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Tompkins County Laserfiche User Group Meeting Minutes (TSSERR)
October 27, 2015
Meeting Location: Village of Cayuga Heights Offices
Present: See Attached Sign-In Sheet
Special Guests: Liz Mistretta and Brian Hoody from General Code
Welcome and Introductions:
Tompkins County Clerk Reynolds welcomed everyone to the meeting, and then introductions
were made by everyone. Ms. Reynolds reported that the County has been awarded their 4th
grant to scan town and county court records into Laserfiche. At this point, the towns of Ithaca,
Lansing, and Ulysses are very interested in starting that project.
Tips and Tricks for Laserfiche Use:
Ms. Mistretta informed everyone that Tompkins County has purchased Laserfiche’s “Training
Center Module”. It contains about 200 snippet videos on many topics that will be of interest to
everyone in our group. It should be up and running by December 1, 2015, and she will send an
e-mail to everyone in our group to let them know when it is available for use. She will also
provide everyone with passwords and login information. She explained how the “Training
Center Module” works as she demonstrated the site for everyone. The site will keep a list of all
the courses that you’ve taken, and the videos are each about 5 minutes long and accessible
anywhere and anytime.
In the meantime, she encouraged everyone to also visit Laserfiche’s Website and their training
center. It has a lot of very useful information and can be used as another resource as we work
more and more with Laserfiche. Laserfiche Version 10 will be launched in 6-8 weeks; the
Laserfiche “Training Center Module” will help users learn how to use the different tools
available. The online training tools are very helpful, especially to new users.
Mr. Hoody provided a brief overview of Laserfiche so everyone could see the basics of it. He
confirmed that TIF format is the best format for documents being kept in Laserfiche. Laserfiche
will handle PDF’s but he cautioned that not all pdf’s are created equally so they may have
trouble ocr’ing; if that happens, use Laserfiche Snapshot to create the document in tif format.
He stated that Snapshot can also convert Word or other formats into tif documents. He did note
that OCR is not perfect and has problems with signatures, and some older documents. In those
instances, he recommended that if these older documents are commonly accessed to use the
“Sticky Note” tool to put in identifying information on the document which will help with searches
in the future. He explained that “Dynamic Indexing” makes scanning consistent and naming
consistent by the use an index for each piece of information required in a template (i.e. a drop
down menu to choose what information a field should contain). This is a good tool when there
is scanning being done by multiple people and you want folders and information in them to have
a consistent naming convention.
TSSERR Meeting Minutes October 27, 2015
Mr. Hoody provided the following tips when scanning documents:
Choose “rotate” as one of the tools when scanning so that blank pages are not scanned and it
will automatically rotate documents that are upside down.
You can also choose how to ocr documents - i.e. very old or typewritten documents you would
want to choose “accuracy”; for most other documents “standard”’ should be fine, and will enable
scanning to go faster.
Each task you ask Laserfiche to do will slow down the scanning time so it can take care of them.
OCR’ing should be the last task done last when scanning
Searching Tips:
Sticky notes and text boxes are searchable.
Date range search: if you want to find something done within the last two weeks or within a
particular folder when you know what decade or year the information should be in, it will save
time because Laserfiche will not have to search through the entire repository.
If searches for certain documents are performed routinely - set up criteria for those searches
and then save them so you don’t have to enter the same criteria every time a search is done.
The words “and” and “or” can be used in searches; that means you could put two different
words into the search criteria and Laserfiche will search for those two words to find the record.
The “Fuzzy” search is a good tool to use when words are misspelled; try it and see what
happens and then turn it off if you’re not going to use it.
“Wild Cards” for searches will find all words that contain those particular letters (i.e. wat* fill in
the blanks) and Laserfiche will search to find all the words that contain those letters. “Wild
Cards” can be used for index and field searching.
Records Management:
Ms. Mistretta stated that General Code has taken the New York State Archives Record and
Retention Schedule MU-1 and imported it into Laserfiche for the “Records Management
Module” to use. That way all the common record series are listed so when records are placed
in Laserfiche, the appropriate record series can be chosen, which will then pull up the
information needed to set up the appropriate retention for the record. The dates can be
modified based on individual municipality’s needs.
The “Quick Fields” module of Laserfiche can be used to take a batch of documents and scan
them into Laserfiche as separate documents. Laserfiche workflow will grab the document from
the trigger which is located in the index field to sort the record accordingly.
TSSERR Meeting Minutes October 27, 2015
Compliance Reports:
This is a tool that can be used for employees who need to complete certain tests or trainings
annually. Laserfiche will keep track of the certification dates and provide a report to the clerk
about which employee(s) certificate has expired so that recertification or testing can be
scheduled. In addition, different compliance requirements can be set up so that once a year an
e-mail can be sent to the employee that needs to be re-certified, the link takes them to where
the test is located, they take the test and submit it, then it goes back into the repository and into
the tracking system until recertification needs to be completed again.
