Special Meeting 7:30 p.m. April 12, 2010
Mayor Peterson
Alderpersons (8) Coles, Rosario, Clairborne, McCollister, Zumoff, Myrick, Cogan,
BPW Commissioners (2) Brock, Goldsmith, DAC Liaison Roberts
City Clerk – Conley Holcomb
Planning & Development Director – Cornish
Deputy Director of Economic Development - DeSarno
Superintendent of Public Works – Gray
City Planner - Kusznir
Sasaki Associates: Mr. Mark Dawson, Ms. Gina Ford, Ms. Susannah Ross; Mr. Nate
Tompkins, Clough Harbour & Assoc.
EXCUSED: Alderpersons Dotson and Rooker
Mayor Peterson led all present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
2.1 Ithaca Commons: Utility, Surface, and Amenity Repair and Upgrade –
Public Information Session. Presentation of the Draft Preliminary Design
by Sasaki Associates.
Ms. Ross from Sasaki Associates reviewed the history of the project to date, and led the
group through a presentation of the draft preliminary design of the Commons Upgrade
and Repair Project highlighting the utility, seating, furnishings, lighting, play & water
areas, performance space and sustainability elements.
A question & answer period followed:
Discussion followed regarding the condition of underground utilities. Mr. Tompkins
explained that the sanitary sewer would be upgraded with a slip lining and that the
storm sewer was in good condition. The gas utility does not meet code standards and
needs to be replaced with either one or two new low pressure lines or a medium
pressure line to meet future needs. The water main condition appears to be stable;
however joints need to be replaced.
Alderperson Rosario requested that cost estimates be prepared for slip lining the water
Alderperson Cogan questioned whether flowers would be incorporated into the planting
scheme. The Sasaki recommendation is to have perennial native, urban tolerant plant
materials in fixed planters, and use movable planters for seasonal plant/flower displays.
BPW Commissioner Brock requested to see more details of the Bank Alley design
including the water feature height, width, and filtration / re-circulation system.
Alderperson McCollister voiced concern about the sight lines at the end of the
Commons with the Bernie Milton Pavilion being proposed on the north end, public art on
the west end, and a kiosk placed at the east end.
Alderperson Myrick noted that he likes the water feature as proposed.
April 12, 2010
BPW Commissioner Goldsmith voiced concern regarding the placement of the Bernie
Milton Pavilion on the north end of the Commons as it would relate to noise from
Seneca Street traffic and the feeling of being “boxed in” with the current design.
Alderperson Rosario stated that the Bernie Milton Pavilion, with the noise barriers open,
reminds him of a Shinto Shrine. He commented that it would be nice to add some color
to the structure.
Alderperson Cogan asked if a construction phasing plan had been developed. Sasaki
representatives noted that a plan has not yet been developed. Ms. Ross shared a story
about Madison, Wisconsin that recently completed a 9-year downtown renovation
project and noted that they said in retrospect that it was very difficult to live through and
they wished they would have completed the project all at once.
Alderperson Cogan questioned what the proposed surface material was. Ms. Ford
responded that a combination of concrete, stone, and brick were being considered for
the series of colors/warmth, finer textures, and easy to match repairs.
Alderperson Rosario questioned whether project cost estimates have been compiled
yet. He noted that the target budget was $5 million dollars and he is not sure how the
preliminary design fits into that budget. BPW Commissioner Brock stated that she
would like to see the estimated maintenance costs as well.
Mayor Peterson stated that Sasaki is nearing the end of their contractual obligation, and
that the work finalizing the design would be completed within the next 4-5 months.
On a motion the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
______________________________ _______________________________
Julie Conley Holcomb, CMC Carolyn K. Peterson,
City Clerk Mayor