Regular Meeting
March 26, 2008
Present: Alderperson Coles, Alderperson Zumoff, Alderperson Clairborne, Alderperson
Korherr, Alderperson Schuler, Mayor Peterson
Present: Patricia Dunn (Asst City Attorney), Leslyn McBean- Clairborne (Deputy GIAC
Director), Bill Gray (Superintendent of Public Works), Kent Johnson (Engineering
Technician), Erik Whitney (Asst Superintendent of Public Works), Tim Logue
(Traffic Systems Engineer), Steve Thayer (Controller), Scott Andrew (Deputy
Controller), Schelley Michell -Nunn (HR Director), Denise Malone (HR Executive
Present: Chris Kalwara (Johnson Controls), Members of the Public, Members of the Media
Chairperson Coles called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.
1. Chairperson Greeting & Opening Statement
Chairperson Coles welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained the evacuation procedures.
2. Announcements. None.
3. Agenda Review and Amendments
Chairperson Coles stated that Item 16 - Executive Session has been removed from the agenda
and that the information distributed by Alderperson Clairborne will be considered in its place.
Chairperson Coles mentioned that the meeting dates for November 2008 and December 2008
have to be changed due to holidays. Alternate dates were sent to Common Council members.
Members are to e -mail their preference to Chairperson Coles tomorrow so that rooms for the
meetings can be reserved.
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March 26, 2008
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4. Approval of Minutes
Alderperson Zumoff made a motion to approve the minutes, with his corrections, from the
February 27, 2008 meeting of the City Administration Committee. Seconded by Alderperson
Clairborne. Motion carried 5 -0.
5. Statements from the Public. None.
6. Employee Comments. None.
7. Common Council Response. None.
8. Workforce Diversity (WFD) Committee Update
Chairperson Coles stated that the WFD Committee had an extensive discussion on department
heads who presented their diversity and communication plans to the WFD Committee also giving
their presentation to the City Administration. Chairperson Coles and Alderperson Clairborne
are discussing whether the presentations should be given to the City Administration Committee
or the Community and Organization Issues Committee.
9. Safety Committee Update. None.
10. Communication Committee Update. None.
11. Regular reports from Departments Reporting to the CA Committee
Chairperson Coles reported that the departments reporting to the City Administration
Committee will make their reports as listed below. City Controller Thayer will give his
report under the Controller's Office agenda item.
March 26, Controller's Office
April 30, HR Department
May 28, IT Department
June 25, Chamberlain's Office
July 30, Attorney's Office
August 27, Controller's Office
September 24, HR Department
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March 26, 2008
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October - no report
November 26, IT Department
December 31, Chamberlain's Office
January 28, Attorney's Office
12. Workplace Violence
1. Approval of a Workplace Violence Prevention Poli
Moved by Alderperson Korherr. Seconded by Alderperson Schuler.
WHEREAS, in January 2006, the New York State Legislature enacted a workplace
violence prevention law which mandated that public employers must develop and
implement programs to prevent workplace violence, and
WHEREAS, said programs are mandated to consist of three (3) components; an
evaluation of the workplace, a written workplace violence prevention policy, and
training of all employees, and
WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca formed a committee of staff from the various City
departments, including Police, Attorneys, Human Resources, Building, IT and
others, and a Common Council liaison to develop and implement programs to prevent
workplace violence, including drafting and implementing a written workplace
violence prevention policy, and
WHEREAS, the State of New York, in June 2007, promulgated regulations
concerning Public Employer Workplace Violence Prevention Programs, 12 NYCRR
Part 800.16, including regulations pertaining to a Workplace Violence Prevention
Policy, and
WHEREAS, the Workplace Violence Prevention Committee utilized said regulations
as a basis for drafting a Workplace Violence Prevention Policy; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the Ithaca Common Council approves the City of Ithaca
Workplace Violence Prevention Policy.
A vote on the resolution resulted as follows:
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March 26, 2008
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Passed unanimously.
2. Weapons in the Workplace - Discussion /Attorney's Memo.
Assistant City Attorney Patricia Dunn stated that New York State mandated that
all municipalities are required to implement a Workplace Violence Prevention
Program. The program consists of several elements. One of them is an assessment
of the workplace to determine what problems may exist that would cause violence
to happen or be escalated. The City conducted an assessment, which appeared
before Common Council several months ago. Another element of the program is
that each local government is required to have a Workplace Violence Prevention
Policy. The final element of the program will be training of the workforce. The
training will be done after the policy items are in place.
At the last City Administration Committee meeting, Common Council members had
questions on whether the City could ban all weapons from the workplace and
expressed concerns with language in subsections 5 and 6 of the Policy entitled
"Prohibited Behavior" regarding what employees, if any, could carry weapons while
engaged in City business.
