HomeMy WebLinkAboutMN-SMC-1986 • • . 1 0?60`00 CITY OF ITHACA 108 EAST GREEN STREET ITHACA, NEW YORK 14850 TELEPHONE: 272-1713 COMMON COUNCIL CODE 607 TO : Six Mile Creek Overseer Committee FRC :: Carolyn Peterson RE : Next meeting =7 : Januar'-r 26, 1996 yt1QQ.�i 1 The next Six :ale Creek Cverseer Committeevwill be on February 3 , 1986, at 7 :30 p.m. in the third floor conference room. Agenda items include gorge ranger hiring, updates on hunting in the gorge , other announcements . I•.'.inutes of December 9, 198=,-- meeting Present : Lavine , Baker, Dress, M_ulhoi land, Clausen, Peterson, Gerkir. Excused : Fischer, Ruether T1-1 minutes of the November meeting were moved by Gerkin, seconded by Lavine and approved unanimously. Several announcements were made . The No an_chuk lawsuit was settled at very little cost tc the City. It was noted that the plaintiff primarily wanted a settlement that included better supervision of the gorge . Beth will follow up on developments at the Van PTatta Dam proposed hydroplant site . A budget of 110,860 was approved. A letter from City Engineer Pete Povelli was read that urged Commcnland developers to share drainage Plans with the City and to reopen_ a right of way. A meeting with Youth Bureau director Bob Cutia resulted in a better understanding of proposed youth projects in Six rile Gorge . The Six Mile Creek Committee will have an ongoing role with these Projects . The oroject list was created in conjunction . ith Pete rovelli and includes projects the t the Com- ittee has initially discussed. . A letter from the committee was submitted to the youth Bureau that stressed our ecnx erns . for 19-36 include completion of the -:aster map ( - •"r'-s '9er' ; ^tinm 'r_terestinc- f?^_ r', i , -erae renpe-r }hie;r.^r, tours ] ife ., - {'ety officers, hik reek , e:'=':1121inc'r a oos i 1c hur_tir_:_ ar , red-r'' ''' r 1' 7oon con truct _or , anr? '.'evir'!'i1''7 Cw.7— -1 ?r.,! . . c:o C n ti- Grrrn:aT � 7 � l contjr,,e public e''1Pat? C Tf , 7flarm i ^ "OvC. ?tints t^,e o1r -- ir' src ore „1.leo ;freest . An Equal Opportunay Employer w.tn an Affirmative Action Program' ._.a. lllllll • �pORATkD 4b/ CITY OF ITHACA 108 EAST GREEN STREET ITHACA, NEW YORK 14850 TELEPHONE: 272-1713 COMMON COUNCIL CODE 607 TC : Six `Tile Creek Overseer Committee C .': Carolyn : Peterson Cgammly N7si.Son/ RE : /Text meeting DATE : February 21 , 1986 The next 6T'CCC meet i r r will be or _-arch 3 et 7 :30 p.m. in the 1ti ~d " oor conference room. City engine r Pete ! oselli will be present tc discuss ;youth projects in the area, the landelide area , and `:'i11 answ^r cuestions . TT e °orr'r `"ar?er coy ittee i ll also make a report. r"inutes of the February 3 , 1986 me-'tiny Present : Baker, Clausen, Gerkin, _.:ether, Beepers, Fischer, Dress, Mulholland , Lavine , Peterson r.?„,-1..—a-^emo t1 rl way f - the ni _--t tlnrc �r-l-+ C Tm i�__ .� �. �.ntc- The -ht of r.a„r __ .. t_._ �-: ., 1._ �...- _x „o.�....onle.nd ha.s been opened up. Current draire.c e plans will not affect the l?.-r_d slide area. A new pond is proposed to alleviate drainage vroblers . Buzz pointed out that the coy it.ee sho:Jd keep on tcp of the pond issue , noting that top release rele7ise of water into a charnel would he preferable . Steve Baker noted. that Pete No- . elli would like to atten_? the Yarch r eet=.n7 to speak about youth projects and the landslide area. Bud Gerkin retorted that unerintendent Dougherty felt it was too costly to legally post the gorge area. It was sug- 7ested that 7o Hunting si:?na '•e be 'lace-1 in key areas to esta- s_ ' 'ch a presence , at least . Susan Teer_ers will fin'' out what the T c'."_"_ 's reaction to such post in? v ;; 1d be . Lette_rc to ne jacent 1 r:owners :ere aleo cons i 'F red . -e rarrer- _. 'Subco7^- ttee cf t'ner, ul'^olinne , ere Peter . for-J,^. to :tart t;.e :,roc,^ _ o' t" _."T ti'1 .e ne=w _ i •C cl "e '7,ra rCaatr for sirnc, _ r•�y. '�� -'r... 7'!n 1.'.i`.e - r• r.-.,•t^ 4"0- '..-e of the area, i = -,� e r = o_,Y-,a _ t'- 'o'or t"" Yew York r 2 U}?. --�' r•' ' cry- ' ;y- �--,• �-.�,.. ,.� .. , � n f fe, cinr.. .'� .~ o- 'r ( I,-Y-1 )tc _ .. t +�. (: • Y nn^ no An Enua,OacortJn+ty Employer r..,^ -- Attormat:ce Act:n.n Pr:Gram' -2- S restoring the hydraulic pumps . Pete Iovelli has done an initial report on the subject. The project would be through the water and sewer department. It could make hydroelectric Power at this site less feasible. Buzz felt tha t the benefits of saving electricity for either project should be analyzed . Dave ?uether wanted to know if the pump restoration project would essentially preclude the hy- droelectric plant. Steve will ask Pete to review these points . r''inutes from January were unanimously approved . • • • ;ti'� Oje %'11'4 I u 0 311_ 4fOy=sam=== r�; q!