April 16, 1981
The second regular meeting of the Affirmative Action Advisory Committee was
held at 2:10 p.m. on April 16, 1981, in the Common Council Chambers, City
Hall. In attendance were:
Michael Montgomery, Co-Chairman
Stephan Wapen, Co-Chairman
Dr. Donald Graham
Marisue Bishop
John Dougherty
Royal Lipscomb
Jasmin Lim
Joan Collins
Absent were:
Argin Hutchins, Bernard VanOrman, and Audrey Cooper. Audrey Cooper had
been officially excused to attend a Native American Conference at Cornell.
Joan Collins discussed all items passed out to the membership which was requested
at the first meeting, ie. post City Affirmative Action Policy Statements,
pertinent Affirmative Action/EEO laws, grievance procedures in labor contracts,
etc. Discussion also was instituted on format of minutes. Current format
accepted - minutes of the last meeting were accepted.
Mike Montgomery read a copy of the Proposed Misigion and Guidelines for the
Affirmative Action Advisory Committee. Discussion followed concerning the
adding of information pertaining to unexcused absences and recommendation
to remove the member. That will be incorporated and has been added as a
correction to the proposed Mission and Guidelines. (copy attached)
Further discussion received approval to post the names of members on City
bulletin boards for use by City employees and access of the public. (copy
of membership attached). Also to see if the press would be willing to do
an article on the Affirmative Action Advisory Committee, the purpose and
what it hopes to accomplish.
Discussion also followed concerning when the next Affirmative Action seminar
would be held and preparation of a complaint procedure to hear complaints
both by employees and citizens.
There was also discussion on how, if appropriate, the Affirmative Action
Advisory Committee should get involved in recommending changes to job des-
criptions. Will be discussed at future meetings.
The meeting adjourned at 3:15 p.m.
i . Collins, Personnel Administrator/AAO
. Proposed Mission and Guidelines for the Affirmative Action/Committee
City of Ithaca
The Purpose of the Affirmative Action/Committee
The Affirmative Action/Committee was established in 1980 to serve as a communi-
cation link between City employees and management. The main reason for the
committee formation was to serve as an advisory arm to the Personnel Administrator/
AAO to assist in the achievement of equity in employment opportunities and to
remove barriers that have operated in the past to favor some groups of employees
over others in the City Government labor force.
The Committee will provide advice and consultation to the Mayor, Members of Common
Council and Personnel Administrator/AAO on the development, implementation and
conduct of the City's Affirmative Program. Also, the Committee will attempt to
provide a channel of communication for all City Employees or members of the
Community to express their concerns, through representative Committee members,
about "equal opportunity" and other aspects of affirmative action. The overall
objective of the Committee is to use the experience gained from these communica-
tions to improve existing City policies or to propose new policies which will
help improve affirmative action as an integral part of the operations of the
City of Ithaca Government. Committee membership includes representatives of
City Departments, the Personnel Administrator/AAO in addition to representatives
from women, minority organizations and handicapped representation when possible.
Guidelines for the holding of meetings will be as follows:
1. Meetings will be held on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 2 p.m. in the
Common Council Chambers of the Ithaca City Hall.
2. Meetings will be conducted under recognized procedures as determined by
Robert's Rules of Order.
3. With the exception of discussions pertaining to specific decisions of
employment, the Affirmative Action/Committee Meetings will be open to the
general public.
4. Announcements of upcoming meetings will be posted in the Ithaca Journal
as well as on public bulletin boards within the Ithaca City Hall.
5. Members of the community will be given an opportunity to address concerns
related to equal opportunity within the city government. This fammatlill occur
at the beginning of each scheduled Affirmative Action//Committee Meeting.
