Regular Meeting March 28, 2005 7:00 p.m.
Chair Mackesey
Alderpersons (4) Whitmore, Zumoff, Taylor, Korherr
City Attorney— Luster
Information Management Specialist - Day
Alderperson Coles
Alderperson Tomlan
By Alderperson Whitmore: Seconded by Alderperson Korherr
Resolved, that the January 24, 2005 minutes be approved as published.
Carried Unanimously
A Local Law to Amend Section C-33 of the City of Ithaca Charter Entitled "Acting
Mayor; Alternate Acting Mayor"
BE IT ENACTED by the Common Council of the City of Ithaca as follows:
Section 1.
Section C-33.A of the Ithaca City Charter is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section C-33. Acting Mayor; Alternate Acting Mayor.
A. In case the Mayor shall be unable to perform the duties of the
Mayor's office in consequence of sickness or absence from the city or if there shall be a
vacancy in the office, at the first meeting in each year or as soon thereafter as may be
practicable, the Common Council shall appoint [ballet] one of its members to preside
at the meetings, and the presiding officer thus chosen shall be vested with all the
powers and perform all the duties of the Mayor of the city, except as provided in § C-
33A(1), until the Mayor shall resume the duties of the office or the vacancy shall be filled
for the unexpired term by election according to law. The officer so appointed shall be
styled "Acting Mayor" and shall sign all necessary papers with his/her name, adding
thereto the words "Acting Mayor."
Section 2. Severability Clause.
Severability is intended throughout and within the provisions of this local law. If
any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this local law is held to
be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction then that decision shall
not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this local law.
Section 3. Effective and Operative Date.
This Local Law shall become operative immediately and shall take effect upon its
filing in the office of the Secretary of State.
Discussion followed on the floor regarding the proposed amendment, and whether the
positions should be appointed by the Mayor; instead of being selected by council.
The Committee agreed to defer amending this section of the charter until further
research has been conducted. A request was made to research how other cities fill
these positions.
A Local Law to Section C-5C(2) of the City of Ithaca Charter Entitled "Officers who
serve at the pleasure of the Mayor."
BE IT ENACTED by the Common Council of the City of Ithaca as follows:
Section 1.
Section C-5.0 of the Ithaca City Charter is hereby amended to read as follows:
(1) Section C-5.C(2) Officer[s] who serves at the pleasure of the
Mayor: A City Attorney_ [and a City Prosecutor]
Section 2. Severability Clause. Severability is intended throughout and within the
provisions of this local law. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or
portion of this local law is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent
jurisdiction then that decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this
local law.
Section 3. Effective and Operative Date.
This Local Law shall become operative immediately and shall take effect upon its
filing in the office of the Secretary of State.
Discussion followed on the floor regarding the proposed amendment to amend "Officer
who serves at the pleasure of the Mayor: City Attorney and a City Prosecutor". It was
decided to leave this section as written as there is no harm leaving the existing
An Ordinance to Amend the city of Ithaca Municipal Code Chapter 164 Entitled
"Dogs and other Animals," Sections 9(F) and 164-15 (B).
By Alderperson Korherr, Seconded By Whitmore
WHEREAS, New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets has updated
Section 109 of NYS Agriculture and Markets law to increase dog license fees for
unneutered/unspayed dogs and to reflect that a dog needs to be licensed when four
months of age or older, now therefore
6E IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED by the Common Council of the City of Ithaca as
Section 1:
Sections 164-9(F) and 164-15(B) of the City of Ithaca Municipal Code are hereby
amended to read as follows:
§164-9(F) "Is unlicensed when four months of age or older."
§164-15(B) "Fifteen dollars and fifty cents for each unneutered male dog or unspayed
female dog"
Section 2:
EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately and in accordance
with law upon publication of notice as provided in the Ithaca City Charter.
Discussion was held on the floor regarding the NY State Law that this amendment to
the City Code is reflecting.
Motion to table:
By Alderperson Whitmore: Seconded by Alderperson Zumoff
RESOLVED, that this item to be tabled pending review of the NYS Agriculture &
Markets Law by City Attorney Luster.
Carried Unanimously
Motion to Re-move from Table:
By Alderperson Whitmore: Seconded by Alderperson Korherr
RESOLVED, That this item be removed from the table for further discussion.
Carried Unanimously
City Attorney Luster reported that they had not yet received the update for the law book
for this section, however once NYS has enacted the language it becomes law.
This amendment to the Ithaca Municipal Code allows the City to enforce the law.