�OItATEO== CITY OF ITHACA 1 08 EAST GREEN STREET ITHACA, NEW YORK 14850 TELEPHONE: 272-1713 COMMON COUNCIL CODE 607 TO: ' Six Mile Creek Overseer Committee FROM: Carolyn Peterson RE : Next meeting DATE: March 31 , 1986 The next meeting will be held on April 7 at 7 :30 p.m. in the Central Fire Station meeting room (310 W.Green St. ) Agenda items include the status of gorge ranger hiring, discussion on swimming, and updates from various committees. Meeting of March 3, 1986 Present : Peterson, Ruether, Clausen, Lavine, Gerkin, Fischer, Baker, Mulholland, Dress, Novelli Excused : Beeners Dick Fischer announced that the Wildflower Preserve had been renamed the Elizabeth B. Mulholland Wildflower Preserve . The minutes were approved with the following corrections : " . . . top release of water into a channel may be preferable ." ". . . across from the former Cooper residence . " " It could make hydroelectric power at this site more feasible : Peter Novelli discussed a number of projects planned for the water shed. 1 . DPW would like to continue removing silt at the silt dam to alleviate some of the silt build-up at Sixty Foot Dam. 2 . During August through October, the Sixty Foot Dam will be re- paired by chipping off spalled concrete and re-gunniting the dam. Water level will be dropped five feet. 3 . During June through October, the raw water pipeline through the 1949 landslide area will be repaired. Five hundred feet of new line will be placed and bends in the line will be removed. Mulch will be used to stabilize the slope. Reforestation of the area could be a good youth program. The Committee was very con- cerned about access to the site, staging of the work, and work at the ravine . Specific suggestions included making the access road tie-in from the existing access rather than re- opening the old road from Giles Street and taking care to preserve the trail. 4. The access road to Thirty Foot dam should be maintained by re- furbishing the old I- beam bridge and by building a bridge over the next ravine. A method for discouraging other vehicle use be- sides City vehicles would have to be created. 5 .Countyfunding has enabled the City to do a bank stabilization project at the Giles Street parking lot. The Soil Conservation Service may fund another project, perhaps the banks below the lagoons . Buzz mentioned that the section of creek where the con- crete wall is out shaldn 't be lost sight of. An Equal Opportunity Employer with an Affirmative Action Program" TST• 6. The Hydro power Commission said to proceed on the VanNatta turbine project. Detailed design costs and a letter to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regarding the project are the next steps. David Ruether reported that the Gorge ranger committee has started the process of hiring a new ranger. The ad for the position was re- viewed. It was suggested that former applications be reviewed as well. Enforcement officers could attend an orientation along with the gorge ranger. Beth Mulholland voiced concern over controlling swimming and how to formalize the control. Other committee members felt the control was working very well. The issue was tabled until next month. Bud Gerkin said that the Superintendent of Public Works was amenable to some signage in the gorge against hunting. Bud will bring a motion on this to the next meeting. -0-14P-14\ 1501 1133i l4) • • CITY OF ITHACA 108 EAST GREEN STREET ITHACA, NEW YORK 14850 TELEPHONE: 272-1713 COMMON COUNCIL CODE 607 • TO:- -:fix Mile Creek Overseer Committee FROM: Carolyn Peterson RE : Next meeting DATE: April 27, 1986 The next 6MCOC meeting will be on May:5,1986, at 7 :30 p.m. in the third 'laor conference room. Agenda items include announcement of this year 's gorge ranger, identification of the most important is- sues for the 1986 season (ex. scheduling an orientation for life safety official s), _and liaison reports, and ranger guidelines . Minutes of the April 7, 1986 meeting Present : Peterson, Baker, Ruether, Gerkin, Fischer, Beeners, Dress, Clausen, Mulholland, Lavine, Steve-,,Thompson The March minutes were approved unanimously. Beth Mulholland stated that Circle Greenway was sponsoring Sunday afternoon family walks, starting April 13, at 2 :00 p.m. David Ruether reported that 16 gorge ranger applications were