That tool is found in “Laserfiche Forms” which will interface with a repository, pull out indexing
information so an administrator can create a new compliance type anytime. It will also keep
sending e-mails to the employee until they take test; after a certain number of reminders it will
send an e-mail to the appropriate supervisor.
The latest version of Laserfiche (10) is a tool for interconnecting to information - i.e. it can pull
information from a database and plug it into an index. It will also be able to interface with GIS
applications by clicking on a GIS map, and pull all the information on that property up for the
users’ information. In addition, Quick Fields and Work Flows will be able to be launched from
the web, and will be much easier for the IT Administrators who oversee and provide support for
Laserfiche users.
Ms. Reynolds reported that Tompkins County is almost ready to launch a FOIL workflow (very
similar to the one that the City of Ithaca developed); right now, it is being tested by the sheriff
and county administrator’s offices. The County will be ready to assist outlying towns and
villages with setting up the FOIL Workflow for their use upon request, once theirs is officially
launched. She stated that Tompkins County is also working on incident reports, reviewing all
forms and trying to get them all into Laserfiche Forms as well.
In addition, the Tompkins County Personnel Department is about to do an onboarding process
through Laserfiche. Once an employee is hired, Laserfiche launches a workflow of required
forms that need to be completed, information needed for the employee, and forwards requests
to appropriate departments to respond to.
City of Ithaca Clerk Holcomb reported that the City has done more with public based forms and
developing workflows to make it easier for the public to submit online applications or requests,
such as FOIL, Special Event Applications, Noise Permit Applications, and most recently
Commons Use Applications. Since the implementation of these workflows, the City of Ithaca
has processed 850 FOIL requests, 43 Special Event requests, and 221 Noise Permit requests.
The automated workflows have helped to reduce staff time greatly, although there are still
problems with some users using them, but with time those issues should be resolved. The City
of Ithaca was able to work with a historic preservation specialist who scanned all of 1893 and
1899 Crandall Maps of the City of Ithaca. These maps are now in Laserfiche, and are a great
resource that can be easily accessed electronically and with ease from ones desk. In addition,
the City hopes to make its cemetery records available to the public in the near future through
TSSERR Meeting Minutes October 27, 2015
Laserfiche. The City of Ithaca has 33 advisory boards/committees which the Clerk’s Office
maintains appointment and term information, it would be interesting to see if there is a
Laserfiche tool that could be used to make the process more efficient for both City staff, and the
applicants or board members. Ms. Mistretta responded that General Code would be able to
help with the advisory board needs of the City of Ithaca, and would be reaching out to City staff
to set up a meeting.
Tompkins County Clerk Reynolds reported that the County has already put its court records into
Laserfiche, and the judges love it. The Tompkins County Clerk’s staff will be assisting the
County District Attorney’s office transition to the use of Laserfiche from their 20 year old system.
They plan to move on next to individual police agencies to upload incident reports to Laserfiche
which will enable the District Attorney’s Office to look at, and import the information into the
programs they use by making a notation in Laserfiche.
Tompkins County Clerk Reynolds stated that Laserfiche has gone through intensive review by
the Office for Court Administration, and NYS Archives is supportive of Laserfiche and its record
storage capabilities. She stated that Tompkins County scans the documents, and then the hard
copy is destroyed. The County’s IT network system is backed up all the time and is also stored
offsite in multiple locations. It is a great resource for record storage, and actually safer than
keeping records on different municipality servers.
Tompkins County Clerk Reynolds further reported that staff from the County’s IT Department
has been working with Tompkins County Environmental Health to develop a program in
Laserfiche that will assist them in the issuance of temporary food permits.
Tompkins County Clerk Reynolds announced that staff from the Town of Caroline, Village of
Cayuga Heights, Town of Ulysses, and the City of Ithaca will be going to California in January
for the Laserfiche Empower Conference, which is a great training and networking opportunity for
everyone. She encouraged everyone to think about attending a conference in the future,
California is a great place to visit in January!
County IT Director Potter responded a question regarding audio records and Laserfiche. He
cautioned everyone to be careful with both audio and video files (i.e. from body cameras)
because of their sensitive nature and retention of the records in Laserfiche. He asked that he
be contacted directly if a municipality has need for audio and/or video storage and the County IT
Department will work with them on those requests.
Tompkins County Clerk Reynolds informed everyone that the Tompkins County Clerk’s Office
has a new large format scanner for maps, which is available for anyone to use anytime.
Tompkins County Clerk Reynolds thanked everyone for coming to the meeting today, and
expressed special thanks to Ms. Mistretta and Mr. Hoody from General Code for attending the
meeting and providing very useful information for users of Laserfiche. The demonstration of
Laserfiche, as well as the tips and tricks for its use and upcoming tools in the latest version of
Laserfiche (10) was very helpful to everyone.
TSSERR Meeting Minutes October 27, 2015
The meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m.
