HomeMy WebLinkAbout32 92 00CORNELL DIVISION 32 - EXTERIOR IMP ROVEMENTS Ithaca, New York SECTION 32 92 00 - TURFS AND GRASSES CLARA DICKSON HALL TURFS AND GRASSES 32 92 00 - 1 WASTE & STORM LINE REPLACEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2014 SECTION 32 92 00 TURFS AND GRASSES 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A.Drawings and General Provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this Section. 1.2 WORK INCLUDED A.Provide a complete turf and grass site restoration for the project. B.Provide the following together with all required materials and labor: 1.Seed Lawns 2.Sod Lawns (Sodding to be performed only if approved by the Engineer or indicated on the Contract Documents) 3.Initial Maintenance of Landscape Materials 4.Watering 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE - LANDSCAPE WORK A.Subcon tract landsc ape wor k to a singl e firm sp ecial izing in l andsca pe work. B.Source Quality Control: 1.General: Ship landscape material with certificates of inspection required by governing authorities. Comply with regulations applicable to landscape materials. 2.Do not make substitutions: If specified landscape material is not obtainable, submit proof of non-availability to The Engineer, together with proposal for use of equivalent material. 1.4 COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS, REGULATIONS, INDUSTRY SPECIFICATIONS A.All w ork sh all be in compl ian ce wi th cu rre nt Ame ric an Na tio nal Stan dard s Inst itu te (A NSI) Publications Z88.2-80 and Z60.1 and the American Association of Nurserymen’s Standards. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A.General: Submit the following in accordance with Conditions of Contract and Division 1 Specification Sections. B.Sod: Certification of grass species, Identify source location. C.Seed: Submit mixture % and variety types for approval prior to installation. 1.Submit a five pound sample of mixed seed mixture for analysis. CORNELL DIVISION 32 - EXTERIOR IMP ROVEMENTS Ithaca, New York SECTION 32 92 00 - TURFS AND GRASSES CLARA DICKSON HALL TURFS AND GRASSES 32 92 00 - 2 WASTE & STORM LINE REPLACEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2014 D.Seeding /Sodding Schedule: Proposed seeding / sodding schedule, indicating dates for each type of landscape work during normal seasons for such work in area of site. Correlate with specified maintenance periods to provide maintenance from date of substantial completion. Once accepted, revise dates only as approved in writing, after documentation of reasons for delays. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A.Seed: 1.Deliver seeds in vendor’s unopened packages bearing labels showing vendor’s name and seed analysis by weight. 2.Store all seed at the site in a cool dry place. B.Sod: (Sodding to be performed only if approved by the Engineer or indicated on the Contract Documents) 1.Time delivery so that sod will be placed within 24 hours after stripping. Protect sod against drying and breaking of rolled strips. 2.Do not harvest or transport sod when moisture content may adversely affect sod survival. 3.Do not tear, stretch or drop sod during handling and installation. 2.0 PRODUCTS 2.1 SEED A.Shall be viabl e, fres h crop s eed in a ccord ance wi th AAN st andar ds and s hall be suppli ed by a recognized seed supplier. B.Provide fresh , clean , new-crop seed mixe d in the propor tions specif ied for specie s and var iety, and conforming to Federal and State Standards. C.Acceptable material in a seed mixture other than pure live seed consists of nonviable seed, chaff, hulls, live seed of crop plants and inert matter. The percentage of weed seed shall not exceed 0.1% by weight. D.Provide the following lawn seed mixture: Blend Parts Purity Germination Atlantis Kentucky Bluegrass 20%98%85% Baron Kentucky Bluegrass 20%90%85% Diva Kentucky Bluegrass 40%90%85% Pennlawn Fescue 10%90%82% Palmer IV Perennial Ryegrass 10%90%90% CORNELL DIVISION 32 - EXTERIOR IMP ROVEMENTS Ithaca, New York SECTION 32 92 00 - TURFS AND GRASSES CLARA DICKSON HALL TURFS AND GRASSES 32 92 00 - 3 WASTE & STORM LINE REPLACEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2014 2.2 SOD A.Sod sha ll conf orm to NEST ED item 713 -14. Nurse ry grown pa sture sod wit h major ity Ken tucky Bluegrass and minority Red Fescue blend. B.Provide well rooted, healthy sod, free of diseases, nematodes