re- ceived,and reviewed that morning by a committee. Four or five were selected -to -be -interviewed on Monday morning. Bud Gerkin would like to participate in the interviews. It was noted that a walkthrough of the gorge , along with maps, would be important for the ranger and enforcement-agencies as well. Each agency should have a map, preferably divided into quadrants. It would be ideal to have a map in each car used by an agency. The following motion was moved by Buzz Lavine : The Public Works Department should buy temporary "No hunt- ing" signs, as many as reasonable to make the prohibition more widely known, and not beyond budgetary constraints. Volunteer labor should be used if possible . Signs should be highly visible, out of reach, and posted at least yearly at likely entrances to the gorge. Richard Fischer seconded and added , as friendly amendment, the phrase " as a trial with review after one year" . Passed unanimously. Bud will refer this to the BPW. The following motion was moved by Ruether and seconded by Fischer. In view of the success during the last two years in achiev- ing the objective of a clean, quiet, and safe Six Mile Creek Gorge-- due to the regulations and ranger program as created by the Six Mile Creek Study Committee, and to the atmosphere of cooperation rather than confrontation between the ranger and the responsible users of the gorge-- we support a con- tinuation of the current flexible and cooperative implemen- tation of the gorge regulations. David stated that he supports the gorge program as it stamds, in- cluding the swimming regulations . ' An Equal Opportunity Employer w,:n an Affirmative Action Program" �r ITC, Aj CITY OF ITHACA 10B EAST GREEN STREET ITHACA, NEW YORK 14950 TELEPHONE: 272-1713 COMMON COUNCIL CODE 607 TO : Six -Mile Creek Overseer Committee FROM: Carolyn Peterson • RE1 Next meeting DATE : May_ 27,1986 The next committee meeting will be on June 2, 1986, at 7 :30 p.m. in the conference room on the third floor. Agenda items include gorge ranger report, review of gorge ranger guidelines, and li- aison reports. Minutes of May 5 , 1986 Present :' Lavine, Clausen, Mulholland, Fischer, Dress, Peterson, Baker, Gerkin,. Ruether, Beeners, Gorge Ranger Emery The 1986 gorge ranger, Bob Emery,was introduced. He will be working weekends until May 17 and then will work fulltime. The April minutes were accepted as written unanimously. Liaison reports Circle Greenway- At their first Sunday walk it was noticed that there was a parking problem in the Giles Street lot. Peter Novelli is work- ing on enlarging the lot and also building a better bridge across the small creek. Bud will look into bike racks for the parking lot. Steve Baker- The lagoons should be finished around the end of May. The committee reminded Steve of concerns over access through the area and the possible need for fencing. Patrolling this area was not seen as a priority for the ranger. County Planning- Buzz reported that there will be no 1986 project on the banks below the lagoons but the project further upstream will con- tinue as planned. He also mentioned that he will talk to Steve and Pete about the problem of erosion upstream in Six Mile Creek in an effort to determine the interest in battling this problem. Town of Ithaca- Burns Road project will be planted in the next two weeks and areas will be limited where cars can pull off the road to park. Larry Fabroni is looking into the adequacy of drainage and landscaping at Commonland . BPW- Streets and Facilities committee had no objections to ostin of "No hunting" signs. Fischer moved that the City purchase 40(forty) "No hunting" signs at approximately one dollar apiece from the appropriate line in the Six Mile Creek budget. Beth seconded . Unanimously passed. Gorge Ranger Committee- David reported that the committee unanimously chose Bob Emery after reviewing the top four candidates. After Bob re viewSthe proposed ranger guidelines, the full committee will review them in June . Bud noted that he would assist Bob in radio training and that periodic check-ins and quadrant€d maps were essential. A walkthrough with life safety agencies should also be scheduled . "An Equal Opportunity Employer with an Affirmative Action Program" Dick stated if the program is OK, why was the resolution needed. It was explained that the resolution was in response to some com- mittee members interest in dealing with swimming in some other fashion. Beth felt that if the area is posted "No swimming", then swimming should not be happening. Steve