Assistant City Attorney Dunn stated that clarifying language was added to
subsections 5 and 6 in an effort to make it clearer that only certain classes of
employees, such as Police Officers, are entitled to carry weapons "as of right" and
that other employees, who have a valid permit to carry a weapon, may do so upon
registering the weapon with their supervisor and the Human Resources
Assistant City Attorney Dunn addressed whether the City should ban all weapons
from the workplace in a memorandum to Common Council. Assistant City Attorney
Dunn stated in her memorandum that "the City of Ithaca, in its proprietary
capacity, can regulate the bringing of firearms and other dangerous weapons into
City buildings by its employees and, indeed, by the general public, to promote the
safety and welfare of the public. Unless the United State Supreme Court holds
otherwise in the case currently before it, a ban on weapons in the workplace should
be upheld."
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March 26, 2008
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13. GIAC
1. Acceptance of Donor Funds - GIAC Computer Lab
Moved by Alderperson Schuler. Seconded by Alderperson Zumoff.
WHEREAS, the Greater Ithaca Activities Center (GIAC) has developed a
computer lab with a grant received from the Ithaca Urban Renewal
Agency, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, and
WHEREAS, in order to fulfill the requirements of the grant to provide at
least 5,000 hours of computer skills classes for youth and teens, GIAC
needs to hire a computer lab coordinator, and
WHEREAS, the CDBG grant does not provide for operational costs, and
WHEREAS, through the kindness of an anonymous donor GIAC received
$27,000 to hire a computer lab coordinator, to support a quality
employment opportunity to a local resident, and help our youth bridge the
technology achievement gap; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That Common Council hereby accepts the donor funds in the
amount of $27,000 and be it further,
RESOLVED, That the $27,000 will be used to cover the salary for an
hourly part- time /seasonal staff in the position of computer lab
coordinator at GIAC from April through December 31St, 2008 and be it
RESOLVED, That the City Controller is authorized to make the following
budget adjustment:
Anonymous Donor $27,000
A7311- 5105 -01100 Hourly Part -Time $24,000
A7311- 9030 -01100 FICA /Medicare $ 1,836
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A7311- 9040 -01100 Workers' Comp $ 1,164
A vote on the resolution resulted as follows:
Passed unanimously.
14. DPW
1. Safe Routes to School Application
Moved by Alderperson Korherr. Seconded by Alderperson Schuler.
WHEREAS, the Safe Routes to School (5RT5) Program was created in 2005 on
passage of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A
Legacy for Users (SAFETEA -LU), and
WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Transportation, which is
administering the program in the state, has called for applications to be due on
April 1, 2008, and
WHEREAS, staff from the Office of the City Engineer have worked with
community members and school officials to develop an application for the program,
WHEREAS, Common Council desires to submit this application, now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the Mayor be hereby authorized to sign and submit a grant
application for the Safe Routes to School program in an amount to not exceed
$200,000, and be it further
RESOLVED, That Common Council authorizes this application with the
understanding that though the City of Ithaca will provide funding in the first
instance for the program, 100% of the eligible costs will be reimbursed by federal
funds, except for in -kind commitments of City staff time and office resources.
A vote on the resolution resulted as follows:
Passed unanimously.
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March 26, 2008
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2. Amendment to Capital Pro iect 514 for "Cold Storage Buildina" Pro iect
Moved by Alderperson Korherr. Seconded by Alderperson Clairborne.
WHEREAS, bids were received and opened on February 19, 2008 for construction
of a pre- engineered post -frame storage building at the Water and Sewer Division
site at 510 First Street (CP 514), and
WHEREAS, the bid package consisted of a base bid and seven alternate items to
be awarded at the discretion of the City, and
WHEREAS, staff has reviewed the four bids received and made recommendations
for award of the base bid plus Alternate #3, which provides for insulation of the
building, and
WHEREAS, award of the project with recommended alternate item will exceed the
budgeted amount of $190,000 for this Capital Project by $56,925.45, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Public Works has made recommendation by resolution at
their March 5, 2008 meeting for award of the base bid plus Alternate Item #3 to
Gudabari, Inc. of Savannah, New York for a total contract amount of $246,925.45;
now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, That Common Council hereby amends Capital Project 514, construction
of the Cold Storage Building at the City of Ithaca, DPW, Water and Sewer Division
Facility at 510 First Street by an amount not to exceed $58,000 including
financing for a total project authorization of $248,000, and be it further
RESOLVED, That funds necessary for said amendment should be derived from the
issuance of Bonds.
A vote on the resolution resulted as follows:
Passed unanimously.
3. Johnson Controls Water Meter Project
Moved by Alderperson Zumoff. Seconded by Alderperson Clairborne.
