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November 10, 2009
Committee Members Present
Schuler, Chair, Myrick, Vice, Clairborne, Zumoff
Mohlonhoff excused
Other Officials
Mayor Peterson, Building Commissioner Radke
Schuler opened meeting at 7:38 PM and welcomed all.
Request to add items to Agenda
Youth Council Membership (after Public Comments)
Update GIAC - Department Reports - written comments from Sue Kittel
Public Comments
Benjamin Hared, 414 South Geneva Street addressed the Committee. He commented on
activities for urban youth. The positive examples of skate park and basketball court at Wood
Street. He expressed support for expanding to other areas of the City.
Members Myrick and Schuler thanked Mr. Hared for his concerns and interest. Suggestions were
shared about high school students taking the opportunities to participate on City boards to bring
their issues forward. Mention of the Youth Council was also made.
Youth Council Membership
Fs Handy addressed the Committee. There are four seats open. One member graduated and one
moved away. New members names were presented
Moved by Myrick
Seconded by Zumoff
passed 3 - 0 -1 ( Clairborne)
Building Commissioner Radke addressed the Committee on the status of Exterior Property
Maintenance Ticket Report from the City Prosecutor.
Discussion regarding the history of enforcement of the viably blighted areas of the city and the
movement toward getting areas (College town) "tidy ". She described situations where the
ticketing was being effective. Problem in getting the offenders to pay tickets and the
development of the Exterior Maintenance Ordinance.
Savant mentioned the Rental Housing Advisory Commission is working on policy and
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Draft Minutes 11/10/09
Chair Schuler read sections from Sue Kitten's update on GIAC.
"Two things that the update stressed was the incredible assistance and cooperation the city was
getting for the project and the great work from Labelle. Streets and Facilities, Water and Sewer,
Gino Lennard, building inspector. Sue noted how great it has been to have all sorts of help on
this project just a phone call away ".
Shopping Carts
Schuler noted her continued concern to "solve" the cart situation. An idea is to get everyone
together: store managers, housing complex directors, community service staff to possibly bring
the problem to a positive end.
There is an ordinance on the books that makes the property owner responsible for the
removal of the graffiti. If the property owner doesn't remove the graffiti the City will remove the
graffiti and bill the property owner. Schuler noted the presence of graffiti on utility boxes
throughout the city.
Schuler said that Neighbors Eyes Advocating Together (NEAT) is a means to deal with the
two items that were just discussed. Neighbors can call the store managers about their carts and
can call the City Streets and Facilities with the location of the graffiti. The City should then
notify the Utility Company..
Meeting Adjourned