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Regular Meeting 7 : 30 P . M . May 14 , 1990
Supervisor Dietrich
Councilpersons : Eckstrom , Marisa , Oltz , Schwartz
Highway Superintendent : Pete Coddington
Tompkins County Representative : Frank Proto
Planning Board Chair : Nancy Weitzel
MQtabers _ f the Eub William J . Rappel , Elizabeth S . Boggess ,
Pat Woodworth , Raea Lee Johnson , Frank Darrow , Ray Axtell , Joel
Gagnon , Ed . M . Roberts , Rick Dobson
Supervisor Dietrich called the meeting to order at 8 : 12 P . M .
QGEO___ FAftMA _
Supervisor Dietrich led all present in the Pledge of Allegiance
to the American flag .
Correction to April 9 . 1980 Mine
Page 11 - under Councilperson Schwartz explained should read
. . . Planning Board approved this Planned Development District and
to overturn their decision the Town Board must have a majority
vote of four ( 4 ) Ayes .
ARaroval of April 9 ,__ 990 Minutes
A motion ' was moved by Councilperson Schwartz and seconded by
Councilperson Oltz to approve the April 9 , 1990 Town of Danby
Town Board Minutes .
Carried Unanimously
Cm:te on to APf11 11 , 1 99Q flj tes
Page 2 - Resolution # 49 - add the words " Statement of Findings "
after Planned Development District .
9oprovpl of Apr 1 11 . , . '8WL_lnmtes
A motion was moved by Councilperson Eckstrom and seconded by
Councilperson Marisa to approve the April 11 , 1990 Town Board
Meeting Minutes as corrected .
Carried Unanimously
AP-P Qn1__Q.f April 1.9 . 1990 Minutq
A motion was moved by Councilperson Oltz to approve the April
18 , 1990 town Board Meeting Minutes as presented .
Carried Unanimously
erection to April 30 , 1990 Minutes
Page 1 - under Others Present - Add Attorney Mahlen Perkins and
Hydrologist - Braden Foster .
Page 10 -- next to last paragraph under Attorney Dubow delete " for
a variance in a " . . . . and last sentence should read . . . use on that
property is permitted , . . . .
APPS ova,.isitri 1 30 _199Q i[ai antes
A motion was moved by Councilperson Marisa and seconded by
Councilperson Schwartz to approve the April 30 , 1990 town Board
; Meeting Minutes as corrected .
Carried Unanimously
Councilperson Oltz requested an addition to the Agenda under New
Business - Fire District payments of Town and County Taxes -
possible resolution .
2 Town Board Minutes
May 14 , 1990
Supervisor Dietrich requested that the Town Board move into
Executive Session after the regular business meeting to discuss a
personnel problem .
No Board Member objected .
tczm ir?&CQ m Board of R ep_e. entat t s__.Ee.po. t.
Representative Proto reported on the following :
Ta& A4i mtment_naY - Approximately forty ( 40 ) residents appeared
at the Tax Adjustment in Danby to protest their tax assessments .
Schogaax _ Aciiustment Representative Proto reported that there
is a resolution on the Board of Representatives Agenda proposed
o n behalf of the City of Ithaca requesting a new tax assessment
e qualization for the Ithaca City School District . Representative
Proto suggested that the Town urge our State Legislators to
✓ ecommend legislation be considered to initiate a change of
formula in the equalization rate for County taxes .
Erez en T_e_ epJio11_e Ss em - Two groups have been formed to
study the emergency telephone system for Tompkins County
Emergency Control .
Maigaed Council_Pcgrj _` Tompkins County is in the process of
selecting a supervising attorney to supervise the programer
ToNki.nsCpuntrAirport - Final design of the new airport
terminal is expected to be completed in August 1990 so that a
formal presentation can be made to Tompkins County Board of
Representatives .