and soil borne insects. Provide sod uniform in color, leaf texture, density, and free of weeds, undesirable grasses, stones, roots, thatch and extraneous material, viable and capable of growth and development when planted. C.Furnish sod, machine stripped, and of supplier’s standard width, length, and thickness; Unifor mly 1" to 1½" thick wi th cle an cut e dges. Mo w sod bef ore st rippi ng. 2.3 MISCELLANEOUS LANDSCAPE MATERIALS A.Stakes and Guys: Provide stakes and deadmen of sound new hardwood, treated softwood, or redwood, free of knot holes and other defects. Provide wire ties and guys of 2-strand, twisted, pliable galvanized iron wire, not lighter than 12 gauge with zinc-coated turnbuckles. Provide not less than ½" diameter rubber or plastic hose, cut to required lengths and of uniform color, material, and size to protect tree trunks from damage by wires. 2.4 WATER A.Water used in this work will be obtained by the Contractor and will be suitable for irrigation and free from ingredients harmful to plant life. Hose and other watering equipment required for the work shall be furnished by the Contractor. 2.5 HYDROSEED MULCH A.Hyrdoseed Mulch shall be a blended wood /cellulose much, 20% wood, 80% paper with an organic polymer tack agent. B.Products: Terra-Mulch Wood / Cellulose or approved equivalent. 2.6 FLEXIBLE EROSION CO NTROL BLANKET A.Hydraulically applied flexible erosion control blanket composed of long strand, thermally processed wood fibers and a crosslinked, hydro-colloid tackifier. Erosion blanket shall bond to the soil surface to create a continuous, absorbent, flexible and biodegradable erosion blanket. B.Hydro-Blanket BFM as manufactured by Profile or approved equal. Apply per manufacturer’s recommendations. 3.0 EXECUTION 3.1 FINISH RESTORATION A.Lawn areas of seeding / sodding can be placed only when ground surface is free of frost. CORNELL DIVISION 32 - EXTERIOR IMP ROVEMENTS Ithaca, New York SECTION 32 92 00 - TURFS AND GRASSES CLARA DICKSON HALL TURFS AND GRASSES 32 92 00 - 4 WASTE & STORM LINE REPLACEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2014 B.Proc eed w ith and c omple te se edi ng / so ddin g work a s rap idl y as po rti ons o f the site beco me available, working within the seasonal limitations for each kind of landscape work required. C.Perform seeding / sodding after planting, fine grading and all other work affecting the ground surfa ces in t he work ar eas have been comp leted satis facto rily. D.Cooperate with other Contractors and trades working in and adjacent to sodding and seeding location. Examine drawings and specifications for the entire site and become familiar with the scope of other work required. E.Provide lawn seed / sod as specified. Substitutions not permitted, unless approved in writing by the Engineer. F.Water shall be provided by the Owner, at the building face. All hoses, sprinklers and water equipment provided by this Contractor. 3.2 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A.Plan tin g Time : Pro ceed with , and compl ete land scap e wor k as ra pidl y as po rti ons o f sit e bec ome available, working within seasonal limitations for each kind of landscape work required. 1.Plant or install materials during normal planting seasons for each type of plant material required. 2.Correlate planting with specified maintenance periods to provide maintenance from date of substantial completion. 3.3 HYDROSEEDING NEW LAWNS A.Mix specified seed, fertilizer, and pulverized mulch in water, using equipment specifically designed for hydroseed application. Continue mixing until uniformly blended into homogenous slurry suitable for hydraulic application. B.Apply slurry uniformly to all areas to be seeded. Apply hydroseed mulch to all seeded areas at minium rate of 1,500 lbs. per acre. No machine shall be used that leaves ruts in the seed bed. Rate of application as required to obtain specified seed sowing rate. C.Sow seed not less than 7 lbs. per 1,000 SF. D.Prot ect seed ed sl opes agai nst eros ion w ith cont rol matti ng, wh ere show n on t he pl ans. The time and method of placement shall be according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. 