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•� n1y Mimi *es Town of Danby Dpcembpr Planning Roarl 21, 1988 Mpmbprs Prpsento Nancy Weitzel, Chair, Joel Gagnon, Secrotarv, Robyrt'Dutcher, Waltpr Sczppnnski, Frank Darrow, StP.vP Stein Members Absento Gerald Catlin OthprsPrpspnt: Carol Sezp»anski, Tom Nipdprkorn, Gporgp Schlocht, P1 M. Roberts, L1.7 G,risnnzio, Ray Corey, Matt rngelhart, Jgmr+s Johnson, Bob Stuch t , Pam Clermont Thp mPpting was callpd to order at 705 P.M, Minutes of the November 15 meeting wprp unanimously approvpd, As amended. rar1,KPlna,rT. FJLRnnf %tl development Matt Fn.gPlhart presented. a Ocala drawing showing the location of buildings, parking areas, Ptc., a.s rpqupstpd, as well as the rpquestpd Pvidence that the neighbors had been contacted. There was somP concern Pxnrpsmpd about the adpquncy Of off - street narking, which resulted in a specific condition in the resolution of anprovall WHFRRAS AngPlhart Designs has duly apnlipd to the Town Board for a plannpd dPvAlonmpnt, district to be located at 303 Gunderman Road, and WHFRRAS AngPlhart Designs has provided. all plans, drawings, and. specifications rpquired by thy Planning Board in ord.Pr to reasonably assess the operations proposed and their effect on neighborhood and environment, and WHFRFAS the proposed use is in the Board's adjoining land uses, judgment compatibly with THFRFFORR on motion by Gagnon and second by Darrow he it rpsolvpd that the Planning Board rpcommands to the Town Hoard that tho. AnrrAl- hpart Dpsigng Planned DPVplopmpnt be apnrovmd as submitted, subject to the follcw ^Jstipulationss that off - street parking bP provided where indicated on the submitted plans such thgt t on the street, that the district be used PxclusivPlyrfor thP design Ps And manufacture clothing, that the total number of PmnloyPPs not exceed 209 thaa t the operations of the business be lititmi to Pxisting buildings, and that a survey of the propprty boundaries be supplled if in the judgment of the Town Att r order to clearly define the arPa included in the plannPdndevPlopmynt. Tn Favorf all prpamnt OpposPd: none Grisanzio Planned DevPlo ment George Schlpcht nronosAd to nrpspnt to the Boar. plans for the Grisanzio Planned DevPlopmpnt. Joel nrotpstpd that the proposal had not been refPrrpd to the Planning Board by the Town Board, as require4 in the Zoning Ordinance. Pam Clermont, Town Attorney, opined that the Town Board all knew of the nroposal and intpndpd it to bp considyrpd by the Plannigh had not formally requpstPd the acti ng Hoard, even thou it on. Moreover, the ugh it rpqulrempnt was in th4rocpss of bmin,g changed. mind, the Board opted to consid With these pr the nroposal. Tom RIAlprkornnrs in mRip note that in rparonsp to Roard concerns raispd in the th informal e-November meeting. 4 lots were deleted from the discussion at, proposal, lPnvinq 42 lots on 72 acrpq. Since the Boq.rd hqd PxnrpsRPd concern about how the pr000spd dPVPlopmpnt, !night interfacp with a a ��"'�r:DACember 219 1988 Planning Board minutA4 continumd dPvelonment ,just to the north on Property owned by Liz °s'�Qtster, Tom showed A sketch of A Possible subdtvision of that ln.nd, showing the interrelationship of lots and roads. When queried about sPwggA, George said there were no soil tests done ,yet, but that the soils at this site (Langford Silt Loam, Bath and Valois Loams) wArm better suited to septic systems than those at th^ Hovnnec or Block dPvAlor- ments. The roads were also discussed, with George agreeing (1ndPPd suggesting) that certificates of occupancy not be issuPd until the roads arm Pither complete to Town SPPctfications or security is ob- tained to Pniure completion, and. in An.y event not until A subbasA is in p1n.eP. PxtensivA discuss ton followed in which it was Pointmi oiat thq.t, the denstt.y of the dPvAlonment is inc©nststAnt with both thA Pxisting (1965) and. DroposAd comnrPhPnsivP Plans, adjoins and mqv giversely affect agricultural land. as well as converting about 25 acres of agricultural land into house lots. Lot stzPs wer.A discussel, As well gs the Possibility of clustering on smaller lots on only A portion of the acrPagA. Road acenns to 96B was a concern As well, GPorgP thought the sight lines At the intersection would be quite good. The Board. reviewed, the environmental impgct stntempnt., mn.kinq fmw chn.nges. Steve moved that thA P1gnnP4 dAvPlopment be fn.vorgbly rPcPmmAn1P4 to the Town Board, subject toy Planning Board. %DDroval of gny DroDosed deed restrictions, Health DPDq.rtment annroval of water and. sewer Provisions, the Provision of off -road PASPments for future Public utilities, the Pond area not being dPPdPd to the Town, n.nd. Department of Transnortntlon approval of the egrAss, Bob seconded . the motion. In fnvor.t Dutcher, Stmin, Darrow, Weitzel ODDORP41 Gagnon, Sczepanski MPAtinq gdjournPd at 11135 P.M. submitted. by Joel Gagnon