Thompson, a member of the public with some ranger experience in other parks, stated that promoting a good atmosphere is very important and that once cer- tain authority symbols (such as firearms ) were removed from ran- gers3rapport with park users and safety was improved. Carolyn re- ported that the City Attorney felt that the current gorge program was a reasonable approach and was structured similarly to State Park enforcement systems. Bud moved, and Bill seconded that on a second warning for the same swimmer, law enforcement agencies must be notified. The amendment failed 3- 5-2 . On an 8-2 vote, the ques- tion was called. The original motion failed 4-4-2 . Carolyn stated that since both motions failed, the committee would continue as usual, in monitoring the gorge program with the ranger being super- vised by the Superintendent and using his/her discretion when on duty. Bud stated that the Dpw and Planning departments are working on a joint -solution for protection of the watershed border near Potter 's Falls, where land is currently for sale. Susan Beeners reported that Burns Road work is moving slowly. Plantings should be done by mid-June and the road finished in July. There have been some banks slipping. Site improvements .and improvements on Phase 1 and 2 of Commonland need to_ be : done before escrow retainage will be released. Susan will check to see if the phase above .30 foot dam has been approved and how the building heights will affect visual esthetics . Steve Baker .rsported that the watershed regulations are being up- dated and that access to the pipeline project could be approached both from Giles Street and from Marion.'s. rr• ' i f �co rvespi AAtEO== • CITY OF ITHACA 1'OS EAST GREEN STREET • ITHACA, NEW YORK 14850 TELEPHONE: 272-1713 COMMON COUNCIL CODE 607 TOE Six Mile Creek Overseer Committee FROM: Carolyn Peterson DATE: July 3, 19'86 RE: Next meeting- The next 6MCOC meeting will be held on July 7, 1986, at 7 :30 p.m. in the -third, floor conference room. Agenda items include a gorge . ranger report-, update on the Potter 's Falls property and Caroline trailer park, and liaison reports . Meeting of June 2, 1986 Present : Baker, Gerkin, Mulholland , Ruether, Lavine , Dress, Beeners, Clausen, Peterson, Ranger Emery • The minutes were unanimously approved after changing the words "up- stream" to "near parking lot" in reference to bank stabilization and "finished" to "started" in reference to the lagoons . Bob Emery gave a report on his first weeks of ranger duty. By and large, users of the gorge have been very cooperative . Most infrac- tions occur below Van Natta 's dam,with minor amounts of swimming 30' 661 and one incident of cliff jumping. Bob will increase surveillance on access from_Route 79 and Burns Road _and will concentrate on techniques for dealing with alcohol consumption in the gorge. A question was raised regarding the right of enforcement on a right of way- off City property but maintained by the City. The proposed ranger guidelines were discussed. Beth will prepare a final draft and map( the gorge ranger noted that maps are frequently requested). Steve Baker reported that the lagoons should be completed by the end of June . It was noted that the work at Pearsall on a sewage metering device was left in a messy state and needed clean-up. Surveying is being done for repair of the 30' dam pipeline. Most of the site access will be from Route 79. It appears that the DPW is willing to keep Giles Street access to a minimum width. Susan Beeners, Town of Ithaca planner, reported that Jerold FWeis- burd has an option on the north seven acres of the Womble ( Potter 's Falls ) property and that he desires to build a 10 building, 20 unit cluster development. The backland would be retained by Womble . The Committee passed the following motions : To the Board of Public Works , 3esolved that the Six Mile Creek Overseer Committee recommends that the City actively pursue acquisition of the back ( or downhill ) portion of the Womble pro- perty( Parcel 6-58. 1-32.2 ) in order to protect the Potter 's Falls area of the watershed . 8-0-1 (Beeners ) To the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, see bc■dk "An Equal Opportunity Employer with an Affirmative Action Program" Resolved that as an adjacent landowner with sensitive land downhill from the Womble parcel, the Six Mile Creek Over- seer Committee recommends that a formal condition of the subdivision be that any activity on the downhill portion of the parcel (- =that is toward the creek) be restricted to ones that do not adversely affect the sensitive envi- ronment of the adjacent City watershed land. 8-0-1 (Beeners ) • cLrii2iC SIX MILE CREEK OVERSEER COMMITTEE Minutes of July 7, 1986 Present : Baker, Beeners, Clausen, Dress, Fischer, Gerkin, Lavine, Peterson, Ruether 1 . Minutes of June 2, 1986, were amended to read " 60 foot dam pipeline" instead of " 30 foot dam pipeline" and then were accepted unanimously. 