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Regular Meeting 7 : 30 P . M . February 19 , 1992
Chairperson Nancy Weitzel
P lanning Board Members : Bill Farrell , Joel Gagnon , Ken Horst , Billy
Kelley , Paul Viscuso
ABSENT : Arch Dotson ( Excused )
O thers Present :
II Interim Code Enforcement Officer : Susan Beeners
S ecretary : Carol Sczepanski
Members of the Public :
E dw . M . Roberts , Carol Benjamin , John Benjamin , Michael Hovanec ,
Marilyn Seeley , Paul Seeley , Mary Lou Hardesty , Paul Hardesty , Ric
D ietrich , Scott Hoffay , Luke Carpenter , Lottie Carpenter , Timothy
Ciaschi .
Chairperson Weitzel called the Planning Board Meeting to order at
7 : 30 P . M . and welcomed Bill Farrell to the Board .
Corrections to the January 15 , 1992 Planning Board Minutes :
1 ) Page 2 - under Tompkins County Planning Report - correct name
spelling - Lew Roscoe , Mary Beth Holub , and Jim Skaley .
2 ) Page 3 - Third paragraph - under Attorney Roth - in reference
to zoning - add " current zoning ordinance that is in effect " .
,4let4J 19 a 5 i e
3 ) Page a - Third paragraph1 . . . . is in effect ( to ) transfer
4 ) Pages - Joel ' s statement - remove 2nd " is " .
5 ) Page 3 # 1 - delete EBB and add EbB . ( Erie Soil )
6 ) Page , 3 - # 2 - delete the word " is " insert the word " are " .
Page 1 - add " and access " the impact .
Approval of the January 15 , 1992 Planning Board Minutes :
A motion was made by Paul Viscuso and seconded by Ken Horst to approve
the January 15 , 1992 Planning Board Minutes as corrected .
Carried Unanimously
1 ) Notes From the First Tompkins County Municipal Planners Meeting
held on February 4 , 1092 . The next meeting will be held on
March 3 , 1992 at 99 East Lake Road , 7 : 30 P . M . The topic of
the meeting is " Involving Residents : Process and Ideas . "
The speaker will be Judy Saul , Director , Community Dispute
Resolution Center .
2 ) Agriculture and Open Space in Tompkins County - A Forum Focusing
on Agriculture Open Space and Future Prospectives for a Changing
County Landscape . To be held Saturday , March 16 , 1992 , 9 : 00
A . M . to 3 : 45 P . M . , at 401 Warren Hall , Cornell University .
3 ) Survey from New York State Environmental Conservation - regarding
Wetlands .
IISusan Beepers reported that she plans to attend the Tompkins County
Health Department meeting regarding revisions to the Sanitary Code .
Tompkins County Planning Report :
Paul Viscuso reported the following highlights from the February
12 , 1992 Tompkins County Planning Board Meeting .
1 ) Shirley Egan from Cornell and Tom Niederkorn spoke about " Care
of the Environment - National , State , and Local Planning Actions " . •
I , I ' 1 1
2 Planning Board Meeting
February 19 , 1992
2 ) The Planning Board discussed the issue of what to do about the
garbage from Tompkins County .
P rivilege of the Floor :
J oel Gagnon submitted some documents from his files to share with
n ew Board members .
Paul Viscuso reported that he recently visited Lancaster , Pennsylvania . '
H e discovered that Lancaster County Planning has developed Urban
G rowth Boundaries . They have outlined 15 % of the County and are
✓ equesting individual towns restrict growth to within the proposed
boundaries .
H illview Terrace Update :
Mary Lou Hardesty reported that she has submitted the Geologists
Report and it will be necessary to drill a well . They do not want
to drill a well until the project has been approved . A narrative
w ith specific plans for future development of the park , and a typical
lot layout will be submitted by March 11 , 1992 . Mary Lou said she
would like to request modifications to Section 605 Mobile Home Park
Zone of the Zoning Ordinance .
D iscussion followed regarding water usage and impact on neighbors
water supplies . The Hardesty ' s said that they are willing to do draw -
d own tests on neighboring wells .
Susan has prepared a check list for the Hillview Mobile Home Park
application that lists information needed for Site Plan Review .
She suggested that the Planning Board hold a special meeting to review
the materials and decide if additional information should be requested .
The Planning Board must hold a public hearing before a recommendation
can be presented to the Town Board .
Application of Paul and Marilyn Seeley for Office Building
Paul and Marilyn Seeley have submitted an application to add an office
building on Town of Danby Tax Parcel # 7 . - 1 - 92 . 21 and is located
at 1767 Danby Road , Ithaca , New York . The application included a
property map , a survey map , and a map showing the location of the
proposed addition of building to be used as an office .
Susan Beeners explained that this proposal is for a valid commercial
use but requires a Site Plan Review and approval under Section 802
in the zoning ordinance . Susan said that she considers the application
complete and recommended the Planning Board schedule a public
hearing for this proposal . A public hearing must be held before
final approval can be granted .
Discussion followed regarding the public hearing requirement in the
ordinance for Site Plan Review .
Marilyn Seeley said she does not think that the public hearing
requirement applies as they are asking for a permitted use in a
commercial zone . They are not proposing a new business . She asked
the Board to forego the public hearing requirement .
Motion to Approve the Application Submitted by Paul and Marilyn Seeley
for an Office Addition at 1767 Danby Road .
A motion was made by Joel Gagnon and seconded by William Farrell
that the Planning Board approves of the Site Plan submitted by Paul
and Marilyn Seeley to add an office building at 1767 Danby Road ,
Ithaca , New York .
Discussion followed .
