Regular Meeting
October 27, 2010
Present: Alderperson Coles, Alderperson Zumoff, Alderperson Mohlenhoff, Alderperson
Rooker, Alderperson Clairborne
Excused: Mayor Peterson
Present: Alderperson Myrick
Present: Debra Parsons (City Chamberlain), Bill Gray (Supt of Public Works), Scott Andrew
(Deputy Controller), Schelley Michell -Nunn (HR Director), Denise Malone (HR
Executive Assistant)
Present: Members of the Public, Members of the Media
Chairperson Coles called the meeting to order at 8:27 p.m.
1. Chairperson Greeting & Opening Statement
Chairperson Coles welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained the evacuation procedures.
2. Announcements. None.
3. Agenda Review and Amendments. None.
4. Approval of Minutes
Chairperson Coles stated that the approval of the minutes from the September 29, 2010 City
Administration Committee meeting will be postponed until next month.
City Administration Committee Meeting
October 27, 2010
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5. Statements from the Public. None.
6. Employee Comments. None.
7. Common Council Response
8. Workforce Diversity Advisory Committee (WDAC) Update. None.
9. Safety Committee Update. None.
10. Human Resources (HR) Department
1. Establishment of Standard Workday as Reauired by New York State Retirement
Moved by Alderperson Rooker. Seconded by Alderperson Zumoff.
WHEREAS, the New York State Retirement System requires that the standard
workday be established for all positions in City government for the purpose of
determining reportable days worked, and
WHEREAS, a Recreation Program Leader position has been amended since Common
Council last updated the standard workday designation, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that Common Council hereby establishes the following standard
workday for the sole purpose of determining days worked reportable to the New
York State and Local Employees' Retirement System for the position indicated:
Six (6) hour workday; Thirty (30) hour workweek
Recreation Program Leader 1
A vote on the main resolution resulted as follows:
Passed unanimously.
2. Director's Report. None.
City Administration Committee Meeting
October 27, 2010
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11. Finance /Controller
1. Controller's Report. None:
12. Reports
1. Mayor's Report. None.
2. 5ub- Committee Updates. None.
3. Council Members' Announcements. None.
4. Next Month's Meeting: November 22, 2010.
13. Adjournment
With no further business and on a motion by Alderperson Mohlenhoff, the meeting was
adjourned at 8:34 p.m.