JULY 9, 1991
PRESENT: Commissioners Cornelius, Baker, Neigh and Begg;
(one vacancy)
1 . Chairman Cornelius called the meeting to order at 1903 hrs.
2 . Additions/Deletions to the Agenda:
- #10 : resolution re: volunteer activity levels;
- Newsletter: discuss deadline
3 . Reorganization of Board:
- Chairman Cornelius welcomed Susan Begg to the Board. She
was recently appointed by the Mayor to replace Ken Reeves.
Jim Mayer will be recommended to the Mayor by the Town of
Ithaca to replace Gloria Howell. This will most likely be
done at the August Common Council meeting.
Comm. Neigh made a motion to delay the reorganization of the
Board until a full contingency was present. The motion
failed for lack of a second.
Commissioner Cornelius made a motion to nominate Comm. Baker
as Chairman of the Board for 1991-1992 . Seconded by Comm.
Neigh. Hearing no other nominations, the vote was
unanimous .
Commissioner Baker made a motion to nominate Comm. Neigh as
Vice Chairman of the Board for 1991-1992 . Seconded by Comm.
Begg.. Hearing no other nominations, the vote was unanimous .
Commissioner Neigh made a motion to nominate Marcia Lynch as
Clerk of the Board. Seconded by Comm. Baker. Hearing no
other nominations, the vote was unanimous .
4 . Persons wishing to speak to Board of Fire Commissioners :
5 . Commissioner Baker made a motion to approve the minutes of
the June 11, 1991 meeting as written. Seconded by Comm.
Neigh. Carried unanimously.
6 . Commissioner Neigh made a motion to approve the audit dated
July 9, 1991 in the amount of $63,082 .35 . Seconded by Comm.
Baker. Carried unanimously.
7 . After reviewing further information supplied by Firefighter
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Parsons regarding the reimbursement request, Commissioner
Baker made a motion to approve reimbursement to Firefighter
Parsons for lost glasses in the amount of $83 .46 from the
Donation Fund checking account. Seconded by Comm. Neigh.
Carried unanimously. It was also suggested that Firefighter
Parsons check with his homeowner's insurance to see if this
is a reimbursable item.
8 . Membership Changes :
- Commissioner Baker made a motion to approve the following
members be added: Co. #5 - Savino Ferrara and Co. #4 -
Francis Walters (will also be bunking at South Hill station
as of 08/91) . Seconded by Comm. Neigh. Carried
- Commissioner Neigh made a motion that the following
members be dropped from respective company rolls due to lack
of response regarding incomplete training, as recommended by
the Chief: Co. #9 : Mark Bellantoni; co. #2 : Lester Bailey;
Co. #7 : Jeffrey Smith. Seconded by Comm. Begg. Carried
- The Board discussed that it is not necessary for a Board
resolution each time a letter is sent to individuals and
their respective companies regarding inactivity. It is only
necessary to request Board action when someone is being
recommended for removal from Company rolls .
At 1930 hrs . , Commissioner Baker made a motion to move into
Executive Session to discuss a volunteer discipline matter.
Seconded by Comm. Neigh. Carried unanimously.
The Board resumed open session at 1948 hrs . Report out of
Executive Session was that a volunteer was suspended for 15 days
for inappropriate responses in his personal vehicle to alarms and
that a record of the suspension will be entered into his
permanent personnel file.
9 . Chief' s report
- Monthly reports were reviewed. It was noted that more
volunteers have been signing in for alarms and that there
has been a higher than average response to incidents by
volunteers . Reports also indicate that the number of
incidents so far this year indicate about a 3,200 rate for
the year.
- Two new firefighters have been offered employment and
verbal acceptances have been received - Don Reynolds who is
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currently employed by the City of Ithaca, Parking Meter
Division; and Maylon Irish, currently employed by Saulsbury
Fire Equipment Co. They will begin work on August 5, 1991.
Both have been made aware of the City's financial condition
and that continued employment cannot be guaranteed at this
- Chief Olmstead announced that Municipal Training Officer
Randy Novak has resigned effective 08/30/91. He is leaving
to be an Assistant Professor at the University of Eastern
Kentucky in the Fire Management School. Civil Service will
canvas the list of eligibles and the Chief will be going to
the Vacancy Committee to request that his position be filled
when he leaves . In the meantime, Chief Olmstead, and Deputy
Chiefs Wilbur and Dorman will help take up the slack in new
member and particularly bunker training. Other training
items will suffer until a replacement is on board.
- Budget discussion: Chief Olmstead reported on the
preparation of the 1992 budget. He first distributed a
sheet that indicates 1991 budget activity through the first
half of the year with projections and redistribution of
monies in the 400 lines .
He also distributed proposed budgets according to the
Mayor's and Common Council 's guidelines (also one of his own
versions) :
1 . Full budget with no personnel cuts, freeze of 200 and
400 accounts at the 1991 appropriate level;
2 . 0% increase budget with entire budget funded at the 1991
appropriation level, all contractual increases included;
3 . 3% decrease budget with entire budget funded at 3% less
than the 1991 appropriation;
4 . 6% decrease budget with entire budget funded at 6% less
than the 1991 appropriation.
Copies of all proposed budgets and explanations are in the
minute book.
Both the 3% and 6% decrease budgets include layoffs.
The Board discussed various methods of reducing budget items
without cutting staff.
Chief Olmstead asked that the Board review and consider the
information carefully - he is available anytime for
discussion, explanations and suggestions . The Board will
need to vote on the proposed 1992 budget at the August
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10. Other:
- After a discussion of volunteer minimum activity levels,
Commissioner Neigh offered the following resolution:
Resolved, the Board of Fire Commissioners accepts the
guidelines established by the Volunteer Company Captains, to
determine whether a firefighter is classified as "active";
and be it further resolved, the Board of Fire Commissioners
also accepts the procedures established by the Company
Captains for an inactive member to become active.
Seconded by Comm. Baker. Carried unanimously.
- Newsletter discussion - Board members discussed the
possibility of a deadline be established so that information
is of a more timely manner. It was decided that a separate
sheet containing dates will be published prior to the
newsletter if necessary.
- The Space Needs Committee met and decided to interview
prospective companies within the next 60 days.
- The next regular Board of Fire Commissioners meeting will
be held on Tuesday, August 13, 1991.
At 2115 hrs . , Commissioner Baker made a motion to adjourn the
meeting. Seconded by Comm. Neigh. Carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
/ X./ Z
David H. Cornelius, Chairman