11 March 1996
Present: J. Johnson, Chairman; N. Golder, J. Efromyson, B. Blanchard
Guests: Camilla Lisbe, Kirby Edmonds (Police-Community Task Force)
Police Community Relations Survey
C. Lisbe reported on the status of the survey. Survey response from police officers
has not been progressing very well. Efforts will be made to do one-on-one interviews
in order to improve response. The methodology and procedures used for the survey
were discussed. Lisbe will report back at the next Human Services Committee on the
progress of this project.
Action of Specific Recommendations Included in the Task Force Report
The major points of discussion regarding Recommendations I through V and the
actions taken on these recommendations are outlined below:
1. Name: The Task Force has recommended that the name of the Community
Police Board be changed to Citizens' Commission ofiCommunity Relations.
Edmonds stated that members of the Board did not support this change.The
pros and cons of the proposed change were discussed in some detail.
Action: Moved by Blanchard, seconded by Johnson To retain the name of
Community Police Board. (4-0)
2. Membership: The Task Force has recommended that membership on the CPB
be increased from 5 to 7. Various problems with attendance and time required
for participation were discussed.
Action: Moved by Efromyson, seconded by Golder - To increase the number
of members from 5 to 7. (3-1 (Blanchard/nay)
3. Time Commitment Expected from Members: The Task Force has recom-
mended that the Mayor's screening process for appointments to the Board
include a description of the work of the Board and that, before accepting
appointment, a prospective appointee must make a commitment to spend the
amount of time necessary for active participation on the Board. There was
considerable discussion on how this recommendation could be implemented.
No conclusion was reached.
Action: Moved by Efromyson, seconded by Golder - To approve this recom-
mendation including a requirement that each appointee be given a clear and
detailed description of the work required. (4-0)
IV. Attendance: The Task Force has recommended that a Police Commissioner's
appointment be withdrawn when he/she has been absent without good cause
from 3 meetings of the Board in any calendar year. Conclusion reached that
this was a necessary requirement, given the work of the Board.
Action: Moved by Efromyson, seconded by Blanchard - To endorse this
recommendations with language added that the Mayor be informed "by the
Chairperson" of the Board. (4-0)
V. Choice of Appointments: The Task Force has recommended that Commission-
ers be selected from a fairly specific list of groups and organizations to foster
diversity and broad-based representation. The Committee generally agreed
with the philosophy expressed in this recommendation but disagreed about the
specificity of naming actual representative groups. Consensus was reached on
the following action:
Action: Moved by Blanchard, seconded by Johnson - That Commissioners be
chosen from "a range of culturally and economically diverse community
groups representing interests that are most likely to be affected by Board
activities." (4-0)
Additional recommendations will be taken up at each meeting of the Human Services
Statement of Purpose
A draft mission statement drafted by Blanchard was distributed with outline goals and
objectives covering a few areas discussed at the 19 February meeting and outline
goals and objectives prepared by Golder. The Committee will review these papers,
making additions, changes, modifications, etc. prior to the April meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.