Public Health - 1 ) Rabies - A confirmed case of a rabid racoon was
✓ eported in Addison , NY . 2 ) - New York State will have new rules
and regulations for public water supplies and septic systems
e ffective January 1 , 1991 .
Radio_-Fgqu.1Pm_ent fo mexgeitev is e_s Tompkins County is asking
all townships who anticipate the purchase of new radio equipment
for fire department emergency vehicles to inform the County in
advance of purchase so that the cost can be added to the County
budget .
Education on AIDS - Tompkins County Health Committee has been
commissioned by the Health Department to apply for a Safe Sex
Education Grant .
Elanning__D .epa_r nn - Tompkins County Planning Department has
hired a new person to serve as a " Circuit Rider " to be available
to all municipalities in Tompkins County .
Com . tv Ards Coalition - Tompkins County is proposing to set
aside $ 15 , 000 for 1990 to put the Community Arts Coalition plan
into operation .
TQrOUTMJ ollia Y—_E Oi.fi_l..l - Tompkins County may apply to the DEC
for an extension of the Landstrom Landfill . Without approval of
an extension , Tompkins County will have to ship trash out of the
County at a cost of approximately ten million dollars
( $ 10 , 000 , 000 ) per year . One alternative to shipping waste from
the County is to get as much life out of the Landstrom Landfill
as possible . Landstrom Landfill was scheduled to close in the
fall of 1990 and was to be capped in the spring of 1991 .
Recycling in Tompkins County is working and the Town of Danby
Recycling Center now accepts all the recyclable materials that
the downtown center accepts .
Discussion followed in regard to the County Bailing Station .
.cr•s r '
3 Town Board Minutes
May 14 , 1990
Superintendent Coddington asked why municipalities are charged a
fee at the landfill for trash picked up along the roadways .
Representative Prato reported that the Board of Representatives
voted not to exempt any municipality from paying a user fee at
the landfill . He also reported that if a person is prosecuted
for illegal dumping the penalty includes public service time in
addition to a fine .
Members of tb jjblic :
Frank Darrow reported that the Tompkins County Planning Board was
introduced to the new Tompkins County Planning Commissioner , Jim
Hanson .
Highway Superintendent Coddington asked the Town Board ' s
permission to attend the Highway School at Ithaca College on
June 4 , 5 and 6 , 1990 .
Joel Gagnon reported that there is a possibility that the
closing date for Landstrom Landfill may be extended . The
Landfill Committee is concerned with the possible steepening of
the sides to give the landfill use a longer life . Joel will
continue to keep the Town Board informed as information is
available .
Discussion followed and concern was expressed that the cost to
ship trash / garbage out of the County is quoted but the cost to
keep it here is not .
Councilperson Marisa read the following letter dated May 14 ,
1990 :
" Mr . Ric Dietrich , Town Supervisor
Town of Danby
Town Hall
1830 Danby Road , Ithaca , NY 14850 •
Dear Ric ,
We write to most warmly commend the Danby Town Board ' s
action to deny the proposed Raptor Heights Development . during its
special meeting on April 30 , 1990 .
As many of the readers of the Danbv Area News will recall ,
the proposed development sought to place 42 " moderately priced "
houses on a single 75 acre tract in the area of 968 and Muzzy
Road .
All of the Board members did an immense amount of
extraordinarily high quality work under often very tight time
pressures over a period of almost two years . The Statement of
Findings that finally resulted is a tribute to what dedicated ,
hardworking , fair and , most of all , caring public representatives
are able to do on behalf of concerned and involved citizens .
We are writing this letter of praise for inclusion in the
. aanizi. Area News because we would like to alert our fellow
citizens to just how close Danby came to allowing the wrong kind
of development a foot in the door that very well might have
opened the floodgates to developers who are more concerned with a
quick profit than in capitalizing on the quality of life that
Danby offers and , we earnestly hope , intends to preserve .