A Vote on the Resolution resulted as follows:
Ayes (4) Mackesey, Zumoff, Whitmore, Korherr
Nays (1) Taylor
Abstentions (0)
A Local Law to Amend Section C-18 of the City of Ithaca Charter Entitled
"Municipal Surgeon."
By Alderperson Zumoff: Seconded by Alderperson Taylor
BE IT ENACTED by the Common Council of the City of Ithaca as follows:
Section 1.
Section C-18 entitled "Municipal Surgeon" is hereby repealed in its entirety.
Section 2. Severability Clause.
Severability is intended throughout and within the provisions of this local law. If
any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this local law is held to
be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction then that decision shall
not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this local law.
Section 3. Effective and Operative Date.
This Local Law shall become operative immediately and shall take effect upon
approval by electors of the City of Ithaca at the general election to be held on November
8, 2005, and its filing in the office of the Secretary of State.
Carried Unanimously
A Local Law to Section C-5C of the City of Ithaca Charter Entitled "The Appointed
Officers of the City of Ithaca."
By Alderperson Taylor: Seconded by Alderperson Zumoff
BE IT ENACTED by the Common Council of the City of Ithaca as follows:
Section 1.
Section C-5.0 of the Ithaca City Charter is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section C-5.0 The appointed officers of the city shall be:
(1) Members of boards, councils and commissions: the six
Commissioners of the Board of Public Works, [the five members of the
Advisory Commission on Art and Design for Public Space], the 10
members of the [Affirmative Action Committee] Workforce Diversity
Advisory Committee, the [seven] eleven members of the Bicycle
Pedestrian Advisory Council, the three members of the Building Code
Board of Appeals, the five Commissioners of the Board of Fire
Commissioners, the five members of the Board of Zoning Appeals, [the
five members of the Cable Commission, the three members of the Circle
Greenway,] the three members of the Civil Service Commission, the
[eight] eleven members of the Commons Advisory Board, the [seven] nine
members of the Community Police Board, the nine members of the
Conservation Advisory Council, the five members of the Design Review
Board, the [12] twelve members of the Disability Advisory Council, [the 11
members of the Energy Commission,] the [four] three members of the
Examining Board of Electricians, the [four] three members of the
Examining Board of Plumbers, the five members of the Housing Board of
Review, the [seven] five members of the Ithaca Housing Authority, the
seven members of the Ithaca Landmarks Preservation Commission, the
five members of the Ithaca Urban Renewal Agency, [the 12 members of
the Citizens Advisory Committee,] the nine members of the Parks
Commission, the seven members of the Planning and Development
Board, the nine members of the Rental Housing Advisory Commission, the
[eight] six or more members of the Shade Tree Advisory Committee, [the
nine members of the Six Mile Creek Advisory Committee] the ten
members of the Natural Areas Commission, the five members of Pegasus
Access Oversight Committee, the seven members of the Public Art
Commission, and the nine members of the Youth Bureau [Advisory
Council] Board, all of whom shall be appointed by the Mayor in
accordance with the provisions of the Charter or the ordinances or
resolutions which create such boards, commissions or councils.
Section 2. Severability Clause. Severability is intended throughout and within the
provisions of this local law. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or
portion of this local law is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent
jurisdiction then that decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this
local law.
Section 3. Effective and Operative Date.
This Local Law shall become operative immediately and shall take effect upon its
filing in the office of the Secretary of State.
Carried Unanimously
A Local Law to Amend Section C-58.J of the City of Ithaca Charter Entitled "City
Clerk to Act as Secretary to Board of Public Works."
By Alderperson Whitmore: Seconded by Alderperson Zumoff
Carried Unanimously
BE IT ENACTED by the Common Council of the City of Ithaca as follows:
Section 1.
Section C-58.J of the Ithaca City Charter is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section C-58.J City Clerk or designee to act as secretary; open meetings.
The City Clerk or his or her designee shall act as secretary of the Board of Public Works
and keep a record of all meetings. The meetings of the Board shall be open to the
public[, except when, in tho judgment of tho Board, tho public intorost roquiros cxocutivo
session.] in accordance with the Public Officers Law.
Section 2. Severability Clause.
Severability is intended throughout and within the provisions of this local law. If
any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this local law is held to
be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction then that decision shall
not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this local law.
Section 3. Effective and Operative Date.
This Local Law shall become operative immediately and shall take effect upon its
filing in the office of the Secretary of State.