2 . Ranger Bob Emery submitted a written report to the committee and also spoke at length with committee member Baker. Discus- sion focused on time spent by the ranger in the parking area, signage for park hours, need for Quadrant map, and control of dogs . Bud volunteered to talk to Pete Novelli about a grid for map quadrants . The following two motions were passed : Six Mile "park" will be closed from dusk to dawn and this will be noted on existing signs. Moved by Lavine , Seconded by Fischer. Passed 9-0. The following language shall be included on signs under our main sign: All dogs in gorge must wear collar. Owners must keep dogs in sight carry a leash dispose of any dog waste. Moved by Gerkin, Seconded by Fischer. Passed 9-0. 3 . Town of Ithaca report Beeners said that preliminary approval for the Weisburd develop- ment above Potter 's Falls had been given:'"It includes a provi- sion of access to the backland. Penny Lane would not be extended . The Planning Board also included some language in the resolition for protection of the backlands. Buzz stressed that now is the time for the City to push forward on acquisition of the backlands as development pressure will probably increase . Report from Steve Baker Lagoon #2 is completed as is the first bridge on the upper Giles' Street entrance . Concern was voiced over the width of the trail at this entrance . Peterson, Clausen, and Ruether will follow up on this. The City Engineer has notified the County Health Depart- ment of the City 's concerns for our water supply in regard to the proposed waste system for a ne , w tr ler park in Caroline. The system could discharge relatively lightly treated sewage into our reservoir. Steve is making a summary of our watershed regu- lations to present to the Health Department. Finally, Steve noted that the drainage of a housing project in Lower Eastern Heights in the Town is being studied . 4. Board of Public Works report Bud stated that a culvert was being placed across a tributary to Six Mile Creek at the Giles Street lot. Gabian emplacement on both banks of Van Natta pond is proceeding, with the north bank being the County project and the south bank work being considered as a City project. David Ruether suggested as a topic for our next meeting that we discuss how far we want to use man-made methods for preserving "natural areas" . 1 V~• �t `.�iti q CITY OF ITHACA 1 08 EAST GREEN STREET ITHACA, NEW YORK 14850 TELEPHONE: 272-1713 COMMON COUNCIL CODE 607 TO : Six Mile Creek Overseer Committee FROM: Carolyn Peterson DATE : September 29, 1986 RE : Next meeting The next committee meeting will take place on October 6 at 7 :30 p.m. in the conference room of City Hall. Agenda items include continued discussion on the gorge ranger position, update on the status of bank stabilization along the creek, update on the pipeline replace- ment project and planning the meetings and agenda for our "off- season". MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1986 Present : Mulholland, Ruether, Lavine , Baker, Gerkin, Dress, Fischer, Clausen, Beeners , Peterson, Ranger Emery The July minutes were approved unanimously. Peterson read a letter from Uri Bronfenbrenner commending the City for the youth project done in Six Mile Creek. Bob Emery spoke to the committee about the 1986 ranger season.A writ- ten report is forthcoming. He noted that the area below the Giles St. bridge was the high use area, followed by the main trail and 30 foot dam. The Potter' s Falls area was the least used, but he noted that about 50% of the users entered from "illegal" paths . The most pro- blems were found below Giles Street. Several camping situations were found and people complied with the rules when informed that camping was not allowed. All in all, the season went very well with most people cooperating. Bob felt that the radio was not as effective as it was supposed to be , that the backpack became a burden, and, most im- portantly, that a ranger/information station be created at the Giles Street entrance . Gerkin reported that Pete Novelli had resigned and that Potter 's Falls is being gunnited this