October 16, 2013
Present: Larry Beck, Monica Moll, Denise Thompson, Nikki Sayward, Rich Cowan,
Graham Kerslick, Carol Fisher, Julie Paige
Additional Persons Present: Ellen McCollister, Sean Hillson, Sarah Cutler (of The
Cornell Daily Sun)
1. August Minutes Reviewed and Approved
2. Discussion of 60 -Day Waiting Period's Effectiveness: Still a problem. Needs more
education in community. Any clauses landlords put in leases are void; written notice
needs to be given after lease starts. Fining students of excessive asking probably won't
work. Possibility of asking Cornell students to need permission to live off - campus (not
likely in immediate future). Law is simply step in right direction.
3. Should City housing ordinances be required to have a finding statement of how
ordinance will increase rents and affordability ?: Common Council needs to understand
financial trickle -down to renters. Also, make sure businesses are being properly
involved in task force efforts.
4 & 5. Discussion of Award for Good Landlording and who would judge, present:
Objective, service - focused nominations. Considering several for different
neighborhoods and large /small landlords. Possibly present at Cornell Coop Ext when
Attorney General comes for monthly housing talks.
6. Review and Approval of August Minutes: Approved by Monica, seconded by Rich
7. Discussion of 60 -Day Waiting Period's Effectiveness: Cornell Sun article,
"Despite New Law, Housing Rush Persists in Collegetown" mentioned. LB: Landlords
are still feeling bombarded by students. Should students be fined for excessive asking
or pleading? SH: Students are considerably more responsible in Collegetown for this
problem. MM: Still getting pressure, students still asking even earlier. Excessive web
traffic (600 hits in 1 day). Smaller apartments go later. CF: Perhaps this is a transitional
period? "Things won't go so well until things are widely understood." Not in favor of
fining -just say no (especially since 60 -day waiting period can be waived if both parties
agree). RC: Many people still don't know; article was published at beginning of cycle.
Supply & demand concern -a matter of competitive market. LB: If you don't rent large
apartments early, you are more likely to rent as individual rooms. EM: Is there any
correlation between renting early and renting to worse tenants (ex. Greek annexes)?
LB: I don't know. Got out of that market years ago. EM: Sounds like market is more of a
problem for large houses. JP: Students & parents seem to appreciate it. Concerns with
mushing people who don't know each other together. This culture has been years in the
making. DT: Is seeing at least 15 seperate landlords with leases with new additional
clauses waiving agreements. MM: Those aren't legal- written notice needs to be given
after lease starts. DT: I'd like to see more info expressed in lease so students really
know what they are signing. RC: I remember renting large houses at January rental fair -
can we go back to that? MM: Last thing I want to do is push out good tenants. Lack of
communication on both ends creates more stress than necessary. More education, too.
Students can just ask landlords. LB: Possibly make students get permission to live off -
campus at Cornell, the way IC does? RC: Forcing colleges to take responsibility for
housing concerns otherwise created. CF: Sent out notice to parents that encourages
students to not resign till Jan. DT & JP: We already do. GK: Was recognized that this
law alone wouldn't address issue - simply step in right direction. Also, idea of having info
housing office in Collegetown; students have asked for it. EM: This was discussed with
mayor and Cornell Community Relations. "It's hard to legislate instant gratification." LB:
Misunderstanding based on narrow profit margin, which is "very slim ". MM: Did pie chart
of where rent goes: profit, mortgage, taxes, maintenance.
8. Should City housing ordinances be required to have a finding statement of how
ordinance will increase rents and affordability? LB: Necessary for Common Council
to understand financial trickle -down to tenants regarding new sidewalk fees as well. GK:
Did financial info - gathering with some colleagues as to tenant impact. Seems to be
equitably distributed between home - owners and tenants. Is getting better compliance.
LB: Businesses felt they weren't included in task force and that task force ignored
business facet of community so that right questions were asked to right people. EM:
Need to be more proactive in asking next time. LB: Establish better process for next
time. RC: We learned that in Southside w recent Elmira Rd affecting businesses as
some are impacted much more than others. MM: Perhaps make affordability impact
statement? Rents could go up or down a bit.
9. Discussion of Award for Good Landlording and who would judge, present: CF:
Either solicit nominations or do it more objectively. NS: Present at Cornell Coop at
monthly housing talks (when Attorney General swings by). GK: Tenants are def in favor.
NS: Possibly have one for each neighborhood, as well. RC: Big landlords as well as
small landlords. DT: Make sure we are focusing on service that is provided to tenants,
not aesthetics. MM: Provide awards for consistent certificate of compliance.
Addendum: Quick discussion re: need for new co -chair NS: I want this position. LB:
Appointed by mayor. General consensus that everyone's comfortable w NS as possible
co- chair.