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March 26, 2008
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WHEREAS, the City bills its utility customers over $8 million for water and sewer
services each year based on readings of water meters installed in the customers'
premises, and
WHEREAS, it is anticipated that this billing will increase significantly due to a
projected plan either to restore or replace the City's water treatment plant, and
WHEREAS, the City entered into an Energy Performance Contract with Johnson
Controls in late 2006 but delayed the water meter replacement portion of that
contract in order to research options for water meter upgrade, automated meter
reading, and a new system for imbedded leak protection, and
WHEREAS, staff has recently made recommendations which Johnson Controls has
used to develop a proposal for the Energy Performance Contract Phase 2 which
projects $4.2 million in savings, increased revenues and other benefits to cover the
current meter replacement estimated cost of $2,348,000 or 15 year total costs of
$3,100,000, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Public Works has recommended the creation of a Capital
Project in the amount of $2,348,000 by Common Council for the purpose of
upgrading the City's water meters and converting to automated meter reading, and
WHEREAS, a final contract needs to be developed between the City and Johnson
Controls for said upgrade of the City's water meters; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, That Common Council hereby authorizes the Mayor, City Attorney,
City Controller and Superintendent of Public works to negotiate a final contract
based on this resolution, and that the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign the
contract, and be it further
RESOLVED, That funding for the said project will be made through a municipal
lease negotiated by the Controller's Office or the issuance of Bonds with payment
made by the Water and Sewer Funds, and be it further
RESOLVED, That the increased revenues and benefits recovered as a result of the
project shall, at a minimum, be equal to the overall cost of the project resulting
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March 26, 2008
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from Johnson Controls meter accuracy guarantee and ongoing operational savings
associated with the leak detection system and the automated meter reading
A vote on the main motion as amended resulted as follows:
Passed unanimously.
4. Request to Amend Water & Sewer Personnel Roster
Moved by Alderperson Schuler. Seconded by Alderperson Clairborne.
WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca DPW Water & Sewer Division has need of an
additional supervisory position in order to provide an adequate level of field
supervision and support to facilitate the present work load, future work plans; and
in order to address the current needs of the Division including daily operations,
maintenance, repairs, and capital improvement projects, etc.; and in order to
provide the necessary support and supervision entailed in compliance with new
regulatory mandates and ever increasing regulatory requirements for the
wastewater collection and water distribution systems, and
WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca DPW Water & Sewer Division consolidated the
supervisory positions and titles responsible for the water distribution system and
wastewater collection system in 1997 to meet the work load and needs of the
Division at that time, and
WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca DPW Water & Sewer Division now has need of and
requests restoration of the two separate supervisory positions for the water
distribution system and wastewater collection systems with the following titles
Wastewater Collection System Supervisor and Water Distribution System
Supervisor, and
WHEREAS, The City of Ithaca Human Resources Department and the Civil Service
Commission have reviewed and approved the Job Descriptions and the New Position
Duties Statements for both titles; now therefore be it
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March 26, 2008
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RESOLVED, That Common Council hereby amends the authorized personnel roster
as follows:
Add: (1) One Wastewater Collection System Supervisor
(1) One Water Distribution System Supervisor
Delete: (1) One Supervisor of Water Distribution and Wastewater
Collection Systems
and, be it further
RESOLVED, That funding for said roster amendment shall be derived with existing
2008 Water and Sewer authorized budget and existing authorized Water and
Sewer Capital Projects.
A vote on the resolution resulted as follows:
Passed unanimously.
15. Fire
1. Request to Extend City /Town Fire Contract MOU
Moved by Alderperson Korherr. Seconded by Alderperson Clairborne.
WHEREAS, the current five year City of Ithaca and Town of Ithaca Fire
Protection contract expired on December 31, 2007, and
WHEREAS, the MOU was extended by both parties until March 31, 2008, and
WHEREAS, both sides continue to negotiate a new contract but will not complete
the process prior to March 31, 2008, and
WHEREAS, the provisions of the said contract will continue in force while
negotiations on the terms and conditions of a new contract continue; now,
therefore be it
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March 26, 2008
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RESOLVED, That the terms and conditions of the existing contract be extended
through September 30, 2008 per attached Memorandum of Understanding (MOU),
and be it further
RESOLVED, That Common Council hereby authorizes the Mayor to execute the
attached MOU for said contract extension.
A vote on the resolution resulted as follows:
Passed unanimously.
16. Common Council
1. MHA Sustainability Proposal (Draft)
Alderperson Clairborne distributed a draft regarding Mutual Housing Association
(MHA) Sustainability Proposal. After discussion, Mayor Peterson stated that this
is an important issue to our community and should be on a publicized agenda. Mayor
Peterson suggested that Alderperson Clairborne summarize the item tonight, have
it reviewed by the Attorney's Office and put this item on the April agenda as a
Alderperson Clairborne explained that the goal of the MHA Sustainability Proposal
is to "assist the Board of Directors of Mutual Housing Association of Tompkins
County (MHATC) in creating and implementing a plan that better stabilizes MHATC
for the near future as well as set it on the path of sustainability."
