MARCH 11, 1997
PRESENT: Commissioners Lyman Baker,Cynthia Yahn, Robert Romanowski, Alvin
Nelson and Paul Alexander.
I. Chairperson Baker called the meeting to order at 1800 hrs.
II. Comm. Nelson made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 11, 1997
meeting as written. Seconded by Comm. Alexander. Carried unanimously.
III. Additions/Deletions to the Agenda: none
IV. Persons wishing to speak to Board of Fire Commissioners - Dan Vail asked what
the status of the bunker uniform request was . Chairperson Baker indicated that
issued had been resolved at the February 1997 meeting.
V. Correspondence:
-Receipt of$25.00 from the Dicker family- deposited towards the purchase of a
-Comm. Romanowski made a motion to approve the clothing bid be awarded to
Onondaga Uniform Co. as they were the low bidder. Seconded by Comm.
Nelson. Carried unanimously.
-Chairperson Baker read a memo he had sent to Les Brown of Co. #4 regarding
financial reports.
- Chairperson Baker announced that the Volunteer Services Recognition Dinner
will be held on April 25, 1997 at Lake Watch Inn.
VI. Membership Changes
- Comm. Romanowski made a motion to approve the addition of Chris Petrizzi
to the roles of Co. #2. Seconded by Comm. Nelson. Carried unanimously.
VII. Misc. Reports:
- Chairperson Baker made a motion to approve the audit in the amount of
$7,577.18. Seconded by Comm. Romanowski. Carried unanimously.
- The minutes of the last Tompkins County Fire Advisory Board were reviewed.
It was reported that the E-911 system will hopefully be in place by this Summer.
Also, those people interested in serving on the TC Fire Adv. Board should
submit their names to Chief Wilbur. Deputy Chief Dorman will be an alternate,
and Dave Cornelius has expressed an interest to continue serving on the Board.
- Chairperson Baker reported he received information from Prudential Life
Insurance regarding matching monies available for defibrillator purchases. He
will pass the information along to Co.#3 who is having a fund raising event.
-Chairperson Baker made a motion to appoint Comm. Romanowski again as the
IFD Representative to the Cayuga Medical Center Board. Seconded by Comm.
Alexander. Carried unanimously.
-Comm. Romanowski provided a written report that he gave at the last Town of
Ithaca Board meeting. See copy in the minute book.
VIII. Department report (Chief, Deputy Chief,Volunteer Coordinator and Training):
-Written reports on Training were distributed;the Deputy Chief and Volunteer
Coordinator reports will be distributed with the Chief's report.
-Chief Wilbur has been at the National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg, MD for
the last two weeks -class title was "Strategic Analysis of Community Risk
Reduction" which covered a wide range of issues,many not directly related to
fire. The primary reason for this is that nationwide, fire accounts for only 5 or
6% of our business; 60-80% of our business is EMS calls-therefore reducing
community risks would directly relate to reducing our EMS calls. Chief Wilbur
praised the training and feels the ability to confer with others from all over the
country is interesting,helpful and educational.
- The Chief talked about the necessity for all factions of the fire department to
work as one unit. All over the country, departments and other community
services are facing consolidation or other reductions. The Chief believes that the
fact that we are a combination department insulates us to some degree from this,
otherwise we could be facing layoffs. Right now we need to build internal and
external coalitions and "touch the community" to maintain and even increase
community support.
Comm. Romanowski asked if it was possible to charge a fee for false alarms,
code enforcement, etc. We do currently charge for some permits, and other fees
are being considered.
- Revised Incident Command System and Initial Fire Attack procedures training
is being delivered; reviewing accountability and RRP Review committee- lots of
people working on a variety of things.
- Report on status of apparatus -Chief Wilbur and Deputy Chief Dorman
discussed the ongoing problems with particularly vehicle 901 and Saulsbury Fire
Equipment Company-has resulted in our being in contact with the City
Attorney's office as the problems are getting out of hand.
- The Chief reported on 3 recent Fire Fighters retirements: Ernie Krupa retired
after 28 years; Doug Barkee retired with almost 28 years; and David Ruff retired
after almost 22 years with the Ithaca Fire Department. Lt. Russ Fellows is
expecting to retire in June after 20 years with the Ithaca Fire Department.
Approval has been obtained to hire four new Fire Fighters who will began work
yesterday. They will attend the training class in Montour beginning on March
We are seeking approval from the City Civil Service Commission,which meets
on March 24th, to fill our position for Administrative Assistant for Financial
-The 1998 budget deadline has been moved up to August 1st (from Sept. 1st) and
the Controller's office is already predicting a very difficult year ahead.
IX. Old Business:
- It was determined that the final, formal agreement between the City of Ithaca
and the Volunteer companies was sent to the City Attorney's office for review
and never returned. Chief Wilbur will check on this. The Board will pass a
motion at the April meeting for distribution of City contract monies (assuming
the contracts are all in order).
-Also determined to still be at the City Attorney's office is the question of
incentive monies being considered wages and therefore taxable income. Chief
Wilbur will also inquire as the status of that question.
-Donation Fund Guideline (for reimbursement requests): Comm. Romanowski
made the following resolution:
WHEREAS, the Ithaca Board of Fire Commissioners has, from time to time,been
asked to make monetary restitution for personal property losses incurred by
firefightering personnel, and
WHEREAS, personal property insurance coverage is the responsibility of the
individual, and;
WHEREAS, the Ithaca Board of fire Commissioners does not have a formal and
precise policy of reimbursement in place for guidance at this time; there be it
Ithaca Board of Fire Commissioners
March 11, 1997
Page 4
RESOLVED, the Ithaca Board of Fire Commissioners,henceforth,will only
consider personal property loss reimbursement for active firefighter uniforms, or
personal clothing used by an active firefighter while in the process of acquiring a
uniform and damaged in the course of actively performing firefighting duties or
activities, and be it further
RESOLVED,losses of personal property,whose use is requested by the Fire
Chief and/or his/her designee, shall be subject to negotiation between the Fire
Chief's office and the individual; firefighter and not involve the Ithaca Board of
Fire Commissioners.
Seconded by Comm. Nelson. Deputy Chief Dorman reported that the Fire
Department is now under a new insurance policy that is more familiar with the
needs of fire departments and may be more readily available for some of the
claims that are currently being submitted to the Board. The motion carried
- Station 7 Committee (Comm's. Yahn &Nelson) will meet with the Chief and
Deputy Chief to discuss another proposed use of the building.
X. New Business
-Regarding space needs at Central Fire Station, Comm. Romanowski reported
that Companies 1, 2 &3 met and report that the volunteers don't wish to move
their offices to Station 7;and he also reported that he had a conversation with the
Mayor (as he is a member of Co. 3) who suggested utilizing any storage space
that may be available in Stations 5,6 &9,use 2nd floor of Central (including
conference room) for temporary office space,consider reallocating funds needed
to maintain Sta. 7, and investigate costs for an addition to be built on Central Fire
Chief Wilbur responded that use of the second floor for office space is limiting
due to accessibility of public and employees who would work there (ADA
regulations); and that no storage space is available at the outside stations -
renovations and construction only took into account enhancement of living space
for personnel and bunkers.
XI. At 1900 hrs., Comm. Nelson made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded
by Comm. Yahn. Carried unanimously.
Ithaca Board of Fire Commissioners
March 11, 1997
Page 5
Respectfully submitted,
Christine M. Wilbur, Clerk
Ithaca Board of Fire Commissioners
Minutes to be considered for approval at 04/08/97 meeting