DECEMBER 30, 1991
(Special Meeting)
PRESENT: Commissioners Cornelius, Mayer, Neigh
ABSENT: Commissioners Baker and Begg
(Comm. Begg arrived at 1635 hours, after the meeting
had adjourned. )
1. Vice Chairman Neigh called the meeting to order at 1632
hours .
2 . Additions/Deletions to the agenda:
- Commissioner Mayer asked that the board waive the
provision barring non-members of the fire department from
being in the fire stations between 2300 and 0700 hours, to
allow his two children to briefly stay at South Hill
Station, under adult supervision, while he stands by for the
Ithaca College Centennial fireworks display, on 12/31/91-
1/1/92 . While no vote was taken, it was the consensus of
commissioners present that this would be no problem and
would be permitted.
3 . Moved by Commissioner Mayer, seconded by Comm. Cornelius
that the 1991 year-end audit, dated December 30, 1991 in the
amount of $9,921. 19 be approved. Carried unanimously.
At 1634 hours, it was moved by Commissioner Mayer, seconded
by Comm. Cornelius and carried unanimously that the meeting
be adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
W. Lle Neigh
Vice Chairman