An identified group of experts would assemble, provide an assessment of the
association's needs and have frank discussions about what could be done to make
MHA a viable product. The experts are individuals from the community who would
have expertise to answer questions regarding board development, financial analysis,
managing affordable housing units and human services needs.
17. Human Resources (HR) Department. None.
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March 26, 2008
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18. Finance /Controller
1. Controller's Office Quarterly Report
The Controller's Office has five employees and a budget of $455,000. The areas
of operation are: financial reporting for the City, payroll, time accruals, financial
assistance in labor negotiations, Water & Sewer Joint Activity accounting, financial
computer system supervision, debt and investment program services, employee
benefits, risk management services, contract administration, capital project
administration, and support to various committees. With assistance from the City
Chamberlain's Office, the Controller's Office does the accounting for and oversees
the overall City budget of $57,000,000.
Over the last 19 years, other departments have been incorporated in the
Controller's Office, such as the Purchasing Department. As positions in the
Purchasing Department became vacant, the Common Council at that time decided
not to fill those positions. The duties and responsibilities of that department fell
upon the Controller's Office with no increase in staff. With the new detailed and
complex accounting requirements, staff is really over worked. The Controller's
Office will be asking for an additional accounting position.
Some of the issues and challenges of the Controller's Office:
• Audit fees and requirements are increasing. The current cost for audits is
about $25,000. With the new mandated accounting requirements a
significant increase in fees is expected.
• Staff development account for 2008 is about $1,800. This amount is not
sufficient. Staff will need training on the new state and federal accounting
• Financial reporting: The Controller's Office has been behind in their
reporting of City finances. The 2006 audit field work has been completed
and will be brought before Common Council for approval in the next few
months. The 2007 audit will be completed by the end of 2008.
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March 26, 2008
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• GASB 45 requirements require reporting of post employment benefits.
Once an employee retires from the City, benefits such as insurances (life,
medical, dental & vision) will have to be recorded as a liability to the City.
This will be a great impact on the City's balance sheet. At this point, the
City does not have to fund this liability but may be required to do so in the
future. The Controller's Office has budgeted $10,000 in 2008 to secure
services to assist in developing the cost for that liability.
Once the Controller's Office is up to date with all current activities, they will be
proactive. The Controller's Office will look into revamping the capital project
system, the procurement card services, the payroll system and the accounting
system as well as providing additional and new MUNIS training.
2. Controller's Report. Controller Thayer reported on the following:
Bud__ eAdjustments: There are several projects for which bids have been
requested that are coming in over the budgeted estimates. This includes some
equipment in the 2008 budget that has gone through state contract and has seen
15 % -20% increases. In the next few months, Common Council will see requests for
funding projects and equipments as it relates to our 2008 budget that have been
previously authorized.
Negotiations: The City is continuing to negotiate with three unions.
Closing Books (2007): The Controller's Office is in the final stages of closing out
2007 accounts.
Sales Tax Revenue (2008): The City budgeted $11,415,000. Early 2008 collections
are strong, about 10% above the same period for 2007.
Parking Revenue (2008): The City budgeted $1,568,000. Early collections are on
Fine Revenue (2008): The City budgeted $850,000. Early collections are on
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March 26, 2008
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Overtime Cost (2008): The City budgeted $810,000. The Controller's Office is
already estimating that the City will be over that amount.
Health Insurance Cost (2008): The City budgeted $6,184,000. Claims early on
have been extremely high.
19. Reports
1. Mayor's Report. The Mayor reported on the following:
State Aid: In regards to cuts in State Aid, the Mayor stated that she would write
a letter by April 2, 2008 to the Governor to request that his original 9.5% proposal
for State Aid be reinstated.
New York Main Street Program: There is $200,000 available in grants for the
New York Main Street Program; $175,000 for fagade improvements and $25,000
for street scope amenities. Non profit agencies can apply for this grant. The
letter written by the Mayor on behalf of the Downtown Ithaca Alliance must be in
the form of a Common Council resolution. There is no cost to the City; just a
support resolution allocating the money for the fagade improvements and street
scape amenities.
Negotiations: There are three contracts being negotiated.
Earth Hour: Earth Hour is on Saturday - March 29, 2008 - from 8:00 p.m. to 9 :00
p.m. Municipalities are encouraged to turn off all unnecessary lights during this
time excluding emergency services, streets or parking garage lights. The Mayor
will e -mail City employees to turn off all workstations, printers (as advised by IT),
unnecessary lighting or other appliances before leaving on Friday.
2. Sub- Committee Updates. None.
3. Council Members' Announcements. None.
4. Next Month's Meeting: April 30, 2008.
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March 26, 2008
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17. Adjournment
With no further business and on a motion by Alderperson Korherr, the meeting was adjourned
at 9:21 p.m.