Carried Unanimously
A Local to Amend Section C-94 of the City of Ithaca Charter Entitled
"Membership, terms and compensation of Board" Of five Commissioners.
By Alderperson Taylor: Seconded by Alderperson Zumoff
BE IT ENACTED by the Common Council of the City of Ithaca as follows:
Section 1.
Section C-94 of the Ithaca City Charter is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section C-94 Membership, terms and compensation of Board.
There shall be a Board of Fire Commissioners, consisting of five Commissioners
appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Common Council. At least three of these
Commissioners shall be residents of the City of Ithaca. The remaining Fire
Commissioners may be residents of either the City of Ithaca or the Town of Ithaca in
Tompkins County, New York. The term of office of a Fire Commissioner shall be three
years, commencing on the first day of July, two commissioners to be appointed in each
of two successive years and one commissioner to be appointed in the third year. Such
appointments shall be made at a meeting of the Common Council held in June of each
year. A Commissioner shall hold office until the Commissioner's successor shall have
been chosen and qualified. A vacancy for an unexpired term may be filled in the manner
provided in this Charter. Permanent removal from the municipality of appointment, or
other cause to be determined by the Common Council, rendering impossible the proper
discharge of the Commissioner's duties as a Commissioner shall create a vacancy. [The
Section 2. Severability Clause.
Severability is intended throughout and within the provisions of this local law. If
any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this local law is held to
be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction then that decision shall
not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this local law.
Section 3. Effective and Operative Date.
This Local Law shall become operative immediately and shall take effect upon its
filing in the office of the Secretary of State.
Carried Unanimously
A Local Law to Amend Section C-98 of the City of Ithaca Charter Entitled "Fire
Chief and other personnel."
By Alderperson Korherr: Seconded by Alderperson Taylor
Carried Unanimously
BE IT ENACTED by the Common Council of the City of Ithaca as follows:
Section 1.
Section C-98 of the Ithaca City Charter is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section C-98. Fire Chief and other personnel.
The head of the Ithaca Fire Department shall be the Fire Chief. The Fire Chief
shall be appointed and removable in the manner provided in §C-26 of this Charter. The
Board of Fire Commissioners shall prescribe the duties of the Fire Chief. There shall be
within the Department such deputy, assistant and other employee positions as, in the
a '
judgment of the Board, are necessary and authorized by the Common Council. The Fire
Chief shall appoint all deputies, assistants and other employees of the Department for
indefinite terms, subject to discipline and dismissal in accordance with the Civil Service
Law. The Fire Chief shall fix the compensation and prescribe the duties of such
deputies, assistants and other employees, subject to the approval of the Board and in
accordance with any compensation plan and related rules established by the Common
Council. Any member of the Ithaca Fire Department who is appointed Fire Chief, Deputy
Chief or Assistant Chief shall [ease] cease to be an active member of any company of
the Department.
Section 2. Severability Clause.
Severability is intended throughout and within the provisions of this local law. If
any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this local law is held to
be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction then that decision shall
not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this local law.
Section 3. Effective and Operative Date.
This Local Law shall become operative immediately and shall take effect upon its
filing in the office of the Secretary of State.
Carried Unanimously
A Local Law to Amend Section C-24B of the City of Ithaca Charter Entitled
"Licensing Power."
By Alderperson Taylor: Seconded by Alderperson Whitmore
LOCAL LAW NO. - 2005
BE IT ENACTED by the Common Council of the City of Ithaca as follows:
Section 1.
Section C-24.B of the Ithaca City Charter is hereby amended to read as
Section C-24.B Licensing power. Said Board shall be empowered [, upon
written examination, to license persons engaged in carrying on or conducting the
_ - _ - _ - • _ _ _ _ • - - _ _. '_•- _ _ -] to examine, license and regulate
master and special electricians and others engaging or contracting in electrical work for
hire in the City of Ithaca.
Section 2. Severability Clause.
Severability is intended throughout and within the provisions of this local law. If
any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this local law is held to
be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction then that decision shall
not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this local law.
Section 3. Effective and Operative Date.
This Local Law shall become operative immediately and shall take effect upon its
filing in the office of the Secretary of State.
Carried Unanimously
Discussion was held on the floor regarding on-going energy studies in place for existing
city buildings. The LEED program would be effective in saving energy to run a new City
building, however there are no plans for new construction at this time to utilize the
Mayor Peterson reported that the Southwest Client Committee is working with LEED
regulations on new development with grants and/or tax credits.
On a motion the meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m.
_ �Cindie L. Day mela Mackesey
Information Management Specialist Chair