month. Baker reported that the pipeline project above 30 foot dam will be done this fall. The firm of Stearns and Wheler will be supervising the project. Dressnoted that: re-foresting the slope would be beneficial. Beeners reported for the Town of Ithaca. The town engineer feels that the Eastern Heights drainage is not a problem, but the whole area will be studied for possible impacts on our watershed. Final approval was given for Edgewood. Jerry Weisburd is seeking an option on the back 7 acres. A 60 ' r.o.w. was set aside for access to the back land but realistically there may not be enough space to build this road. Discussion is just beginning for consideration of conservation open space around the reservoir area. Our master map and input will be im- portant in this discussion. Lastly, Beeners informed the committee "An Equal Opportunity Employer with an Affirmative Action Program" of theproposed equitation facility to be built by Cornell near the East Hill Plaza. Mulholland announced that the youth project is completed and that some replanting and parking bumper replacement must take place . Bike racks will also be put in. Fall tours are commencing. Questions and concerns were raised about the bank stabilization pro- jects. Lavine will follow up on this issue with Jack Dougherty. The committee needs to know what the plans are- gabians or rip-rap- and if the gabians can be covered with soil and seeded. General diecugsion followed on the extent to which one should control the environment or let nature run its course and whether the Six Mile Creek area was natural or managed. • I Agenda Item - 4. SHADE TREE ADVISORY COMMITTEE (STAG) CITY OF IT I CA. NEW YORK P 1986 C� Thursday, June 19, 1986 �''•••..,y 8r ic s \O (First Meeting) De In Attendance: 'tc' �.S rrispin, Iike Steigerwalt, Tom McGuire. Jim La:Gro, �� Mower, Frank Gardner and Marvin I. Adlenen •Absent: Nina I3assuk, Jonathan Mine, and Jon Neigs. Cornattec rmnbers w:.`re introduc end, the mission of the Shade Tree Advisory Committee was discussed. There was general agreement that the statement of responsibilities previously circulated would serve as the basis for the COIrgnittee's activities (a ccy of this statement is attached to these minutes) . Discussion of Committee Chair resulted in the unaninnus designation of Marvin Adleman as Chairman. There was a brief discussion of the historic background of the Shade Tree Advisory Committee. Historic facts noted in the history of the Coximittee which was critten by Dr. L. H. MacDaniels in the early 1970's acre ;mentioned. The Committee discussed at length basic policies, procedures and problem relating to shade tree planting and maintenance in the City of Ithaca. Among tar itenra discussed were: 1. an updated list of reconmended trees for City streets as well as a list of trees which should not be planted an City streets. Bob Mower indicated that he mould initiate an update of this list. Mike Steigerwal.t will as se able a list of reoanmended trees based on NYSflG's experience for comparative purposes. .Nina Hassuk and nom hire will also assist in the final preparation of this list. The Committee will review the list annually regarding additions and/or deletions. 2. Planning strategy - the Cbnmittee perceives the extensive loss of Sugar Naples and silver Naples as well as other tree s;:ecies throughout the city due to salt damage, age and disease. There is an urgency regarding the need for a survey of tree condition, species and location. An opportunity exists to superirpoce such a survey on the computerized streets and utilities maps currently being developed by the DepartLcnt of Public i:br!zs. Because of the scale of such a tree survey it is aropc3ed that sections of the city be evaluated in rotation co that after a period of several years all of the City .street trees will icve been covered. The City':; tree planting program should there- after be focused on upgrading the street tree planting Ly neighborhood or section of the city. It is felt that methodical approach to City street planting will -;roducL tlx: a best results in upgrading and maintaining the visual quality of our city. The Committee requested that Frank Gardner look at the possibilities for including $5,000 in the Departnent's 1937 budget to provide for the cvloyment of two experienced students for the summer (of 1907) to the tree conditions survey. 