Aye Carried Unanimously 74 8 Town Board Minutes March 9 , 1992 Approval of West Danby Water District Warrant No . 3 of_1992 A motion was made ' lby Councilperson Hile . and seconded by Councilperson Schwartz to approve the West Danby Water District Warrant No . 3 of 1992 in the amount of $ 166 . 82 . A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows : H ile Aye Marisa Aye Miller Aye . S chwartz Aye O ltz Aye Carried Unanimously Approval of the Town Clerk ' s February 1992 Report : A motion was made by Councilperson Schwartz and seconded by Councilperson Marisa to approve the Town Clerk ' s February 1992 Report as submitted . A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows : H ile Aye Marisa Aye Miller Aye Schwartz Aye O ltz Aye Carried Unanimously Approval of the Town Supervisor ' s February 1992 Report A motion was made by Councilperson Schwartz and seconded by Councilperson Hile to approve the Town Supervisor ' s February 1992 report as submitted . A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows : H ile Aye Marisa Aye Miller Aye Schwartz Aye O ltz Aye Carried Unanimously Adjournment to Executive Session : A motion was made by Councilperson Miller and seconded by Councilperson Schwartz to adjourn the Regular Meeting of the Danby Town Board to an Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter at 9 : 30 P . M . Carried pp�U��nanimously The Regular meeting of the Town of Danby Town Board convened at 10 : 05 P . M . The Town Clerk is directed to advertise the position of Code Enforcement Officer in the Ithaca Journal . ADJOURNMENT : On a motion the meeting adjourned at 10 : 00 P . M . Carol W . Scz _ nski Town Clerk min - 3 - 9 . 92