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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMN-NPS-2009-10-14Neighborhood and Public Safety Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Committee members present: Nancy Schuler, chair, Svante Myrick, vice chair, J.R.Clairborne,
Deb Mohlenhoff, Joel Zumoff
Other Official: Mayor Carolyn Peterson
Others: WHCU
Meeting called to order at 8:10 PM - delayed due to COW and vote on Water Option.
Chair Schuler announced during Agenda Review that item #6 A &B would be postponed until the
November meeting. However she would share a memo from Building Commissioner Radke
re #6A.
Item 9A would not be discussed tonight.
Chair Schuler stated she would like to add two items to New Business: shopping carts and
7. Neighborhood Reports
A. Svante Myrick moved Resolution - Establishment of a Citizens' Advisory Group
seconded by: ....
Discussion followed. Members supported the need for establishing remediation task forces
wherever needed in the city neighborhoods. The Resolution stressed using the CAG from Gun
Hill as a model.
Language changes were made to the first Resolved, adding "guidelines" after membership in the
third line and in the fourth line of the first Resolved after remediation. ( Mohlenhoff)
The core group would be identified by the DEC or the Mayor.
Resolution passed 5 -0
B. Neighborhood Council Meeting
Schuler reported on the October 5 meeting of the Neighborhood Councils.
There were seven neighborhood councils and the Latino Civic Association attending.
Council members, Schuler, Tomlan, Rosario and Clairborne and Mayor Peterson also attended.
Leslie Chatterton, Neighborhood planner chaired the meeting.
The group shared how their organizations function. The discussion pointed out the individuality
of each group: Listservs, web sites, by -laws, regular meetings, meetings only when specific
issues arise. They had some issues in common: traffic, road conditions, sidewalks, parks.
The Mayor suggested having DPW staff come to address these topics at future meetings, and to
have the Police Chief discuss crime reporting. Leslie Chatterton stated the need for input on the
Comprehensive Plan.
8. No Old business
Page, 2 10/14/09
9. Youth Council Update
Svante Myrick said that the Council is seeking to 6116 vacancies. He said right now the group
is "storming toward forming ". They have been very involved in fund raising. This has taken up a
large portion of their activities. The Council did sponsor a "Meet the New Principal" event at the
high school which was very successful.
The group meets weekly and their formal meeting is the first Thursday of the month.
Jen Handy, staff person has scheduled a trip to the Johnson Art Museum.
Shopping Carts and Graffiti
Chair Schuler shared concerns related to shopping carts left throughout the city.
She had researched BPW minutes related to this issue. She found three citations:
October 9, 2002, June 1, 2005 and May 7, 2008. In 2002 it was decided that this topic should be
on a future agenda. In 2005 a sub committee should investigate. In 2008 it was agreed that since
the 2005 sub committee didn't resolve the issue that a sub committee should be formed to
explore the issue.
Schuler would like to have some resolve to this situation. She feels that it is multi - pronged.
She agreed that there is an ordinance that addresses who is responsible for retrieval of carts.
However, Schuler believes that everyone involved needs to come to the table: stores, users,
human service agencies to work toward a positive outcome.
Schuler also brought up graffiti and the need to remove it as soon as it appears. The large utility
boxes are prime objects for graffiti. She mentioned the part N.E.A.T. can plan in locating and
calling in to the DPW to report locations.
Deb Molhenhoff shared concern regarding bikes being left in neighborhoods near schools. She
also stressed the need for bike registration and helmet enforcement.
The November meeting will be on Tuesday, November 10, 2009 since Veteran's Day holiday is
on our regular scheduled day.