Raptor Heights would not have directly affected many of the
residents of our town . But the battle against that development
is a signal to developers that Danby intends to preserve its
rural character and open spaces . And so it is a victory not only
for the 150 or so people who signed the petition against the
development , but a victory for all the residents of Danby who
cherish the rural character and open spaces of our lovely little
part of this world .
We probably have not heard the last of Raptor Heights but ,
4 - Town Board Minutes
May 14 , 1990
even if we have , there will be other attempts to develop areas in
Danby by people who show little regard for the excellent
principles outlined in the Town ' s Comprehensive Plan for Growth
and Development .
If the next attempt is in your backyard you will look back
at our Board ' s action on the evening of April 30th and join us in
thanking Dean , Richard , Mary , Joe and Ric for a job well done .
Sincerely ,
William J . Rappel
Elizabeth S . Boggess "
c_QRIRa m l ty_ComIlGl__Rep o r t
Councilperson Marisa reported that Community Council has
completed their budget process and are awaiting the final figures
for their allocation from United Way . Community Council has
asked for an increase of $ 1 , 500 for motor development and swimming
lessons .
Community Council is continuing to look into community space in
Danby for a recreation center , skating rink , etc . This includes
looking into grant money , land , insurance , ideas for usage , and
if a recreation facility will be cost effective .
Community Council has hired Summer Recreation staff are
advertising for a person to fun the fall after school program .
Summer Recreation will run from July 2 - 27 , 1990 from Monday
thru Friday , 9 : 00 a . m . until noon except on July 4 , 1990 .
Swimming lessons for all beginners will be at the pond starting
the second week in July . For more information please call Judy
Tagliavento at 272 - 1917 evenings .
Supervisor Dietrich reported that the Town of Danby is also
pursuing a proposal with the Town of Ithaca for a recreation
center .
Supervisor Dietrich reported that the Town will not receive the
$ 7 , 000 matching funds from the Ithaca City School District for a
special program for Danby area youth .
Discussion followed in regard to what happened to the funding for
the rural communities of Tompkins County .
tinghhozhood Watchirogram
Councilperson Marisa reported that he has not received an update
on the Neighborhood Watch Program for Jennings Pond .
Superintendent Coddington reported that he understands there
will be more lighting installed soon .
H ighwanR piirt
Superintendent Coddington reported on the following :
1 ) Summer hours for the Highway Department are Monday thru
Thursday , 6 : 00 a . m . - 4 : 30 p . m .
2 ) The well for the new highway barns has been drilled .
3 ) Superintendent Coddington has a meeting with the general
contractor , Jones - Marinsh on Tuesday , May 15 , 1990 .
4 ) Tompkins County Health Department has been contacted in
regard to the septic system design for the new highway barns
site .
5 ) The Highway Department has replaced several culvert pipes ,
placed gravel on some roads that have drainage problems in
33 7
5 Town Board Minutes
May 14 , 1990
the spring , and are ditching along roads .
Supervisor Dietrich reported that dumping in the old gravel pit
on Traver Road is increasing .
Ed Roberts reported that the back roof of the Town Hall needs
repair .
Supervisor Dietrich reported that the estimates to bring our
building up to meet the fire code , making it accessible for our
town , 000 .needs and putting in a new foundation is now $ 400 , 000 to
$ 600
Zoning Report
Councilperson Eckstrom read the following report for the month of
April 1990 : There were permits issued for three ( 3 ) new homes
construction , one ( 1 ) two car garage , two ( 2 ) agricultural barns ,
one ( 1 ) addition , and one permit renewal . Total permit fees
collected was $ 865 . 00 for a total construction value of
$ 409 , 880 , two ( 2 ) Certificates of Occupancy were issue and two
( 2 ) orders to remedy violations .
Elann ng B oard R Port
Planning Board Chairman , Nancy Weitzel reported there is a
workshop on Flood Plain Training on May 15 , 1990 at the Groton
Town Building , 101 Conger Blvd . , Groton , NY from 6 : 30 - 9 : 30 P . M .