Minutes Respectfully Submitted by
Sarah L. Myers,
Information Management Specialist for the City of Ithaca
November 18, 2015
".... TSSERR Sign In Date October 27th, 2015
I Name Title Email Address Initial
Marilou Harrington Clerk clerk(a)townofca roline. org
Christine Wilbur Deputy deQut~clerk(ci>townofcaroline.org
Becky Jordan Code beck~·iordan926(ci>gmail.com fjkI
Cindy Ht! FRR8tQ/l-Highway \J'J ~4hl \(Ly c U
Cayuga Heights . .,
Joan Mangione Clerk imangione(ci>ca~uga-heights.n~.us .vv..Iv1(...J
Angela Podufalski Deputy a Qod ufa Iski(ci>ca~uga -heights. n~.us \. RJt7
<1.o..."\f ~ohnson Infor. Aide tio h nson (a) ca~uga -he ights. n~.u s ~\'
Brent Cross Code bcross(a)ca~uga-heights.n~.us (he-
Jaclyn Carr Police Clerk icarr@ca~uga-heights.n~.us ~(...(...
Pamela Goddard Clerk tawnclerk(ci>town .d a n b~, nll.us \f:I7
Mary Ann Barr Records
Sherry Huddle Court Clerk caurtcle rk(ci>townofda n bllnll.org Xi4
Bambi Avery Clerk townclerk@dr~den ,n~,us
LeeAnn Parker Deputy Clerk
Erin Bieber Deputy Clerk deQut~clerk@dr~den ,nll·us 'Fit ~
David Sprout Code david@dryden,nll.us
Alice Linton Clerk townclerk@townofenfield .org Q.k'
Sue Thompson Deputy Clerk sdtl@cornell.edu
Alan Teeter Code twnenfieldcodel@~ahoo.com
Betty Poole Judge bQoole@nllcourts.gov .Groton
April Scheffler Clerk townclerk@grotontown.com
Robin Cargian Deputy Clerk de pUtjlclerk@grotontown.com k'c.,
Kathy Barron Court Clerk courtclerk@grotontown.com J(fl
Ithaca City
Julie Holcomb Clerk iholcomb@cit~ofithaca .org LArk
Sarah Myers Info Mgmt Sp smllers(ci> citllofithaca .org 16 L.tt11
Alan Karasin IT akaras in@citjlofithaca .org Ptlt-
Ithaca Town
Paulette Terwilliger Clerk Qterwilliger@town.ithaca .nll·us
Lisa Carrier-Titti IT Ititti@town.ithaca.nll·us
Penny Grant Court Clerk pgrant@town.ithaca.nll·us
S~annon Hopp~s Court Clerk shoQQes@town.ithaca .n~.us
Debbie Crandall Clerk townclrk@twcnll.rr.com
• .
Debbie Munson
Sarah Sandsted
Melody Lombardo
Karen Miller Kenerson
Deputy Clerk
Court Clerk
Court Clerk
debbiemu nson(ci>twcny. rr.com
Carissa Parlato
5a:-m...h ....,patri'iOl IlalioraA
Vov~ Angela Champion
NYS Archives
Kent Stuetz
Debra L Marrotte
Court Clerk
clerk@ulysses.ny.us ' Yv\,f) .,..f\
Iffld~H3~tl{@h'teAY·~ rAQ()\.ChJ de rl<1!LllI ~S6.Yl Ll ' ~t5
achampion@nycourts.gov 'V .. AC .,J
villageclerk@dryden-ny.org 0,j,jJruA eM (ill). ~
Stephanie Zerilli
V /Freeville
Ron Campbell Clerk
v \ v'
Charles Rankin Clerk crankingroton@gmail.com
Vicki Marks
Debbie Barron
Jodi Dake Clerk clerk@vlansing.org
TC Soil & Water
Tompkins COWlty
Tammy Morse
Jon Negley
Kym Jackson
Clerk clerk@trumansburg-ny.gov
Maureen Reynolds
Alanna Congdon
Katy Prince
Greg Potter
Loren Cottrell
kprince@tom pkins-co.org
Icottrell@tom pkins-co.org
General Code
Liz 1\11 ist retta
Brian Hoody
Ohallenge Industries
Alan Thomas alant@aboutchallenge.org
Dan Kelly dank@aboutchallenge.org JK
. ~VII!r1jE. cr' Ovx:p
t Ird '/ /'f}oiki -C./YJ01l£!l--VOF'CVJG:JD @ ~TNY, RiC. com
K/111 NCHt *" -f!::iiJtJ:-I KJV D~TO/y -IIiJ r CUJ630 @ SlIv'/, {2 (2. (!OY\
1JJ1~,1l~~[)~ . n1e.f +r~ P6LLi -Vonl/cJerk.@9-rzJ.r(O~
~e1 C{~'bs ~ vonvdepuJ::J(2B+ncf'''''~