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HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-05-17 Civil Service Commission Meeting Agenda CITY OF ITHACA 108 East Green Street Ithaca, New York 14850-5690 OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES / CIVIL SERVICE Telephone: 607 / 274-6539 Fax: 607 / 274-6574 CITY OF ITHACA CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Regular Meeting Date: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 Time: 11:30 am Location: City Hall, large 2nd floor conference room AGENDA Approval of Minutes New Business 1. New Position Duties Statement: GIAC – Deputy GIAC Director 2. New Position Duties Statement: GIAC – GIAC Program Coordinator Continuing Business 1. Establishment of Eligible Lists 2. Addition of Candidates to Continuous Recruitment Eligible Lists 3. Approval of Personnel Transactions CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Regular Meeting December 14, 2016 Commissioners Present: Commissioner Richardson Commissioner Abrams Commissioner Thompson Staff Present: Valerie Saul (Deputy Director of Human Resources) Commissioner Richardson called the meeting to order at 11:50 am. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Thompson made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 26, 2016 meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Abrams. Motion carried 3-0. NEW BUSINESS New Position Duties Statement: Police Department – Administrative Coordinator The Commission reviewed and discussed a New Position Duties Statement from the Ithaca Police Department. Commissioner Abrams made a motion to classify the position as Administrative Coordinator. Seconded by Commissioner Thompson. Motion carried 3- 0. New Position Duties Statement: Police Department – Financial Clerk The Commission reviewed and discussed a New Position Duties Statement from the Ithaca Police Department. Commissioner Abrams made a motion to classify the position as Financial Clerk. Seconded by Commissioner Thompson. Motion carried 3-0. New Position Duties Statement: Ithaca City School District – Supervisor of Custodians The Commission reviewed and discussed a New Position Duties Statement from the Ithaca City School District. Commissioner Thompson made a motion to classify the position as Supervisor of Custodians. Seconded by Commissioner Abrams. Motion carried 3-0. EXECUTIVE SESSION Commissioner Richardson made a motion to go into executive session to discuss civil service examination matters. Seconded by Commissioner Abrams. Motion carried 3-0. During executive session, the Commission took the following actions: Civil Service Commission December 14, 2016 Page 2 CONTINUING BUSINESS Approval of Rosters of Candidates for Examination Commissioner Richardson made a motion to approve the Rosters of Candidates for Examination listed below. Seconded by Commissioner Abrams. Motion carried 3-0. Employee Health and Safety Coordinator #69-766 Entry Level Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations #2016-4 Financial Management Assistant #68-660 Fleet Manager #67-545 Motor Equipment Mechanic Supervisor #65-049 Senior Account Clerk-Typist #72-330 Senior Planner #76-101 Tenant Relations Assistant #61-389 Establishment of Eligible Lists Commissioner Richardson made a motion to establish the eligible lists specified below for the time period indicated. Seconded by Commissioner Abrams. Motion carried 3-0. Electrical Inspector #62-973 (1 year) Entry Level Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations #2016-4 (1 year) Police Lieutenant #74-079 (1 year) Authorization to Establish Eligible Lists During December 2016 Commissioner Abrams made a motion to authorize Executive Secretary Valerie Saul to establish eligible lists during the month of December 2016 immediately upon the receipt of examination marks. This will facilitate the immediate appointment of provisional candidates. Ms. Saul will report the establishment of any such eligible lists to the Commission at their January 2017 meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Thompson. Motion carried 3-0. Addition of Candidates to Continuous Recruitment Eligible Lists Commissioner Abrams made a motion to add candidates to the continuous recruitment eligible lists. Seconded by Commissioner Thompson. Motion carried 3-0. Approval of Personnel Transactions Commissioner Thompson made a motion to approve the Personnel Transactions. Seconded by Commissioner Richardson. Motion carried 3-0. The next Civil Service Commission meeting will be held Wednesday, January 4, 2017 at 11:30 am. With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:38 pm. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Regular Meeting January 4, 2017 Commissioners Present: Commissioner Abrams Commissioner Thompson Excused: Commissioner Richardson Staff Present: Valerie Saul (Deputy Director of Human Resources) APPOINTMENT OF ACTING CHAIR Commissioner Thompson made a motion to appoint Commissioner Abrams as Acting Chair of the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Abrams. Motion carried 2-0. Commissioner Abrams called the meeting to order at 11:55 am. ELECTION OF CHAIRPERSON Commissioner Abrams made a motion to elect Commissioner Richardson as Chairperson of the Civil Service Commission. Seconded by Commissioner Thompson. Motion carried 2-0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Thompson made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 14, 2016 meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Abrams. Motion carried 2-0. DELEGATION OF FUNCTIONS TO CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Commissioner Abrams made the following motion: WHEREAS, the Ithaca Civil Service Commission, at its annual organizational meeting held on January 4, 2017, has reviewed the functions and responsibilities of the Commission and the Executive Secretary and has determined that certain functions may be carried out more efficiently and effectively by the Executive Secretary. NOW, IT IS RESOLVED, that the Executive Secretary of the Ithaca Civil Service Commission be delegated and is authorized to carry out the following functions on behalf of the Ithaca Civil Service Commission: Certify payrolls; Approve and/or disapprove permanent, provisional and other temporary appointments to competitive class positions; Approve and/or disapprove appointments to non-competitive, labor and exempt class positions; Civil Service Commission January 4, 2017 Page 2 Approve and/or disapprove personnel transactions including, but not limited to, appointments, promotions, demotions, resignations, retirements, lay-offs, removals, transfers, reinstatements, leaves of absence, and suspensions; Manage and administer the examination process including, but not limited to, ordering examinations, preparing and issuing exam announcements, ordering exam materials, receiving and securing exam materials, approving and disapproving requests for alternate test dates or testing accommodations, administering examinations to candidates, calculating and awarding seniority points, and receiving and processing exam results; Manage eligible lists including, but not limited to, certifying eligibles for appointment, canvassing eligible lists, and restricting or reinstating candidates from or to eligible lists; Approve and/or disapprove applications for examination, employment or promotion; Determine eligibility for transfer or reinstatement, within the parameters set forth in NYS Civil Service Law and the City of Ithaca Civil Service Rules; Establish qualifications for promotional examinations; Approve and/or disapprove claims for veterans and disabled veterans credits; Review and recommend classification of positions; Maintain and manage roster records, personnel files, and other employment records; Prepare, maintain and manage the official records of the Ithaca Civil Service Commission, including meeting agendas, meeting minutes, job descriptions, duties statements, examination records, eligible lists, and annual reports; Prepare and maintain the City of Ithaca Civil Service Rules. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Ithaca Civil Service Commission reaffirms the appointment of Deputy Director of Human Resources Valerie Saul as its Executive Secretary. Seconded by Commissioner Thompson. Motion carried 2-0. EXECUTIVE SESSION Commissioner Abrams made a motion to go into executive session to discuss civil service examination matters. Seconded by Commissioner Thompson. Motion carried 2-0. During executive session, the Commission took the following actions: CONTINUING BUSINESS Report on Eligible Lists Established in December 2016 Deputy Human Resources Director Saul reported that the following eligible lists were established in December 2016, on the dates indicated: Coordinator of Recreation Programs for Individuals with Disabilities #72-636, established on December 16, 2016 for one (1) year Recreation Program Administrator #70-495, established on December 16, 2016 for one (1) year Civil Service Commission January 4, 2017 Page 3 Specialist in Recreation for Individuals with Disabilities #69-514, established on December 16, 2016 for one (1) year Wellness and Athletics Officer #67-830, established on December 16, 2016 for one (1) year Addition of Candidates to Continuous Recruitment Eligible Lists Commissioner Thompson made a motion to add candidates to the continuous recruitment eligible lists. Seconded by Commissioner Abrams. Motion carried 2-0. Approval of Personnel Transactions Commissioner Thompson made a motion to approve the Personnel Transactions. Seconded by Commissioner Abrams. Motion carried 2-0. The next Civil Service Commission meeting will be held Wednesday, February 22, 2017 at 11:30 am. With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:24 p m.