3.4 SODDING NEW LAWNS A.Lay sod within 24 hours from time of stripping. Do not plant dormant sod or if ground is frozen. CORNELL DIVISION 32 - EXTERIOR IMP ROVEMENTS Ithaca, New York SECTION 32 92 00 - TURFS AND GRASSES CLARA DICKSON HALL TURFS AND GRASSES 32 92 00 - 5 WASTE & STORM LINE REPLACEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2014 B.Lay sod to form a solid mass with tightly fitted joints. Butt ends and sides of sod strips; do not overlap. Stagger strips to offset joints in adjacent courses. Work from boards to avoid damage to subgrade or sod. Tamp or roll lightly to ensure contact with subgrade. Work sifted soil into minor cracks between pieces of sod; remove excess to avoid smothering of adjacent grass. Work from bottom of slope to top. Where sod meets seeded areas, sod soil should be flush with topsoil grade. 1.Anchor sod in all drainage ways and on slopes, greater than 3 on 1 with metal staples to prevent slippage. Minimum 1 staple at 3-feet on-center.. C.Water sod tho roughly wi th a fin e spray i mmediatel y after planti ng. 3.5 MAINTENANCE A.Maintain lawns for not less than the period stated below, and longer as required to establish an acceptable lawn. 1.Grasses shall be cut whenever the height reaches three (3") inches. A minimum of three (3) mowings are required. In no instance shall grasses be cut lower than two (2") inches in height. Excess clippings shall be carefully raked so as not to remove healthy grasses, and removed. 2.Lawn areas shall be watered a minimum of 0.3" (three tenths of one inch) of water over all sodded and seeded areas three times per week (approximately 2 ½ days apart), either by natural rainfall or by manmade irrigation. Do not let sod, hydroseed and seed beds dry out prior to roots taking hold to topsoil. Water hydroseeded beds within three days of appli catio n of hydro seed. W ater s od beds immediate ly. 3.Should the Contractor fail to protect and maintain the lawn areas, the Owner may hire this done and back charge this to Contractor. 4.Apply final fertilizer at a rate of 10 lb./1000 SF just prior to final acceptance. Final fertilizing shall only be done as directed by the Engineer. B.Maintenance Period: 1.Seeded lawns, not less than 90 days after substantial completion. a.If seeded in fall and not given full 90 days of maintenance, or if not considered acceptable at that time, continue maintenance the following spring until acceptable lawn is established. C.Sod lawns, shall be watered a minimum of one (1") inch of water over all areas per week, either by natural rainfall or by manmade irrigation for a minimum period of thirty (30) days. D.Begin main tenan ce immedia tely af ter pl antin g. 3.6 CLEANUP AND PROTECTION A.During landscape work, keep pavements clean and work area in an orderly condition. CORNELL DIVISION 32 - EXTERIOR IMP ROVEMENTS Ithaca, New York SECTION 32 92 00 - TURFS AND GRASSES CLARA DICKSON HALL TURFS AND GRASSES 32 92 00 - 6 WASTE & STORM LINE REPLACEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2014 B.Protect landscape work and materials from damage due to landscape operations, operations by other contractors and trades, and trespassers. Maintain protection during installation and maintenance periods. Treat, repair, or replace damaged landscape work as directed. C.Staking - Provide 2" x 2" x 3!-0" hardwood stakes, spaced 10!-0" on center driven into ground a minimum of 10". Around perimeter of new landscape work and along each sidewalk or driveway attach high visibility rope with orange streamers. Contractor shall maintain integrity of posts and ropes for 45 days minimum and shall remove units when authorized by Owner’s representative. 3.7 INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE A.When landscape work is completed, including maintenance, the Engineer, will make an inspe ction to dete rmine ac cepta bilit y. 1.Landscape work may be inspected for acceptance in portions as agreeable to the Engineer, provided each portion of work offered for inspection is complete, including maintenance. B.When inspected landscape work does not comply with requirements, replace rejected work and continue specified maintenance until reinspected by the Engineer and found to be acceptable. Remove rejected materials promptly from the project site. 3.8 SPECIAL PROJECT WARRANTY A.Warranty lawns through specified lawn maintenance period and until final acceptance. 3.9 CLEANING A.Upon work completion remove from the site all tools, material, plant and rubbish of every sort, creat ed by thi s Proj ect. Le ave premis es neat and orde rly. ***END OF SECTION 32 92 00***