3. The Committee noted that the Department's street tree planting budget for 1986 is only $8.000. In tree purchasing power this is approximately 1/3 of the annual budget for tree planting allocated by the City throughout the early 1970's. At that time the tree planting budget was more than $12,000 (in 1972-73 dollars) . The Cort.uttee proposes to study in detail the annual tree planting needs of the City and to make roconmendations regarding an appropriate annual budget for tree planting. 4. Maintenance of the City's street trees - The Conndttee discussed the adequacy of staff and budget for the proper maintenance of the extensive tree resources within the City right-of-way. At the present time. no tree, other than those un the Corrrcns are part of a fertilization and methodical pruning program. There are only two employees on the DIV staff who are capable of pruning trees and one of than is retiring at the end of this year. The Committee expects to study and tbi el:e recommen- dations to the Department of Public Tibrks regarding maintenance • programs and personnel needs. Monica Crispin indicated that she upu1d investigate the possibility of scheduling one or more 'training seminars in tree maintenance and pruning through the. Tompkins County Cooperative Extension office. It was mentioned that other employees who might participate in such a training session could include maintenance staff from Cornell University. Ithaca College and tine utility companies. • 5. Members of the Committee were unclear about existing legislation within the City of Ithaca relating to street trees. Frank . Gardner indicated that he would investigate the existence of street tree legislation. 6. The Corrattee discussed the use of recently developed growth ret areants which might reduce the need for pruning of trees which have been planted under utility lines. It was noted that the pruning of many of these trees for the purpose of line clearance has resulted in extensive deformation. Mike Steigerwalt stated that NYSIJC was prepared to help sponsor research in the use of growth retardants cn street trees including the potential contribution of trees to be planted for that purpose. Although Nina Bassuk could not be present. at this meeting. she had sent Turd that the manufacturer of the most promising of the new growth retardants might be willing to use Ithaca as the location for research in this new area (shortly after the meeting Nina Bassuk indicated that a presentation by the manufacturer of the growth retardant to STAC would be possible at our next meeting an July 17th.) brutes June 1906 2 7. Designation of Ithaca as a "Tree City" - The Cormittee felt that it would be appropriate to investigate the possibilities of having Ithaca designated as a 'tree city' through the flow York State Department of Conservation and the National A rkor Day Foundation. As a city noted for its beauty as well as for having been referred to as 'Forest City' at one time, it was felt that designation of Ithaca as a 'tree city' would be most appropriate. Marvin Adleman agreed to look into the respire- ments for obtaining such a designation for Ithaca. The next meeting of STAC will be held cn Thursday, July 17, 1986 at 4:00 pm in the Conference Room of the Department of Public ^:orks (DP) Offices adjacent to the golf course. Subsequent r; :etings will be on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 4:00 pm. Minutes of this meeting were taken by Marvin Adleman and ty.ed by Rosemarie Tucker. :linutes June 1°£3G 3 007 Y - 4 MEMBERSHIP Ll and / .--: MISSION of the `,t .a` CITY OF ITIA. NEW YORK ;Y •' SFI TRES �'EZSf_��j�11'ITEE (S.PAC) 3 :z Y.:f Membership: x - The Shade Tree Advisory Committee is to be composed of not less than seven nor more than ten members and that these members represent a range of related professional expertise. tlembers of SAC should include people knowledgeable and experienced in the design, practice and science involved in the use planting and care of trees in the urban landscape. The members are to be formally appointed by the Mayor of Ithaca for three year renewable terms and these ePpointnents are to be officially ratified by City Council. ; 1,•..t,,• Responsibilities: ^ �y' The Shade Tree Advisory Committee will be responsible to the Department of Public Works as well as to the Department of Planning and Developuent. Each i ;j: of these two departments should therefore be represented by an ex officio ,i ' member. The Shade Tree Advisory Committee should meet at a regularly .I_ scheduled tine once a month throughout the year as well as at times of special need. ,{ ; F The Shade Tree Advisory Committee, is established to protect and