MAY 19, 1992
(Special meeting)
PRESENT: Commissioners Baker, Bargher, Begg, Cornelius, Mayer
1 . Chairman Baker called the meeting to order at 1835 hours.
2 . Chairman Baker read a letter submitted by FF Brian Gilmore,
concerning distribution of 1991 incentives awards .
Moved by Commissioner Mayer, seconded by Comm. Cornelius
that the Board of Fire Commissioners directs the Fire Chief,
or his designee, to prepare and submit the annual report of
volunteer firefighters who qualify for incentive payments to
the Board of Fire Commissioners and the City of Ithaca,
prior to May 29, so that the Board of Fire Commissioners may
approve payment during the regular June audit on June 9,
1992 .
There was discussion concerning whether the timetable for
such action was feasible. Chief Olmstead said that current
plans were to distribute to each qualifying member a draft
printout of preliminary point totals, to verify tabulations
of the new on-line incentive program, but he added that
every effort would be made to meet that deadline, if the
board so ordered.
Approved 3-2 (Comms . Bargher and Begg opposed) .
Chief Olmstead questioned why the report of qualifiers was
directed to be sent to the City, when it had never been
before, and, if so, why it was not also being forwarded to
the Town.
Moved by Commissioner Mayer, seconded by Comm. Cornelius
that the wording of the motion be amended as follows
(changes underlined) :
The Board of Fire Commissioners directs the Fire Chief, or
his designee, to prepare and submit the annual report of the
volunteer firefighters who qualify for incentive payments to
the Board of Fire Commissioners, the Mayor of the City of
Ithaca and the Supervisor of the Town of Ithaca prior to May
29, so that the Board of Fire Commissioners may approve
payment during the regular June audit on June 9 , 1992 .
Approved 3-2 (Comms . Bargher and Begg opposed) .
Moved by Commissioner Mayer, seconded by Comm. Cornelius
that the Board of Fire Commissioners directs that the
Board of Fire Commissioners
Minutes of 5/19/92
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incentive payment for qualified volunteer firefighters with
75 or more incentive points will be $150.00; with an
additional $150 . 00 for volunteers with 100 or more incentive
points, the total amount not to exceed the original budgeted
authorization of $16,000 .00. In the event that the amount
necessary exceeds the amount budgeted, the incentive may be
decreased to $125. 00
Chief Olmstead cautioned that this approach would run
contrary to the method used to distribute incentive awards
since the program' s inception. Traditionally, a fixed
amount is set which is divided equally among those eligible.
Also, he said, it should be noted that the approach proposed
would likely increase the amount to be distributed
significantly over the $8,700. 00 distributed in 1991.
Commissioner Mayer withdrew his initial motion and moved the
following substitution, seconded by Comm. Cornelius:
That the Board of Fire Commissioners directs the payment of
$11,000 in incentive money, which would be an increase of
approximately $2,300 .00 over payments made in 1991, to
active volunteers who qualified for incentives in the 1991
year, based on the standard formula of two shares for every
volunteer with 100 points or more and one share for every
volunteer with 75-99 points.
There was prolonged and, at times, heated discussion of the
proposal. Opponents questioned the wisdom of making such
payments prior to knowing the budget impact of mandated
programs for volunteer immunizations and physical
examinations, and without firmly knowing what has been spent
or encumbered to date in the 435 budget line. (The board
did refer to a rough summary, distributed by the Chief and
not broken down by program, of spending within that line. )
Commissioner Bargher pointed out that no one had suggested
doing away with the award, only delaying it. Supporters,
including volunteer members permitted to address the board,
maintained the incentive awards amount to a mandated
expenditure, a firm commitment to those who volunteer their
services throughout the year. Chief Olmstead warned that
gaining additional funding from the City to support the cost
of immunizations and physicals, as some had suggested, would
be a "remote" possibility, and maintained that, even without
a mandate, the immunizations and physicals amount to a moral
obligation to department members and to the community.
Commissioner Cornelius moved the following amendment,
seconded by Comm. Mayer:
Board of Fire Commissioners
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That the individual share paid in 1992 not exceed the
individual share paid in 1991 .
Amendment carried unanimously.
Motion, as amended, approved 3-2 (Comms . Bargher and Begg
opposed) .
Moved by Commissioner Mayer, seconded by Comm. Bargher that
the Board of Fire Commissioners directs that any funds
available in excess of needs for the incentive program from
the Volunteer Incentives line item be made available for
volunteer physicals or immunizations, as required. Carried
3 . At 2000 hours, it was moved by Commissioner Mayer, seconded
by Comm. Bargher and carried unanimously that the meeting be
Respectfully submitted,
Ofrrneāa,vt, C . Ec-vefe.,
Lyman E. Baker