The Town of Danby is in the Federal Flood Plain Program and must
have a representative attend this workshop .
Fire District
Fire District Representative Bill Genter reported that the Fire
District is reviewing specifications for a new attack truck . A
copy of the preliminary specifications are on file in the Town
Clerk ' s office . The purchase of a new attack truck will go to
referendum in July 1990 .
Distribution of.Tow_ n and County T ax_.?lonjes j _Eu_nd_the Danbv Fire.
District ProPosal
Supervisor Dietrich asked that the proposal for the distribution
of Town and County Tax Monies to Fund the Danby Fire District be
tabled until the June 11 , 1990 Board Meeting .
Discussion followed on the floor and Councilperson Oltz was
commended for the preparation of this proposal . A copy of the
proposal will be sent to the Fire Commissioners .
Antborize _Payment for jlighitELY.acchOla
A motion was made by Councilperson Schwartz and seconded by
Councilperson Eckstrom to authorize
registration fee for Highway Superintendent eCoddingtonhto attend
the New York State Highway School .
A roll call vote resulted as follows :
Eckstrom Aye
Marisa Aye
Oltz Aye
Schwartz Aye
Dietrich Aye
Carried Unanimously
APProva of Warrant
Highway Fund - Chips Warrant # 1 of 19_912
A motion was made by Councilperson Schwartz and seconded by
Councilperson Marisa to approve payment of Highway Chips Warrant
# 1 of 1990 in the amount of $ 400 . 00 .
6 Town Board Minutes
May 14 , 1990
A roll call vote resulted as follows :
Eckstrom Aye
Marisa Aye
Oltz Aye
Schwartz Aye
Dietrich Aye
Carried Unanimously
Seral Eund iiarrant ,5 of 1990
A motion was made by Councilperson Eckstrom and seconded by
Councilperson Schwartz to approve payment of General Fund Warrant
# 5 of 1990 in the amount of $ 12 , 231 . 85 .
A roll call vote resulted as follows :
Eckstrom Aye
Marisa Aye
Oltz Aye
Schwartz Aye
Dietrich Aye
Carried Unanimously
Highw Eun_cWlrnnI #,5 cif 1..2911
A motion was made by Councilperson Schwartz and seconded by
Councilperson Eckstrom to approve payment of Highway Fund Warrant
# 5 of 1990 in the amount of $ 15 , 226 . 62 .
A roll call vote resulted as follows :
Eckstrom Aye
Marisa Aye
Oltz Aye
Schwartz Aye
Dietrich Aye
Carried Unanimously
pest Danby Water District Warrant # 5 of 1990
A motion was made by Councilperson Marisa and seconded by
Councilperson Oltz to approve payment of West Danby Water
District Warrant # 5 of 1990 in the amount of $ 529 . 49 .
A roll call vote resulted as follows :
Eckstrom Aye
Marisa. Aye
Oltz Aye
Schwartz Aye
Dietrich Aye
Carried Unanimously
AP.ProY..al_sif_th_a— cwn—C ark_s_A.ex.i_]`l_990_ eaoxt
A motion was made by Councilperson Eckstrom and seconded by
Councilperson Schwartz to approve the Town Clerk ' s April 1990
report as submitted .
A roll call vote resulted as follows :
Eckstrom Aye
Marisa Aye
Oltz Aye
Schwartz Aye
Dietrich Aye
Carried Unanimously
7 Town Board Minutes
May 14 , 1990
Approval of the Supervisor ' s April 1990 Report
A motion was made by Councilperson Oltz and seconded by
Councilperson Schwartz to approve the Supervisor ' s April 1990
report as submitted .
A roll call vote resulted as follows :
Eckstrom Aye
Marisa Aye
O ltz Aye
S chwartz Aye
D ietrich Aye
Carried Unanimously
On a motion the meeting adjourned at 10 : 40 P . M .
Carol W . S
Town Clerk