APRIL 24, 1989, 7:00 P.M.
PRESENT: Howard, Lytel, Lewis, Rector, Weiss, Killeen, Public, Press
GUESTS: Dwight Mengel, Assistant City Attorney Margaret Beers-Schnock
Killeen chaired the meeting as Jackson was ill. Ass't. City Attorney
Margaret Beers-Schnock was excused and agreed to return for a June meeting
to address housing enforcement and other concerns.
Dwight Mengel, Transportation specialist for County Planning Department,
presented an overview of County bus systems including the_history- of Tomtran
and Gadabout, their service areas and financial support factors. Our rural bus
system is pioneering in regard to other counties, yet Mengel observed we are
not yet even on the forefront of public transport service.
Mengel stated that transport, if viewed as part of infrastructure, like
water and sewer, will have an impact upon land use. People make residence
decisions in some coordination with transportation factors.
Weiss asked for a map showing these concentrations of infrastructure in
the County where affordable housing could potentially be sited. Mengel will
convey map to Weiss/Jackson.
General discussion about relation between shelter and transport followed
with observation that both sectors have traditionally been subsidized (for varying
reasons) . It appears to be an open question as to where it would be most
effective to concentrate declining subsidies in order to have maximum affect
upon both sectors.
Based upon the 12 interest areas identified at the 3/24/89 meeting, brief
updates on activities of working groups were reported as follows by the ? dozen
members present:
Interest Areas
#1-(Public Transport and Affordable Housing) - Paula Weiss and
Dwight Mengel presentation as recorded above.
#2-(Sweat Equity) - Paula Weiss will be contacting Kathe Evans of
the City Planning Department and Ben Curtis of Ithaca Neighborhood
Housing Services.
#3-(Security Deposits) - Jean Rector is gathering information from
Cooperative Extension; Sean Killeen reports AFCU will launch "Socially
JI sponsible Investing" .5 million fund on 4/25/89 to aid affordable home-
buying, and will consider taking local leadership in creating a mechanism
to aid pre-purchase (e.g. renting mode).
- 2 -
#4-(Senior Citizens) - Jean Rector and Sean Killeen reported that
the 4/6/89 Forum confirms expansion of special types of housing needs
of this sector. A "Betheny" model as in Horseheads, New York is
desired by some for Ithaca. A HOST info and referral center will
open in September with expert staff advising on varied housing
options for seniors. Funding was obtained by Assemblyman Luster.
McGraw House is considering adding more living units and the Senior
Citizen's Council are discussing a mutually beneficial plan for a new
Senior Center with IHA (Titus Towers) .
#5-(More Ithaca College and Cornell University Housing) - Neal
Howard and Laura Lewis met with Ithaca College officials to better
know IC's longer term plans. Sample materials on leases, student
responsibilities obtained. Meeting with Cornell University for next
#6-(Zoning) - Sean Killeen and Laura Lewis met twice to consider how
zoning changes can be better used to influence the creation, construction,
of affordable rental housing and how (and when) Common Council makes
zoning changes.
#7-(Rent Control) - Neal Howard and Steve Jackson are meeting to
plan pro/con presentation on this topic on 5/8/89. Professor John Macey
(Cornell University Law) to join in this discussion at June meeting.
#10-(Rights and Leases) - Sean Killeen gathering documents from C.U.
in addition to IC and City Hall Fair Housing brochure. Collegetown
"Good Neighbor" pamphlet, Cooperative Extension "Rent Smart" etc.
Neal Howard has passed an assortment of leases; others asked to give
whatever in order to have a base of current local information with a
view toward improving.
#12-(Developer Impact Fees) - David Lytel and Steve Jackson are
meeting with others to refine this mechanism for potential revenue.
Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m. , agreeing that next meeting would be
5/1 /89 at 7:00 p.m. in City Hall. Steve Jackson was asked to poll those not
present on 4/24/89 to see if they can attend weekly meetings through June 19th
contingent upon probable participation levels, schedule, and agenda items for
remaining weeks will be mopped out at 5/1 /89 session.
Respecfully submitted,
Sean Killeen
CC: Task Force Members
Dwight Mengel, County Planning Department
Margaret Beers-Schnock, Assistant City Attorney
SK :bfp