encourage y' thoughtful planting of City shade trees'in order"to'-pro to a cleaner. � ,, healthier, and more beautiful urban environment, and shall be responsible for: r ,, A. Overseeing tae development , I , ing t ;of_plans for `of City ''trees� .. the purpose of which will be to strengthen existing streetscape images, P� yy�} create identifiable images for particular types of streets (such as city ` t � ` entranceways, major thoroughfares and coa rcial strips) and to create a s . more pleasant Urban environment. Y` B. Overseeing the preparation of a plan which identifies areas of the City to ";k„i be inventoried and planted on an annual basis.' h.: C. Overseeing the preparation of an inventory of existing trees in selected areas of the City each year and making tree planting recommendations for the selected area. D. Preparing and updating a list of trees suitable for street tree planting in the City of Ithaca. The Shade Tree Advisory Committee shall review the . approved list at least once every year to determine tree species which are to be rercved from or added to this list. . E. Making recocr ndations to the Department of Public TTorks relating to the planting, maintenance and rcnoval of City shade trees as deemed necessary. F. Helping to create greater ooniuunity awareness regarding City shade trees, _ �, their value and their care. <t: S i. SHADE TREE ADVISORY COMMITTEE CITY OF ITHACA. NEW YORK Home Address & Phone Business Address & Phone Marvin I. Adleman Professor 32 Cornell Street Landscape Architecture Program Ithaca, NY 14850 230 East Roberts Hall 272-3233 Cornell University Ithaca,NY 14853 255-1801 Dr. Nina L. Bassuk Director of Urban Horticulture Institute 1345 Mecklenburg Road Dept. of Floriculture & Ornamental Horticulture Ithaca, Ni 14850 20 Plant Science Building 277-1400 Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 255-4586 Ms. Monika R. Crispin Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County 111 Worth Street 225 South Fulton Street Ithaca, NY 14850 Ithaca, NY 14850 273-1723 272-2292 Jonathan Kline 402 North Titus Avenue - Ithaca, NY 14850 273-8895 Jim LaGro HOLT Architects 318 North Titus Avenue 217 North Aurora Street Ithaca, NY 14850 Ithaca, NY 14850 277-5601 273-7600 Tom McGuire McGuire Gardens 635 Elmira Road Ithaca, NY 14850 273-0676 Dr. Robert G. Mower Professor of Ornamental Horticulture 1444 Trumansburg Road Dept. of Floriculture & Ornamental Horticulture Ithaca, NY 14850 20 Plant Science Building Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 255-1797 Michael N. Steigerwalt NY State Electric & Gas 429 Sears Road Ithaca-Dryden Road Cortland, NY 13045 Etna, NY 13062 753-7750 347-4131 (extension 6188) (over) J Home Address & Phone Business Address & Phone Mrs. John Ivey (Doris) Representative of the Ithaca Garden Club 55 Highgate Circle Ithaca, NY 14850 257-4057 Ms. Susan Cummings Representative of City Council 108 East Green Street Ithaca, NY 14850 Ex-Officio Members Frank Gardner Department of Public Works, City of Ithaca Jon Meigs Planning Department. City of Ithaca • RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE SHADE TREE ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Shade Tree Advisory Committee, established to protect and encourage thoughtful planting of City shade trees in order to promote a cleaner, healthier, and more beautiful urban environment, shall be responsible for: A. Overseeing the development of plans for the planting of City street trees, the purpose of which will be to strengthen existing streetscape images, create identifiable images for particular types of streets (such as city entranceways, major thoroughfares and commercial strips) and to create a more pleasant urban environment. B. Overseeing the preparation of a plan which identifies areas of the City to be inventoried and planted on an annual basis. C. Overseeing the preparation of an inventory of existing trees in selected areas of the City each year and making tree planting recommendations for the selected areas. D. Preparing and updating a list of trees suitable for street tree planting in the City of Ithaca. The Shade Tree Advisory Committee shall review the approved list at least once every year to determine tree species which are to be removed from or added to this list. E. Making recommendations to the Department of Public Works relating to the planting, maintenance and removal of City shade trees as deemed necessary. F. Helping to create greater community awareness regarding City shade trees, their value and their care.