3 Planning Board Meeting 7
February 19 , 1992
A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Farrell Aye
G agnon Aye
H orst Aye
K elley Aye
✓ iscuso Aye
Weitzel Aye
Carried Unanimously
Final Site Plans for the Proposed Fieldstone Circle Subdivision
Formerly ( " Raptor Heights " )
The Town Board of the Town of Danby passed the following resolution
o n February 10 , 1992 regarding Fieldstone Circle Subdivision .
B y Councilperson Schwartz : Seconded by Councilperson Marisa
WHEREAS , The Town of Danby Town Board , acting as Lead Agency in the
e nvironmental review of the proposed Raptor Heights II Planned
D evelopment District ( also known as Fieldstone Circle ) , on February
11 , 1991 determined that the proposed action would not have a
significant effect on the environment , and also granted preliminary
and conditional approval to the project , and
WHEREAS , the Town of Danby established the boundaries of the District
o n the revised Zoning Map of December 11 , 1991 as part of its 1991
legislative program , and also enacted a revised Zoning Ordinance
and new Subdivision Regulations , and
WHEREAS , Scott Hoffay , the Applicant for the project , has submitted
a proposed final Subdivision Plat , Engineering Plan , road plans and
profiles , well and septic details , and other engineering plans , and
has also submitted draft final deed restrictions , and has now requested
final approval of the project by the Town , and
WHEREAS , the Tompkins County Department of Health has approved the
final Subdivision Plat and Engineering Plans ; now , therefore be
RESOLVED , that upon consideration of the documents submitted for
final approval , and upon consideration of the prior review and
d eliberations made by the Town related to this project , the Town
B oard hereby accepts the application for final approval as essentially
complete for Town board purposes , and hereby refers the application
and further consideration of Final Site Plan and Final Subdivision
P lat Approval to the Town of Danby Planning Board .
Scott Hoffay presented materials and the Final Site Plan for the
P roposed Fieldstone Circle Subdivision ( formerly " Raptor Heights " )
for the Planning Board to review .
Scott Hoffay said the changes in lot lines on the south end of the
d evelopment were necessary to make room for septic systems .
Susan Beeners said that the requirements related to Final Site Plan
Approval are complete . She made the following suggestions to be
considered :
1 ) Parking requirement should be waived as this is a
subdivision ;
2 ) the developer may want to have a building envelope ;
3 ) a description of the undeveloped back lands by reference
to a survey is necessary showing the acreage .
4 Planning Board Meeting
February 19 , 1992
D iscussion followed and a public hearing will be scheduled .
Michael Hovanec - Request for Special Permit for Doublewide Mobile
Home on Route 96B
Michael Hovanec addressed the Planning Board with a Request for a
Special Permit to replace a building permit for a duplex home on
Tax Map Parcel No . 11 . - 1 - 6 . 103 on 96B near Steam Mill Road with a
S pecial Permit fora Doublewide Mobile Home . The request is to modify
the existing building permit for this lot .
D iscussion followed :
Susan said that there were three ( 3 ) building permits issued to place
three ( 3 ) duplex houses on three of the four ( 4 ) lots shown on the
map . She presented a property map of the area and said Mr . Hovanec
is asking to change the one building permit from a duplex to a
doublewide .
A public hearing will be scheduled for the request for special permit
for Michael Hovanec .
Tom Ciaschi - Request for Rezoning of his Property
Tom Ciaschi has submitted an application for an addition to be placed
on his garage on Danby Road across from Muzzy Road intersection .
The proposed addition is for a woodworking business . The existing
building has been in a commercial use for many years as a non -
conforming use and the application is to expand the existing
building .
The applicant also requested his property to be rezoned from low
d ensity residential to commercial .
Susan Beeners suggested the Planning Board refer the application
to the Board of Zoning Appeals .
D iscussion followed :
Luke Carpenter explained that Roscoe Woodworking is an architectural
woodworking company that manufactures cabinets , countertops ,
windowsills , etc . They are now looking for an affordable building
for their small operation . The company employs ten to twelve
persons who would be working on the premises . An addition of 2500
to 3000 sq . feet would be necessary for storage of materials . Roscoe
Woodworking must find a place by the end of March .
B ill Farrell said that we need to make provisions in our ordinance
for small businesses .
Motion to Refer to Board of Zoning Appeals
A motion was made by Ken Horst and seconded by Joel Gagnon that the
P lanning Board refer the application of Tim Ciaschi for an addition
to his building for Roscoe W000dworking to the Board of Zoning Appeals
for special consideration .
A vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Carried Unanimously
P ublic Hearing Date for Michael Hovanec and Fieldstone Circle
A motion was made by Joel Gagnon and seconded by Paul Viscuso that
the Planning Board schedule public hearings as follows :
1 ) Thursday , February 27 , 1992 at 7 : 00 P . M . - Town Hall
Hovanec - Special Permit to place a Doublewide Mobile Home on
D anby Tax Parcel # 11 . - 1 - 103 on Danby Road near Steam Mill Road .
2 ) Thursday , February 27 , 1992 at 7 : 45 P . M . - Town Hall
Fieldstone Circle Final Site Plan and Final Subdivision Approval
P roposal . ( Formerly " Raptor Heights II " )
5 Planning Board Meeting
February 19 , 1992
A vote on the motion resulted as follows :
Carried Unanimously
A regular meeting of the Planning Board will follow the public
hearings .
Discussion followed regarding the need for a special meeting to review
the Hillview Terrace proposal and it was decided to focus attention
on this proposal at the regular meeting of the Planning Board .
On a motion the meeting adjourned at 10 : 52 P . M .
Respectfully submitted
6Carol Wanski