6. Should a member of the Affirmative Action Advisory Committee miss a total of
ior four (4) unexcused meetings in any ca endar year or three (3) consecutive meetings,
a recommendation will be made by the' hairman to the Mayor requesting that the
member be removed and appropriately eplaced. Excusals for absences for unusual
circumstances will be considered by the Affirmative Action Advisory Committee
- 2 -
The following points address specific issues under which the Affirmative Action Advisory
Committee will be operating:
1. Serve as an advisory committee to the Mayor of Ithaca, the Members of Ithaca
Common Council, and the City of Ithaca Personnel Administrator/AAO.
2. The committee will recommend methods of outreach toward increasing the pool
of women and minorities who may be considered for positions within the city
government. This may include suggestions relative to the use of printed and
electronic media, as well as personal contact to attract candidates for positions.
3. The committee will assist the Personnel Administrator/AAO in the development
of appropriate grievance procedures which may be used to investigate and redress
allegations of discrimination within the city's employment process. Moreover,
the committee will advise the Personnel Administrator/AAO relative to specific
issues of discrimination which may be brought to the committee's attention
through existing channels.
4. The committee will review the City of Ithaca's Affirmative Action Plan on an
annual basis as the program is periodically updated.
5. The committee should be kept advised of equal opportunity matters which may
involve external regulatory agencies.
6. The committee will assist the Mayor, the Members of Common Council, and the
Personnel Administrator/AAO in the identification of specific problem areas within
the city government which may warrent focussed results oriented action.
7. The committee will periodically review the effectiveness of the various city-
wide affirmative action training programs. Specifically, the committee will make
appropriate suggestions for enhancing such efforts.
8. The committee will review all official employment documents, as well as brochures
and publications, for the City of Ithaca to determine their conformity to require-
ments for being bias free, and to meet appropriate compliance criteria.
Dr. Donald C. Graham Term to expire 12/31/82
Associate Professor, Food Science
Director of Minority Programs, Agr. Life Science (H) 273-4484
Cornell University (W) 256-6588
20 W. Miller Rd.
Ithaca, NY 14850
Stephen G. Wapen CO-CHAIRMAN Term to expire 12/31/81
PersomelAssociate, Ext. Personnel Office
Cornell University (H) 272-9077
82 Nelson Road (W) 256-7776
Ithaca, NY 14850
Argin Hutchins Term to expire 12/31/82
Graduate Student
Cornell University (H) 273-6642
Former Chairman of Human Rights Commission
and City employee
104 Fayette St.
Ithaca, NY 14850
Michael J. Montgomery CO-CHAIRMAN Term to expire 12/31/83
Exec. Director, Office of Equal Opportunity
Cornell University (H) 257-1369
410 Winthrop Drive (W) 256-3976
Ithaca, NY 14850
Audrey Cooper Term to expire 12/31/81
Family & Children's Service of Tompkins County
Former City employee (H) 273-9469
206 Monroe St. (W) 273-7494
Ithaca, NY 14850
Maurisue Bishop Term to expire 12/31/83
1111 Hector St. (H) 273-1851
Ithaca, NY 14850 (W) 273-2776
Jasmine Lim Term to expire 12/31/81
Community Development Coordinator, City Hall
406 Winston Court Apts. (#5) (W) 272-1713, x222
Ithaca, NY 14850
John Dougherty Term to expire 12/31/82
Asst. to Superintendent of Public Works (C&M)
City Hall (H) Unlisted
612 S. Plain St. (W) 272-1713, x242
Ithaca, NY 14850 272-1718
Royal Lipscomb Term to expire 12/31/82
Police Officer, City of Ithaca
170 Muzzy Road (H) Unlisted
Ithaca, NY 14850 (W) 272-1713, x238 Lv Msg
Bernard Van Orman Term to expire 12/31/82
Fire Fighter, City of Ithaca
President of the Fire Fighters Union (H) 564-7135
1504 Elmira Road (W) 272-1234
Newfield, NY 14867
Joan Collins (H) 272-4152
Personnel Administrator, AAO (W) 272-1713, x230 or x249
165 Iradell Road
Ithaca, NY 14850