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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMN-NPS-2009-03-13Neighborhood and Public Safety Committee Minutes Wednesday, March 11, 2009 Committee members present: J.R. Clairborne, Svante Myrick, Nancy Schuler Excused: Joel Zumoff and Robin Korherr Other officials: Mayor Carolyn Peterson Staff present: Police Sgt. Doug Wright, GIAC Director Marcia Fort, Youth Bureau Director Allen Green, Fire Chief Brian Wilbur 1. Meeting called to order Nancy Schuler, Chair, opened the meeting at 7:35 p.m. and welcomed all. She reviewed the committee's charge, focusing on quality of life, public safety, day to day city activity, and what we have to offer to residents and vice versa. 2. Public Comment —none 3. Response to the public —none. 4. Reporting Department Heads A. GIAC Marcia Fort addressed the committee regarding GIAC, noting the coal tar remediation project and its impact on GIAC and the neighborhood, relocation of programs and staff due to the building's rehabilitation and how that will impact residents and the community. It is time for an update from NYSEG to the community regarding the site remediation. GIAC intends to relocate and move out in August. She is continuing to find program placements and is still waiting on an office relocation site. They will need to publicize they are still up and running. Due to the tough economic times, there are increasing calls from people who need help, some first timers due to the economy. This could translate into a need for service increases. Noting an escalation in teen violence, there will be a meeting tomorrow to discuss concerns about community safety and our teens. We need to be proactive and begin to think about what kind of strategies could be put in place. B. Ithaca Police Department Sergeant Wright stated that he would like to have the Ithaca Police Dept. (IPD) work collaboratively with the community— now —and not address problems when it's too late. He noted that youth from the "outside" is a problem and our youth need to understand that. C. Ithaca Youth Bureau Allen Green piggy backed on the economy stresses and noted that families are looking for scholarship help. For example, from 2006 -07 the number of camp scholarships doubled. He mentioned the opportunity of the Youth Council forming. Allen provided his 2009 goals list. D. Ithaca Fire Department Chief Wilbur noted a need to prepare for difficult times. Collaboration will be featured. He is monitoring the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) for Assistance to Firefighter grants, and SAFER grants. A focus will be on the need for succession planning and diversification /reaching out, such as through GIAC, IHS, Youth programsa big priority this year. There will be discussions on facility needs, interagency cooperation, and energy efficiency. Key focus areas include the city /town fire contract, the city /county MOU, completing 800 Mh communications center. He is working on an MOU with Cornell University regarding hazardous materials. The eight county Hazmat consortium meets monthly and provides training. IFD software management is moving ahead. There will be a revision of the pre disaster mitigation plan and an update of the city's emergency plan and various trainings. The Gorge Safety Task Force and Friends of Cornell University Gorges may merge. Sergeant Wright of the Police Department highlighted the recruiting team's work to fill four spots. They have a good pool. The quality of life enforcement detail will be starting late April. A full year of activity log has passed, and the collaboration with IT has been very productive. IPD is now doing much more tech -based efficiency improvements such as press releases going through the web. It is nice to be moving forward. Svante asked if IPD can stop in at properties in Collegetown? Sergeant Wright responded that's what the detail does prior to starting. Doug likes an email blast from the schools. Nancy asked is there outreach with property owners. Doug said that some work out, some don't. Nancy suggested working with neighborhood associations and landlords. Doug will start working on that now. Svante asked if there is any logistical reason for the Nines Fire Station being in Collegetown. Chief Wilbur said it is not the most ideal location. He would like it more to the east, but needs another reliable engine downtown because response time affects the rest of the city. There are ARRA earmarks for fire station construction. 5. Committee Discussion Nancy asked if the GIAC basketball replacement court is being worked on, and also about the skateboard park. J.R asked about starting over with the skateboard park instead of repairs? J.R. noted that emergency planning for IFD is going to the legislative committee. Brian suggested that each committee could take a piece of the planning document and run a parallel course or maybe create a hybrid working group. The four department representatives left the meeting. Nancy shared Carol Kamen's book, Ithaca: A Brief History. She noted that Citizen Pruner training and beautification training would be starting. She suggested an update of the neighborhood organization list, hosting the neighborhood Council group, and meeting with ICSD board members. She noted that Alderpersons are the watchdogs /links to the neighborhood from the city. Carolyn mentioned there would be a new webpage rollout in the near future. Svante said that people who don't watch the TV spots could see it online. He asked about Groupwise, saving dollars, and going to gmail. J.R. said that neighborhood groups also had great website ideas. Nancy asked if the Neighborhood Council was self running? Carolyn said it wasn't at this time. We could facilitate staff attending such meetings. Nancy stated that quality of life issues could include building code enforcement and that the Building Dept. could come to these meetings too. Svante felt that could include noise and how to educate students and having more officers in the neighborhood. He urged IPD to canvass the neighborhoods. The Rental Housing Commission will bring tenants rights and responsibilities issues to this committee. Carolyn suggested that both IC and Cornell students sign up for the Citizens Police Academy. J.R. would like to facilitate neighborhood advocacy and mentioned the annual odd/even parking issue. Carolyn said the Neighborhood Council could help with FAQs and the webpage. J.R. asked if someone is in charge of an overview of GIAC's plans, issues, and their move. Carolyn wondered about the role of GIAC's Board and believed that Marcia was on top of the issues. 6. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.