MAY 10, 1994
PRESENT: Commissioners Grinnell, Baker, Begg, Hamilton
1. Chairman Grinnell called the meeting to order at 1915 hours.
2. Ray Wheaton and Willis Sheldon were sworn in as lieutenants by Chairman Grinnell.
3. Additions/ deletions to the agenda:
- Commissioner Hamilton explained why he had been absent for some board and
committee meetings. His involvement in theater productions caused him to be
- Commissioner Hamilton announced the appointment of a new clerk of the Board,
Hope Hart.
- A request for relieve funds for medical related transportation needs to be discussed
in Executive Session.
4. Moved by Commissioner Grinnell, seconded by Comm. Hamilton that all bills
received be paid.
5. Membership Changes:
Moved by Commissioner Grinnell, the resignation of Andrew Aronson from Station
#9 was accepted.
6. Commissioner Hamilton excused himself from the Board meeting at that time.
7. No report was given for the Personnel and Staffmg committee because of its members
8. Moved by Commissioner Begg, seconded by Comm. Grinnell that the board combine
the Ithaca Fire Department donation fund and the rescue donation fund was put on the
floor. Commissioner Begg noted that most of the money that has been given has not
been donated for a specific fund. Since the funds have been divided since 1980, the
rescue fund has never had over $1200 and the regular donation fund usually has
$6,000 (including use for EMS activities). Comm. Begg feels it would be better if
the Fire Chief oversaw this discretionary fund if combined. The Chief expressed
feeling uncomfortable having control over this discretionary fund. Commissioner
Jennings wrote to the City Attorney for an opinion on whether or not it is legal to
accept funds from the public. The Board is waiting on a ruling. There was
discussion from audience about whether or not the money from this donation fund was
being used in areas where Volunteer Firefighters could not be included, conventions,
etc. Comm. Begg read the instructions for the fund and confirmed that the fund was
for paid and volunteer fireman causes. The Chief also added that there was more
money in the budget for training now; therefore, most expenses could now be covered
in the regular budget. The motion was not carried because the other two
commissioners felt that since the funds had been working, the board should not
tamper with the process.
9. Capital budget announcements are out and due back June 15, 1994. The board is
assembling ideas for the capital budget. It needs to get distributed and reviewed by
commissioners. The board needs to go through it and make its decisions in the June
meeting. The capital budget should be based on the capital budget outline. The
board needs to build on things it predicts it will need based on what was needed last
10. There will be a Child Safety promotion in June put on by the Juvenile Fire Setters
Program. There is an issue of how to handle people from outside the city.
11. Because training requirements have changed for different operations, the Chief
suggested that a list or chart of training requirements be created. This list would
clarify what people are qualified to do and what training they need to do different
12. Chief's Report:
- The Chief thanked Comm. Begg for her efforts in researching the donation fund
histories. He felt that what the board learned about the funds was beneficial.
- The Chief reported that new member training was thriving with 15 people taking
the training.
- There was no monthly accounting report.
- The Chief reported that Wednesday will kick-off the development of a service task
force to measure service and retention. This goes along with the commitment to
recruitment, training, and retention in the volunteer process.
- The Chief announced that the new interns are here for the summer.
- Related to the deadline for the capital budget on June 15, 1994, there will be a staff
meeting. Apparatus bids are due back Friday at 12:00 pm.
- The Chief noted that the computer system upgrade was scheduled and postponed
- Station #9 has its 100th anniversary this year. The Chief wants the station to come
up with creative improvements and renovations for the station. Renovating the
kitchen is already a capital improvement for Station #9 this year.
13. At 1950 hours, the board moved into Executive Session to discuss a request for
relieve funds for medical related transportation and the use of a room in the Central
Station. The board resumed open session at 2005 hours.
The Commissioners moved to allow $2,600 from the Active Fireman's Relief Fund
for back up air transportation in the event it is needed to transport items swiftly for a
medical operation for a member.
The Commissioners moved to allow the company room to be used by a friend of the
Ithaca Fire Department for three hours in July.
14. Moved by Commissioner Baker and seconded by Comm. Grinnell, the meeting was
adjourned at 2010 hours.
Respe fully ubmitted,
S art Grinnell, Chairman